social education

[shè huì jiào yù]
A social education activity
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Social education, in a broad sense, refers to school education home education Concurrent impact on individuals Physical and mental development Social education activities; Narrow sense social culture Educational institutions have a strong impact on young people and masses Various cultural and life knowledge Educational activities
In China, Qing Dynasty Guangxu reign period In the twenty ninth year (1903)《 Translation and compilation of study tours 》In the ninth issue of General Theory of Education, education was divided into family education Schooling And social education, and proposed that "family education has a small force, while school education and social education have a large force". Thirty four years Qing government The Simple Literacy School Program was promulgated. Xuantong In the first year (1909), a simple school was officially set up, and workers' half day school, farmers' after-school classes and reading offices were established education 1912 provisional government The Ministry of Education sets up a society Department of Education And began to use the word "social education" formally. [1]
Chinese name
social education
All education affecting personal physical and mental development
Narrow sense
All cultural education except school education
Important supplement to school education


The basic meaning of social education can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. Broadly speaking, social education refers to the education that aims to consciously cultivate and benefit people Physical and mental development Social activities; Social education in a narrow sense refers to the society outside schools and families Cultural institutions And related Social groups Or organization, right Members of society Education carried out.

development history



Broad sense of social education and what we call broad sense of education are almost the same in meaning. in fact, history of education The earliest Educational function It is achieved through social education. stay Primitive society Before the formation of the family, the education of the younger generation was in the common labor of the whole clan members civil life Medium, by clan commune The members of our group teach each other by words and deeds, or experienced seniors teach the younger generation some simple experience in production and life. Later, with the family and home education Appears until Schooling The broad sense of social education began to gradually differentiate into three independent Educational form School education, family education and social education in a narrow sense.
Some western educational scholars believe that the narrow sense of social education came into being in the 16th and 18th centuries. France Social Education Zhedimu believed that French social education began around 1533; American education Nowitz, a scholar, believes that American social education began to brew after 1600 years; britain Oxford Pinis believed that the social education in England germinated around 1860; In his book Social Pedagogy, Japan's Niborito also believes that Japan's social education began Meiji In fact, these terms refer to the modern social education form in 1868. In fact, the history of social education is much longer than these years. In terms of its broad sense social education, it has not been interrupted since the emergence of school education. After the school education form came into being ruling class Exclusive, vast working people And their children are still receiving social education, that is productive labor And social life. As for modern social education, this is not the beginning of social education, but just the new development of social education.
Although the forms of social education have existed for a long time in all countries of the world, the development was very slow before this century. Only at the beginning of this century, especially the second time World War Since then, it has begun to develop rapidly


