sleep debt

Did not reach the normal sleeping time
zero Useful+1
Insufficient sleep refers to not reaching the normal sleep time. Lack of sleep will cause many physical and mental injuries: the ability to think will decline, vigilance and judgment will be weakened immunity It will be out of balance and so on. In recent years, experts believe that adequate sleep balanced diet And proper exercise healthy life The three pillars of.
Sleeping less is like being in debt. You have to pay the price. Previous sleep studies have focused on the impact of sleep length on health. Many studies have found that if people do not sleep well in two or three days, they will make up in a few days and return to normal. However, recent research has noted that if one or half hour less sleep is needed every day, the long-term accumulated "sleep debt" will have a great impact on a person.
Chinese name
sleep debt
Foreign name
sleep debt
The ability to think will decline
Did not reach the normal sleeping time
environmental factor

Cause analysis

Lack of sleep can also be said to be insomnia. Many friends are facing the problem of lack of sleep. They hope to have a certain understanding of the causes of lack of sleep, and then do a good job in preventing lack of sleep, so as not to be disturbed by this disease. Here are the reasons for insufficient sleep:

environmental factor

Noise or light interfere with sleep, high temperature or cold affects sleep, and discomfort of bedding such as too hard or too thick or thin bedding affects sleep. Changing the sleeping environment, such as hospitalization or staying in a hotel, can also cause insomnia. Sleepers, especially snore Big sleepers are also one of the reasons for insomnia.

Physiological factors

High speed travel across several time zones and change from day shift night shift Work, due to internal biological clock Not yet adapted to new Circadian rhythm Therefore, it is also the cause of insomnia.

psychological factor

Stress and various life events Can cause insomnia. Anxiety about one's own or relatives' diseases, fear of surgery, death of relatives, worry about exams or accepting important jobs, etc Transient insomnia Common causes of.

Somatic disease

Various painful diseases, such as heart and lung diseases arthritis , advanced cancer enuresis , gastrointestinal diseases Renal failure Hyperthyroidism Parkinson's disease often causes insomnia.

Mental illness

depression Schizophrenia senile dementia Anxiety disorder obsession Borderline personality disorder is often accompanied by insomnia symptoms, mental illness is also one of the causes of insomnia.




United States“ Health Day ”A new study shows that lack of sleep in men may lead to carotid artery Vascular wall Thickening coronary heart disease Risk. Researchers passed Ultrasonic testing It is found that people who sleep less than an hour at ordinary times have 0.021mm thick carotid intima-media, which seems to be a small change but increases their risk of coronary heart disease.
Previous research on sleep and heart disease 's research has confirmed that sleep and Arrhythmia Sick sinus syndrome angina pectoris Seizure heart failure The onset of cardiogenic asthma is closely related. From 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., it is usually called dangerous "4:00 a.m.". During this period, the body is in dreamy sleep and "sleep wake cycle" Physiological rhythm sympathetic nerve Increased excitability, unstable cardiovascular activity, easy to cause Myocardial ischemia , sudden angina due to hypoxia miocardial infarction
Therefore, for those who have suffered coronary heart disease People, Sleep health care It is helpful to prevent angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Pay special attention to the following points. First, pay attention to health care before sleep:
1. For dinner, you should eat some light food that is easy to digest and will not cause gastrointestinal burden, and add some soup to avoid increasing the burden of the heart due to overeating.
2. Avoid overexcitement before going to bed, do not exercise with high intensity, and avoid factors that cause excitement, such as drink tea , alcohol, coffee, smoking, and watching stimulating TV and books to keep your mood stable.
3. When you feel unable to sleep, you should control your emotions and not be irritable. You can drink a cup of drink in an appropriate amount to promote sleep. Milk can make people feel satisfied, enhance the hypnotic effect, and make people sleep soundly, deeply and sweet. Millet Congee It is also a good choice because millet contains Tryptophan And starch, tryptophan is formed Tryptamine And serotonin has inhibition , can promote sleep.
4. Before bedtime Hot water soaked feet , massage the foot heart Yongquan point. Soak your feet in hot water before going to bed Vasodilation , promote blood circulation, and help you sleep soundly at night.
  1. one

Influence brain thinking

I believe everyone deep understanding On the next day after staying up late, when going to work or class, people often feel dizzy, unable to concentrate, and even have headaches. Long term staying up late and insomnia also have intangible damage to memory. Expert experiments have proved that a person's brain must have enough sleep to think clearly and respond sensitively. If a person does not have enough sleep for a long time, he will feel anxious, and the brain will not get enough rest, resulting in excessive fatigue and lack of energy, which will affect the creative thinking and processing ability of the brain because of slow thinking for a short time. then work efficiency That's a big discount.

