zero Useful+1


One of the top ten disciples of Buddha
Magdallian (Sanskrit name: Maudgalya ^ yana, Pali name: Moggalla ^ na) buddha One of the top ten disciples. It is also known as Maha ^ maudgalya ^ yana, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Mahali, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha, Maha. It is also known as Brahma Kolita, Julv, Julido, Julijia, Julijia, and Duliduo. Tianbao. It is praised as the first god power. by Ancient India Mojituo State Rajgir People from Lutuo Village were detained outside, Brahman Species. He was born with a correct appearance. He has had a good friendship with Sharifer since he was young, and both of them are Samjaya Outer Path His disciples led 250 disciples each. Taste and sariputra Mutual agreement, the first to realize liberation Must be After telling each other, we all competed for intensive cultivation. Later Buddhist relics meet Buddha disciples A Shuo Shi He realized that all Dharma had no self, and told Mughalian that Mughalian led his disciples to pay homage to the Buddha and enlighten him. After one month, he learned Arohan Fruit. The fundamental ashram of the Mughalian Venerable is located in the Mughalian Temple in Daye, Hubei Province. [1]
Mahamu Qianlian Damuqianlian Big eye coptis Da Mu Lian Maudgalyayana Objective connection Mughalio Bejaro Muqianlianyan Magalla Yena No Tejaro Maogaliyena
buddha times
Ethnic groups
Mojituo State Rajgir People from Lutuo Village
one's native heath
Mojituo State Julutuo Village outside Wangshe City
Key achievements
buddha One of the top ten disciples, honored as the first in divine power and filial piety
True name
The Sanskrit name Maudgalya ^ yana, the Pali name Moggalla ^ na
Fundamental Dojo
Daye Mulian Temple

Buddhist status

In most temples main hall In the center of the lotus seat, Buddha Holy image Next to, always standing on the left Mahakasyapa , standing on the right ananda But that was not the case when Buddha first preached Dharma.
In the first two years of the Buddha's path, Shariputra and Mukherjee converted to the Buddha. Since they converted to the Buddha, Mukherjee has stood on the left side of the Buddha, while Shariputra has stood on the right side of the Buddha. They never left the Buddha except they went to other places to promote Buddhism.
Half a month after Sharifu became a monk with the Buddha Just finished All knots and leakages can eliminate troubles, while Mughalian has only seven days to end the leakages, show God's power, and prove that Arohan The supernatural power of Zhi Bo Luo Mi
Mughalian has a tall body, square face and big ears. His face shows a determined expression. He is optimistic and brave. He often fights against injustice for justice.
Buddha's monk Among the disciples, there are a lot of disciples with supernatural powers. The reason why Magdallian was ranked as the first one was that he often showed supernatural powers in his teachings. Although Buddha did not allow his disciples to show any supernatural powers, he often praised the supernatural powers of Magdallian. [2]

Related legends

Convert to Buddhism
In his past life, Mughalian was a fisherman who used to catch fish and sell shrimp at the seaside. He lived in this way to seek money. Day after day, he finally found out that this way of seeking money was a great hardship. He feels like a person in this life Should be The merit and virtue of the next life, because of this desire to be good, he decided to change his career into a life. Before long, he saw a man in the city Pratyekabuddhas Every time he walked on the street, he was very respectful when he saw Enron's behavior and majestic demeanor. So he invited the Pizhi Buddha to his home to provide food. However, although this Pizhi Buddha is dignified, it is a pity that he is not good at saying it. There is no other way but to transform the world with divine power. After eating, you can jump into the air, or left or right, or front or back, up and down freely. When he saw it, he was overjoyed. He vowed to have a supernatural power in the next life.
Where there is a will, there is a way. Because of this reason, the Mahayana Venerable Master can convert to the Buddha in this life, and is praised as the most powerful among the disciples of the Buddha! [3]
Treasure Bridge Crossing Buddha
Mughalian's magic power, ears Listen to the sound Can be heard from far and near; The eyes can see things without being hindered by objects; No matter how far the journey is, it will arrive in an instant; He often shows some miraculous changes and helps the Buddha to publicize.
