
The film directed by Guang Chunlan in 2001
open 10 entries with the same name
Chinese Mainland 98 minutes 2001
zero Useful+1
Sincerely Guangchunlan Directed, Bao Guoan Myrica rubra Tian Yu Li Lin And so on. The film was released in mainland China in 2001.
The film is based on people's doctors Wu Dengyun Based on the story of Wu Dengyun, who sacrificed his personal happiness and stayed away from his hometown on the Pamirs of Xinjiang for more than 30 years [1]
Biography and plot
Production company
Chinese name

essential information

Chinese name
Foreign name
True Love
Biography and plot
Production company
Tianshan Film Studio
Production area
Chinese Mainland
Issuing company
Shanghai Yongle Film and Television Group Co., Ltd
Zhang Jiping Shi Xiangsheng Fang Jiajun Liu Ting
98 minutes
Release time
Dialogue language
Imdb encoding
major awards
Excellent Feature Film Award of the 7th China Huabiao Film Award
Online broadcasting platform
Watermelon video


Wu Dengyun, president of Wuqia County Hospital in Xinjiang, came here from the southern city of Yangzhou. He took his wife and daughter to root in Wuqia. Wu Yuan has been touring for many years and rarely reunited with his wife and daughter. His wife, Ah Fen, endured loneliness and homesickness. On the New Year's Eve of that year, Ah Fen wanted to buy a new dress for her daughter Wu Yan. Unexpectedly, all the money she had worked hard to save was gone. It was Wu Dengyun who used it to help patients who had no money to buy medicine. President Wu often does this, which makes life at home very difficult.
A burned child in critical condition needs skin grafting. Without anesthetic, Wu Dengyun endured great pain and cut off his own skin for children. Wu Dengyun also often transfused his own blood to patients. He only had patients in his heart, and he had no self at all. Her daughter Wu Yan has grown up and wants to leave Wuqia County to reunite with her boyfriend. But Wuqia County especially needs such medical backbone as her. On the one hand, she is happy, and on the other hand, she is a poor herdsman who lacks medicine. Wu Dengyun mercilessly wants her daughter to stay.
More than 20 years after leaving his hometown, Wu Dengyun returned to Yangzhou for the first time to visit his father who was seriously ill. His father begged him to stay, but he was determined to go back to the border. His father knew that he and his son were going to die forever, and sobbed sadly. Miner Ai Lijiang was once rescued by Wu Dengyun five days and five nights without sleep. When he recovered, he brought his fiancee to visit President Wu and called for his "father" affectionately [2]
 Still photo of "Sincere Heart" Still photo of "Sincere Heart" Still photo of "Sincere Heart" Still photo of "Sincere Heart"

screen credits



Bao Guoan Ornament Wu Dengyun
Dubbing -
Myrica rubra Ornament Wu Yan
Dubbing -
Tian Yu Ornament Wu Dengyun (Youth)
Dubbing -
Li Lin Ornament Afen
Dubbing -
Shi Tongfei Ornament Wu Yan Childhood
Dubbing -
Muradin Ornament Slam
Dubbing -
Baihetir Ornament Slam (Juvenile)
Dubbing -
dania Ornament Ashan
Dubbing -
Yang Baohe Ornament Wu Fu
Dubbing -
Zhai Naidu Ornament Wu Denghong
Dubbing -
Bohong Ornament Shu Hua
Dubbing -
Anival Ornament Ailijiang
Dubbing -
Gillistan Ornament Aijili
Dubbing -
Tuyigong Ornament Old man driving a car
Dubbing -
Liu Xin Ornament the director of the Bureau of Finance
Dubbing -
Liang Gebin Ornament Dr. Zhang
Dubbing -
Xu Qitian Ornament Dr. Zhang (Youth)
Dubbing -
Taleguli Ornament Yueer Guli
Dubbing -
Gulida Wulaiti Ornament Gulina
Dubbing -

Employee List

publisher Li Zhu'an Yang Yubing
Supervised by Suk (Director system) Camille Turson Jinda Ge Shanxian
director Guangchunlan
Associate Director (Assistant) Fang Junliang (Executive Director) Askar Anival
Scriptwriter Zhang Jiping Shi Xiangsheng Fang Jiajun Liu Ting
Photography Geri chart
clip Zhou Zhenying
prop Bu Xinmin Kangbabek Zhang Ye
Art Design Zhai Weimin
Modeling design Gao Lanying Yu Xiaoting Liu Dong
clothing design Li Yun Liao Caihong
lighting Chen Shuangxi Chen Huabo Ai Shan Ge Jun
sound recording Xu Jing Wang Xiaojun
Theatrical affairs Li Qiang Check sweat
Field record Shen Kequan
Scenery master Ke Junfeng
Jiang Ping, Zhang Yigang, Xu Fang
Overall planning of literature
Kevin, Wei Rongsu
Yin Qing, Wang Xian
Production director
Liubian River
Liu Jianmin, Dai Xinhui, Xie Bin
Responsible editor
Nie Xin, Lu Lingen, Qian Shiming
Wu Haitao, Hou Yanqing, Li Ming
Photographic Assistant
Yuan Chao, Tang Yanzhu
Parafine arts
Ni National Defense
Liu Meiying
Mixed recording
Liu Baosen
imitate a sound
Liu Weiming
(References above [3-4]

