social organization

Elements of public relations
zero Useful+1
Social organizations, including Social groups Foundation and Private non enterprise unit [8] It refers to organizations that are established and combined according to certain purposes and systems to carry out activities in accordance with their respective charters in order to achieve specific management objectives. The term "social organization" in administrative management generally does not include organs.
Social organizations are public relations The main body of public relations is one of the three elements of public relations. Public Relations The term "social organization" in is narrow. It is a collective activity established by people in accordance with certain purposes, systems and systems in order to effectively achieve specific goals. It has clear boundaries, clear goals, clear internal division of labor and established a formal relationship structure aimed at coordinating members' activities, such as political parties, governments, enterprises, stores, factories, companies, schools, etc.
On February 9, 2021, Ministry of Civil Affairs Enable new version“ China Social Organization Government Affairs Service Platform ”And further promote "Internet+government services". The platform shows that civil affairs departments at all levels have registered more than 900000 social organizations, including 2292 national social organizations [1] Issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on October 8, 2021《 The 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Social Organizations 》。 The plan proposes that by 2025, on the basis of keeping the number of registered social organizations at a reasonable scale, the number of full-time staff of social organizations in China will reach 12.5 million fixed assets Up to 590 billion yuan element [2] In January 2024, China made the first unified regulation on the name of social organizations [6]
Chinese name
social organization
Normative status, role, authority
basic function
Financial accounting of marketing production operation
Small, medium, large and giant
Integration and coordination
Formal informal
Organizational objectives
General objectives, stage objectives and department objectives

development history

On February 9, 2021, the Ministry of Civil Affairs launched the new version“ China Social Organization Government Affairs Service Platform ”And further promote "Internet+government services". The platform shows that civil affairs departments at all levels have registered more than 900000 social organizations, including 2292 national social organizations [1]
On October 8, 2021, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Civil Affairs that the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued《 The 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Social Organizations 》。 The plan proposes that by 2025, on the basis of keeping the number of registered social organizations at a reasonable scale, the number of full-time staff of social organizations in China will reach 12.5 million fixed assets Up to 590 billion yuan Yuan.
By the end of 2022, 892000 social organizations registered nationwide have absorbed 11 million full-time personnel, with an average of 12 full-time personnel per organization; At the same time, social organizations have also absorbed a large number of flexible employment personnel, such as researchers, social workers, temporary employment personnel, when carrying out research projects, public welfare projects, volunteer services and other activities.
In June 2023, the latest statistics of the Ministry of Civil Affairs show that there are more than 40000 social organizations in the field of science and technology nationwide, including 236 national social organizations registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and 17 international scientific and technological organizations. [3]
In the first half of 2023 (from January to June), social organizations across the country jointly released about 165000 recruitment posts to college graduates, actually recruited more than 73000 college graduates, set up about 100000 job internships, actually recruited more than 57000 college graduates, and carried out more than 25000 various employment service activities, We will promote nearly 100000 member units to release 680000 jobs to college graduates. [4]
In July 2023, by the end of 2022, there will be 892000 social organizations of all levels and types registered in civil affairs departments nationwide, including 371000 social organizations, 512000 social service institutions and 9316 foundations. By the end of 2022, there will be more than 1.75 million community social organizations in China, of which about 10% are eligible for social organization registration and registered with the civil affairs department at the county level; About 90% of community social organizations are guided and managed by sub district offices, township governments or community party organizations, grass-roots mass autonomous organizations, etc. [5]
In January 2024, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced《 Administrative Measures for Social Organization Names 》And formulate unified regulations on the management of the names of social organizations. There are 25 measures in total, which will come into force on May 1, 2024. [6] Administrative Measures for Social Organization Names 》Provisions:
First, it is strictly prohibited to use the name to "raise the price". The measures specify that the names of social organizations registered by the registration administration organs of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall generally not contain the words "China", "the whole country", "China", "the world", etc;
Second, refuse to "generalize". The measures stipulate that the name of a branch of a social organization should end with words that accurately reflect its nature and business field, such as "branch", "professional committee" and "working committee"; The name of the office set up within a social organization should end with such words as "department", "office" and "office", so that people can see clearly;
The third is to avoid non-profit social organizations using "commercial coat" packaging. The Measures require that the names of private non enterprise units such as private schools, private hospitals and private nursing homes should end with words such as "schools", "universities", "colleges", "hospitals", "centers" and "hospitals", and the words ending the names should not contain words such as "general", "chain" and "group" [7]