On one occasion, the people of Shewei City united with a public banquet to support 96 religious monks, and asked Persian King Accompanied by the prince and his officials, the banquet was held on the other side of the Aqi River Grand Square First, Magdallian was the first guest to arrive first.
After a while, many Waidao They all came to receive the money. They all wanted to come first to get the first seat, but they couldn't get through because the river suddenly rose. At this time, from a far place, Magdallian saw the Buddha leading his disciples to walk with dignity and serenity. He immediately turned into a treasure bridge on the river, made of fragrant silk, and decorated with seven treasures, waiting for the Buddha to walk over it.
When the Buddha's holy chariot had not yet arrived, those outsiders saw the vast waters and thought: "Today the river suddenly rose, so we can't cross the river to receive offerings. What can we do later when the Buddha and his disciples come?" When they were thinking like this, the treasure bridge transformed by Mughalian appeared on the river. They were very happy when they saw it, Immediately, they scrambled to say:
"Shamen came late. God made a bridge for us first. As guests of honor at the banquet, we should take the chief seat."
After saying that, all the outsiders scrambled to walk across the bridge and to the center of the bridge. Suddenly, there was a crash. The bridge broke, and everyone fell into the water. A cry for help shook the field.
When the Buddha arrived, the Baoqiao Bridge still recovered as usual. The Buddha and Zhu Picchu walked on the bridge and saw all the external roads struggling in the water with the current under the bridge. They were merciful. They immediately used the power of divine power to rescue the external roads one by one from the water, and asked the external roads to follow them. Then they walked through the bridge in order of peace. The Baoqiao Bridge then disappeared.
When the Buddha and his disciples were receiving sacrifices, all the other Taoists squatted towards the sun because their clothes were wet, hoping to dry them quickly.
This public feast jointly offered by Shewei City made all the outsiders feel that their weak lights were not enough to compare with the Buddha and his disciples who were like the sun and moon. [4]
Focus on the Buddha
Once, the Buddha lived in Shewei Only trees for lonely garden , Maghalian and Sariputra, following the Buddha's kind order, arrived Rajgir Kalanta Bamboo Garden of monk He taught the society, and they lived in a meditation room together.
The night is quiet, there is no sound on the earth, and there is a light in the meditation room, which reflects the brightness of the moon.
The first night has passed, and the middle night has also passed. At the end of the night, Sharif broke the calm air and said to Magdallian:
"Venerable Maghalian! Please forgive my impertinence in asking. Do you live in silence and certainty again tonight?"
You Why do you want to do this? Ask me? " Mahamoggallana Soft voice 's rhetorical question.
"The Venerable Mughalian! Because I have been I can't hear you The sound of breathing, you do not move, the room as if you do not have this person. " Sheriff explained.
"Venerable Sariputra! I went to ask the Buddha for guidance tonight because I thought of a problem of diligence and diligence in my practice. Just now you thought I was silent. I was talking with the Buddha."
"Venerable Magdallian! What you said is really hard to understand. Buddha now lives in the north of the lonely garden of only trees, while we live in the south of the bamboo garden of Kalandah. The distance between the two places is very far. How can you speak with Buddha Shenzu Tong Have you ever been to the Buddha's seat? Or did the Buddha come here with his divine foot? "
"No, it's not like that." Mughalian replied, "I didn't use God's feet to reach the Buddha's seat, nor did the Buddha use God's feet to reach us."
"Then, Venerable Maghalian! How on earth can you speak with Buddha?"
"Venerable Sariputra! It's not surprising that Buddha has Tianyantong and Tianergong You have already proved these miraculous powers, so as long as we use them, we can talk with the Buddha anytime and anywhere. "
Sharifer is not ignorant, but he always likes to coexist with people with a humble attitude.
After Mughalian said that, Sharifer was very happy and immediately praised:
"Venerable Mughalian! You have great power and great virtue. It's a great honor for me to learn from you together. You are like a lofty mountain. It's a rare cause that someone throws my little stone beside you and sits with you. If anyone in the world makes friends with you and provides respectfully, he will surely gain great benefits."
