
Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae
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synonym Gazelle (Mammalia) generally refers to Gazelle
Gazelle (scientific name: Gazella ): Yes Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae A genus of animals. Height 60-110cm, weight 13-29kg. The species of this genus have light brown fur like deer, and the lower part of the body is generally white. However, some individuals have a long black mark on the adjacent part of the back and abdomen. The male gazelle has long, curved horns. Gazelle has a strong constitution and is a very agile animal; There are four toes on the feet, but the side toes are more degenerate than deer. There are legs suitable for long-distance running, which are suitable for running. It can run continuously at the speed of 50 kilometers per hour.
It lives in desert, arid area, grassland and savanna. Gazelle is nomadic and migrate Or both. Most gazelles are Gregarious animal , get together. This increases their chances of survival. Gazelle is Herbivores , usually eat soft and digestible plants and leaves, and some species also eat tall grass. Most gazelles live in the African savannah, but a few live in Asia (such as the goose throat antelope). It is distributed from China to the arabian peninsula North Africa from sahara desert To Sub Saharan Sahel Region, and from Horn of Africa reach Tanzania Northeast Africa.
(Reference source of overview drawing: [6]
Chinese name
Latin name
11 kinds [3]
Named by and date
Blainville, 1816

History of Ethnology

Traditionally, the genus Gazelle contains 14 species. However, taxonomists use genetic technology to study Antelope tribe (Antilopini) Phylogenetic relationship. It is scientifically demonstrated that gazelles are not from one ancestor but from several different ancestors. Therefore, six species in Africa have been removed from gazelles by some classifications and classified into two different genera. The three largest gazelles—— Cang antelope Koch's Canglu and Somali goral Be classed as Xanthium (formerly considered as a subgenus), three smaller species -- Tang's gazelle, red fronted gazelle and Mengjialatin antelope -- have become Gazelle (Eudorcas). The traditionally defined genus Gazelle includes 8 species only found in Africa, 5 species only found in Asia, and 1 species both in Africa and Asia. In the revised classification, the gazelle contains 11 species - three are entirely African, six are entirely Asian, and two are common to both continents. [2]

morphological character

The animals of the genus Gazelle are much smaller than other animals in the antelope category. They are 60-110 cm high and weigh 13-29 kg. The species of this genus have light brown fur like deer, and the lower part of the body is generally white. However, some individuals have a long black mark on the adjacent part of the back and abdomen. The male gazelle has long, curved horns. Gazelle will show special behavior when threatened by predators. In motion, they jump into the air and lift all their feet off the ground, which is called Take off straight Two familiar African gazelle species, Tang's gazelle and Springbok Show this behavior. [1]

Habitat environment

Gazelles generally live in deserts and semi deserts, arid grasslands, wooded savannahs, shrubby grasslands, hills and shallow forests. [1] Most gazelles live in the hot and dry savannah and desert of Africa and Asia. According to a study published in the journal Physiology and Biochemical Zoology, gazelles contract their hearts and livers in order to maintain water in these harsh environments. Breathing causes animals to lose a lot of water. Smaller hearts and livers require less oxygen, so animals can reduce breathing and water loss. Ju's gazelle is the only gazelle living in the mountains. It migrates to warmer areas in winter.

Life habits



Like most antelopes in arid areas, gazelles are nomadic and migratory, or both. Due to the threat of predators, gazelles gather together. This increases their chances of survival. However, an adult male lead gazelle will mark its territory. They will not enter the territory of other ethnic groups. If one male accidentally enters the territory of another male, the leading male will drive the intruder away. Gazelle is a social animal, which has been trying to maintain harmony within a specific group. [2]


Gazelles are highly socialized animals. All gazelles live in groups. Some groups have as many as 700 members, although some gazelle groups are small and segregated by sex. For example, females live with young young antelopes, and also live in groups of 10-30 females. Males live alone or in groups with other males. The male ethnic group is called the single Han ethnic group. In the process of migration, males and females are mixed. In the mating season, the isolation of livestock is more prominent, but as long as there is breeding opportunity, they will be separated by the males of the territory. [2] [4]
Like other antelopes and herbivores, gazelles live in groups. When food is abundant in a year, they will herd in large quantities. The population was more dispersed and established territories for reproduction. Young male gazelles spent their youth in the bachelor group. Adult males prevent them from entering breeding areas. The female gazelle also eats grass together with the young gazelle in groups. [2] [4]