In China, according to legend Youchao Jiaomin Cave Nesting Suiren's surname Teach people to drill wood to make fire, Fuxi The family teaches people to fish and hunt, Divine Husbandman Teach people to cultivate crops. This can be regarded as China's primitive social education. About the warring states The Zhouli Diguan of the era recorded the stipulation of "gathering people to read the law" Big Situ , Governor, Party chief and other officials gather the people under their jurisdiction to read the state law on the first day of the first day of the first month of the first month, July and November of each year political education In the Spring and Autumn Society Memorial Day , drinking village archery contest The ceremony, respect elders, praise virtue, in order to carry out moral education; It also educates the people with the so-called "three things in the countryside", namely, six virtues of "knowing, benevolence, holiness, righteousness, moderation, and harmony", six lines of "filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, responsibility, and compassion", and six arts of "ritual, music, shooting, imperial, calligraphy, and mathematics". Later“ Rural covenant system ”The "Six Sacred Instructions" and "Sixteen Sacred Instructions" issued in the early Ming and Qing Dynasties belong to social education.
Qing government In the 34th year of Guangxu (1908), the "Simple Literacy School Plan" was promulgated. Xuantong In the first year (1909), a simple school was officially set up, and preaching was carried out all over the country to encourage good deeds and promote profits. Some workers' half day schools and farmers' surplus farmland were also set up cram school , commercial cram schools, women workers' study centers, newspaper reading offices, reading offices and other modern societies education
After the 1911 Revolution, Ministry of Education of the Republic of China Establish society Department of Education Before the May 4th Movement in 1919, China's social education popular education And literacy education. In 1920, Yan Yangchu The promotion of civilian education still focuses on literacy and learning culture.
In 1928 and 1930, Government of the Republic of China Hold the first and second meetings National Education Conference Later, we created a social education experimental area to promote people out of school remedial education , Promulgated《 National Sports Law 》, Library Regulations and Provisional Regulations for People's Education Center, etc. After the beginning of the Anti Japanese War, social education in wartime was turned to meet the needs of the war.
From 1927 to 1949, the revolutionary base areas under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, in order to adapt to the needs of the revolutionary cause, consistently implemented education as Revolutionary war Services and Combination of education and productive labor Policy.
On December 29, 1946, Jiefang Daily published the Wartime Education Plan issued by the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Government, pointing out that ① the role of social education must be improved in wartime so as to mobilize the majority of young adults to participate in the war directly or indirectly. ② Both social education and school education should greatly strengthen current affairs education to improve the political enthusiasm of the masses. ③ Various vivid examples of wartime should be used as living teaching materials to educate the masses. As for the form of organization, attention should be paid to the use of newspaper reading, and the organization and education of folk artists in rural areas for publicity.
The People's Republic of China was founded Later, the Ministry of Education of the Central People's Government set up the Department of Social Education to take charge of social education. The task of social education is to publicize Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, the principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, and popularize them scientific culture Knowledge, mass literature and art Sports activities To improve the quality of young people and masses And scientific and cultural level. Implementing agencies include cultural centers (palaces), children's palaces, libraries, museums, memorial halls, cinemas, theatres, radio stations, television stations Amateur sports school Etc. Since June 1950, the Government Affairs Council of the Central People's Government issued the Instruction on Carrying out Amateur Education for Workers, social education has made great achievements. In 1949, there were only 896 cultural centers and 55 public library 21 museums. By 1983, there were 2946 cultural centers, 2038 public libraries and 467 museums in China.
Due to the rapid development of science and technology, Social knowledge The surge of total amount, labor employment structure To make the updating of one's knowledge The speed of, Professional requirements With the continuous development, for adults, one-time school education can no longer meet the social requirements, so social education will rapidly develop Modern science and technology The development of labor and employment structure is also an impact on school education.
Modern school education is the same as social development Closely linked, the growth of the youth generation also urgently needs the close cooperation of social education. Society requires teenagers to expand social communication , fully develop their interests, hobbies and personality, and widely cultivate their Special talents Therefore, social education is of great significance to the growth of young people. At the same time, due to the modern Information dissemination Development of means, educational technology The continuous improvement of the, but also for the extensive development of social education provides modern material conditions. Therefore, in today's world, social education has generally achieved vigorous development Development trend It increasingly shows that with the continuous development of science and technology, social labor productivity The continuous improvement of, the further change of employment structure, and people Leisure time With the increase of, social education will get greater development and show renewed vitality.