The Venerable Maghalian smiled and said:
"Venerable Shriver, I have to sit with your wise and virtuous elders today, just as I threw a small stone into the mountain to gain great stability, I am also very honored."
Sharifu and Maghalian are old classmates and Taoist friends. They respect and praise each other. From beginning to end, Taoist friendship is too common. [5]
Shentong No.1
Speaking of the old friend Sharifu of Magdalen, he not only has great intelligence, but also has great supernatural power. He first came to Shewei City to supervise Only garden house I once told the leader of a layman about his poor work Eighteen changes Shentong, win the final victory. Therefore, the influence that Sharifer left to the people of Shevchenko is also a great sage with great supernatural powers.
Once, on the 15th day of the month, the Buddha was standing beside the Anutta Pool monk Saying precepts, Buddha said to Mughalian when there was no Buddhist relics in the seat:
"Mughalian! Go to the Shewei City to invite Sharifer, and you said it was my intention."
At the sound of his voice, Mahayana went away. When he came to the seat of Sariputra, he said:
"Venerable Sariputra! The Buddha asked me to invite you to the place near the Anutta Pool where you said precepts."
After listening, Sharifer answered kindly:
"The Venerable Mahayana! Thank you for conveying the Buddha's holy meaning to me. We will go right away, but now I and You come Play a game. "
"What kind of game?" Mughalian looked at Sharifer suspiciously.
"Venerable Maghalian! You are an elder with great power. Here is a garment belt. I hope you can turn it into a Yanfuti tree!"
After Sharifer said that, he put down his clothes, and Mughalian took it with his hands, but he could not move it. He showed his magic power and tried to lift it up. Sharifer hurriedly tied it with a belt Xumi Mountain Magdallian quickly raised Mount Xumi; Saripra then tied his clothes to the Buddha's Leo, and Magdallian could not move after he exhausted his divine power. Saripra smiled and said to Magdallian:
"The Venerable Mughalian! What we have learned and what we have proved is that there is a great disparity between heaven and earth compared with the omnipotent Buddha. Even though our divine power can shake Xumi and shake heaven and earth, the Buddha's seat of the leader You can't shake a penny. I doubt my magic power, so please try it. Now let's go to see the Buddha quickly. You go first, and I will come later. "
Mughalian admired the words of Sariputra. After nodding, he used his divine feet to reach Anutta Pool. When he arrived, he had already seen Sariputra lotus position Sitting beside the Buddha, he saluted the Buddha and asked with suspicion:
"Buddha! Did I lose my divine power? I came back from the Garden Essence Shed before the Venerable Sariputra. How could he come before me? Buddha often says that my divine power is the first, which I think is appropriate to call the Venerable Sariputra."
The Buddha kindly comforted him and said:
"Mughalian! You have great power, which is no less than others except Buddha. You have not lost your power, but you should know that Sharifu Picchu has great intelligence!"
After Buddha said precepts at the edge of Anutta Pool, he led his sons back to the Shewei City. When the believers in the Shewei City learned about this, they all talked about that Sharifer's divine power was better than that of Mughalian.
After hearing these comments, Mughalian felt no sense of injustice. In his broad-minded mind, he felt humbly that Sharifer should surpass him. It was as glorious to be praised as if he were praised.
However, Sharifer was very upset. He thought that he had wronged Mughalian. He told the Buddha:
"Buddha! The Venerable Mughalian has great power and great merit. The last time I went to Anutta Lake first, I was eager to listen to the Buddha's precepts. Although the Venerable Mughalian used his divine power, he did not want to buy time. Now everyone is talking about that my divine power is better than the Venerable Mughalian, which I do not deserve. I hope Buddha can easily eliminate the unjust criticism of everyone."
After listening to Sharifer's advice, the Buddha smiled kindly and nodded. The Buddha knew that both of them were very modest and friendly.
One day, after he finished a sutra, the Buddha said to Maghalian:
"Mughalian! You are one of my Bhikkhu disciples with incomparable power. Now you can show your power in the public and inspire beginners' confidence."
