Carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle

The process by which a star converts hydrogen into helium
zero Useful+1
The carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle (carbon nitrogen oxygen), sometimes called the Bess Weitzzek cycle, is fixed star take hydrogen convert to helium One of the two processes of Proton proton chain Reaction.
Chinese name
Carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle
Foreign name
CNO cycle
Beth Weitzzek cycle
Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen
fixed star take hydrogen convert to helium One of the two processes of

Specific reactions

In stars with masses like the sun or smaller, Proton proton chain reaction Is the main process of generating energy. The sun has only 1.7% four The He core is generated through the carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle, but the theoretical model shows that Heavier stars generate energy mainly from the carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle The process of carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle is composed of Carl von Weizsäcker and Hans Bate They were put forward independently in 1938 and 1939 respectively.
The reaction of carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle is as follows:
twelve C + one H thirteen N + γ +1.95 MeV
thirteen N thirteen C + e + + ν e +2.22 MeV
thirteen C + one H fourteen N + γ +7.54 MeV
fourteen N + one H fifteen O + γ +7.35 MeV
fifteen O fifteen N + e + + ν e +2.75 MeV
fifteen N + one H twelve C + four He +4.96 MeV
The net effect of this cycle is 4 proton Become a Alpha particle , 2 positron (and Electronics Annihilation to Gamma ray And two neutrinos carrying part of the energy escaped from the star. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen nuclei act as catalysts and regenerate in the cycle.

exceptional case

In special cases, there is a small branch reaction, which only accounts for 0.04% of the total amount in the solar core. The final product is not 12 carbon and 4 helium, but 16 oxygen and a photon. The replacement process is as follows:
fifteen N + one H sixteen O + γ +12.13 MeV
sixteen O + one H seventeen F + γ +0.60 MeV
seventeen F seventeen O +e + + ν e +2.76 MeV
seventeen O + one H fourteen N + four He +1.19 MeV

Effect of fluorine

Similarly, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are in the main branch, while in the smaller branch fluorine It is only a catalyst in a stable state and will not accumulate in the star.

III Branch

The main branch of the carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle is called carbon nitrogen oxygen I, and the small branch is called carbon nitrogen oxygen II. In the heavier stars, there are two secondary main branches, carbon nitrogen oxygen III and carbon nitrogen oxygen IV, which begin at the final stage of the carbon nitrogen oxygen II reaction, and result in the replacement of the original 14 nitrogen and helium nuclei with 18 oxygen and gamma rays
III Branch reaction:
seventeen O + one H eighteen F
eighteen F eighteen O +e + + ν e + γ

IV Branch

seventeen O + one H → eighteen F + γ +5.61 MeV
eighteen F → eighteen O + e + + v e +1.656 MeV
eighteen O+ one H → nineteen F + γ +7.994 MeV
nineteen F + one H → sixteen O + four He +8.114MeV
sixteen O+ one H → seventeen F + γ +0.6MeV
seventeen F → seventeen O + e + + v e +2.76MeV
Schematic diagram of carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle
Here, the number of all "catalysts" (carbon, nitrogen and oxygen nuclei) involved in the reaction is conserved, and the relative proportion of nuclei will change in the evolution of stars. No matter what the initial structure is, when the cycle is in equilibrium, twelve Carbon/ thirteen The proportion of carbon nuclei is 3.5, while fourteen Nitrogen became the most abundant nucleus. In the evolution of stars, convection will bring the products of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen cycle from the interior of stars to the surface and mix, changing the observed stellar composition. In red giant stars, compared with Main sequence star , a small amount of twelve Carbon/ thirteen Carbon and twelve Carbon/ fourteen Nitrogen, all of which can prove that hydrogen fuses in the interior of stars for energy generation alternation.