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Provincial sub central city

Key cities that can be entrusted with the task of driving the development of surrounding areas
Provincial sub central city usually refers to a province with a stronger comprehensive strength than surrounding cities, second only to provincial capital The city is a certain distance from the provincial capital city (generally 300 kilometers), and has unique resources or industries regional economies Develop key cities with driving capacity. [1]
The purpose of setting up the provincial sub center is to promote the scientific, coordinated and rapid development of the regional economy and rebuild it Economic growth pole To reduce the development pressure of provincial central cities; The requirement for the establishment of provincial sub central cities is to have strong economic strength and radiation capacity. [11]
Chinese name
Provincial sub central city
Foreign name
Provincial sub center city
Key cities driving the development of surrounding areas
Proposed time
Typical city
Xuzhou Shantou Luoyang Nanyang Yichang Xiangyang city in Hunan Yueyang CiH Ganzhou Yan'an Zunyi Guilin city in Guangxi Wuhu etc. [18] [21-22]
after provincial capital City and a certain distance from the provincial capital city

Historical evolution


Concept source

Qin Zunwen, the initiator of "Provincial Sub central City"
Provincial sub central cities were first scholars of Hubei Academy of Social Sciences in 2001 Qin Zunwen Proposed. He proposed that: because Hubei The population is large and the land is wide, the area is narrow in the east and wide in the west, while the provincial capital Wuhan And inclined to Eastern Hubei , which objectively requires Western Hubei Establish a provincial sub central city as the capital of Wuhan“ Setter ”。
He believes that in a province Local areas A city that plays a core role in driving economic development can be positioned as a provincial sub central city, while Yichang Xiangyang If it can play such a role, it can be positioned as a provincial sub central city.
This suggestion was approved and affirmed by Hubei Provincial Party Committee in July 2002. In August 2003, the State Council approved the Urban System Planning of Hubei Province, which clearly positioned Yichang as a provincial sub central city. After that, the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Hubei Province continuously issued relevant policies to support the construction of Yichang as a provincial sub central city.

Goal setting

In the early 1990s, Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Government formulated Urban layout And the development of the "one special five major" strategy: focusing on the development of Wuhan megacity , and set the Medium-sized city Jingzhou Huangshi Xiangyang Yichang Shiyan Five cities have developed into big cities.
By 2020, Yichang, Shiyan and Xiangyang will all exceed the "threshold" of large II cities with a built-up area of 120 square kilometers and a non-agricultural population of 1.3 million. So far, the strategic goal of "one special and five major" has been basically achieved. In this case urban system There should be new layout and development ideas. The population is large and the land is wide, the region is narrow in the east and wide in the west, and the provincial capital Wuhan is inclined to the east of Hubei. Objectively, one or two cities in the western region need to be the "setters" of Wuhan. It is necessary to establish a provincial sub central city while giving full play to the leading role of Wuhan as the provincial central city.

Selection history

Sub central cities in Hubei Province: Yichang, Xiangyang
In September 2003, the Decision of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on Strengthening Urban Construction clearly pointed out that Yichang should accelerate the development of provincial sub central city Yichang, give full play to the advantages of location, traffic, surrounding cities and towns, population and industry concentration, optimize and integrate resources, and do a good job Metropolitan area The development planning will realize the rational division of labor and the joint construction and sharing of infrastructure in cities and towns within the region, form a strong group effect, and better play its radiation and driving role in the northwest and southwest regions of the province.
In 2015, the total GDP of Yichang has reached 338.48 billion yuan, and the total local fiscal revenue has reached 33.91 billion yuan. Yichang is a truly provincial sub central city.
The idea and practice of building a provincial sub central city in Hubei has had a certain impact throughout the country, and some provinces have also applied this concept to provincial urban system planning and urban development strategies.
In May 2021《 The 14th Five Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Outline of Vision Goals for 2035 》During the 14th Five Year Plan period, city in Guangxi Guilin City is the sub center, and other cities and counties and small towns develop in a coordinated way. [2]

Forming conditions

Ganzhou, a sub central city in Jiangxi Province
Not all cities above prefecture level can become sub central cities of provinces or larger regions. To become sub central cities, the following conditions must be met: [1]
First: It has strong economic strength and a certain population size.
According to the analysis of statistical data, a real sub central city should not only have a comparative advantage over surrounding cities in terms of economic aggregate, but also have a basic qualification if its economic aggregate is not less than 250 billion yuan (2016 standard), otherwise it is difficult to be called a provincial sub central city (excluding western cities). The total population and the number of immigrants reflect both the local economic strength and the economic vitality of the city. Therefore, the sub central city must be a city with large population and economic scale.
Second: Distance key city Can't be too close or too far away.
Too close means that it is difficult to have its own independent radiation range, which is the premise for the establishment of sub central cities. The distance between the central city and the sub central city is more than 300 kilometers. [1] For example, in Hubei Province Huangshi For a long time, the city was the second largest city in Hubei Province, with many large enterprises Wuhan The distance is only 80 kilometers, which is absolutely impossible to develop into Hubei The sub central city of. Another example Hunan Provincial Zhuzhou City Xiangtan City They are all big cities in Hunan Province, and their comprehensive strength is relatively strong Changsha The distance is only 40 kilometers, and there is no grass under the trees. It is absolutely impossible to develop into a provincial sub central city in Hunan.
According to this definition, only about a dozen cities nationwide can be called standard sub central cities.