Mughalian obeyed the Buddha's kind order, that is, to stand up and step on the earth with one foot and the other foot Brahma , making the earth shake six times, and chanting of scriptures In saying Ket, there were sixty monks in the seat, so they missed all the meanings.
From then on, everyone was unanimous in praising that Mahakalian was the most powerful man. [6]
Mountain moving Buddhist Records
When the Buddha lived in India, he did not believe in the Buddhism, and there were many people who had learned five skills. Unfortunately, they do not understand the truth and do not practice wisdom and compassion, so they cannot escape from life and death and are still immersed in the six samsaras.
Buddha often asked Magdallian to help these supernatural heretics and the style of tit for tat.
One day, Buddha said to Magdallian:
"Mughalian! At the border of India, there is a big country. The king and his subjects do not understand Buddhism, and they all serve brahmacarin As an outsider, many Buddhist records have supernatural powers, which can move mountains, live in streams and change themselves. You can easily use the power of God and virtue to make him believe in Buddhism, return to evil and righteousness, and change his mind. "
Magdallian immediately followed the Buddha's wishes and flew up into the sky. There were many other paths sitting around the mountain. It looked like he was going to move the mountain with power.
Magdallian is on the top of the mountain, hanging in the sky, and the mountain does not move at all. The Taoist priest was shocked and said:
"The mountain has risen. Who kept it still? Is there anyone impure in my way?"
After hearing the words of Fanzhi, all the foreigners suddenly saw the empty sky of Mughalian on the top of the mountain, and they shouted loudly:
"Who are you? How dare you be presumptuous here! This mountain blocks the traffic. The king ordered us to move this mountain to eliminate problems for the people. Why do you hold down this mountain and not let it move?"
Mughalian smiled and said:
"I am clearly hanging in the void, who will press your mountain?"
The Buddhist priest once again unleashed his power to move the mountains three times, but the tall mountains remained the same.
Just when all the other Taoists felt unable and panicked, Magdallian shouted:
"All Fanzhi, pay attention. Look at the mountain."
When Mahakalian spoke, the towering mountains suddenly became flat.
The Buddhist Zhidu Jishou of the various Taoist schools said:
"Where does great virtue come from? If it is not intelligent and profound, it must not be so. Please accept us as your disciples and instruct us to get lost."
From the air, Magdallian said to everyone:
"I know that your pious and repentant heart is not deceitful, but I honestly tell you that if you really want to seek truth in secret, eliminate evil and seek good, I have respected teachers, named Enlightenment in Buddhism Buddha, Buddha is the heaven in the sky, the saint in the holy, all wisdom, all virtues are omnipotent, you all follow me to the Buddha's seat to convert, and the Buddha will be merciful to accept. "
Zhu Fanzhi asked cheerfully:
"Does the Buddha's enlightenment surpass yours?"
Mughalian solemnly said:
"The Buddha is like Xumi, and we are like mustard seeds, and mustard seeds can't compare with Xumi; the Buddha is like the sea, and we are like rivers, and rivers can't compare with the sea; the Buddha world is difficult to meet, and you can only be saved if you convert to the Buddha!"
All Brahmaputra were delighted to hear the words, and all followed Magdallian to the front of the Buddha's seat for conversion and education.
The Monggalyayana Venerable Master often subdues the heretics with divine power to make them fall into the embrace of Buddhism. He is the most capable person among the disciples of Buddha for subduing the heretics. [7]
Subdue evil spirits
Although the Monggalyayana Venerable Master could subdue the devil and heretics, the devil and heretics often found trouble with him.
Once, when Mahayana was preaching in Baja alone under the Buddha's mercy, an evil spirit called Evil Devil saw Mahayana walking on the road, and he entered the belly of Mahayana with all his power abdominal pain Suddenly, something big like a bowl swelled up in his abdomen, and it sounded like thunder. Magdallian immediately stopped walking and returned to the room to meditate. Knowing that it was the evil devil who challenged him, he said:
"Evil! Come out quickly and don't invade the Buddha's disciples. You can't disturb the Buddha and his disciples unless Karma The unfinished disciple, otherwise, you will never be able to do anything! "
The evil doer thought to himself, "Strange! Buddha doesn't know what I look like. How can Mughalian know, though he has supernatural powers?"