Social education is growing, although in the whole Education system China is still in an auxiliary and compensatory position, but increasingly shows an irreplaceable role.
Good social education is conducive to the ideological and moral education of students, and to the growth of knowledge Development capacity They can enrich students' spiritual life and develop their interests, hobbies and specialties.
Teenagers have their own interests and hobbies. If these interests and hobbies can be cultivated as soon as possible, they can form a specialty and show some talents. This will undoubtedly accelerate the harmonious development of students. School education is difficult to adapt to different interests and hobbies in the same class Development level The individual needs of students and social education can make up for these deficiencies. Teachers consciously guide students to participate according to their hobbies Off campus educational institutions Special activities, such as Computer maintenance , zither, chess, calligraphy and painting enable students to display their talents, develop their specialties and increase their intelligence in their favorite activities, and then use their knowledge and wisdom independently to find, analyze and solve problems, which will enable many students to receive more social education and become athletes, actors and computer experts, providing a new way for students to develop in an all-round way.
Social education is a kind of living education. Its profundity, richness, independence Imagery Far from school education. Coordinating Social Education Forces Can Train Students to Participate Actively social activities The ability to bring decentralized and spontaneous social impact into the right track. The quality of social education depends on the state laws and regulations The degree of construction and education of the whole society Macroclimate The formation of, this needs the whole society to work hard for a long time.
Modern social education has a special role that other forms of education cannot match. Its role is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
First, social education is directly oriented to the whole society and based on the social, political and economic background. It has a broader scope of activities than school education and family education. It has a wider range of influence and can more effectively play a positive role in the whole society;
Second, social education not only faces schools, teenagers, but also adult workers in society. This can not only make up for the lack of school education, meet the requirements of adults to continue learning, effectively promote economic development, but also promote social stability and progress through political and moral education;
Third, the forms of social education are flexible and diverse Institutionalized education Strict constraints of. It is rarely restricted by class, status, age and seniority, and can well reflect the democracy of education;
Fourth, the growth of modern people is not completely limited to schools, but must be consistent with social practice Combination. Social education is more conducive to Human socialization
To sum up, social education is more and more important in modern society, and it is an indispensable part of the modern social education system.


In China, social education institutions mainly include the following:

Cultural Center

Cultural Center It is a society established at the county level and equivalent county level Cultural institutions Below county a cultural station The cultural centers and stations are designed by the people's government to Mass culture Active cultural life And established institutions. Workers' Cultural Palace Trade union clubs are similar to cultural centers in nature, but the sponsors and service objects are different. Rural Club It is the amateur masses established by farmers on a voluntary basis Cultural organizations

Children's Palace

Children's Palace It is established to meet the diverse needs of the cultural life of adolescents and children Out of school educational institutions for children Its task is to cooperate with the school to cultivate the fine moral character of teenagers and children, help them consolidate classroom knowledge, enrich cultural life, develop various interests and talents, and make them develop in an all-round way.


library It is to collect, sort out, keep and use books Information Serving social politics and economy cultural education Institutions. According to its nature and service objects, it can be divided into: public, school, science, specialty, children, trade union, army, organ, factory and mine, street, rural and other libraries.


Social Education Center
Larger ones are also called museums, which are for display, preservation and research material culture The cultural and educational institutions, which are the physical objects of spiritual culture and natural specimens, take the whole society as the teaching objects. Chinese museums mainly include revolution, military, history, nationality, geography, nature, art, medicine, science and technology and other types. They systematically display objects, models, specimens and other exhibits according to different nature and tasks. As for the exhibition of industrial and agricultural products handicraft industry A temporary organization for people to visit, study and appreciate products, works of art, books, pictures and various objects, specimens, models, etc. is called an exhibition.

Memorial Hall

Memorial Hall It is a cultural and educational institution that commemorates major revolutionary events or historical figures with significant contributions. It takes the place where the events occurred or where the figures were born, lived and worked as the site of the museum, preserves and restores the historical status quo ante, explains the course of the events or the activities of the figures, and carries out activities for the people Intuitive education

Modern media

application radio broadcast And TV broadcast in a planned way to the masses of the people, teenagers and children Special programs Education is an effective means of modern amateur remedial education. This kind of education method generally carries out single subject teaching activities , or colleges and universities Curriculum System broadcast. In addition, cinemas and theaters also have distinct educational functions aimed at the whole society. Amateur sports school It is an off campus educational institution to train qualified athletes.



Social organization

This kind of social education is organized by social institutions (i.e. institutions other than schools), including Youth education Institutions and adult education institutions. Social education activities related to teenagers, such as Children's Palace , Youth Home Children's Park Children's cinema, children's reading room Children's Library Etc. These specialized social education institutions aim to make up for school education and home education To promote the personality of teenagers Comprehensive development With regard to adult education, there are various cultures Remedial school , literacy classes, technical training classes, various lectures talk Etc.
In addition to educational activities specially organized by society, some social media also undertake social education tasks, such as newspapers, books, libraries, radio, television and movies.

