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Colouring force

The ability of colorants to affect the color of the entire rubber compound with their own color
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Coloring power is the ability of colorants to affect the color of the entire rubber compound with their own color. The greater the coloring power, the smaller the amount of colorant, and the lower the coloring cost. The coloring force is related to the characteristics of the colorant itself and its particle size, which generally increases with the decrease of the particle size. When color pigments and white pigments are used together, the coloring power can often be improved. [1]
Chinese name
Colouring force
Foreign name
tinctorial strength
Tinting intensity
printing ink Difference of color concentration between sample and standard sample
tinctorial strength
also called Tinting intensity
Coloring power is the ability of a certain pigment to form color strength after mixing with the reference pigment. Usually, the white pigment is used as the reference to measure the coloring power of various colors or black pigments to white pigments.
Similar to hiding power, coloring power is also the result of light absorption and scattering by pigments. But the difference is that the hiding power focuses on scattering, while the coloring power mainly depends on absorption. The stronger the absorption capacity of the pigment, the higher its coloring power.
Coloring power is not only related to the chemical composition of pigment, but also to the size and shape of pigment particles. The coloring force generally increases with the decrease of the particle size of the pigment, but when it exceeds a certain limit, it decreases with the decrease of the particle size, so there is an optimal particle size for the strongest coloring force.
Coloring power is usually measured by Standard sample For comparison, it is determined by the difference ratio, expressed as a percentage. It can also be used instrument Color measurement method: quantitative measurement. [2]
express printing ink The difference in color concentration between the sample and the standard sample.
For white pigments, colouring power can also be called achromatic power.