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Maudgalyayana enters Hell to rescue his mother

[mù lián jiù mǔ]
Buddhist stories
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Buddhist stories first appeared in the early Eastern Han Dynasty India Introduced into China《 Buddha Says Yulan Pot Sutra 》。 Story Narration Buddha Disciple Maudgalyayana Save the dead mother from hell. It is widely spread in China, and used to be numerous pictures and traditional opera The theme of.
Chinese name
Maudgalyayana enters Hell to rescue his mother
Record time
Eastern Han Dynasty first
The Sutra of the Buddha on the Yulan Basin
buddha Disciple Mu Lianzheng saved his mother from hell

Synopsis of the story

Mu Lian's mother, Madame Qingti, was very rich, but stingy and greedy, while her son was very virtuous and filial. She often slaughtered livestock and cooked and chewed extensively while her son was away. She was mindless and never practiced good deeds. After death, she entered the ghost path of hunger with her karma. The Venerable Master, after seeing the Tao through his eyes, saw his mother suffer all kinds of hardships from the perspective of God's power. So he used God's power to deliver food to his mother, only to find that it turned into charcoal as soon as he entered the mouth.
Mu Lian is very sad because he can't do anything, and he prayed to the Buddha. buddha Jiaomulian was established on July 15 Feast of All Souls , use the power of ten monks to feed my mother. Mu Lian followed the Buddha's instructions, so there was a Buddhist allusion that Yu Lan was set up on the 15th day of July to support the monks from ten directions to save the dead. Mu Lian's mother was able to eat enough to turn into a dog. Mulian recited the scriptures for seven days and seven nights to make his mother leave the dog and enter heaven.
Such a Buddhist story can be spread from the Western Jin Dynasty, and it is passed down by mouth. The key is to persuade people to be good and children to be filial. [1]


Buddhist stories.
It is widely spread in China and used to be the subject of countless paintings and operas. The story tells the story of the Buddha's eldest disciple, Mu Lian Zheng, who saved his mother from hell‘ The original name of Mulian is Maha ^ - mo ggalla ^ na.
Yu Lan Pen Jing was translated by Zhu Fahu in the Western Jin Dynasty. In the scripture, after Mulian first got six passes, he wanted to repay his parents for their kindness, but found that the dead mother was born in the path of hungry ghost. Mulian served his mother with a meal, but the food turned into charcoal before he could eat it. His mother could not get food. He was so sad that he begged the Buddha. The Buddha told Mulian that his mother's sin was deeply rooted and could not be saved by one person. It should be saved by the power of ten monks. So he taught him to support ten great virtue monks for his parents on the 15th day of July, so as to relieve his mother's suffering from the hungry ghost with great merit.
The basic idea of this sutra is to save the deceased parents by virtue. Because of the emphasis on filial piety in this sutra, people attach great importance to it. Emperor Liang Wu In the fourth year of Datong (538( Wu Wu On July 15 Feast of All Souls In the Tang Dynasty, the Yulan Bon Hui was widely popular among the people. Yulan Basin Association has become Chinese Folk Custom Part of.
With the popularity of the Yulan Pot Association, the story of Mulian saving his mother has been widely spread among the people. Representing this popularity is the popularity of disguised forms (pictures of Buddhist stories) and Bianwen. There are more than one Tang people who paint Mulian in disguise; In the aspect of Bianwen, there are 16 Mulian Bianwen found in Dunhuang. It is called Damu Ganlian Salvation Bianwen, Damu Qianlian Bianwen, Damu Lianyuan Origins, Damu Mulian Bianwen 》Etc. Including London British Museum The Da Mu Gan Lian Ming Jian Salvation Bian Wen (Tibetan No. S.2614) has a complete beginning and end, and was included in the eighty fifth volume of Da Zheng Zang.
These Bianwen were written by the Tang Dynasty, which is the earliest among the ancient Mulian operas. However, the story at this time has some evolution, and many plots and descriptions have been added. First, Mulian went through the hell to find his mother, but failed to find her. Then he got into the Abhisit Hell to see his mother by virtue of the Buddha's tin rod. Then, the Buddha went to hell in person to shine light on the earth and break the hell, so Mu Lianmu turned into a hungry ghost. Mulian also built the yulan basin according to the Buddha's metaphor, and became a black dog out of his mother's hungry ghost path. Mulian led the black dog to recite scriptures and repent for seven days and nights, and then he had to turn around again. So Mulian advised his mother to live in the western Buddhist country.
In this extended story, the power of the Buddha is strongly emphasized, which is different from the original scripture. In addition, in the Bianwen, the mother of Mulian went through the three evil ways of hell, hungry ghost and animal. He can describe all kinds of sufferings in the three evil ways. This is also a major feature of Bianwen.
Song Zhenzong (998( Wu Xu Year)~1022( Ren Xu ()) was explicitly prohibited from singing and speaking. But the story of Mulian saving his mother did not disappear. Now we can see the information is "Mulian Saves Mother from Hell and Ascends to Heaven" at the end of Yuan and the beginning of Ming Dynasty; Ming· Zheng Zhizhen There are three volumes (one hundred volumes) of Mu Lian's Drama of Saving Mother and Performing Filial Piety, which is one of the most magnificent legends in Yuan and Ming dynasties; The people of the Qing Dynasty expanded into ten books《 Quanshan Jinke 》。
In general, the story of Mulian saving his mother has always been one of the most popular Buddhist stories among Chinese people. It has become the subject of popular literature again and again. It emphasizes the salvation of Buddha and the description of hell, hungry ghost and animal way, which also expresses the extent and style of folk beliefs' acceptance of Buddhism.

