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Social class

Chinese vocabulary
Social class, similar or related Chinese words class stratum , social class and hierarchical society. Those with the same or similar economic level and social status social groups General. There are three forms of social hierarchy: monopoly, single line and circulation.
Chinese name
Social class
Foreign name
social hierarchy
Dominant, single line, circular
Unequal relations
Hierarchy concept
In many historical or political references, "class" means "multiple social groups with different identities, different positions and rights, and different ideologies". Usually, there is an unequal relationship between oppression and oppression among different classes.
Communism believes that class does not always exist. For example, the earliest primitive society did not have the fundamental factor for the emergence of class because of the excessively low productivity. It is generally believed that class emerged after the productivity reached a certain level, and it will inevitably die out in another society with extremely developed productivity (such as communist society). The first class appeared in Slavery period -- The slave owner class and the slave class.
In different periods, the social division of class or stratum is different. In modern society, when referring to "class" or "stratum", it usually refers to the amount of wealth owned by individuals or groups, rather than the amount of wealth owned by individuals or groups Means of production Possession of.
Special case: has become history India's hierarchical society( Indian caste system ): A person naturally enters this hierarchical society since he was born, and he can't get rid of it all his life.
Social stratum (class) in modern western society: Western social stratum is very unstable, and there is no legal explanation. When western economists say class or social stratum, they usually refer to the social stratum (class) that is related to modern society or modern society based on economics.
Social hierarchy refers to the hierarchical phenomenon that the status of each animal in the animal population has a certain order. The foundation of hierarchy is the dominant behavior, or the dominant - subordinate relationship.
There are three forms of social hierarchy: monopoly, single line and circulation.