social support

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Terms of social psychology
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Social support refers to the use of certain materials and Mental means The sum of the acts of providing free help to the socially vulnerable groups. Generally, it refers to the general term of all kinds of support from outside individuals, and it is the social behavior accompanying the existence of vulnerable groups.
Chinese name
social support
Foreign name
social support
Applied discipline
Scope of application
social psychology

Sources of social support

As a theoretical paradigm, social support originated from "social etiology" and was initially associated with individual physiology, psychology and social adaptability. Based on this, some scholars limited it to the field of "social mental health". However, according to the existing research, the use of social support at home and abroad has gone beyond the original interpretation, expanding it to a sum of social behaviors that are used to refer to providing spiritual and material resources for vulnerable groups to help them escape from the plight of survival and development. The theory of social support is based on the assumption of the needs of vulnerable groups, that is, on the basis of scientific cognition of vulnerable groups, it determines what resources the vulnerable groups need to improve and get rid of the existing disadvantages.

Classification of social support

According to the current research, we can divide social support into four categories according to the support subject: formal support led by the government and formal organizations (non-governmental organizations); Community led "quasi formal support"; Social support provided by personal networks; Professional and technical support provided by social work professionals and organizations. These four types of support cross each other, but they complement each other at more levels, and have initially formed a government led and diversified social support system framework.

Social Support Theory

Social support network refers to the contact between a group of individuals, through which individuals can maintain their social identity and obtain emotional support, material assistance and services, information and new social contacts.
According to the theory of social support, the stronger a person's social support network is, the better he or she can cope with various challenges from the environment. The resources owned by individuals can be divided into personal resources and social resources. Personal resources include personal self function and coping ability, the latter refers to the breadth of personal social network and the degree of social support function that people in the network can provide. The social work oriented by social support theory emphasizes that the role of individuals in their life can be changed by intervening in their social networks. Especially for those individuals with insufficient social network resources or insufficient ability to use social networks, social workers are committed to providing them with necessary help to help them expand social network resources and improve their ability to use social networks.

social support

In the 1970s, Raschke proposed that social support refers to the care and support people feel from others (Raschke, 1977). In addition, some psychologists also put forward their own views on the definition of social support.
On the whole, there are four views.
(1) The concept of intimate relationship: the intimate relationship between people is the essence of social support. This view is to understand social support from the perspective of social interaction, and think that social support is an intimate relationship between people. At the same time, social support is not only a one-way care or help, but also a social exchange in most cases, and a social interaction between people.
(2) "Complex structure of help": This view believes that social support is a composite structure of help. Helping behavior can generate social support.
(3) Social resource view: social support is a resource, a potential resource for individuals to deal with tense issues, and a social resource exchanged between individuals and others or groups through social relations.
(4) Systematic view of social support: social support needs in-depth investigation and is a systematic psychological activity, which involves behavior, cognition, emotion, spirit and other aspects.
The research on social support in the psychological field began in the 1960s, when people explored the impact of life pressure on physical and mental health (Homes&Rach, 1967). However, it was not until the 1970s that social support was first proposed as a professional concept by Cassel (1976) and Cobb (1976) in the psychiatric literature. After that, many famous scholars carried out extensive and in-depth discussions and research on it as a science.

Classification and definition


From the function definition of social support

Co bb (1976) defined social support as a kind of information, which includes three levels:
(1) Make the individual believe that he/she is cared for and loved;
(2) Information that makes an individual believe that he/she has dignity and value;
(3) Information that makes an individual believe that he/she belongs to a group member.
Webster In the New University Dictionary, support is defined as an action or process that can promote support, help or support things. Conn Etc. (Kahn&Anto2nuci, 1980) believed that social support is help, care and affirmation between people. Cohen and McKay (1984) pointed out that social support refers to beneficial interpersonal communication that protects people from the adverse effects of stressful events. As an individual's cognitive evaluation of the closeness and quality of their interpersonal relationships, it is an important influencing factor for people to adapt to various interpersonal environments. Cullen (1994) believes that social support is the material or spiritual help that individuals get from communities, social networks or relatives and friends. These scholars all believe that social support is a kind of information that individuals experience being loved, valued and needed by others, and is a force or factor to promote human development in the social environment.

Defining from the source of social support

Saraso n et al. (1991) believed that social support is an individual's perception of the external support he wants or can get. Malecki et al.

Defining from the role of social resources

Huang Xiting Social support is defined as:
Emotional support - such as resonance, love, trust;
Means support - such as assistance;
Information support - providing response information;
Evaluation support - provide information about self-evaluation.
Wellman and Wortley (1989) believed that social support includes emotional support, small services, large services, economic support and companionship support.
Cutrona and Russell (1990) divided social support into emotional support, social integration or network support, self-esteem satisfaction support, material support and information support.

Defining from the way of social support classification

(1) Objective support, subjective experience support and utilization of support. Objective support is also called actual social support, including direct material assistance and the direct existence and participation of social networks and group relationships. It is an objective reality, which is an important resource for people to meet their social, physiological and psychological needs. The support experienced subjectively is also called perceived social support, that is, the emotional support experienced by individuals, In other words, the emotional experience and satisfaction of individuals who are respected, supported and understood in society is closely related to their subjective feelings; The utilization of support refers to the utilization of social support by individuals. Although some people can get support, they refuse others' help. However, the support between people is mutual. While supporting others, it also lays the foundation for others to help.
(2) Family support, friend support, other support. This is a classification from the perspective of social support sources, emphasizing the individual's understanding and understanding of various social support sources.
(3) Cognitive support, emotional support, behavioral support. This is a classification based on the dimension of social support. Cognitive support refers to providing various information, opinions and knowledge; Emotional support refers to comfort, listening, understanding and communication; Behavioral support refers to actual help actions.
Different classifications reflect researchers' different understanding of its essence. Of course, many contents in different categories intersect with each other.

Research by domestic scholars

Domestic scholars have gradually deepened their research on social support.
Li Qiang (1998) believes that social support is the influence that a person obtains through social contact, which can reduce psychological stress, relieve tension, and improve social adaptability. Social connection refers to the spiritual and material support and help from family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, groups, organizations and communities.
Cheng Hongjuan (2002) summarized the definition of social support from three perspectives:
One is to define social support from the perspective of social interaction: social support is not only a one-way care or help, but also a social exchange in most cases, and a social interaction between people;
The second is to define social support from the nature of social behavior, as listed above (Cobb, 1976);
Third, it is defined from the role of social resources: from the help of social relations, the way people connect, and the exchange of resources among members of the support network. [1]