
[xiàng gōng]
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Ancient wives Yes husband The title of gentleman skilful writer scholar , Xianggong) Prime Minister mahjong Another term for not playing cards (more or less than one card).
Chinese name
Foreign name
xiàng gōng
Phonetic transcription
ㄒㄧㄤˋ ㄍㄨㄙ
Ancient wife's address to husband
Go into the army 》Etc

Basic concepts


Honorable title of prime minister

Wei Wang Can "A Journey to the Army":, HeNu It's awesome. " Li Shan Note: "Cao Cao is the Prime Minister, so he is called the Prime Minister."
Tang Dynasty Han Yu The emperor ascends the throne and congratulates the prime minister 》"The prime minister is known as the prime minister, and it has been since the Wei Dynasty."
bright Zodiacal week Public Biography of Jie Huan and Yuan 》: "Public( Yuan Keli )At the end of the seat, he said, "The special minister refused to listen!" "
clear Wu Weiye "Singing of Camellia in Humble Administrator's Garden": "In recent years, this place has belonged to my husband, who worked hard in Chengming Palace."
Feather hunting ode 》: "My husband is multiply Qingxuan , driving four lockers. " The word Xianggong first appeared here, both referring to Cao Cao Cao was sealed by the Prime Minister Duke Wei , so it is called. if Prime Minister of the Western Han Dynasty There were many people who were not granted the title of marquis but not duke, and there were many people who were not granted the title of marquis in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Late Wei Dynasty Sima Zhao When a prime minister is appointed king, he is called the prime minister king.
Gu Yanwu Daily knowledge record 》Volume 24: "Those who worshipped the Prime Minister before will be granted the title of Duke, so they are called the Prime Minister."

Aristocratic youth

Popular Editor ·Shi Jin: "Today, everyone in uniform is Arrogance My husband, or he is also marked with a line number, which is called Prime Minister The two gentlemen. "
It is also generally called official. Song Wang Wei《 Daoshan Qinghua 》"Chen Ying Zhongyun said: 'People in the south of the Five Ridges call each other a husband, regardless of whether they are high or low officials. I think they often come to see each other.'" [2 ] [3]
Water Margin 》The second time: "This morning Song Jiang I went out and killed my daughter when I came back. Old age Kink Before arriving at the county, the Tang Er took Song Jiang Attacking Go and tell your husband. "
Convincing Arguments Warning the World ·White Lady Yongzhen Leifeng Tower: "Just in time for Han Da Yin Upgrade the hall and pledge Xu Xuan Down on your knees in Dangting Hall, and shout! Xu Xuanxuan said, 'It is unnecessary to use punishment to accuse the minister. What crime does Xu Xuanxuan have?' "


Related pictures
The fourth part of Yuan Wuming's "Raising Eyes Together":“ Liang Hong Cloud: 'Madam, please put it on.' Zhengdan said: 'My husband, I dare not wear it.' "
The Surprise of Two quarter Clapping the Table, Volume 17: "This man's surname is Wei, good man of striking appearance That is, my husband was born in the same year. "


element Wuhan Chen Yuhuchun 》The second part: "My husband, if you don't want to make progress, just Upper planter Be children. "
The Second Collection of Striking the Table in Amazement at the Wonders 》Volume 21: "The shop owner said, 'It's a husband, so it's not difficult to make a hair.'"
clear Wang Yingkui Liu Nan's Essays 》Volume II: "Ancient scholars said To be prepared That is to say, he is able to take measures of great events, and the only person in the world who can take measures of great events is the prime minister, so he also calls a scholar as the prime minister. "
Child test ”The students who are qualified (first and second class students with excellent academic performance) and obtain the title of Xianggong and Xiucai mostly refer to Xiucai. Such as《 The move 》Medium Hu Butcher And ordered son-in-law He said, "Now that you have become a lover, you should establish individual unity in everything." The word "lover" was mentioned.

Male prostitutes in the Qing Dynasty

The husband is a male prostitute. The place where the ministers gather is called house of pederasts A kind of travel guide book that was popular in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty, called《 Chaoshi Congzai 》, the book contains "Ode to the Statue of Guche", and the poem says:
In the winding lane, the fragrant car looks like a flower,
Should be afraid of passers-by fighting to see and kill, hanging a piece of gauze.
He wrote a husband who swaggered through the market with his son's gauze car as charming as a child prostitute.
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, some boys with good looks were dressed up dressy or foppish , always playing the role of a male prostitute in a soft voice, receiving "elegant people" with "Longyang's addiction" in the hall, drinking and having fun. These courtiers are coquettish and committed to singing the red horn of Xipi Erhuang Male dan And powerful mogul Museum, we have to Naban Sitting department . Contention and jealousy lead to constant gossip. Qi Rushan In his "Memoirs", Mr. Liu once mentioned that the reason why he was reluctant to associate with Dan characters at that time was that he was afraid of being despised by his friends and being criticized by others. From this level, we can also see the contempt of the society for homosexuals such as husbands.
Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom 》It says "growing up in the Xianggong Hall all day long" professional actor , Lu Chaobin, official In progress The elephant aunt (the husband) he was holding was called Kui Guan. He first went to the brothel, then redeemed Kui Guan. He also married his wife, bought a house, and took good care of it. It was regarded as a treasure. Qing people Chen Sen Novels written《 Flower Tasting Treasure 》In China, there are also many descriptions of official figures playing with Xianggu (Xianggong).

