
Stone tools with polished surface
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Grinding stone tools refer to stone tools with polished surface. [1] First Stone It is made by punching or chiseling into proper shape and then grinding on the grinding stone. There are many kinds, such as axe, rust, chisel, knife, inlay, cluster, etc. Mesolithic Age Local polished stone tools began to appear.
Neolithic Age Full body polished stone tools are widely used, and they continue to be used in the Bronze Age. It has dual functions of weapon and tool.
Chinese name
stone artifact
Common about
Axe, rust, chisel, knife

Introduction to Stone Tools

In the Neolithic Age, human beings marked by the use of ground stone tools material culture The development stage is archaeology Upper is the last stage of the Stone Age.
This name is Britain archaeologist Lubbok It was first proposed in 1865. This era has entered the Holocene in geological time, and developed after the Paleolithic Age or after the transition of the Mesolithic Age, belonging to the late Stone Age.
Grinding stone tools began about 18000 years ago and ended more than 5000 to 2000 years ago. It refers to tools made of rock, which was the main tool of human beings at the beginning tool of production , prevalent in Human history The initial stage of. From the appearance of human beings to the appearance of bronze ware, it has experienced 23 million years, belonging to Primitive society Period.

Development stage

According to different Development stage , which can also be divided into Paleolithic Age And the Neolithic Age, some people also listed a transitional Mesolithic Age Used in Paleolithic Age chip a stone implement , this stone tool is made by striking stones Stone core Or laid down Flake , stone tools processed into a certain shape. Types include chopper Scraper , cusps, etc.
Grinding stone tools were popular in the Neolithic Age, which were first used Stone It is made by punching or chiseling into proper shape, and then grinding on the whetstone. There are many kinds, including axe, chisel, knife, sickle, plough, spear, arrowhead, etc.

Stone tool formation

Some finely ground stone tools can be mirror shaped. the Qijia Culture In the late Neolithic culture, we can see a few red bronzes, such as knives, chisels, mirrors, etc. After Xia and Shang dynasties, human society Entered class society However, in Xia, Shang and even later periods, stone tools were still important Tool use
Due to the technical level of ore body mining, smelting, casting and forging, many of the metal tools and weapons at that time were developed by inheriting the shapes of grinding stone tools. The axes, adzes, shovels, knives, sickles, arrowheads, spearheads and other shapes of stone tools are not only bronze prototype , even affecting ironware. It is worth noting that after the production of metal tools, some ground stone tools directly followed the shape of bronze, such as battle axe, dagger, sword, axe, etc.
In North China Stone Age The transitional sites are characterized by the discovery of small stone tools and the first appearance of large ground stone tools, such as Xiaonanhai Site, Xiachuan Site, Longwangdi Site, etc. Various indirect striking methods are popular for the production and use of stone leaves Suppression method It is a tradition of fine stone tools for repairing stone tools. The common shapes are stone ingots, stone blades End scraper Engraver Shipbottom stone core , Large Sharpener And decorations.

Stone Relics

Xiaonanhai Site : at Henan province Anyang In a cave 30 kilometers southwest of the city, the age is 24100 ± 500 years to 11000 ± 500 years. Small stone tools are the king, including carving and scraping dual-use tools Cuspidator bipolar core Straight blade scraper Convex blade scraper Concave blade scraper , thumb shaped scraper, stone ridge and boat like Bottom shape The stone ridges and decorations inherit the tradition of the late Paleolithic culture in North China North China Paleolithic Age The end of.
Longwangdi Site : Shaanxi Province Yichuan County The Longwangdi Site dates from 20000 to 15000 years ago. Thousands of pieces unearthed in recent years Stoneware , including exquisite Fine stone core Fine lithophyll And cusps chopper , stone hammer, stone anvil Burr Millstone And other large stone tools, such as hammering and grinding stone tools human activity Remains. Among them, the discovery of grindstone is a major achievement of the archaeological work of the Paleolithic Age in China in recent years Yellow River The transition from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age in the middle reaches is of great significance.
Xiachuan Site : 24000~16000 years ago Shanxi province Qinshui County Xiachuan Site, with unearthed stone lathes, back cutting knives, saws Bevel Engraver , grinding plate, small pointed device and flat bottom Tricuspid apparatus Isotypic Microlith As a feature, composite tools have been widely used, representing China Microlith The highest level of craftsmanship tradition.

Main differences

1. Different production methods, chip a stone implement It is mainly made by hammering, which is rough in shape. Grinding stone tools are made by grinding technology based on hammering stone tools, and the tools are more refined.
2. In terms of function, stone tools are adapted to the life of fishing and hunting, with low efficiency; Grinding stone tools are suitable for farming life, Labor efficiency Much higher.
3. The use time is different, chip a stone implement be used for Paleolithic Age And the ground stone tools are Neolithic Age Important features of.