Derivative custom

Yulan Bon Festival Ghost Festival
Derived from this story Yulan Bon Festival , Ghost Festival, Dead Man's Day, and the Mid Yuan Festival. Most regions the 15th day of the seventh lunar month Ancestor worship, making paper boats for the dead, offering fruit, burning paper, money and clothes follow this Buddhist scripture, which is handed down from generation to generation.
Fuzhou "Jiujie"
Jiujie depression ”It originates from the legend of "Mulian saves his mother". It is said that in ancient times, there was a man called Mulian whose mother was fierce and vicious before she died and was locked in a cell in the underworld. When he visited prison, he often sent food to his mother to eat, but all of them were eaten by guards. Later, he thought of a way to mix water chestnuts, peanuts, red dates, longans, brown sugar and other raw materials with glutinous rice to make sweet porridge. After serving a bowl, he sprinkled a handful of black sesame seeds and sent it to his mother. The guard jailer saw that the porridge was black, and asked, "What is this?" Mulian casually replied, "This is Aogou porridge." ("Nine" in Fuzhou dialect is homonymous with "Gou") The guard believed it, I think the porridge is dirty and dare not eat it. Therefore, "Aojiu porridge" was delivered to Mulian's mother. It happened to be the 29th day of the first lunar month, and Mulian's mother was also 29 years old. In Fujian customs, the first lunar month is divided into "39", the ninth day of the first lunar month is called "Shangjiu", the nineteenth day is called "Zhongjiu", and the twenty ninth day is called "Houjiu", so this porridge is called "Houjiu porridge". Later, it was called "Aojiu porridge" in the dark color of porridge, and it was also called "Xiaojiu porridge" in order to show filial piety to the mother.
Whether it is The twenty ninth day of the first month It was still 29 years old, and it was the year when Mu Lian's mother was in distress. Therefore, Fuzhou people were taboo every nine years, and thought that "nine" was a hard time. Therefore, everyone who met the age of "nine" should eat too flat. Married daughters should also send "nine" to their parents to ensure their parents' safety and health.
The custom of Jiujie Festival
The 29th day of the first month is a special folk festival in Fuzhou. "Aojiu Festival" is also called "the last nine festivals", "the nine filial piety festivals" and“ Send off the poor festival ”。 Early that morning, every household cooked sweet porridge with glutinous rice, brown sugar, peanuts, red dates, water chestnuts, sesame, longans and other raw materials, called“ Abandoned Nine Congee ”, used to worship ancestors or present to relatives and friends. Married daughters must also send a bowl of "Aojiu porridge". Some of them will also add Taiping, eggs, pig feet, etc. to send them back to their parents' home to show filial respect to their parents. In addition, all people who are nine years old, such as nine, nineteen, twenty-nine years old... (called "Ming nine"), or multiples of nine, such as eighteen, twenty-seven, thirty-six years old... (called "Dark nine"), should also eat a bowl of "Taiping" as if it were a birthday, in order to be safe and healthy. In the traditional concept of Fuzhou people, "nine" is not easy.


Guangdong Zhanjiang Folk Dance Religious Dance Eye Lotus Dance
Mu Lian Dance is a short dance in the activity of consoling ancestors held by Taoism in Leizhou, Guangdong Province. It is deduced from the legendary story of Mu Lian saving his mother. Generally, there are seven actors, one of whom plays the leading role, and the other is a supporting actor. Through the scene performance of leading troops to go to war, fighting everywhere, looking for hell, and saving the mother in distress, it reflects the virtues of loyalty, righteousness, and filial piety. Mulian dance is mainly popular in Shaoshan Village, Leizhou City, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province. [1]