Magdallian said again:
"Evil! Don't be surprised. You don't know what you look like when you think about Buddha. How can Mughalian know if he has supernatural power?"
The evil devil was shocked and quickly turned into saliva. He never dared to challenge Magdallian again!
The supernatural power of Mughalian will always make believers in Buddhism admire and foreign demons fear! [8]
Beauty is no match for magic
Monggalyayana Venerable with divine power, not only won't be harmed by evil demons with magic power, but even beauty can't shake his heart.
Once, on the way back from begging for alms, Mughalian passed a garden where a middle-aged woman was waiting for him. Although this woman is over thirty years old, her age can not hide her beauty. Her charming eyes and light body can attract the hearts of ordinary men.
When she saw Magdalen approaching her, she stood up and said to him with a smile:
"Venerable Master, where are you busy going? Do you have time to talk to me?"
Mahayana stopped and took a look. It not only saw her face clearly, but also her heart. Mahayana fully knew what was going on in her heart.
The Mahakalian Venerable Master said quietly but majestically:
"Poor girl! Your body is filthy. Now you have taken very little money, and you have no conscience. You listen to the instructions of the layman and want to have an illegal attempt in front of me!"
The woman was shocked and said hesitantly:
"Venerable Master, why do you say such a thing?"
Mughalian is like a motionless mountain, which solemnly teaches:
"Don't hide your evil. I know what your purpose is as soon as I see you. You are obsessed with illusory beauty, which also encourages your chance to commit crimes. It's like an old elephant indulging in mud, sinking deeper and deeper!"
"Venerable Master, since you know my purpose, I also know that I can't hide it from you. I've heard that you are the most powerful disciple among the disciples of the Buddha. I don't believe that your magic will not be defeated by beauty. Now, I know that I am a man of deep sin. I also want to be good, but everything in the world is too frustrating. I think I am a person who cannot be saved. I have a bad past, and I will be bound by terrible causes and consequences in the future. " The woman's feelings are fragile at last. When she said the last few words, tears flowed down her eyes.
The Venerable Maghalian comforted her and said:
"Don't be sad, let alone discouraged. No matter how serious your past sins are, as long as you are willing to repent your past sins, there is no irredeemability. When your clothes are dirty, you can wash them with water. When your body is dirty, you can also wash them with water. When your heart is not clean, you can wash them with the teachings of the Buddha. The most polluted rivers, as long as Energy flow Go into the sea, and the water in the sea will always wash away the water flowing from all rivers. The teachings of my teacher, the Great Sage Buddha, can cleanse the filthy heart and repent of past sins. "
Her words made her very happy, and her eyes were full of hope. She said to Maghalian:
"Venerable Master, is the Buddha's teachings really so merciful and great? My past is really too evil, and my experiences are all unfortunate. I said, Venerable Master must cover his ears and avoid his face."
"It doesn't matter. You can tell me. What's your name?"
My name is Lotus Color, it's a German fork corpse Luocheng When I was 16 years old, my parents found a husband and wife for me. Shortly after, my father died unfortunately and lost his widowed mother, so I had an affair with my husband. When I knew it, I was heartbroken. I was with my husband Birth and breeding A daughter, I was so angry that I left her and ran away. After leaving home, I remarried another husband. Once, my remarried husband went out to do business. When he came back from Decha Shiluo, he bought one with thousands of gold without telling me Concubine At first, he kept a secret from me and hid the concubine in a friend's house. Later, when I learned that, I cried to see what the girl looked like and why she wanted to take away my husband's love. But, my lord! If I didn't look at it, I almost fell to the ground. It turned out that the little girl was the daughter of my ex husband and me. "
Lotus color When I said this, I could hardly cry. Mughalian comforted her and said:
"Lian Huase! Don't be so sad. People who understand the past, the present and the future know the reincarnation of cause and effect Situation In fact, life is a den of evil. What happened to you? "
"How could I bear such a blow later? I thought that my mother took my husband at the beginning, and now my daughter and I are competing for a husband. What else can I look like? Since then, I have run away from home. I hate the world and human beings. I have become a laughing whore. I want to play with the world and human beings, so I kill my evil life.