Affect normal development

According to modern research, young people's Growth and development In addition to heredity, nutrition, exercise and other factors auxin The secretion of has a certain relationship. Because the secretion of auxin is closely related to sleep, that is, there is a big secretion peak after people fall asleep, and then there are several small secretion peaks Sleep state , auxin secretion decreases. Therefore, if teenagers want to grow well and grow tall, they must get enough sleep.
Stress, food preference, lack of sleep, etc Bad living habits , will also make melanin Increase. 10pm and 6am are the best time for metabolism, so people with unstable sleep time metabolic rate It is also bad, producing melanin.

"Urge people to grow old"

Insufficient sleep black rim of eye , pouch xerosis cutis Night is human physiology rest time If you should rest without rest, you will get tired and cause blood circulation Bad, causing black circles, bags under the eyes or white eyeballs covered with blood. From 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., it is beauty time, that is, the time when the body's meridians run to the gallbladder and liver. If these two organs do not get enough rest, they will appear on the skin, which is prone to roughness, yellowish face Black spot whelk And so on.

Cause various diseases

Frequent lack of sleep will make people anxious, immunity Decrease, which will lead to various diseases, such as Neurasthenia cold , gastrointestinal diseases, etc. In addition, expert research shows that lack of sleep or irregular sleep will not only make people's eyes bulge, drink coffee, and take a nap in the afternoon meeting, but also increase a variety of Major diseases Risk of illness, including cancer , heart disease diabetes and obesity Etc.

academic research


Introduction to Research

In 2013, the British Medical Journal Lancet published University of Chicago Sleep research: young people were asked to sleep for 8 hours in the first week, 4 hours in the second week, and 12 hours in the third week Sleep time 8 hours. In the second week, Colt sampled the blood of these people and found that their blood sugar was out of balance, because lack of sleep would make Central nervous system Become more active, it will inhibit pancreas Function, enabling insulin The amount of secretion decreased. According to Kotter Risk factors Less. One week's sleep deficit will lead to early diabetes. " Therefore, lack of sleep may be one of the reasons for the increasing number of people suffering from diabetes.
The research on middle-aged people also found that their endocrine system would also be out of tune when they were lack of sleep. Under normal circumstances, the secretion of corticosteroids will decline at night, and melatonin The cooperation of drowsiness and drowsiness can make people fall into dreams quickly. The amount of corticosteroids will rise slowly at night and reach the peak at dawn. With enough sleep, corticosteroids will have a natural circulation, making people feel refreshed. But if you don't get enough sleep for a week, corticosteroid It will not rise to the peak in the morning, so Regular meetings Have a listless and lazy body and mind.
Relevant research has confirmed that insufficient sleep will affect the growth of children, because in Slow wave When you sleep soundly, your body will secrete growth hormone , which is to promote Child development Of. Of course, it is also very important for adults. It is used to control the level of fat and muscle allocation; Lack of sleep will inhibit the secretion of reptilin hormone, which is used to tell the body that it has a feeling of fullness. If the secretion of this hormone drops, people will always want to eat, especially carbohydrate First, lack of sleep is also likely to cause obesity; Insufficient sleep will reduce the immune function of the human body, Human experiment I found that when I lack sleep, white corpuscle The quantity will decrease, immunity The ability to resist foreign virus and bacterial infection decreases.
In addition, it is better to sleep in the dark or in dim light
Compared with looking Green plants Sleep is a more effective "eye nourishing" measure. When you close your eyes and fall asleep, your tired eyes Ciliary muscle Finally, I got a rest to prevent vision loss and“ presbyopia ”Check in in advance. At this time, during the day Suppression state Of lacrimal gland The secretion also increases, and starts to moisturize the dry eyeballs caused by long-time eye use; The temperature of the cornea also rises, and its cell metabolism accelerates.


