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Graduate level

Social Science Terminology
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The graduate level is relative to Junior college level Undergraduate level Of graduate student Various education, teaching, enrollment, disciplines, majors, talents, papers personnel training Type, including Master level Doctor level [1-4]
Chinese name
Graduate level
Enrollment type
Graduate enrollment on-the-job postgraduate student recruit students
Hierarchy Type
Master level Doctor level
Areas covered
Education, teaching, enrollment, disciplines, majors, talents, papers, etc

Education system

Chinese Higher vocational education Mainly at the junior college level vocational education In 2012, pilot four-year programs were launched in some national demonstrative higher vocational colleges Undergraduate education , but there is no graduate degree. Complete higher vocational education should Vocational education at junior college level Undergraduate level vocational education and Graduate level vocational education , forming a systematic Education system [1]

Teaching achievements

On December 30, 2014, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education The Academic Degrees Office issued the Notice on Publicizing the Fourteenth Batch of Expert Review Results of Provincial Teaching Achievements (Graduate Level) in Colleges and Universities. [2]

Training program

China ASEAN Regional Development Collaborative Innovation Center In the graduate level training program, graduate students can obtain students through two channels: first, hold high-level programs undergraduate Summer camp: select excellent students through the performance of the summer camp to enter the center through escort; The second is to reserve some places to recruit graduate students through the national unified examination. [3]


Beijing Film Academy The research direction of screenplay creation (graduate level) aims to select candidates with experience in screenplay writing and theoretical basis of screenplay, and make them become highly capable in screenplay creation, theoretical research and teaching of screenplay through higher level of screenplay practice and deeper level of theoretical teaching and research of screenplay Specialists [4]