Formation process

social organization
stay human society In the early stage, the development level of the whole society was extremely low, and people Joint activities The group form of Consanguinity Tied primitive horde consanguine family And physics learning sets, as well as the emerging geographical relation The village community as a link. They are all developed by human physics Primary social groups Form. Social division of labor The development of social relations and the emergence of classes social activities Increasingly complex, social organizations adapt to physical and Members of society The needs of. However, at this time, people's social relations and common activities were mainly in the form of primary social groups. Human society entry industrial society In the 21st century, society productivity With rapid development, the social division of labor is becoming more and more detailed, civil life With the increasingly complex relationship with physics, the primary social groups have been unable to meet the needs of social development and social activities in many aspects. Therefore, achieve specific physical goals and undertake specific History of Physics The great development of social organizations in modern times has become an inevitable trend of social development.

Main features

social organization
The main features are:
① Specific Organizational objectives Organizational goals are generally clear and specific, indicating the nature and function of an organization. People focus on a specific goal to form a social organization engaged in common activities. The organizational goal is the soul of organizational activities. It can be a single goal system or an internally linked goal system.
② A fixed number of members. Social organization is a system composed of at least two individuals or more than two individuals. The members of the organization are relatively fixed, and they clearly realize that they belong to an organization; Social organizations such as Unfixed The members of the organization will lose their own entity foundation. Entering or exiting an organization must follow certain procedures. In particular, the acquisition of organizational membership generally requires the organization's assessment and review.
③ Institutionalized organizational structure. In order to achieve specific goals and improve the efficiency of activities, there are generally institutionalized job stratification and departmental division structures based on functions and division of labor. Only by coordinating the activities of various functional departments or individuals through the power structure system of different positions can we successfully carry out organizational activities and achieve Organizational objectives
④ Universal norms of action. It generally appears in the form of articles of association and serves as the basis for organization members to carry out activities. The organization's code of action must be observed by each member, which is supported by Reward and punishment system Restrict the activities of organization members to maintain the unity of organization activities.
⑤ Social organization is an open system. As far as each social organization is concerned, it not only needs to surrounding environment Exchange materials, members and information, and form different organizational systems according to the relationship with other organizations, so as to exchange various forms with the external environment in a larger scope and at a higher level. If an organization is absolutely Self sealing The life of the organization will stop. civil life Factories, organs, hospitals, schools, shops, etc. that actually exist in China are all concrete forms of social organizations and a group.


social organization
Social organizations generally consist of four elements:

1. Specification

Norms refer to stable rules and Rules and regulations , it is Social operation The foundation of Social relations and Functional value The specific performance of. It requires that individuals or groups should How to think , feelings and beliefs, and how to act in various situations and relationships. The purpose of the specification is to civil life Standardization of interaction behavior in.

2. Status

Status refers to the status of individuals or groups social relations Position in the space. In modern society, the interaction between individuals is basically the interaction between status, and the interaction of social organizations is also established through status. social position It includes two forms of belonging status and achievement status, of which the latter is the main position.

3. Role

Role refers to Social norms Of a particular social status Behavior mode Role is the dynamic expression of status, while status is the static description of role. Social organizations are composed of a group of interdependent and interrelated roles.

4. Authority

Authority refers to a kind of legalized power, which is to maintain Organization and operation It is a necessary means for members to be constrained and restricted within the organization.

basic function

Any social organization must perform necessary functions to achieve its specific purpose and function, such as marketing management Production operation , financial accounting, human resources utilization and development, technology research and development Among them, marketing, production operation and financial accounting are the three basic functions of social organizations.

marketing management

Marketing refers to estimating and determining the unmet needs and desires of the current situation requirement Size, choose and decide what enterprises can best serve target market And decide on appropriate products, services and plans (or programs) to serve the target market. Through marketing, new demands can be guided and orders for products and services can be obtained.