Brain: form and consolidate memory
It is hard to imagine that human memory is completely formed and consolidated during sleep. But when you are asleep, the brain is indeed replaying, analyzing, storing the day's affairs, and leaving Memory trace What's more surprising is that the degree of neural changes in the brain during sleep is Conscious state The signal of some nerve paths increases and forms new connections between cells, while the signal of other paths weakens and loses connections, making the memory in the brain much clearer than that under continuous working condition.


Skin: nurture beauty
Skin metabolism is most vigorous in sleep. Because when you are asleep, the consumption of muscles, internal organs, etc. is reduced, and its blood vessels are in a relatively bottleneck state, while the skin blood vessels are fully open, and the blood can fully reach the skin to provide nutrition, self repair and cell renewal, playing a role in delaying skin aging. If you miss the best opportunity of "sleep" to breed beauty, your skin will become dry, rough, dull and wrinkled, especially near your eyes black rim of eye


Endocrine: regular secretion of hormones
In the sleep state, various hormones regularly secreted play an active role. with growth hormone For example, when you enter a deep sleep state for one hour, its secretion reaches its peak, more than three times that in the daytime. In addition to promoting growth, this hormone can also accelerate fat burning in the body. Conversely, if you don't get enough sleep, Endocrine disorder The hormone secretion loses its regularity, not only does the emotion become have a short fuse It may also affect fertility.

Autonomic nerve

Autonomic nerve : Relax internal organs
In addition to the brain, most internal organs of the human body, such as the heart, intestines and stomach, are affected by Autonomic nerve control. The autonomic nerve is divided into sympathetic nerve And parasympathetic nerves. During the day, the sympathetic nerve is active, and the heartbeat and gastrointestinal peristalsis are accelerated; When you sleep, the sympathetic nerve becomes inhibited, parasympathetic Present an active state, and the internal organs get rest and relaxation. If you do not sleep when you are tired, not only can your internal organs not rest, but also it is easy to feel uncomfortable due to overwork, and the autonomic nerves are also easy to be disordered, laying a hidden danger of insomnia.


Immunity: enhance disease resistance
Sick people are always special Lethargy , because the body suppresses others through sleep physiological function It highlights the immune function and helps the human body recover from illness as soon as possible. It can be seen that adequate sleep can enhance human immunity. Medical experiments also found that if people reduced their sleep by 4 hours Immune cell The vitality was reduced by 28%; After getting enough sleep, they can recover.


Hair: Get nutrition
The time you sleep is also the key time for your hair to get nutrition. Because during the day only Cerebral cortex Activities will consume 1/4 of the nutrients needed for all human metabolism and daily activities. The blood transported by the carotid artery is concentrated in the brain and transported to the collateral Blood volume Less, and scalp tissue is just carotid artery The collateral blood supply provides nutrition. If you don't get enough sleep for a long time and don't supply enough blood to your hair at night, your hair will become scarce and Lack of elasticity

Sleep disorder of the elderly

Human Sleep cycle Shortening with aging results in intermittent sleep, less sleep at night and more daytime naps. Switzerland The research results of the researchers show that the reason for this phenomenon may be related to the changes of hormone levels in the blood of the elderly.
Switzerland University of Zurich pharmacology And toxicology Stephen Brown et al. of the Institute compared the physiological cycle of skin cells from young and old donors. They found that there was no difference in the biological clock of these cells when they grew in bovine serum, but when they grew in human serum from the elderly, the biological clock of these cells was disturbed.
This research has been published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers said that the elderly Sleep disorders It may also have a relationship with the elderly outdoor activities Less and other factors. If the research results on the relationship between sleep disorder and hormone level in the elderly are further confirmed, drugs can be used to intervene.




Hormones participate in regulating multiple physiological and Psychological activities It can comprehensively improve the insomnia patients' lack of sleep, difficulty in falling asleep, etc., and can also alleviate the patients' problems in the next day due to lack of sleep dizzy , decreased attention, irritability and other symptoms.

