Socialist country

A country with a socialist system
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In a socialist country socialist system Country. The basic element of the socialist system is to adhere to public ownership as the main body and the people as the masters of the country. The People's Republic of China yes The disintegration of the Soviet Union The largest socialist country in the post world.
Chinese name
Socialist country
Foreign name
Socialist countries
implement socialist system Country of
scientific socialism etc.
Existing countries
The People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Socialist Republic of Vietnam lao people's democratic republic and Republic of Cuba

development history

A socialist country generally refers to a country that practices the socialist system. The symbol is that the Communist Party (the Workers' Party or the Labor Party) is in power, and often adopts a one party system or a one party dictatorship. Because socialist countries generally implement one party system or one party dictatorship, and the Communist Party (Workers' Party or Labor Party) is in power, it is also called Communist countries
After the establishment of socialist countries, most of them joined socialist camp
Between 1989 and 1991, Soviet Union There was a violent political turmoil in Eastern Europe under the control of the Soviet Union, and the Communist Party or communist parties lost power in succession. The disintegration of the Soviet Union, Eastern European upheaval , which makes the number of socialist countries sharply reduced, and also makes the other socialist countries have an unprecedented crisis. As a result, the remaining socialist countries (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) began to split. The socialist countries represented by Cuba only made limited improvements, while the socialist countries represented by China began to carry out reforms. For a socialist country undergoing reform, in the eyes of Westerners, it no longer belongs to a socialist country, which is considered as one of the bases of the "failure theory of communism". Even conservative socialist countries such as North Korea also believe that it has "deteriorated".
In the wave of national independence after World War II, in addition to some countries taking the path of Soviet model socialism, a considerable number of newly independent countries also declared themselves to be some special type of socialist countries, a total of about 50. Socialism in these countries is often characterized by nationalism or religion, such as Congress Party socialism, Platform Party socialism, Baath Party socialism, Buddhist socialism, Islamic socialism, Arab socialism, Ujama (village community) socialism African socialism Sandinista socialism, etc.
  1. one
    National socialism: what Nazi Germany claimed state socialism Not a form of socialism, but Nazi packaging of fascism. Similar statements on socialism include the representative work of the fascist Kitihui, the founder of Japanese fascism, "On the State System and Pure Socialism". In fact, the ideology of national socialism is based on extreme hatred of Communists and Marxism It belongs to the extreme right ideology, and if it is classified as socialism, it should be taken out of context. Confusing socialism with the so-called national socialism is often a deception of opponents of socialism against the people to discredit socialism.
  2. two
    Democratic socialism : This is a highly developed and welfare oriented system prevailing in Northern Europe and other places Social democracy More to the left, it relies on primitive accumulation, belongs to a typical reformism, and is capitalist left wing A claim of. But in the western context, "socialism" usually refers to the system of the Nordic countries.
  3. three
    Market socialism In the West, it is used to describe China's Mixed economy And the socialist system. It is the predecessor of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.

