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Social Democratic Party

A general term for a political party with democratic socialism or social democracy as its guiding ideology
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The name of the Social Democratic Party first appeared in the 1840s, which is the common name of many national parties. In modern times, the Social Democratic Party is usually committed to Israel Democratic socialism Or social democracy as the guiding ideology of the party. The Socialist International is an international consortium of these political parties and organizations.
Chinese name
Social Democratic Party
A general term for a political party with democratic socialism or social democracy as its guiding ideology

Development history

The name of the Social Democratic Party first appeared in the 1840s. It is the common name of many national parties and was jointly formed in 1889 Second International Later, the Second International socialist Growing day by day. After the outbreak of the First World War, the social democratic parties of all countries supported their governments to carry out wars, and the Second International went bankrupt. Some members of the Social Democratic Party left To be built separately New Party , named the Communist Party. Since then, the Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party have become two different political parties in the labor movement. In modern times, the Social Democratic Party is usually committed to Israel Democratic socialism or Social democracy It is a general term for political parties with guiding ideology, including society the Democratic Party of the United States Socialist Party the labor party Independent Socialist Party, Social Labor People's Party, etc. Socialist International It is an international consortium of these political parties and organizations, with 143 member parties and organizations.

around the world

Some of the following parties are totally Democratic socialism And some Social democracy A certain number of democratic socialists participate in political parties, or other left-wing parties related to democratic socialism.
The European Socialist Party, Europe, includes the following members:
German Social Democratic Party (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) - Germany
French Socialist Party (Party socialiste, PS) - France
the labor party (Labour Party) - UK
Democrats of the Left - Italy
Parti Socialiste Belgium (French speaking)
Socialist Progressive Alternative Belgium
Finnish Social Democratic Party (Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue) - Finland
Ireland the labor party (Labour party, Ireland) - Ireland
Spanish Socialist Party of Workers (Partido Socialista Obrero Espa ñ ol) - Spain
European United Left - Europe (some hold communist positions):
Swedish Left Party (Left Party, Sweden) - Sweden
Party of the European Left - Europe
German Left Party (Left Party, Germany) - Germany
Socialist Party (Netherlands) - Netherlands
Socialist Party (Samajwadi Party) - India
Democratic Labor Party (민주노동당 / Democratic Labor Party) - South Korea
Australian Labor Party (Australian Labor Party, the) - Australia
New Zealand Labour Party (New Zealand Labour Party, the) - New Zealand
Fiji Labor Party (Fiji Labour Party) - Fiji
israel labour party (Israel Labor Party/Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit) - Israel
Social Democratic Party of Japan (しゃかいみんしゅとう / Social Democratic Party, the) - Japan
Korean Social Democratic Party - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
New Democratic Party - Canada
Quebec Qu é bec Solidaire- Quebec Canada
Socialist Party USA (Social Party of USA) - USA
Florida Social Party of Florida - USA
Party Tindakan Demokratik/Democratic Action Party - Malaysia
Sri Lanka Liberal Party (Sri Lanka Freedom Party) - Sri Lanka
United People's Freedom Alliance Sri Lanka
United People's Freedom Alliance- Columbia
Red-Green Alliance (Red Green Alliance) - Denmark
Puerto Rico Independence Party (Puerto Rican Independence Party) - Puerto Rico
Partido Socialista Argentina
Social democracy connection (League of Social Decrats) - Hong Kong (China)
Czech Social Democratic Party (The Czech Social Democratic Party) - Czech Republic
Estonian Social Democratic Party (Social Democratic Party) - Estonia [1]
America's largest Democratic socialism The organization is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Although the DSA was not a unified political party at the beginning of the 21st century, it combined many left-wing organizations. So does DSA Socialist International (Socialist International) and its affiliated Young Democratic Societies, which is the only International Union of Socialist Youth (International Union of Social Youth). [2]
The following political parties are titled Socialist Party It is a political party that has nothing to do with social democracy.
The following political parties have Socialist Party But its political party nature is similar to that of Social democracy as well as Democratic socialism Unrelated:
National Socialist German Workers' Party Nazi Party
German United Socialist Party (Former East Germany)- Unification of Germany and Germany Former East Germany ruling party The party is actually a communism Political parties;
Arab Baath Party -The party is a pan Arab, radical and non religious nationalist party;
Latvian Socialist Party (Latvia) - The party is a communist party;
Bangladesh Socialist Party (Bangladesh) - The party is a communist party.