The secret of helping sleep

(1) Master the "77" principle for dinner. Try to eat before 7 p.m. (or at least 3 hours before going to bed). It is better to eat 7 minutes full. The dishes should be light. Avoid high fat meat and cake snacks.
(2) People who often have flatulence should eat less at night Flatulence Food, such as peas and beans , onion green pepper , potatoes sweet potato Taro , corn, banana bread citrus Fruit like.
(3) Acrid Pepper , garlic and raw onions will make some people feel that their stomach is "burning", thus affecting their sleep.
(4) Don't lie down and sleep immediately after eating. Walk a little to help digestion.

good habit


Regulate sleep time

According to the time you need to get up, push forward 8 and a half hours, which is the time you need to go to bed. Try to sleep at the same time every day, so that the body metabolism will be more regular and detoxification activities can be carried out in an orderly manner. Don't stay in bed until noon on weekends, or even sleep all day, biological clock Once disturbed in these two days, it is easy to cause a vicious circle, insomnia Anorexia Edema Symptoms of.

Get enough sleep for 8 hours

Most people need 6 to 8 Hours of sleep To get enough exercise energy, ensure a healthy diet and maintain a slim figure. During the prime time from 11:00 to 2:00 in the evening, the metabolism of the body is most vigorous, which can effectively eliminate fatigue and expel the body endotoxin If you don't make good use of this period of time, your body's metabolism will become worse, and the toxins in your body will not be discharged. If you accumulate for a long time, you will become more and more overweight.

No caffeine

contain caffeine Refreshing drinks are forbidden before bed, tea Soda water Don't drink them, they will make you more and more energetic. A little bit red wine It can promote sleep, but don't overdo it, Alcoholism It will make you sleepy, and there will be headache The troubles of.

Good bedtime habits

Do not exercise too hard before going to bed Excitatory state , I guess you can't fall asleep until 2 o'clock. Before going to bed, try to engage in reading, listening to light music, fragrance, bathing and other activities to relax the body, so that it is easier to fall asleep. MM who likes to surf the Internet and watch TV at night should also pay attention to time. Don't forget to sleep when having fun.

Improvement methods


Go to bed on time

(Human best Sleep time It should be 10 p.m. - 6 a.m., 9 p.m. - 5 a.m. for the elderly, and 8 p.m. - 6 a.m. for children): adolescents in the development period should have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. But due to the academic burden and rich Receptivity It is very common for teenagers to catch the midnight oil or sacrifice sleep time for entertainment. This requires teenagers to have good Time management strategy , plan the allocation of time, and have strong ability to handle affairs and self control Guaranteed on The best time to sleep and fall asleep on time.

Get ready to sleep

Avoid eating and drinking before going to bed Irritating beverage , emotional overexcitement Excessive entertainment Talk with others to ensure a stable and comfortable mood.

Pay attention to sleeping position

The effect of sleeping like a bow is good, and the burden of lying on the right side is light. Research shows that "sleeping like a bow" can properly reduce the impact of the earth's center on the human body Force Since the human heart is mostly on the left side of the body, lying on the right side can reduce the pressure on the heart. At the same time, try not to put your hands near the heart to avoid waking up from nightmares. In addition, don't sleep with your head covered or your mouth wide open. Covering your face with a quilt while sleeping will make people dyspnea , leading to hypoxia; And inhaled by opening mouth cold air And dust will hurt the lungs, stomach will also be cold;

Suitable environment

The sleeping time line should be moderate, the surrounding color should be as soft as possible, ventilated but not allowed to wind directly, and try to prevent noise interference. Because some teenagers may live in Collective dormitory , so the good Sleep environment It also requires teenagers to exert interpersonal communication and Coordination capacity So that people with different living habits can roughly coordinate and synchronize.

Good sleeping supplies

The first element of comfortable sleep is to choose a good mattress for yourself, because a good mattress can not only effectively support the pressure of the body, but also cushion the vibration caused by turning over during sleep. Experts point out that: comfortable sleeping mattresses. Before going to bed, you should touch whether there are foreign objects on the mattresses, and if there are some, remove them immediately; Secondly, the mattress cannot be too hard, because it will wear children's spine, which has a great impact on the development of the spine.