Production operation

The production operation is based on the results of marketing date of delivery To create products and provide services for customers.

financial accounting

Financial accounting is to raise funds and use them reasonably according to the needs of marketing and production operation, Pay bills , collect loans. At the same time, it tracks the operation of the organization, records and accounts the income and expenditure incurred, and conducts the performance of the organization economic analysis And evaluation.


social organization
Generally, only human social organizations are classified into types. according to Organization size The size of, can be divided into small, medium, large and huge and other different types, such as the United Nations It is a huge social organization. According to the nature of the relationship between organization members, it can be divided into Formal organization and Informal organizations Formal organization The relationship between the members of the Chinese organization is specified in detail by formal rules and regulations, such as the military and government agencies; and Informal organizations The relationship between members of Chinese organizations is free and loose, such as amateur activity groups. According to the organization's functions and objectives, it can be divided into production organizations political organization And integrated organizations, this is the United States sociologist T. Parsons' classification. according to Organizational objectives And the types of profiteers, American sociologist P M. Blau et al. divide social organizations into Mutually beneficial organization , such as labor union; Private For profit organizations, such as commercial organizations; Service organizations, such as doctors; Public welfare organizations , such as government agencies. It can also be divided into: Mandatory organization A utilitarian organization is an organization that controls its members with money or materials; Standardize the organization by Organizational specifications An organization that controls its members by internalizing their ethics or beliefs. Some Chinese scholars classify social organizations into economic organization , political organizations, cultural, educational and scientific research organizations, mass organizations and Religious organizations And so on. Organization type The division of is relative, and people can choose appropriate classification standards from the needs of research and analysis.
because public relations have to be applied Organizational image Therefore, classifying organizations will help us better grasp public relations. The existence of social organizations is complex and diverse, and we can classify them according to different standards. However, in view of the fact that the type of organization has a greater impact on the behavior of public relations, the main factors are profit making and competition competitiveness The organization is divided into four categories, namely Competitive for-profit organizations Competitive non-profit organizations Exclusive profit organization and Exclusive non-profit organization
1. Competitive profit organizations. Such organizations generally include production organizations, commercial organizations, service organizations, etc. They are for their own economic interest , in order to market competition In order to win customers, they usually take the initiative to win public support and establish a good organizational image, but they tend to focus on Marketing activities The public relations behavior of the directly related public is more profitable.
2. Competitiveness Non profit organization Such organizations generally include various professional academic groups. They have no profit motive, but because they need to win the understanding of public opinion and support of the public in the competition, they also attach great importance to public relations and will establish and develop their own public relations as widely as possible.
3. exclusivity For profit organizations. Such organizations are those that occupy an exclusive position in the market competition. Because its products or services are exclusive, other organizations cannot compete with it. Such organizations are prone to breach public interest So that they can fall into the dilemma of adverse public opinion. There are few such organizations in China's reform, opening up and development.
4. Exclusivity nonprofit organization Such organizations mainly include state organs and the military. because Benefit driven And the lack of pressure competition. Such organizations tend to ignore their own public, or even isolate themselves from the public, Public relations awareness Relatively weak, public relations behavior is relatively lagging.
The function of social organization In modern society, human economy, politics and social needs Most of them are satisfied through social organizations. People are unable to meet their own needs in the form of individuals, either physically or intellectually. They can only strengthen their ability to meet their needs in the form of groups. Built on Social division of labor The specialized organization based on the foundation gathers people with different abilities together to coordinate people's activities and abilities with specific goals and clear specifications, so as to meet people's multiple needs more effectively. Social organizations of different sizes and functions constitute the main foundation of modern society. The knowledge and research on organization has developed into an independent comprehensive discipline, namely Organizational sociology
Social organization: refers to various types of social groups , including political organizations, economic organizations (enterprises) Cultural organizations Military organization , religious organizations, etc.




social organization
The so-called integration refers to the adjustment of the relationship between the different elements of the object to achieve order Unification The process of integration. Specifically, the various rules and regulations (including tangible and intangible) of the organization restrict the members of the organization, so that the activities of the members of the organization are coordinated and in step. Through organizational integration, on the one hand, the activities of the members of the organization can be changed from disorder to order; on the other hand, the scattered individuals can be glued into a new strong collective, and the limited individual force can be turned into a strong collective force, which is not 1+1 =2, but 1+1 >=2. Obviously, the effective play of organizational integration function is conducive to Organizational objectives Implementation of.


Although all functional departments and members of organizations within the organization must comply with the unified requirements of the organization, there must be some contradictions and conflicts among the members of the organization or among the functional departments of the organization because of the differences in the degree and way to achieve or meet their respective goals, needs, interests, etc. This requires the organization to give full play Coordination function , adjust and resolve various conflicts and contradictions to maintain close cooperation among members of the organization. This is Organizational objectives Realizable necessary condition

Benefit maintenance function

Social organizations are generated based on certain interests, and different organizations are individuals Interest differentiation Results. The interests of the organization are closely related to the interests of individuals, which is the so-called "all gains and losses". The effective exertion of the function of safeguarding interests can fully mobilize the enthusiasm Initiative And creativity to improve the organization's cohesive force , strengthen the centripetal force So as to achieve the organizational goals smoothly and efficiently.