"Venerable Master, as long as I have money, I can do anything. Needless to say, the Venerable Master already knows why I came here to challenge your precepts. Fortunately, the Venerable Master has great power, but how can I repent to the Venerable Master?"
After listening to Lian Huase's frank narration, Magdallian did not despise her at all. Instead, he saw Lian Huase's heart was real, kind and beautiful. He walked to Lian Huase with a kind voice and said:
"Lian Huase! Your life experience is indeed a terrible karma, but if you can follow the teachings of the Buddha, such karma will come to an end. Now follow what the hell See the Buddha! "
Lian Huase was very happy. She was able to be saved and benefited from misfortunes because the Mahakalian Venerable Master had great power and the skill and convenience of life. [9]
Try to listen to the Buddha's voice
Mahayana Venerable, in Buddha's sangha Middle is the most active person. He can do anything that others cannot; He can go where no one else can.
One day, the Buddha Wang Shecheng Bamboo Forest House In the lecture hall of Zen Room I didn't listen to the lecture, but Buddha's View Of Sound , like thunder in his ears. He was surprised that he could still hear the voice of Buddha far away from him. In order to test how far the Buddha's voice can be heard, he used God's Foot Pass to reach billions Buddhist soil The other Buddhist country, this Buddhist country, is Strange Light Buddha The land of.
Magdallian often marches in other Buddhist lands, and he seems to be an experienced Traveler Where he goes, he always looks like he is in his own land and hometown.
Now, when he was in the Buddhist country beyond billions of Buddhas, he was glad to see the strange light of Buddha's land, and he walked forward to find a seat to listen to the strange light.
But miraculously, besides hearing the saying of the strange light Buddha, the sound of Sakyamuni Buddha's saying in the Saha world is still ringing in his ears.
At this moment, the Dharma sound of the strange light Tathagata stopped. A Bodhisattva saluted the strange light Tathagata and pointed to Mughalian and said:
buddha When you were speaking, a big insect came from somewhere. It seemed that he was pathetic. Let's drive him away! "
Qiguang Tathagata quickly stopped and said:
"Don't say that! He is Saha World Muqianlian, the most powerful disciple under the seat of Sakyamuni Buddha! "
"How can he be so short?" asked all the Bodhisattvas. It turned out that all Bodhisattvas and sentient beings in the land of the strange light Tathagata were hundreds of times taller than people in the Saha world. No wonder they said so when they saw Mughalian.
The strange light Buddha explained:
"You should not despise this venerable man. He has great power, yamantaka He can become comfortable and travel all over the country. As for being short, it is the different karma of all beings in different lands. "
After the strange light Tathagata said, he kindly said to Mughalian, "Master, you can deify among my disciples and Bodhisattvas from other lands, and eliminate the doubts of others about you!"
Mughalian took advantage of the power of Buddha to show various changes in magical powers, and all Bodhisattvas saw the capital Arise Respect.
After Magdallian realized his magic power, he returned to his standard. The strange light Tathagata asked him:
"Venerable Master, did you come to our land to test the distance of the sound of Buddha's voice?"
"Yes! I really have such intentions." Mughalian replied respectfully.
"Venerable Master, you can't think so. The power of various Buddhas is not fully understood by ordinary people. The voice of various Buddhas is all over the void. The realm of all living beings' various roots is far and near Heart separation Do not listen to the voice of the Buddha. "
The strange light Buddha revealed his words to Mughalian, who was ashamed to hear. Although he was active in the Buddhist monk group later, he never dared to try again forde And the Buddha's voice. [10]
All ghosts ask Business newspaper Karma
Mahayana Venerable Master not only often traveled to various countries, but also used divine power to observe the consequences of good and evil for all living beings in hell.