Appellation evolution

A good man
A good man ”The word "man" does not show the gender of men and women, and the wife calls her husband a "lover"; The husband calls his wife a "good man"; It can be seen from this that the status of men and women was basically equal at that time, but this kind of indifference also brought a lot of inconvenience to the address between husband and wife.
According to "explaining the text and understanding the characters", distinguish the sound and meaning of the word "good"; Add "half" to the right of "good" to become "lang"; Add "female" to the left of "good" to generate "mother". "Lang" represents her husband. Li Bai said "Lang came here on a bamboo horse, Go round the bed and get green plum "In Yishan's poem," Liu Lang has hated Pengshan for being far away, and there are ten thousand clusters of Pengshan ", Huajian Ci There is "asking Lang Hua to be nice and Nong Yan to be nice".
the husband
Add a word before or after the end Disyllabic words That is, add a word "Jun" after the word "Lang"; Add a word "Zi" after the word "Niang" to become "Lang Jun" and "Niang Zi" to express intimacy. (Note: At first, the word "Niangzi" was used only for young girls, and became the name of wife in the Tang Dynasty.) The wife called her husband“ the husband ”Is a good name for her husband. The husband calls his wife "Niangzi", which is a nickname for his wife.
The Song Dynasty was an era of cultural exchanges between the North and the South. In terms of address between husband and wife, it is also a dynasty with more addresses. In the palace“ Official family ”The word; Among the common people, there is the name "official". Some wives call their husbands "officials". Up to now, people still call newlyweds "bridegroom officials" and "brides". The most famous representatives are: Ximen Senior Official It can also be seen from this title that with the prosperity of the Song Dynasty's Neo Confucianism, men's family status has also reached a new level.
It is only limited to the address of the official family to the husband. Its noble position in the family is self-evident.
An outsider's son
In the Song Dynasty, wives also called themselves husbands“ stranger ”The more elegant one is called“ Foreign son ”The husband also called his wife“ Insider ”。 In the presence of others, there are also modest titles for his wife“ Humble interior ”、“ At home ”。
If you have seen Beijing Opera, Shaoxing Opera and Huangmei Opera, you will be deeply impressed by the long sound of "Xiang Gong". It can also be seen that this name was popular in ancient times. This is a step further than the "official". It is not only an "official", but also the highest official "minister".

Relevant interpretation

Old honorific title for men, Qing Dynasty Kong Shangren The Peach Blossom Fan ·Listen to the barnyard grass ":" He is a famous man in the Jianghu. He is called Xiang Gong Liu. " Yao Xueyin endless night 》Er Er: "Hu Xianggong didn't say a word to your wife. He was eager to redeem you."
The old nickname for apprentice, Wang Laojiu Wang Baojing wrote: "When I was young, my family was poor, and I was a husband in a millet shop. Be beaten and angry Bitterness is like a bird in a cage. "
It used to refer to the actors who played Xiaodan in the theaters in Beijing and Tianjin《 The Story of the Hero and The Sisters; Two Sisters Marry the Same Man 》The third or second time: "In front of this group of people, they dare not mention the word 'Xiaodan', which is called Xianggong." writing reformer On the Literary Revolution, Language and Character Issues, Long Live the Scholar: "What is a clean guest? A clean guest is a person between a husband and a gentleman." Self note: "A clean guest is a husband in a Beijing opera troupe." [1]

Mahjong terminology

A game in China—— mahjong , in the process of playing cards, I got too many cards (14 cards) Prime Minister , take less (12 cards) to call mahjongg players who miss a tile in a game
There is a saying that the word "Xiang Gong" was first said by Sichuan people. "Xiang" means "look" in Sichuan dialect. If you count the cards wrong, you can't win. You have to play with others and watch others win.
Another is that the husband is the old honorific title for the prime minister, and also has the meaning of "gentleman". That kind of person should be noble in character and willing to help others. If the number of cards is wrong and he cannot win, he will play with others and help others win. It is "noble".