Role Introduction

performer Bao Guoan
dubbing -
President of Xinjiang Wuqia People's Hospital. Wuqia County has supported the border area from Yangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River and rooted in the Pamirs for more than 30 years. In order to cure patients, he donated blood for more than 30 times, which is equivalent to the blood of an adult's whole body; Cut off your own skin to transplant skin for the burned child; Give generously to those who have no money to cure diseases. It is honored as the "saint in white" by the local people of all ethnic groups.
Wu Yan
performer Myrica rubra
dubbing -
Wu Dengyun's daughter has been growing up on the Pamirs since childhood, and her mother has been living with her father since she left. When he grew up, he chose to study medicine according to his father's wishes and became a nurse in Wuqia County Hospital. He once proposed to his father to leave Wuqia County to live with his boyfriend in Shihezi City, but his father refused because of the lack of medical staff in Wuqia County. Later, he died from a car accident while escorting the wounded to Urumqi for treatment.
performer Li Lin
dubbing -
Wu Dengyun's wife came to Wuqia County in the border area to reunite with her husband, live here together, and gave birth to her daughter, Wu Yan. However, because Wu Dengyun has been busy treating patients for many years, she was left in the cold. Unable to stand the loneliness, she finally left her husband and young daughter and chose to leave.
performer dania
dubbing -
The head of Wuqia County. When Wu Dengyun first arrived in Wuqia County, he got to know the then township head and became a good friend. In his work, he gave great support to Wu Dengyun, helping to coordinate and solve the funds for the construction of the county hospital and the purchase of medical equipment. At the same time, in life, he also gave Wu Dengyun's family genuine care.
Shu Hua
performer Bohong
dubbing -
Primary school teachers in Wuqia County. After the earthquake in Wuqia County, when the hospital urgently needed blood to give blood to patients, she took the initiative to donate blood at the first time and got to know Wu Dengyun of the People's Hospital of Wuqia County. In his later years, he lived with Wu Dengyun.
(References above [2] [5-6]

Music soundtrack

Song name
Zhao Shien
Indian blue Bian Zushan
Beijing Chief Orchestra, China Film Orchestra [4] [9]

Award record

Award category
Excellent Feature Film Award
Award [10]
New Film Award
Award [10]
The 8th "Five One Project" Award for Spiritual Civilization Construction
Selected works award
Award [11]

Behind the scenes production

Wu Dengyun, who came from Jiangsu to work in the poorest county of Xinjiang, has been there for 36 years. After his story was reported by the media, it was heard by the director Guang Chunlan. Guang Chunlan and the screenwriter dug out the ordinary and noble true story of Dr. Wu Dengyun, and took two years to shoot and produce the film [7] The screenwriter Liu Ting learned about his main deeds and wrote the script of the film without interviewing Dr. Wu Dengyun himself, but only by reading a lot of relevant materials about Dr. Wu Dengyun [8]

Production and distribution

Production company
Tianshan Film Studio [4]
Shanghai Yongle Film and Television Group Co., Ltd [4]
Shanghai Jiahe Entertainment Management Consulting Co., Ltd [4]
Issuing company
Shanghai Jiahe Entertainment Management Consulting Co., Ltd [4]
Co shooting unit
Radio, Film and Television Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region [4]
Agricultural Bank of China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Branch [4]
Printing and processing

Film evaluation


Positive comments

This film breaks through the disadvantage that the general theme film pays more attention to moral preaching than to artistry. Through a variety of narrative strategies, it shows the image of Wu Dengyun, an outstanding figure of national unity, from the two main lines of career and family, and from two perspectives of group and individual. At the same time, the film chooses to shoot live in the place where the hero lived and worked to enhance the authenticity of the story. Bao Guoan, a Tianjin educated youth who has lived and worked in Xinjiang for many years, was used as the leading actor, which improved the artistic appeal of the theme film. The image of Wu Dengyun, starring Bao Guoan, greatly improves the appreciation of the film (Comment by Yang Changjun, Teaching and Research Department of Radio and Television University, Xinjiang Construction Corps) [1]
There are two things that are most commendable about the film, which is not lost in the idea of editing and directing. The first is to make the times empty and push the suffering into the future. The narrative time of the film spans more than 30 years. During this period, the country has experienced many hardships and twists and turns; The protagonist also experienced the pain of leaving his hometown, his father, his daughter and his wife. However, the director intentionally obscured the harshness of the background of the times, and never deliberately exaggerated the suffering itself. The film makes the times and sufferings empty and focuses on the exploration of people's good spirit and emotion in the face of sufferings, so that the film is full of warmth in the bitter, and a beautiful and holy thing has always been the subject of appreciation. This is not only the artistic effect that the theme film should achieve, but also conforms to the film content and the selfless image of the hero. The second is that the editor pursues a simple and plain artistic technique in the overall conception. "Sweep away the greasy powder to show the character, and fade the red clothes to learn the light makeup". The simplicity of cleaning the lead is a rebuttal to the superficiality, impetuosity and affectation in film creation, which reflects the magnanimity of artistic creation and the aesthetic style of the creators. The beauty of the film comes from the "truth" that people can see in its non affectation, non affectation and non show off, and from the rich connotation seen in the simple narration (Comments by Zhang Baiqing, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Arts) [6]

Negative comments

The plot of the film is too simple and lacks conflict, which is not rich enough. The environment selection of the film is too simple, and the scene scheduling is not flexible enough, which makes the visual perception more monotonous (Comments by Zhang Baiqing, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Arts) [6]