One day, Muqianlian was walking on the bank of the Ganges River. Time was running like a river. It was dusk. Thinking of the inconvenience of walking at night, Muqianlian sat quietly on the bank of the Ganges River.
The night wind gently blows, and the sky is shining with stars.
After a while, many hungry ghosts gathered on the Ganges River to fetch water to relieve hunger and thirst, but there was another ferocious guard Water ghost , holding an iron staff to drive away, so the ghosts dare not go near the water. Mughalian was sitting upright. Seeing that all the hungry ghosts suffered different things, he called them, and all the ghosts asked him about the cause of their sin.
The first ghost asked:
"Dear Sir, we were human beings in the past, and now we have fallen into the path of hungry ghosts. We often suffer from hunger and thirst. It is said that the Ganges River water tastes cool, but when we come to feed, the water is boiling hot. As long as we drink one mouthful, our internal organs will be burned. In addition, there are water guards who chase and expel us with iron sticks. What is our crime, please ask me, that we have suffered so much?"
Mughalian observed the cause and effect of the third generation with his divine power, and immediately told the hungry ghost:
"You were a fortune teller in your previous life. When you met people with good or bad luck, you talked more falsely than actually. When you criticized others, you talked freely. You claimed to understand that it was a lie. In order to obtain benefits, you would not hesitate to confuse all living beings. That's why Business newspaper 。」
The second ghost asked:
"Dear Sir, I am often attacked by some ferocious Big dog The feet eat my body. When the meat is eaten up, the wind blows the bones, and then it comes back to life. I don't know what causes me to suffer so much. "
"Because you killed chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep in your ancestors and worshipped the gods, you have received this retribution."
"Venerable Master!" the third ghost asked, "My stomach is as big as an urn, but my throat is as thin as a needle. When I see delicious food, I can't eat. I don't know what the reason is, and I suffer from it."
"You used to be an official in the past. You relied on your power, indulged in pleasure, and bullied others lightly. You gained from others' blood and sweat by relying on your power, so you are suffering from this."
The fourth ghost asked:
"Venerable Master, my body is full of tongues, and the blood often flows from the bottom of my body, making my head as big as a bucket. Every time my blood vessels break, my life is like a hairspring. I don't know why I am suffering from this."
"Your ancestors like to talk about right and wrong, talk about the length of people, speak out words, and do not want to benefit all living beings. All languages are to increase people's distress, so today we receive this report."
Many hungry ghosts ask about the past and the cause of suffering in this life, and Mughalian answers one by one. The magic power of Mughalian is such a person who can come and go freely from heaven to earth! [11]
Origins of Yu Lan Pan Hui
The Venerable Mughalian was able to know the retribution of the evil deeds of the ghosts through his heavenly eyes. He suddenly remembered his dead mother. He used his magic power to see his dead mother fall into the path of the hungry ghost and suffer. His throat was as small as a needle, and his skin and bones were connected together. Seeing this, Mughalian felt a sense of filial piety, which made him sad. He immediately filled his bowl with food, He used his supernatural power to feast his mother, but his mother had not yet eaten. The meal turned into charcoal in her hand, and she could not eat and drink. Muqianlian cried sadly and could not help herself. He can know the fate of ghosts Business newspaper , but I don't know what karma my mother suffered so much. With a heavy heart, he hurried to ask the Buddha for instructions, and the Venerable Maghalian said:
"Buddha! Today, I saw my mother in this life with all my power. I fell into the path of hungry ghosts and suffered. I don't know what the reason is. I can observe the karma of all ghosts with my divine power. Why didn't I know about the mother of my life? I beg Buddha to be merciful and enlighten me!"
The Buddha's face shows compassion Ciguang , answered:
"Mughalian! Your mother suffered this retribution because she slandered the Buddha and the monk in her life, did not believe in the law of cause and effect, was greedy, angry and evil, and teased all living beings. You know your mother's sins because your mother and son are deeply affectionate, and your divine power is covered by family affection!"
