social development

The progressive and rising change process of various elements constituting society
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Social development refers to the progressive and rising change process of various elements that constitute society. The society here is different from natural environment and Sociology For a part of.
Chinese name
social development
Foreign name
social development
It refers to the progressive and rising change process of various elements constituting the society. The society here is different from natural environment And some part of society


Social development refers to the forward movement of the whole society. It includes two aspects: ① vertical, which refers to the movement and development process of society from low level to high level; ② Horizontal refers to the specific society Development stage All aspects of a society are moving and developing as a whole.

Introduction to word meaning

Social development: refers to the free extension of individual based social relations from individual to society as a whole, and individual freedom extends to social relations as a whole. The material and spiritual freedom that includes individuals has developed to the social level, and has achieved the consensus of socialization. This includes Economics Culture Politics custom , system, etc social existence The overall development of.
It also refers to the socio-economic development in social progress, especially the society productivity Development of.
Social development: the part of economy and non economy.