Gazelle has adapted to inhabit in waterless grassland, sub desert and even desert. They can extract water from nomadic plants without drinking water. The species of this genus has narrow Jawbone And incisors can feed on the most nutritious growth plants with high selectivity. Their urine is concentrated, and before excretion, water is extracted from fecal particles. Because the fur is light colored and reflective, they can withstand core temperature increases of up to 5 ° C. Gazelles seek shade and avoid activities by foraging at night and in the morning when plants have the most water in the hottest weather. If all else fails, they can be cooled by rapid nasal breathing. Gazelle has unusual Glands [2]
They are located between the hooves, in the groin (inguinal gland), in the front of the forelegs, and in the front of the eyes (preorbital gland). In males of some species, a thick black secretion will be produced before the eyes, which will be smeared on the branches and grass stems to divide the territory. However, among all members of the gazelle group, the main way to highlight the territory is to use urine and feces. The male deposits urine and feces on the dunghill, which is an interrelated and highly ritualized performance. [2]


Gazelle is a fast moving animal. They move quickly when running. At high speeds, adult gazelles can easily change direction without losing power. Some gazelles can run at speeds of up to 97 km/h. Generally speaking, gazelles can run at a continuous speed of 50 km/h. [1]


Gazelles are herbivores. Usually eat soft and digestible plants and leaves, and also eat small grass. Some species also eat tall grass. In the rainy season, they prefer fresh leaves. In the dry season, they show nomadic behavior and eat the leaves of weeds, clovers and shrubs. [1]

Distribution range

Distributed in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Western Sahara Desert, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt (Sinai region), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Mauritania, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Pakistan, Israel, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen Afghanistan, Pakistan. Goose throat antelope is distributed in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and northwest China. [3]
Distribution map of Gazelle

Reproductive mode

The mating season is usually in the rainy season, so that the newborn baby antelope can have enough water. During mating, some male gazelles hold rituals to attract females. The female gazelle will leave the group for a period of time a few days before giving birth. They can give birth to 1-2 young antelopes per litter. The gazelle can stand and walk soon after birth. But in the first week, they will close their eyes and curl up in the hidden position between them and their mother. The mother antelope looks for food nearby and guards its children, repels small predators such as foxes, or tries to lead larger predators such as jackals and wolves out of the hiding place of the young gazelle. After 3-6 weeks, the young antelope began to walk around with their mother and began to eat solid food. The lactation period can last for 3-4 months. Gazelles will raise their young for up to 6 months after childbirth. Young females will stay in their mother's group, while males will leave their original group and join a group of young single males in about six months. The gazelle is called "fawns" or "calves". [4-5]

Subordinate species

Gazelle (11 species)
Chinese name
Scientific name
Named by and date
Gazella arabica
Lichtenstein, 1827
Gazella bennetti
Sykes, 1831
Gazella bilkis
Groves & Lay, 1985
Gazella cuvieri
Ogilby, 1841
Gazella dorcas
Linnaeus, 1758
Gazella gazella
Pallas, 1766
Gazella leptoceros
F. Cuvier, 1842
Gazella marica
Thomas, 1897
Gazella saudiya
Carruthers and Schwarz, 1935
Gazella spekei
Blyth, 1863
Gazella subgutturosa
Güldenstaedt, 1780

Protection status

All included《 IUCN Red List of Endangered Species 》(IUCN) Ver3.1 in 2016.
Extinction (EX) - 2 species; Endangered (EN) - 3 species; Vulnerable (VU) - 5 types; No risk (LC) - 1 type. [3]

Relevant knowledge

  • Gazelles can increase their speed in seconds. Some species of this genus can accelerate their speed to 97 km/h.
  • Although the gazelle looks like a deer, it does not shed its horn like some deer. It does not show this feature.
  • People living in countries in the northwest of sub Saharan Africa call gazelles "dangelo". It means "swift deer". They still believe it is a deer. In fact, this is not the case.
  • Many African families, such as Joof family (Senegal Gambia region), Bagananoa nationality (Botswana) and Eraraka nationality (Uganda) regard gazelles as Totems Or holy things. They will not kill or touch gazelles.
  • Disney Films in 2016《 Zootopia 》In Zootopia, the pop star voiced by Shakira is actually Tang's gazelle (already included in the genus Gazelle). [1]