Achieve the target function

The realization of organizational goals depends on the unified strength of organizational members, and the formation of this unified strength requires the effective play of organizational integration and coordination functions as the basis, and the interest function as the driving force, so that the organization can fully play its function of reaching the standard. All kinds of social organizations are a member of the big social system. Therefore, the function of reaching the standard includes both the realization of the organization's own goals and the realization of the big social goals. Of course, the four functions mentioned above are not separated from each other, but play their roles as a system. It is worth noting that the normal functioning of the organization should be based on sound organizational elements. Therefore, strengthening the self construction of the organization is the basic premise for giving full play to the organization's functions.




social organization
Socially organized formal structure It refers to the relatively stable interaction between positions and departments within the organization Relational model Positions and departments are the basic elements or units that constitute the organizational structure Structural unit The different combination of the two forms different types of organizational structure. A position is an organizational position formally established within an organization to engage in a specific activity. It is dynamically displayed through various standardized formal roles. The relationship between positions and individuals is that positions need to be occupied by individuals, and only when individuals occupy certain positions can they obtain organizational membership. Position usually has interchangeability , can be undertaken by different individuals; The same individual can occupy different positions or several positions at the same time, but one individual of Hymenoptera can only occupy one position at the same time, for example, worker bees can only be worker bees, queen bee Only the queen bee.
The department is unique to human beings, and it is the organization's internal Organizational objectives Oriented Organizational specifications Based on the internal division of labor, a stable combination of several related positions is usually represented as an organization. Interactions between departments and positions Regularization Institutionalization.
From the perspective of organizational management, the formal structure of social organizations can be roughly divided into three types: linear, functional, and network. Generally, only human social organizations are classified into three types.
(1) Linear organizational structure It is a relatively simple organizational structure. The entire organizational structure forms a linear hierarchy. Each lower level must accept the direct leadership of the higher level Subordination Simple and direct, implementation One-man Management leadership system , and therefore Management ability It is very demanding and generally only suitable for smaller organizational structures, such as units below battalion level in the army. The main feature of this model is centralized leadership. Members of the organization only belong to one superior. This mode of direct leadership and direct responsibility ensures centralized leadership and unified command.
(2) Functional organization structure It is an organizational structure in which relevant positions are centralized in a larger organization, a functional department is established, and the entire management content is divided into several functional departments, which are responsible for the specific management of the organization. The main feature of this model is the division of labor and responsibility. Due to the establishment of various functional departments, relevant positions and departments can be scientifically combined, so that Supreme power Decentralized to all functional departments, forming a situation of division of labor and responsibility, improving Organizational decision-making Scientific and democratic degree.
(3) Network organization structure Is to avoid linear and Functional structure It tries to avoid linear structure and functional structure Information communication And the limitations of organizational command, to establish a crisscross three-dimensional communication organizational structure in the organization. The main feature of this model is system coordination. By taking the overall goal of the unified organization as Frame of reference , formulate relatively independent sub goals and carry out activities to ensure that the entire organization can focus on Goal coordination Effective operation.


Socially organized informal structure It refers to various kinds of spontaneous formation among members of the organization Informal groups And their interrelationships. From the formation of informal structure, first Consanguinity , geographical relations or old relationships, or because of common interests. The other is derived from the formal working relationship. Regular contact in daily work may deepen mutual understanding, and on this basis, emotional communication will be generated to form informal relationship. Here, informal relationship may be integrated with the formal working relationship. In this case, When dealing with work problems between individuals, they may take a way beyond the formal regulations.
Informal structure plays a complementary role to formal structure under certain conditions. In other words, it has a positive function to formal structure. First, it can buffer the pressure brought by the formal structure; Second, it can provide rich forms of control and communication beyond the formal structure; Third, it can become an effective force to promote organizational reform and safeguard the reasonable interests of organizational members.
It is worth noting that informal structures also have some negative functions. Especially when the informal structure in the organization conflicts with the formal goals of the organization, the more obvious the negative effect will be. This negative function is shown as follows: First, excessive integration of informal structures tends to weaken the authority system of organizations Effectiveness , Impact Organizational objectives Implementation of. Second, deliberately use informal structures to form cliques, split organizations, seek individuals and Small groups The behavior of interests will cause internal friction of organizational energy. Third, replacing formal structure with informal structure will lead to confusion of work procedures and damage the normal operation of the organization. Fourth, too many Informal communication Contact is easy to lead to leakage of secrets and rumors, resulting in a lack of morale.
The discovery of informal structure reminds people that social organization is not a rational structure designed by people's will, but a complex society. Therefore, as the manager of the organization, we should be good at developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses. We should not only be good at mobilizing the positive factors of informal structure, but also stop the growth of all negative factors of informal structure that hinder the realization of organizational goals, and curb corruption, so as to create a good situation Organizational atmosphere


