Rigid oxygen permeable contact lens

Type of contact lens
zero Useful+1
synonym Hard corneal contact lens (Glasses) generally refers to rigid oxygen permeable contact lenses
Rigid oxygen permeable contact lens, abbreviated as RGP (Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens), RGP contains silicon, fluorine and other polymers, which can greatly increase oxygen Throughput And Soft Contact Lens Compared with, it not only improves the oxygen permeability, but also ensures the Firmness And has good Wettability And anti Precipitability It's good for teenagers True myopia and Keratoconus The control and corrective treatment effect of Ophthalmology Department The clinical verification of experts for many years has been affirmed. In recent years, due to the high Dk value Modulus of elasticity , hydrophilic, anti sedimentation and good Biocompatibility Of Polymer materials The synthesis and application of hard corneal contact lenses have been rapidly popularized worldwide.
Chinese name
Rigid oxygen permeable contact lens
English abbreviations
Improve oxygen permeability and ensure solid materials
Time of entry into China


RGP It is not a long time to enter Chinese medical institutions (Nissan RGP entered China in 1995). In addition, it needs high matching technology, so it has not been popularized and popularized (wear in China contact lenses With a population of about 5 million, and RGP only accounts for 5%~10%). Due to the improvement of fitting technology, the localization of glasses technology and the reduction of cost, RGP has been promoted in some major cities in China (such as Shanghai and Beijing), but it has not been popularized in a large scale. Japan in Asia Optometry is in a leading position. RGP has been widely used in Japan, and the world's largest RGP manufacturer is also in Japan RGP lens The most advanced technology and the best quality and safe materials are used. According to statistics, about 10% (11 million people) of the population in Japan wear contact lenses, of which 40-50% wear RGP. More than four million people in the United States have worn rigid contact lenses, and as people have a deeper understanding of them, the number of people in recent years has become Upward trend The fourth international optometry held in Shanghai in April 2004 symposium Upper, Peking University Medical Department Eye Vision Optical center And other agencies reported on RGP's Ophthalmology Department Clinical application and control of myopia So many ophthalmologists pay close attention to it.
RGP has the reputation of "breathing contact lens". Its most outstanding advantage is that it has a high oxygen permeability structure, which is healthier and safer, and is not easy to cause hypoxia and xerophthalmia And will not cause cornea endothelial cells Change in number. In addition, RGP is highly praised by ophthalmologists all over the world because of its unique advantages: 1. It has good formability, is not easy to deform, and has high optical correction quality. Especially for some high myopia and astigmatism The correction effect is better for 30% of patients Irregular astigmatism , such as: Keratoconus keratorefractive surgery It is the only one that can effectively improve Correction of vision method. 2. It has very good Biocompatibility Even if it is worn for a long time, it will not cause Corneal hypertrophy And edema. It can also maintain the health of cornea. 3. Anti sedimentation. RGP lenses can be worn continuously, without removing and cleaning every day, and can be worn day and night. It is easy to care for and has a long service life. As long as you pay attention to the correct use, it can generally have a service life of 2-3 years. From this point of view, it is also very economical. 4. High definition, can control myopia Astigmatism degree The deepening of keratoconus, especially juvenile myopia, can slow down the development speed through it, which has a therapeutic and slowing effect on early keratoconus and those with keratoconus tendencies. This is unmatched by traditional soft mirrors. Its only disadvantage is that the patient must have a Adaptive process Generally, about 1-2 weeks later, the patient will have foreign body sensation, vision fluctuation, and dryness. After this period of time, the patient will feel better and better. RGP has a wide range of indications: 1. It is hoped that RGP can be used to control juvenile myopic patients with increasing myopia; 2. Height Ametropia Person; 3. Patients who need to wear lenses for a long time (overnight); 4. All kinds of problems caused by wearing soft glasses complication Those who are not suitable for wearing soft glasses again; 5. Patients with corneal astigmatism of more than 2.5D can wear RGP or RGP; 6. Patients with keratoconus; seven hyperopia Patients can wear bifocal RGP; 8. Due to various refractive corneal surgery (such as RK PRK LASIK )、 keratoplasty Keratopathy (e.g Corneal trauma keratitis Hereditary keratopathy) leading to irregular astigmatism of cornea; 9. Refractive correction of aphakic eyes. Although RGP has many advantages, patients with the following conditions cannot wear it or doctors should decide whether to wear it: 1 Corneal diseases Disease; 2、 arthritis three Exophthalmos Those who are mentally disturbed; 4、 Ptosis Serious; 5、 Limbus corneae Or there is a bulge area nearby (such as Pterygium Or conjunctival macula); 6. For patients with irregular astigmatism or astigmatism greater than 300 degrees, about 250 degrees should be checked by professional doctors before determination; 7. Serious dry eye; 10. Eyes History of operation % of the patients will be examined by professional doctors and then decided.
China is one of the countries with the highest incidence of myopia. It is believed that with the recognition and understanding of RGP by the majority of myopic patients, more people will accept RGP. At the same time, RGP will also bring more comfortable and clear vision to the majority of myopic patients by virtue of its incomparable advantages.


