social responsibility

An organization's responsibility to society
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Social responsibility refers to an organization's responsibility to society. An organization should operate and manage in a way conducive to society. Social responsibility usually refers to that the organization undertakes higher than its own goals Social obligations It goes beyond the obligations required by law and economy for organizations, and social responsibility is an organization Management ethics The requirements of the organization are purely voluntary acts out of obligation.
On June 4, 2024, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on High Standard Performance of Social Responsibility by Central Enterprises in the New Era. The Opinions put forward that by 2025, the social responsibility work system of central enterprises will be more standardized and mature, the concept of social responsibility will be further integrated with enterprise operation and management, and a number of excellent performance models will emerge, forming several typical performance models. The foundation for high-quality development of central enterprises has become more solid, the role of scientific and technological innovation, industry leadership, and security support has become more prominent, and their functional value in the overall national modernization drive has become more prominent. By 2030, the functional value of central enterprises will be further improved, the service to economic and social development will be more powerful and effective, and the service to people's better life needs to be more comprehensive and full, so as to achieve better development and play a greater role in the process of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and achieving the second century goal. [4]
Chinese name
social responsibility
shè huì zé rèn
Word meaning
Refers to an organization's responsibility to society
Part of speech


If an enterprise not only undertakes legal and economic obligations, but also undertakes the "pursuit of social benefits Long term goals ”We say that the enterprise is a cooperative [1-3] Will be responsible.
Social responsibility includes enterprise environmental protection Safe production social morality as well as public interest And so on, by Economic responsibility sustained development Responsibility legal responsibility and Moral responsibility Etc. Not only Corporate responsibility There are other social responsibilities.
Social responsibility is Social law and economic law The individual's responsibility for the society as a whole is determined by the role Obligation and responsibility And legal liability structural system There are two kinds of responsibilities: the first one refers to the things that should be done within the job, such as responsibility, due diligence, post responsibility, etc. This responsibility is actually a role obligation responsibility or expected responsibility. The second is to bear certain forms of adverse consequences or mandatory obligations due to failure to do their part well (failure to perform their role obligations) or failure to perform their facilitation obligations, that is, past responsibilities, such as Liability for breach of contract tort liability Etc.
Social responsibility can also be divided into "positive responsibility" and "negative responsibility". Positive responsibility is also called expected social responsibility, which requires individuals to take positive actions to promote the generation of consequences conducive to society (not specific to the majority) or prevent the generation of bad results. Negative responsibility, or past responsibility and legal responsibility, only requires remedy when individual behavior has harmful consequences to society.
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 2011《 China Corporate Social Responsibility Report 》The proposed social responsibility refers to Responsibility management , market responsibility, social responsibility and Environmental responsibility Evaluation from four aspects Corporate Social Responsibility Development level
Responsibility management refers to the corporate social responsibility development plan commercial bribe Systems and measures, etc.
Market responsibility refers to the growth Profitability as well as Product qualification rate And other indicators.
Social responsibility includes social security Coverage , safety and health training, and evaluating the impact of operations on the enterprise.
Environmental responsibility includes environmental management and conserve energy ,reduce emissions Indicators of.
But in fact, this statement is not perfect. stay Li Youhuan Interpretation of International Standard ISO 26000 translated by Wen Zhifang, Switzerland, November 1, 2010 Geneva The International Conference Center has brought good news to people all over the world. The official release of the ISO 26000 Guidelines and Standards for Social Responsibility with the theme of "Sharing Responsibility and Achieving Sustainable Development" has opened the door for the academic community business , political circles and even all fields of the world in terms of social responsibility confusion.
It is generally believed that social responsibility is the responsibility in the popular sense. Enterprises should bear economic responsibility, legal responsibility, moral responsibility, etc., but these responsibilities are only ISO26000 Part of the responsibilities described in.

related term

Economic responsibility : refers to the company's production, profitability and satisfaction consumer demand Responsibility. Its core is to create profits Realize value Ability. The company's economic responsibility performance can be achieved through financial Product service governance structure Three aspects.
although Corporate Social Responsibility There is no single definition, but in essence, companies pursuing this approach need to do three important things:
First, the company realized that its operating activities It will have a great impact on the society in which it lives; and social development It will also affect the company's ability to pursue enterprise success;
Second, in response, the company Active management The impact of its worldwide business activities on the economy, society, environment, etc., not only makes the company's business operation and Corporate reputation Bring benefits, but also make it benefit the local Social groups
Third, the company realizes these interests through close cooperation with other groups and organizations, local groups, social and government departments.
Responsibility for sustainable development : It refers to the responsibility of ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises and society. This responsibility can be examined through environmental protection responsibility and innovation responsibility.
legal responsibility : refers to the company's performance laws and regulations Responsibility for each obligation. This liability can be determined through tax liability and Employer's Responsibilities Two aspects are investigated.
Moral responsibility It refers to the company's responsibility to meet social norms, norms and values and repay the society. This responsibility can be examined from two aspects: internal moral responsibility and external moral responsibility.