Good sleeping habits

1。 Go to bed and get up on time every day.
2。 The bed is used for sleeping. You should go to the hall to watch TV and read books and newspapers.
3。 To do during the day Sports activities , but don't exercise before going to bed.
4。 Don't be hungry before going to bed, but don't eat too much.
5。 Don't drink too much water or drink before going to bed.
6.。 Try not to drink tea before going to bed.
7。 Moderate mental labour , such as thinking about solving mathematical problem Questions, memorizing several words, etc.

Be careful with food


ice cream

Ice cream contains a large amount of fat. Sleeping after eating will leave the body no time to burn fat. All sugar will send wrong energy information to the body, and then automatically store and turn into fat. In addition, the study found that High sugar food It's easy to have nightmares.


Celery is a kind of natural diuretic , will make more urine. If you eat too much celery before bed, your body will wake you up for urination. Although celery can bring rich nutrition to the body, try not to eat it before going to bed.


pasta All of them carbohydrate , go to sleep immediately after eating, easily become fat, change your blood sugar level, and then delay sleep, or easily wake up at night. In addition, added to the pasta cheese cream or ketchup It may also aggravate your digestive system Burden.


Pizza In Tomato sauce High acidity will stimulate gastric pantothenic acid. Of which Fat meat And cheese will also make you Heartburn

Candy bar

A new study shows that 7 out of 10 people will eat candy before going to bed junk food And lead to nightmares all night long. Experts speculate that high sugar levels cause more Electroencephalogram , leading to nightmares.


oatmeal It often contains a large amount of Refined sugar And carbohydrates, can make people's blood sugar soar, so it is not suitable for eating before sleep.


Eating garlic at night will make you stay up all night Halitosis In addition, it will also cause Heartburn If your stomach function is poor or prone to pantothenic acid, you must not eat garlic before going to bed Spicy food


Dark chocolate In caffeine It can make people excited. Almost all chocolates contain a certain level of caffeine. In addition, the Theobromine , will make people's heart beat faster.


It is generally believed that alcohol can promote sleep, which is inaccurate Of. Alcohol can really help you sleep, but it won't maintain a long and good rest. In fact, alcohol can also interfere with the recovery function of sleep. People who often hypnotize with alcohol will fall into a vicious circle that they must rely on alcohol to fall asleep.

Red meat

although Red meat Medium and high levels of iron and Tryptophan Can help sleep, but red meat contains protein And fat, which takes longer to digest than other foods, will keep the body in working condition Therefore, if you want to have Deep sleep You'd better avoid red meat for dinner.

Some suggestions

1. If it is difficult to fall asleep, try to listen to some plain and rhythmic sounds, such as the sound of train running cricket The tape of the sound of crying, dripping water, and spring rain, or the music hypnosis tape, helps sleep, and can also establish a conditioned reflex to induce sleep.
2. Also, drinking a cup of hot milk with sugar before going to bed can help the human body sleep soundly.
3. Some people suffer from insomnia because of excessive worry. Excessive anxiety caused by such worry is more harmful to sleep itself and its health.
4. Relaxed body and mind, good for sleep. Before going to bed, take a walk outdoors for a while to relax. Before going to bed, take a bath or soak your feet in hot water, and then go to bed. It is beneficial but not harmful to a smooth sleep. There are many specific methods to induce the human body to sleep, such as: Relaxation work , which has been spread among the people and can be used.
5. There are many factors that cause insomnia. As mentioned earlier, it is not difficult to find them with a little attention. If the cause is eliminated, insomnia will heal itself. For insomnia symptoms caused by diseases, seek medical advice in time. It can not be considered that insomnia is just a minor problem, which can not be regarded as a disease and delay treatment.
6. Appropriate Sleeping position The sleeping position is comfortable and can vary from person to person. However, it is better to sleep on one's side《 Sleeping mantra 》It is pointed out in the middle: "Lie on the left side and bend the left foot, bend the left arm, use the hand to bear the head, extend the right foot, and place the right hand between the right thigh. Right lateral decubitus It is. " This kind of sleep posture is conducive to the relaxation of the whole body and the sound sleep.
7. If you are tired and difficult to sleep, you may as well take it Apple Banana , oranges, oranges, pears, etc. Because the fragrance of this kind of fruit is right nervous system It has sedative effect; Sugar in fruit can make cerebral cortex It is easy to fall asleep due to inhibition.