School hosted

Some social education plays the role of schools and is organized by schools, such as correspondence, publishing, literacy, various vocational training courses, scientific reports and lectures. This is to make full use of the school teaching staff And material conditions, open to the society, directly Social services Education activities. Nowadays, many countries promote community education , including social education that depends on the school opening to outside.

Educational characteristics

Compared with school education and family education, social education has many characteristics:
1: Lifelong. Social education is lifelong for everyone, It's never too late to learn. For anyone, it is not your will. You must accept the reality of lifelong education consciously or unconsciously. The effects of positive acceptance, unconscious acceptance and negative acceptance are different.
2: Broadness. Social education involves all aspects and corners of social life; Wherever there are people, social education will go anywhere, which is what any education does not have and cannot be implemented. But it is also the most important for specialized education impact force Of.
III Hierarchy According to the age of people, there are infants and young children; primary school; Middle school; Universities and adults. From the position and level of people, there are central level; Provincial and ministerial level; Municipal level; county-level.
4: Diversity. The diversity of social education is the clearest and most obvious feature of social education, and the clearness is so obvious that it has been ignored. This cannot be said to be the sorrow of social education, Party, government and army The different work, responsibilities and tasks brought by the different societies form a society moral character Disagreement is the biggest sorrow.
5: Many denaturation The variability of social education affects society Quality of education The culprit of. Is causing Social ideology The root cause of chaos, especially frequent social unrest and social upheaval, affects the healthy thinking and good Morality formation It is catastrophic. What is really called, chaos. After you sing, I come on stage. One is different from the other, and even the other is contrary. Yesterday and today also run counter to each other in major aspects. This feature has an absolute impact on social development Not to be ignored Of.
6: Complexity. The variety of social education reflects the complexity of social education; And specifically lead to social Educational complexity What is more, different forms of social education can not reach the same goal in ideological and moral education; In essence, it is determined by the fundamental reason that the object of education is complex. That is, the complexity of human beings determines the complexity of social education. At any time, we can not avoid this feature of social education. If we avoid this feature, social education must be hypocritical and failed.
7: Mutuality In social education, everyone is a teacher and Educated In people's study, life and work, everyone's words, deeds and actions affect the people around you, and you are also affected by others all the time. Head and brain. Experts and authorities always appear as educators or even disciplinarians, which is a social regression.
VIII: moral education Category It has never been doubted that moral education is the first, and it is not easy to be put in the first place. Educating people is the ultimate goal of social education. Only by earnestly implementing the position of moral education as the first, can social education be restored to its source. There will be a harmonious society.
IX Moral Education Objectives Of Uncertainty And investigated Fuzziness For example, healthy thoughts, good morality, "five passions", etc. are all uncertain for a person. In addition, people's thoughts are unlimited and subject to the influence of environment, status and conditions. Changes are inevitable. The uncertainty of goals is aimed at Thoughts and feelings The unpredictable person is not operational in essence. It must be vague to make an investigation, but it would be absurd to take this vague result as a final conclusion.
10: Leadership. The leadership of social education is realized through the state, and only through the state can social education be commanded. The specific implementation of the state is the government and all Work department Therefore, the government and its departments and agencies are the main body of social education, and their role and impact on the quality of social education is irreplaceable.

