zero Useful+1

relative position

Computer terminology
Relative position, a computer term, refers to the position of Reference point
Chinese name
relative position
English name
relative position
The spatial relationship between something and the surrounding geographical environment elements and conditions.
Applied discipline
Geography (first level discipline), General Introduction to Geography (second level discipline)
Chinese name
relative position
Html layout
Relative position and absolute position
Relative address
Is that the linked file is relative
Absolute address
The absolute location of the file on the network or local
Introduction to terms
Html layout - relative position and absolute position
Relative Address: the address of the linked file relative to the current page;
Absolute address: the file is on the network or local Absolute position
<a href="link1. html">A relative address link
<a href="/javaweb/ch03/link2. html">An absolute address
For example, if you create an html document in disk D, and then you want to reference an image or page, you can put the image or page in disk D, and then write the file name to be referenced directly for the relative address; If you have multiple pictures or pages, you can use a folder (such as Images) to put them on disk D, and the relative address is Images/filename.