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Southern Dynasty Liang chase In the first year (527), Sui Prefecture was established. Eastern Wei Dynasty Wuding Six years (548 years), changed Tongzhou Place Sui State. Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa In 583, Suizhou was abolished. [1]
gold Tiande Three years (1151), changed Gongzhou Place Sui State. During the Republic of China (1913), Suizhou was changed into Sui County [1]
Chinese name
geographical position
Northern Anhui Province (Liang Dynasty), Eastern Henan Province (Jin Dynasty)

Southern Dynasties Liang Zhi

Southern Dynasty Liang chase In the first year (527), Suizhou was set up and governed in Dunqiu Zhuyi City (now Anhui Province Suzhou City Laofu Liji, 20 miles north). It has jurisdiction over the northern part of Suzhou City, Suixi County, Xiaoxian County, Anhui Province and Peixian County, Jiangsu Province. Eastern Wei Dynasty Wuding In the fifth year (547), it was changed to Nanjiyin County. Beiqi It was restored to Suizhou and moved to another state Quyou County (East of Lingbi County, Anhui Province today). In the sixth year of Wuding in the Eastern Wei Dynasty (548), Tongzhou was changed into Suizhou, and the seat of governance was Xicheng (Tongjun Village, Gaolou Township, 70 miles northeast of Lingbi County, Anhui Province today)( Zizhi Tongjian: In the first year of Liang Taiqing (547) of the Southern Dynasty, Murong Shaozong of the Eastern Wei Dynasty "led thousands of people to attack Guo Fengying, the governor of Tongzhou (Liang)", that is [2] It has jurisdiction over Suzhou, Sixian County, Guzhen County, Lingbi County and other cities and counties in Anhui Province today. [1]
Sui Kaihuang three years (583 years), Suizhou abolished. [1]


In the third year of Jin Tiande (1151) Gongzhou It was established in Suizhou and governed in Xiangyi County (now Henan Province Sui County ), Li Nanjing Road. It has jurisdiction over Sui County, Minquan County, Zhecheng County and other counties in Henan Province. [1]
In Yuan Dynasty, Suizhou belonged to Bianliang Road.
bright Hong Wu At the beginning, Xiangyi County was abandoned and entered the prefecture Kaifeng Mansion In 1377, it was reduced to Sui County; In the 13th year (1380), it was renamed Suizhou, which belonged to Kaifeng Prefecture. Jiajing In June of the 24th year (1545), it belonged to Guide Mansion Kaocheng County , Zhecheng County. Sui Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty still belonged to Guide Mansion
Republic of China In 1913, Suizhou was changed into Sui County [1]