
Visual organ of human or animal
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synonym eye (Visual organ) generally refers to the eye (human or animal visual organ)
It is composed of eyeball and its auxiliary structure. The eyeball is the main part of the visual organ, which has two functions: refraction imaging and photosensitive energy conversion. The auxiliary parts of the eye are Eyelid , conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus, eye muscle and orbital fascia Fat It can protect, move and support the eyeball. The perfection of the structure of each part of the eye is of great significance to the visual function of the eye.
Chinese name
Foreign name
order Eyes
Visual organ
yǎn jing
Brown, green, light brown, blue, black
Double eyelids (inner double) (outer double), single eyelids

Eye structure

The eye is the sense organ of vision, including the eyeball and its appendages. Although the surface area and volume of the eye is small, its function is crucial to life and labor. The eye is an integral part of the body, and many systemic diseases can be manifested in the eye. In order to "capture" the information of light, the eye must be exposed to the body surface, which increases its chance of being attacked by trauma and external pathogens. Diseases of the eye will eventually affect visual function. Vision loss not only makes patients suffer, but also brings misfortune to families and society. Therefore, the research of ophthalmology is of great significance.
The eyeball is a spherical organ, which is divided into two parts: eye wall and eye contents.
Eye wall: divided into outer layer, middle layer and inner layer.
Eye contents: eye contents include lens, aqueous humor and vitreous body.
The appendages of the eye include the orbit, eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus and extraocular muscles.
Eye structure [1 ]

Common eye health problems and their causes

In the information age, people's eye use time has doubled over the past decades, and they increasingly rely on computers, televisions and other video display terminals for various activities. In recent years, the number of people suffering from visual fatigue in China has increased geometrically. According to relevant statistics, there are now as many as 150 million people. However, people's vision care concept has not kept up.
1. Visual fatigue. It is a common disease in ophthalmology and a vision fatigue syndrome caused by various reasons. Its clinical manifestations are varied. Most of them have transient visual function decline or a series of eye discomfort when they use eyes in close proximity for a long time or soon after use. Mild cases are characterized by eye swelling, dryness, photophobia, burning, redness orbital cavity Peripheral dull pain, or nasal root, forehead swelling pain, vision gradually become blurred. In severe cases, there may be eye pain, severe headache or migraine, cold sweat, pale face, slow heartbeat or precordial constriction, and some may also be manifested as inability to concentrate on work Mental malaise , fear of reading, insomnia, memory loss and other symptoms. If it is not treated in time, it will cause vision loss and eventually lead to myopia Excessive psychological tension, attention to three-dimensional concentration and neurasthenia. There are four main causes: overuse of eyes, improper use of eyes, diseases, and accommodative asthenopia.
2. Myopia. Myopia is one of the most common refractive errors. When the eyes are not adjusted, the parallel light can not form a clear image on the retina after being bent by the refractive system and gathered in front of the retina. With the progress of civilization in modern society, myopia has become one of the most common eye diseases in the world, and WHO (World Health Organization) has listed it as one of the blindness eye diseases to be solved urgently. Among the people suffering from myopia, teenagers are more likely to suffer from myopia. According to the survey results of the Ministry of Health, there are about 430 million myopic patients in China today, accounting for 33.6% of the total population, and there is a trend of "the total number is getting larger and larger, and the age of onset is getting younger and younger". There are three main causes: heredity, asthenopia and nutrition.
3. Cataracts. It is the first blinding eye disease in the Third World, accounting for 25%~50% of blinding eye diseases. According to WHO statistics, there are 15 million cataract blindness patients in the world today, while China's census analysis shows that there are about 4-5 million cataract blindness patients cataract patient. It refers to lens opacity caused by various reasons, which is collectively called cataract. The main symptoms are blurred vision, fear of light, dark or yellow color of objects, and even diplopia (double shadow) and deformation of objects. Cataracts can be divided into congenital, traumatic, concurrent, senile and other types. The causes are various. In addition to the obvious causes of trauma, metabolism, congenital and complication, the formation process may have many factors and the situation is quite complex. The most common pathogenesis of senile cataract may be related to aging, long-term ultraviolet overexposure, genetic factors, malnutrition, etc.
4. Fundus diseases. Fundus diseases now account for the second rate of blindness caused by eye diseases, and have irreversible characteristics, so it is the focus and difficulty of prevention and treatment of eye diseases. Fundus refers to the visible inner surface of the eyeball, mainly including retina, macular area, optic papilla, retinal artery, retinal vein, etc. Whether the fundus is healthy is closely related to the quality of vision. Common fundus diseases mainly include senile macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DRP). The pathogenesis of the former may be related to the long-term chronic light damage, heredity, metabolism, nutrition and other factors of macula, while the latter is mainly caused by the increased blood sugar, the thickening of vascular wall, and the increased permeability, which make the small blood vessels in the fundus more prone to deformation, leakage, and lack of elasticity.
5. Glaucoma. Glaucoma, the third leading cause of blindness in eye diseases, is a group of diseases characterized by optic nerve atrophy and visual field defect. Glaucoma can be divided into three major categories: primary, secondary and congenital according to the shape of anterior chamber angle, pathogenesis and age of onset. The occurrence of glaucoma is related to the level of elevated intraocular pressure and the tolerance of the optic nerve to pressure damage. In addition, diabetes Cardiovascular disease and myopia are also common risk factors for glaucoma.