Social organization is not only a human aggregate of animals themselves, but also a material tool created by animals. Any organization has its own specific Organizational objectives The so-called organizational goal refers to the purpose and result that the organization will strive to achieve in a certain time and space, or the future state of a certain fact that the organization pursues through its own efforts. The organizational goal is the soul of the organization, the basis and power for the organization to carry out activities, and it represents the future and development direction of an organization.
Organizational objectives are of great significance to the existence and development of an organization, which are specifically reflected in the following aspects:
(1) Organizational goals are the basis for the existence of an organization.
(2) Organizational objectives are the basis and basis for determining the route of organizational activities.
(3) Organizational objectives are the ultimate criteria for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational activities.
Organizational objectives It can be divided into different levels and types. The organizational goal of modern social organizations is often expressed as a complex target system , including three levels of general objectives, stage objectives and department objectives.
(1) The overall goal indicates the overall mission of the organization as organization behavior And plays a driving and guiding role in organizing activities. On the one hand, it is an expectation of the long-term future of the organization. On the other hand, it also points out the direction for the organization and plays a role in guiding the organization.
(2) Phase objectives, which should be feasible and Continuity The so-called feasibility means that the formulation of stage objectives must be based on objective analysis and Scientific prediction And is practical. The so-called continuity refers to the mutual connection and progressive progress between the stage goals, so that the organization can constantly approach and ultimately achieve the overall goal of the organization.
(3) The departmental goals must be concrete and practical. To this end, the content and requirements of the department's objectives, the time and conditions for completion, and who will be responsible for completing them should be formulated in detail.

Operation management

1. Organization operation and general process
Social organization is not a simple collection and combination of organization members and materials and equipment. It is a collective that organization members work together to achieve the same goal. When Organizational objectives Determine that, in order to achieve the goals, the organization should organization structure It starts to operate on the basis of, and it is shown as a process: the organization exchanges material, energy and information with the external environment of the environment, that is Input and output It is also the linkage process of the organizational structure in this process. The organization operation process generally goes through three steps: (1) input, that is, resource mobilization and utilization; (2) Production refers to the processing of invested resources and the realization of organizational goals through the use of resources; (3) Output refers to the output of "products" to achieve organizational goals.
2. Management of social organizations
Effective Organizational management The so-called management of social organizations refers to Organizational leadership The process of manipulating the organization's operating process. The management process of the organization is centered around Organizational objectives The process of mobilizing various resources and manipulating the operation of the organization by all means to ensure the realization of the organization's goals. It includes three basic links:
(1) Decision making is the process of determining the goals of the organization and selecting the methods and ways to achieve the goals of the organization.
(2) Organization and implementation, mainly including routine management and emergency management. Routine management refers to the management of this species, other organisms and Abiotic To ensure that the actions of the members of the organization are consistent, so that they can play their normal functions and complete in an orderly manner Organizational process Contingency management is to constantly adjust the organizational management plan according to the changes in the external environment to adapt to the new external environment.
(3) Supervision and inspection In the process of organization operation, various kinds of Accidents And affect the process of organizational activities, even Organizational objectives To achieve the goal, it is necessary to effectively monitor the organizational activities and the internal and external environment of the organization through systematic supervision and inspection, and decide whether to adjust the organizational activities according to the monitoring results.
The operation process of an organization and the organization management process are two aspects of the same process, and they are integrated into one. Only by truly understanding this process can we truly grasp the Regularity
The prevalence of organizations has improved people's social activities Efficiency extends and expands human capacity. Therefore, there are many thoughts and theories about social organization management, mainly including: Classical theory , Interpersonal Relational organization theory , Organization behavior theory system theory Contingency theory Etc.