Development policy

On November 19, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued《 Implementation plan for supporting high-quality development of industrial transformation and upgrading demonstration areas of old industrial cities and resource-based cities during the "14th Five Year Plan" 》The Plan proposes to support exploration land administration Institutional reform , under strict protection Permanent basic farmland and ecological red line Economical and intensive land use On the premise of, support relevant provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to appropriately increase the number of provincial sub central cities Land use index And give more land management authority. China Development Bank Further increase the investment and financing support for the demonstration zone in combination with the functional orientation Special loans for scientific and technological innovation and basic research Manufacturing Special loan And the superior industrial chain and Advanced manufacturing Give preferential support to the development of infrastructure, urban renewal and transformation Industrial Park Construction Project Give priority support. [9]
On December 25, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and other 10 departments jointly released《 Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Orderly Transfer of Manufacturing Industry 》, the Opinions proposed to promote Technology intensive industry To the Midwest and Northeast China Central city, provincial sub central city, etc Elements of innovation Regional transfer with rich and strong industrial foundation. [14]

classic case

In mainland China, it has provincial dual core or Multi-core Typical provinces are: Eastern region yes Guangdong Jiangsu Central region yes Anhui [22] Henan [20] Jiangxi Hubei Hunan Shanxi , there are Shaanxi Guizhou Guangxi These provinces, whether developed areas or less-developed regions except provincial capital There are one or two sub provincial core cities outside the center. The sub core cities and provincial capital cities of these non provincial capital cities are located in moderate locations and have a fairly good economic development level, even surpassing the provincial capital cities in economy. From the geographical distribution of these cities, its provincial sub core cities generally have a good geographical location, generally have a certain distance from the provincial capital, and its own economic and transportation infrastructure is relatively developed, which can play a great role in promoting the economic development of a province.
Jiangsu Province Xuzhou City as an example: at the end of November 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission announced《 Revitalization and Development Plan for Special Types of Areas during the 14th Five Year Plan 》Xuzhou was included in the resource-based area and Old industrial city Focus on supporting cities. The plan clearly supports Xuzhou to build a provincial sub central city and a national Demonstration area for industrial transformation and upgrading Expand the equipment and intelligent manufacturing industry; support Peixian County Tongshan District Jiawang District Implement the comprehensive treatment project of coal mining subsidence area, support Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Quanshan District implementation Independent industrial and mining area Reconstruction and upgrading project. Issued at the same time by the National Development and Reform Commission《 Implementation plan for supporting high-quality development of industrial transformation and upgrading demonstration areas of old industrial cities and resource-based cities during the "14th Five Year Plan" 》It also mentioned Xuzhou - support Xuzhou and other cities to consolidate the foundation of manufacturing industry, accelerate the construction of provincial sub central cities and National comprehensive transportation hub And enhance the ability of radiation to drive the development of surrounding areas. [12]
Xuzhou, a sub central city in Jiangsu Province

City List

Provincial sub central city
Document source
Approval unit (above provincial level)
Revitalization and Development Plan for Special Types of Areas during the 14th Five Year Plan Period [3] Implementation Plan for Supporting the High Quality Development of Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Demonstration Zones of Old Industrial Cities and Resource based Cities during the 14th Five Year Plan Period [9]
the state council [4]
Revitalization and Development Plan for Special Types of Areas during the 14th Five Year Plan Period [3] Implementation Plan for Supporting Old Revolutionary Base Areas in the 14th Five Year Plan to Consolidate and Expand Poverty Alleviation Achievements and Promote Rural Revitalization [10]
Implementation Plan for Supporting Old Revolutionary Base Areas in the 14th Five Year Plan to Consolidate and Expand Poverty Alleviation Achievements and Promote Rural Revitalization [10]
National Development and Reform Commission, etc
The State Council's Report on the Land and Space Planning of Henan Province
(2021-2035) [17]
New Urbanization Plan of Henan Province (2021-2035) [20]
the state council
People's Government of Henan Province
The 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Anhui Province and the Outline of Vision Goals for 2035 [13]
People's Government of Anhui Province
Comprehensive Development Plan of Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt (2017-2030) [5]
People's Government of Guangdong Province
Hubei New Urbanization Plan (2021-2035) and Hubei "14th Five Year Plan" to Promote New Urbanization [6] Promotion Central region The 13th Five Year Plan for Rising [19]
the state council [19] Hubei Provincial People's Government
The 14th Five Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of Hunan Province and the Outline of the Vision Goals for the Year 2035 [8]
Hunan Provincial People's Government
New Urbanization Plan of Gansu Province (2021-2035) [15] Jiuquan Urban Master Plan (2016-2030) [16]
People's Government of Gansu Province
Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Printing and Distributing the Three Year Action Plan of Guangxi to Promote New Urbanization (2021-2023) [7]
People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Note: Due to space constraints, only the units with the highest level are listed.