Fair path

Establish a fair sense of morality
Encourage social volunteers to participate in fair education activities poverty gap It still exists. The existence of this gap is not only material, but also spiritual. As rich people, they should not only pay attention to their own children, but also pay attention to poor children, who are poorer than themselves and need more help from western and rural children who need education. People should not treat their backwardness with a discriminatory ideology. Society is a community where the rich and the poor live, Eastern region It is also the result of the joint efforts of the people in the west and the whole country. Migrant workers are right public wealth In some aspects, they are more creative than urban workers, and their children should have more opportunities to receive education. It may not be excessive to say that "more schools, less prisons". The more attention paid to the weak, the more harmonious the society will be.
Combination of various forms of education
Public education is lenient and strict, reflecting fairness; Elite education Strict progress and leniency reflect efficiency. Facing the rapid development of society National quality The improvement of is even more urgent. Functions of government The first is to maintain fairness, and efficiency should be more determined by Market regulation Assigned on educational resources We should always give preference to vulnerable areas, schools and groups, and implement disadvantaged And ensure that they have National education policy And the basic standards for running schools as prescribed by law, and enjoy adequate education that meets the basic standards. compulsory education It is popular and free education. stay Allocation of educational resources The state should allocate more funds to compulsory education On the one hand, compulsory education can be carried out year by year, or even half a year, until the real sense of compulsory education is realized.
ensure system of education Justice of
Studying Education equity It is not enough to have the idea of equality or fairness. Establish perfect Educational mechanism And fair mechanism is the powerful guarantee to realize educational fairness.
First, reform the college entrance examination enrollment policy. Because of the college entrance examination quota system Produced everywhere Admission score Therefore, we need to change the allocation of enrollment quotas in big cities, overcome the differences in admission scores among regions, and gradually transition to roughly based on the number of examinees Average distribution Enrollment quota of all places. recruit students Institutional reform Another important point of hotbed Systems and policies, such as Escort student and Three Good Students , Excellent student cadres Bonus points and other policies to ensure the "link" of enrollment fairness
The second is the inclination to the western region and vulnerable groups. As for the huge gap between regions formed in history, educational resources should not artificially continue to expand the gap through proper allocation, and if possible, tilt to backward regions to actively narrow the gap. Take some areas with the worst conditions as“ Education priority area ”Give key support to ensure that students in these areas Quality of education Specific measures can be formulated by relevant departments.
equitable education streaming mechanism
A fair educational diversion mechanism is to implement Education equity Divert operating systems and processes for the principle. In all links of the whole process of education diversion, we should maximize the exploration and development of various existing and potential educational resources to ensure the learning rights and Right to education , then use Fairness To allocate and provide educational opportunities And eliminate prejudice and discrimination as far as possible in the process of education diversion to make up for the unequal consequences of education diversion. first And establish the concept of equal status of educatees. No matter what position they are in the educational diversion, and what quality, type and level of school they are in, the educated should be treated equally, receive education appropriate to their physical and mental characteristics, and enjoy the maximum Educational interests secondly Open and fair provision of educational diversion opportunities. Further eliminate the differences between schools in the compulsory education stage, and schools implement the individual enrollment without difference Equal opportunity Principle, recognizing the value of equal opportunity and providing open and fair opportunities, while setting the goal of equality with The principle of equality Combine to ensure that the provision of educational diversion opportunities meets social needs and Principle of social justice

Development prospect

First of all, the service objects of social education will expand rapidly, from serving a few people to serving the whole public. From focusing on cities to all urban and rural areas. The number of people and institutions engaged in social education will increase sharply, and the proportion of social education in the whole education will expand rapidly. Adult education and other forms of education will focus on social education.
Secondly, the content of social education will be increasingly rich, from simple professional knowledge Skills expand to multiple fields and disciplines. With the acceleration of China's socio-economic development, the people living standard Keep improving, more and more Members of society Our life went from food and clothing to well-off. People will devote more time and energy to improving their spirit Quality of life The purpose of learning will no longer be limited to meet the requirements of the profession, but to enrich their own spiritual world. The task of adult education will be mainly Academic education And job training to social education.
Third, social education institutions will also develop from formal adult education institutions to social education run by the whole society. With the development of education, the whole society has a new understanding of the status and role of education. Social education is no longer just a matter of school education departments. All social departments have the responsibility and obligation to provide Educational services For example, the research institute can scientific research The interested public is open, and the military camp can recruit short-term Summer camp Students, zoos can hold animal knowledge lectures.
Fourth, social development has increased people's leisure time On the other hand, it also increases the demand of people to understand the society and learn knowledge. These two factors put forward new requirements for social education. At the same time, social education social function With the popularization of social education, people will increasingly feel the impact of social education on daily life and the important role that social education plays in improving people's living standards.