1. Good physiological compatibility makes long-term wearing of RGP lenses difficult to cause corneal hypertrophy and edema.
2. With high oxygen permeability, it is not easy to cause hypoxia and xerophthalmia, and will not change the number of corneal endothelial cells.
3. To prevent myopia or astigmatism from deepening, the vision correction effect is better than Soft Contact Lens
4. Simple maintenance and long service life; With proper care, the lens can be used for 2-3 years.
5. Long term use of lenses is cheap.
6. Long term use can maintain the physiological health of the cornea with high safety.
7. Long term hypoxia due to wearing soft contact lenses one's eyes become bloodshot Or cause Neovascularization For dry eyes and those with poor vision correction, RGP lenses can be used after the eyes recover.
8. In addition, according to domestic and foreign data display : RGP lens can Effective control The growth of juvenile myopia.


Lens characteristics
RGP hard mirror
Traditional soft mirror
Disposable flexible mirror
Eye physical health
Visual acuity
Astigmatism correction
Height correction
Control the development of myopia
Oxygen permeability
Prevent residues
service life
Feeling of first wear
Comfort after 1-2 weeks

Adaptive group

1. Adequate oxygen supply can ensure the health of the cornea. Suitable for:
(1) With height Ametropia The.
(2) astigmatism Up to 2.50D, but it cannot be equipped Astigmatic lens The.
(3) Those who wear it for a long time and those who wear it for a long time.
(4) Not suitable for wearing due to stubborn lens precipitation or inflammation Soft Contact Lens The.
2. In special cases, hard contact lenses Good Corrected vision Performance correctable:
(1) Patients with mild keratoconus.
(2) Aphakic( cataract surgery Those who cannot implant intraocular lens after implantation)
(3) Mild Dry eye patient
3、 Adaptation period Slightly longer than the soft mirror, about one to two weeks.

Unwell group

1. Those who occasionally wear glasses and are unwilling to go through the initial adaptation stage.
2. Corneal astigmatism > 2.50DC, but the effect can be determined by trial matching with an experienced technician.
3. Irregular corneal astigmatism ≥ 1.50DC, but the effect can be determined by trial matching with an experienced technician.
4、 Limbus corneae Or there is a bulge area nearby (such as Pterygium Or conjunctival macula)

market share

At the end of 1999, RGP contact lenses The wearer is in North America occupy contact lenses 13% to 14% of the wearers. Ratio of Americans wearing RGP contact lenses Canada A little higher. 4.2 million people in the United States wear RGP contact lenses, accounting for Contact lens 15% of the population. In the past two years, these figures do not show much significance, but suggest that RGP contact lens wearers can grow steadily in the future. From the perspective of population age, people aged 35 and older prefer wearing RGP lens However, young people in their teens and twenties use fewer RGP lenses. Soft lenses are limited to young people. But yes presbyopia and astigmatism RGP lenses can play a good corrective role, so more and more people will use RGP lenses in the total number of people wearing contact lenses.