Social division of labor

Division of production beyond the social scope of an economic unit
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Social division of labor refers to the division of labor of production that goes beyond the social scope of an economic unit, including Social production Divided into Agriculture Industry General division of labor of other departments; And subdivide these large departments into heavy industry light industry planting Animal Husbandry And other industries or industries.
The division of labor is Gregarious animal Unique. In early human history, there were three major social divisions. (1) Primitive society Anaphase Animal Husbandry Separation from agriculture. Primitive human The ability to conquer nature has been improved labour productivity The increase of Product exchange , for private ownership The production of creates the material premise. (2) At the end of primitive society, due to the use and improvement of metal tools handicraft industry Separation from agriculture. send commodity production With rapid development, cities centered on handicrafts began to emerge. In addition to the differences between free people and slaves, there were also differences between the rich and the poor. (3) slave society A merchant who specializes in commodity trading in the early days. It promotes Slavery And began to accumulate Commercial capital mental labour Start from physical labor Separated from. [1]
Chinese name
Social division of labor
Foreign name
Social division of labor
Division of production
Marx theory

Introduction to division of labor

Social division of labor refers to the social division of animal labor and its independence and specialization.
The social division of labor is Animal society It is one of the symbols of commodity economy The foundation of development. For human beings, there is no exchange without social division of labor, market economy So No way to start If there is no social division of labor, it will be difficult for society to operate normally. The advantage of division of labor in human society is to let people who are good at doing what they are good at, so as to make the average Social labor Maximum time reduction. production efficiency Significantly improved. People who can provide high-quality and efficient labor products; In order to market competition High profit and high value. Make the best use of people and things The most profound meaning is derived from the social division of labor.
other mammal The social division of labor is similar to that of human beings, which is based on what individuals are good at. For example, female lions are good at hunting, so female lions are responsible for raising families. Male lions are good at fighting, so male lions are responsible for protecting their homes. The social division of labor of insects is often larva It depends on the development of the larval stage. For example, if the female bee has been eating all the time in the larval stage queen bee The jelly will develop into a queen bee and be responsible for reproduction. If it is eaten for only two or three days in the larval stage Royal jelly , it will develop into sterile worker bee , responsible for gather honey Secreting royal jelly, building nests, raising larvae, protecting nests, etc.

Production process

It is the same for all social animals. The division of labor is due to social life In order to make the group survive better, it is necessary to speed up the efficiency of various work in the group, which leads to division of labor. The earliest division of labor is natural division of labor. The social division of labor is natural division of labor It is gradually formed with the development of productivity.
The following is an example of human division of labor. one side On the basis of the purely physiological natural division of labor within the clan tribal community and later families, with the expansion of the community, the growth of the population, especially the development of communication among the clans, the scope of this division of labor has also expanded; on the other hand , the nature formed between different clan tribal communities geographical division of labor In contact with each other, it causes the mutual exchange of products and makes products become commodities, thus making different fields of activities of clans with different conditions gradually become interdependent in the process of social production Production department The social division of labor began to emerge.
Animal Husbandry The separation from agriculture is Human history upper The first social division of labor The social division of labor has promoted the development of productive forces and brought more Labor products In addition to satisfying the common consumption of the tribe, there is surplus in labor products. The variety and quantity of labor products entering the exchange have increased. Some clans Tribal leader Start putting Remaining products According to the existing, private ownership As a result, the clan community began to disintegrate. On this basis, slave society This is followed by. along with metal smelting The emergence of technology, specializing in tool of production Manufactured handicraft industry It was gradually separated from agriculture, which led to the separation of agriculture and handicraft industry in human history The second social division of labor
This time, the social division of labor has emerged with the purpose of exchange commodity production In order to meet the needs of commodity production and exchange development, a merchant class specialized in commodity trading began to appear in society, and then there were The third social division of labor stay handicraftsman And the concentration of merchant activities urban economy There is also a division of labor between urban and rural areas. The division of labor has brought about the progress of productivity and the increase of surplus products, making some people completely get rid of physical labor , specializing in supervise Production Administration State, science, art, etc activity , and finally formed Mental and physical labor Division of labor.

Historical evolution

In addition, when it comes to social division of labor, we must mention the "three great social divisions of labor":
Engels On《 The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and State 》It is proposed in the book that Primitive society Three social divisions in the later period, namely, nomadic tribes were separated from other barbarians; Separation of handicraft industry and agriculture; The emergence of the merchant class.
The first social division of labor
Time: happen to Barbarism Intermediate stage of
Sign: The separation of animal husbandry and agriculture has formed herdsmen, farmers, breeding pastures, planting farmland,
Introduction: In the early process of human conquest of nature, some tribes learned to domesticate animals to obtain milk, meat, etc Means of subsistence , with the larger scale a herd of livestock These tribes were mainly engaged in animal husbandry, separating themselves from other barbarians and becoming nomadic tribes. The means of subsistence produced by nomadic tribes are different from other tribes, and the number is large, which promotes the development of exchange and makes regular exchange possible. Grazing a group of livestock only needs a few people, so, Individual labor Instead of common labor, private ownership appeared correspondingly, and the family also changed accordingly. The animal husbandry engaged by men has become the main means of making a living. Men have gained a dominant position in the family. Later, agriculture and handicraft industry also developed. Grain became human food, and loom And bronze ware, people began to master ore smelting and Metalworking The increase in production in all sectors has enabled the human labour force to produce more products than the labour force needs. So the prisoners of war were no longer killed, but absorbed into the labor force and became slaves. In this way, they appear sporadically Slavery The first social division of labor As a result, there was the first great social division, in which society was divided into two classes: master and slave, exploiter and exploited.
The second social division of labor
Time: Appears in Barbarism Advanced stage of
Sign: The separation of handicraft industry and agriculture has led to the emergence of simple handicraft workshops and a small number of handicraft workers,
Introduction: Use of iron tools and Production technology And promoted the development of agriculture and labour productivity The improvement of, also make handicraft industry to diversified development. Such diversified activities can no longer be carried out by one person, so it happened The second social division of labor Handicraft industry is separated from agriculture. With the second great social division of labor, commodity production directly aimed at exchange emerged. The development of exchange has made precious metals dominant Monetary commodity Once monetary wealth appears in society, it becomes the object of people's pursuit and an important purpose of life. Some people will try to find ways Accumulate wealth stay Remaining products In the case of gradual increase Value of labor At the previous stage, slavery, which was still a sporadic phenomenon, became social system The essential component of.
The third social division of labor
Time: happen to The Age of Civilization Threshold of
Sign: With the emergence of merchants, there are commodities, merchants and commerce,
Introduction: because commodity exchange In the development of, there appeared one who was not engaged in production; A merchant class that engages only in exchange. As intermediaries between producers, they promote commodity production and obtain Leadership The need for exchange and development arises Metal currency Money lending , interest and Usury They also appeared one after another. Private ownership of land It is firmly established, and the land is completely Private property It can be inherited, mortgaged or even sold. In addition to the differences between free men and slaves, there are also differences between the rich and the poor. This is new with the new division of labor Class division Wealth became more concentrated, the number of slaves increased, and the forced labor of slaves became social economic base As a result of class antagonism, the country came into being.
Engels For the discussion of the three great social divisions human society Divided into Obscurantism era , the barbaric era and the civilized era. The three great social divisions took place in the middle and late stage of the barbaric era. Through these three great divisions, human beings entered the era of civilization. [2]