Inspiration from tortuous development

one Correctly understand the tortuous development of the socialist countries in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and establish a correct concept of development.
First, from the perspective of the long history of the world, socialism is still in the primary stage of development in a short period of time. The revolution and construction of the Soviet Union has only been 74 years since 1917, which requires a process of exploration and practice. For example, the program of the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1961 declared that socialism had achieved "complete and final victory" in the Soviet Union, and that the communist theory of communist construction should be basically completed in 1980; Brezhnev declared in 1967 that he would improve developed socialism within 20 years, and now he is at the starting point of this long historical stage; Gorbachev revised the theory of socialist perfection at the 27th National Congress of the Soviet Communist Party. All these are manifestations of the immature development of socialist theory and practice. It can be said that the inaccurate positioning of the socialist practice in the 20th century is the greatest historical lesson of the socialist movement.
Second, most of the original socialist countries except East Germany embarked on the non capitalist development path under the conditions of underdeveloped or underdeveloped commodity economy. If socialist countries do not focus on the development of social productive forces in the first place and do not adhere to the path of market economy serving socialism, they will not be able to compete with or catch up with developed capitalist countries in terms of economic modernization and political democratization. It is very difficult to really stand on their feet.
Third, socialism consists of capitalism The society in transition to communism is more thorough than any revolution in human history, so the consolidation of socialism is much more difficult than any revolution in history, and it takes a long history to mature. Especially in the field of production relations and distribution, we must not rush to success. Just imagine that the consolidation of bourgeois revolution in Britain, France and the United States will take 200 years, 86 years (1789-1875) and 100 years (1775-1877), not to mention socialist revolution and construction.
In terms of understanding the socialist country, whether to reform or not is actually a question of the second revolution or the continuation of the socialist revolution. And how to reform is also related to the success or failure of the revolution, the brake of the Soviet Union in the implementation of the new economic policy. The fact that no major reform measures have seriously affected the development of the economy for about half a century since the 1930s and the disasters brought about by the drastic changes in the late 1980s regardless of the facts illustrate this point.
The slow reform process of the Soviet Union for nearly half a century did not reform the Soviet socialist model (also known as Stalinist Model )The Soviet Union was confronted with four major contradictions that were difficult to solve, namely, the theoretical superiority of socialism and the practical inferiority in the coexistence of competition with capitalism; The implementation of proletarian internationalism in theory and social hegemonic expansionism in practice; National unity and autonomy in theory and great Russia in practice and serious national problems; In theory, the proletarian vanguard, the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party, and in practice, the corruption of the privileges of the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party have seriously lost their vanguard. These are the deep-seated internal causes that led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It is obviously a great misunderstanding to confuse the Soviet model with the socialist road and model. Since this century, the practice of socialist movements in various countries has faced imperialist armed interference, military and economic blockade, political encirclement, and the evolution of ideology and culture in an attempt to strangle the socialist system or change the color of socialist countries; On the other hand, it is full of twists and turns between carrying out the revolutionary and construction path of the Soviet Union and exploring the diversified path in line with the national conditions of the country. The rise and fall of socialist countries in Eastern Europe, and the practice of exploring the theory and path of socialism with Chinese characteristics all illustrate this historical fact.
two The practice of socialist countries shows that socialist revolution and construction should be combined with the reality of all countries, and should never adhere to the Soviet model. Diversification is the only way for the socialist revolution. We should establish a correct concept of multiple models.
The drastic changes in the socialist countries of the Soviet Union and the East also show that we must constantly enrich and creatively develop Marxism Leninism in accordance with the new situation. To understand Marxism rigidly is not to adhere to Marxism, but to adhere to the first standard of practice and the standard of social productivity. Since the transition of the Eastern Soviet Union, it has been at least 26 years or more than 28 years. The economy, politics, society and ideology and culture of the whole country have declined seriously. So far, no comprehensive recovery has been seen. Russia is facing the danger of a new round of economic recession, and the transition from socialism to capitalism has already paid a heavy price. People will re-examine how to realize economic modernization and political democratization in combination with their own reality. Historical experience tells us that we must adhere to the first standard of practice and the standard of social productivity, and abandon determinism and voluntarism of production relations; Adhere to the theory of the primary stage of socialism, and all this requires our generations to struggle step by step.
Some socialist countries in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the middle of the 20th century

Development prospect

Since 1991 The disintegration of the Soviet Union Since then, the world socialist movement has not only withstood the impact of the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and East Asia, but also recovered and developed to a certain extent.
everything Cuba Vietnam? Laos , China North Korea Under unprecedented pressure after the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, other socialist countries are actively exploring a socialist road suitable for their own national conditions.
Second, there have been waves of "Marx fever" in the western developed countries, and the re dissemination of Marxism has become a beautiful landscape in the international politics of the world today.
Third, in some former socialist countries, such as Belarus , Russia, Kazakhstan and Moldova, socialist forces are gathering again.
Fourth, after some countries in Asia, Africa, especially Latin America suffered from neo liberalism, left-wing governments came to power one after another.
Fifth, in some least developed countries, new trends have emerged in the socialist movement. Especially in South Asia, the victory of the Nepalese Revolution and the flourishing development of various factions of the Communist Party of India represent the possibility of success in implementing socialism independently in different ways, such as parliamentary struggle and armed revolution.
Human society has always been developing in a spiral way in twists and turns. socialist system Although it has gone through more than 90 years of history and created a series of brilliant achievements, it is only a short moment in the long history of human society development. Compared with the more mature capitalist system with a history of hundreds of years, the socialist system is still in a difficult process of growth. It is in this sense that the practice of socialism in the 20th century is only a prelude to the whole process of socialist history. Socialism is by far the most profound social change in human history. Struggle - failure - struggle again, climax - ebb - climax, which is the necessary process for socialist globalization to replace capitalist globalization.
"The wind should be measured in a wide range". Although there is a very hard and long way to go to realize the final substitution of socialist globalization for capitalist globalization, in a certain sense, the world socialist movement has begun to walk out of the trough and gradually towards revival. We are full of conviction and strong determination to win the communist ideal and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
On the basis of inheriting and developing the basic principles of Marxism and comprehensively applying materialist dialectics, geo economy, geo politics and social morphology to study and analyze the world historical structure, the bipolar world theory makes a theoretical prediction of the direction of socialist movement and the way to realize communism. The proposal of the "Belt and Road" initiative confirms the theoretical predictions of the bipolar world theory from many perspectives. The bipolar world theory predicts that under the promotion of socialist China, class differences will gradually disappear and eventually realize world communism through the way of socialist foreign "property rights cooperation". The first stage of socialist foreign "property rights cooperation" is the state-owned enterprise cooperation in the fourth and third districts, the second stage is the financial cooperation in the fourth, third and second districts, and the third stage is the realization of world communist economic and political cooperation in the fourth, third, second and first districts.

