
Magnetic field generated by magnetic materials under specific conditions
zero Useful+1
Coercive force refers to magnetic material After saturation magnetization, when the external magnetic field returns to zero Magnetic induction B Not back to zero, only in the original Magnetizing field Add a certain size in the opposite direction magnetic field To make magnetic induction strength When the magnetic field returns to zero, it is called coercive magnetic field, also called coercive force. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
coercive force
Saturation magnetization of magnetic materials
Same as the magnetic field strength unit
jiǎo wán lì

brief introduction

The intensity of external magnetic field that must be applied in the opposite direction to the original magnetization to make the magnetized ferromagnetic material lose its magnetism. It is not only related to the properties of ferromagnetic materials, but also depends on the original magnetization of ferromagnetic materials. When manufacturing the iron core or electromagnet of the transformer, it is necessary to select materials with low coercivity (such as soft iron, silicon steel, etc.) to make the magnetism disappear as soon as possible after the current is cut off. When manufacturing permanent magnets, it is necessary to select materials with high coercivity (such as aluminum, nickel, cobalt, etc.) in order to preserve the magnetism as much as possible and not make it disappear. [2]

Hysteresis loop generation

Hysteresis loop
stay Permanent magnetic material Of Demagnetization curve When the reverse magnetic field increases to a certain value H C When, magnet Magnetic induction intensity of B Is 0, and the reverse magnetic field is called the coercivity of the material H C When the reverse magnetic field is H C When, the magnet is not displayed externally flux , so coercivity H C Characterization of permanent magnetic materials resistance The ability of external reverse magnetic field or other demagnetization effects. H C Is an important part of the magnetic circuit design parameter one of.
For coercivity H C Representation (This representation often refers to B =0)。 According to the magnetic induction intensity B And magnetic field intensity H and Magnetization M Relationship of B = μ zero ( H + M ), if ordered B =0, get H C =- M When M =0, get H C = B / μ zero Common B H C and M H C To show the difference. M H C > B H C M =The value given by 0 is called the internal coercivity. [1]


Coercivity H C Always less than in value remanence B r stay H C , B =0 on Demagnetization curve At any point on Magnetic polarization intensity Value is always less than remanence B r , so H C It is always less than remanence in value B r For example: B r =12.3KGs magnet, which H C It cannot be greater than 12.3KGs. In other words, remanence B r Is numerically coercive H C Theory of limit [1]

influence factor

Among the magnetic properties, the coercivity is most strongly affected by the change of grain size. For the roughly spherical grains, the coercivity increases with the decrease of the grain size. After reaching a maximum value, the coercivity decreases with the further decrease of the grains. The grain size corresponding to the maximum coercivity is equivalent to the size of a single domain. For different alloy systems, the size range is from ten to several hundred nanometers. When the grain size is larger than the single time size, the coercivity H c The relationship with the average grain size D is:
Where C is a constant related to the material. It can be seen that when the grain size of nano materials is larger than the single deformed size, the coercivity also increases with the decrease of grain size D. [3]
At the same time, because the coercivity comes from irreversibility Magnetization process Therefore, the main factor causing the irreversible magnetization mechanism is the presence of Magnetic anisotropy (including magnetocrystalline Induction and stress etc. anisotropy )Impurities, pores, defects and other factors will also affect the coercivity. [1]