Essential difference

In socialist countries, the people yes country All the power of the country belongs to the people, which is Socialist democracy And capitalist democracy.
(1) In a socialist country, the people are the masters of the country, and state power is exercised by the people, but not by all the people directly.
(2) In a socialist country, the way in which all the people exercise state power is indirect, that is, through the election of people's representatives, the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at various levels are composed of people's representatives to exercise state power on behalf of the people.
(3) The essential difference between socialist democracy and capitalist democracy is whether the country is dominated by the people. Whether the exercise of state power is direct or indirect is not the essential difference between socialist democracy and capitalist democracy.

List of countries




A vanished socialist country
Country name
ruling party
Time of existence
December 22, 1922~December 25, 1991
Federalism It broke out in Russia in 1917 October Revolution In the late 1980s, the national independence movement rose, and the joined republics were separated Soviet Union , completely disintegrated in 1991
August 20, 1949~October 23, 1989
In April 1945, the Soviet Union liberated Hungary, established the socialist regime in August 1949, and passed a constitutional amendment in October 1989, changing the country's name to Republic of Hungary
Romanian Communist Party
December 30, 1947~December 28, 1989
The Soviet Union liberated Romania in 1944, and established the socialist regime in 1947. Violent conflicts broke out in December 1989, and the country was renamed Romania
Balgarska Komunisticheska Partiya
September 15, 1946~November 15, 1990
In September 1944, the Soviet Union liberated Bulgaria, established the socialist regime in 1946, and changed its name to the Republic of Bulgaria in November 1990
July 21, 1944~December 29, 1989
In August 1944, the Soviet Union liberated Poland. In 1989, it passed a bill to change the country's name to the Republic of Poland
Komunisticka strana Ceskoslovenska
May 9, 1948~March 6, 1990
The Soviet Union liberated Czechoslovakia in May 1945, which took place in November 1989“ velvet revolution ”In March 1990, it was renamed the Czechoslovak Federal Republic
October 7, 1949~October 3, 1990
The Soviet Union captured Berlin in May 1945, established the Berlin Wall in 1961, collapsed the Berlin Wall in 1989, and was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany in October 1990
January 11, 1946~April 1, 1991
It was liberated by the Communist Party and nationalist forces in November 1944, and was renamed the Republic of Albania through the constitutional amendment in April 1991
November 29, 1945~April 27, 1992
In 1945, the Axis countries withdrew from Yugoslavia, in 1948, they became hostile to the Soviet Union, and in 1992, they collapsed due to the withdrawal of Croatia and Slovenia
November 26, 1924~February 12, 1992
Supported by the Soviet Union in 1924, it was overthrown Bokdo Khanate In 1946, China recognized independence and changed its name to Mongolia in 1992
August 14, 1921~October 13, 1944
Supported by Russia in 1921, internal affairs were controlled by the Soviet Union since the 1930s, and it was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1944
November 30, 1967~May 22, 1990
also called South Yemen , founded in 1967 due to the Yemeni civil war, and Yemen Arab Republic Consolidated into the Republic of Yemen
January 5, 1976~January 7, 1979
January 10, 1979~October 24, 1993
In 1979, Vietnam invaded, the Cambodian Communist Party withdrew from the mainland and established the Democratic Kampuchea coalition government. Vietnam supported People's Republic of Kampuchea Puppet regime )。 Vietnam withdrew its troops in 1989, and the Kingdom of Cambodia was established in 1993
April 29, 1978~April 28, 1992
It was founded with the support of the Soviet Union in 1978, invaded Afghanistan in 1979, and was pro Soviet in 1992 Najibulla Fall down and change the country's name to Islamic State of Afghanistan
September 21, 1974~May 28, 1991
In 1974, the military coup came to power. In 1984, the socialist regime was established. In 1991, it was renamed the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
October 30, 1975~March 1, 1990
In 1972, the People's Revolutionary Party came to power through a coup and was renamed the Republic of Benin in March 1990
November 11, 1975~January 21, 1992
Supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba, the multi-party system was implemented in 1991 and the country was renamed the Republic of Angola in 1992
December 1968~June 10, 1991
The first socialist country in Africa gave up Marxism Leninism in 1990 and changed its name to the Republic of Congo in 1991
June 25, 1975~November 11, 1990
In November 1990, it changed to a multi-party system and was renamed the Republic of Mozambique
October 1969~February 1, 1991
In January 1991, it was violently overthrown and renamed the Republic of Somalia
Hungarian Soviet Republic
Hungarian Communist Party
March 21, 1919~August 6, 1919
Dissolved due to Romania's capture of Budapest
Communist Party, Independent Social Democratic Party
April 13, 1919~May 3, 1919
Republic established for the Bavarian Independent Social Democratic Party
June 16, 1919~July 7, 1919
He was strangled by the bourgeois regime of Czechoslovakia on July 7, 1919.