"Buddha! Is there any magic method that can make the mother of the disciple escape from the suffering of the hungry ghost?" Mughalian implored the Buddha.
"Muqianlian! Your mother's sin is deeply rooted. It is not your own power to save her. Although your filial piety touches the heaven and earth, the gods of heaven and earth have nothing to do with those who slander the Three Treasures. Now you can only rely on the power of the ten powerful monks to save your mother from the suffering of a hungry ghost.
"The 15th day of July every year is the retreat of ten monks Self indulgence On this day, those who are children should Seventh parents As well as those whose parents are in danger now, they set up hundreds of delicacies, fresh fruits, which are all delicious in the world, and put them in pots to support the ten great virtue monks. Because on July 15th Monk's self indulgence All saints may meditate in the mountains and by the water, or get four Momordica grosvenori , or walk under a tree, or teach the Six Links freely. There are even ten Bodhisattvas who are now monks, all of whom are fed with the same heart. All saints are pure and virtuous. Their virtue is like a vast ocean. It is inconceivable. If they can support these self willed monks, their current parents and six relatives will be able to get rid of the pain of three times. They will be free at the right time. Their clothes and food will be natural. If their parents are still alive, they will be happy for a hundred years and everything will be auspicious and smooth. This is the magic method of real super recommendation! "
After listening to the Buddha, Mughalian gladly pursued it. After the monks had provided for the masses of holy monks for many days, his mother was free from the suffering of hungry ghosts.
When he knew that his mother had left the path of hungry ghost, he was very grateful to Buddha. And praised the merits of the Three Treasures, and advised the world to follow Ullambana The law of, make offerings to Buddha And monks in return for their parents' kindness.
Advise to hold Yulan Penfa Association This was the painstaking effort of the Mughalili people who benefited from it, but now every July 15, Ulaanban becomes a god worshiper Sacrificing ghosts On that day, I really failed to live up to the mercy of Buddha and Mughalian.
Monggalyayana Venerable Master is not only the most powerful, but also famous for his great mercy! [12]
The divine power of the Mahayana Venerable Master can tell the past, the present and the future. Once the disciples of the Buddha asked the Buddha to tell them Sakya In the past, when Buddha thought of this problem, talking about good places would inevitably be like self propaganda. After considering this, he called Mughalian for propaganda.
Application of Mughalian pubbe-nivasanussati Observe the deeds of the long plunder, and the experience is like a picture. He gave a detailed account of the history of the Sakyamuni people, and everyone felt that Buddha was born in the Sakyamuni people Enlightenment It is not that there is no karma.
Monggalyayana Venerable Master is a person who often speaks for Buddha.
Another time, the monks gathered together like a symposium, and everyone reported their experience in learning the Buddha's teachings. The Venerable Mughalian said seven Buddhist verses, saying:
"Do no evil, All good deeds
Self purification They are all Buddhists. "
What are the teachings of the Buddhas? From Mughalian Venerable simple Ket It makes beginners understand the meaning of Buddhism very clearly. This verse, like the Venerable Mughalian, is always remembered by everyone. [13]
Divine power cannot defeat karma
Among the disciples of Buddha, no one can compare with the Holy Power of the Mahayana Venerable, so he thought that there is nothing impossible to use the Holy Power in everything.
The use of supernatural power is really convenient for attracting people, but supernatural power cannot violate the law of cause and effect and cannot overcome Business newspaper It is also a fact that we cannot extricate ourselves from the troubles of life and death.
Once, the Buddha's homeland, Kapila Weicheng, was attacked by the Virudhaka At first, the Buddha was also moved by his patriotic zeal and wanted to help his country. The Buddha sat on the road three times to block the army of the King of Glass. But when the King of Glass met the Buddha, although he returned to the army every time, his hatred of revenge and aggression never died. The Buddha knew the truth of retribution for fruit industry and should put an end to it. After he had done his patriotic heart, he had to let him go.
However, the Holy Power of the Mahakalian Venerable Master was still unable to understand the endless karma. When he learned that the Grand Army of the Glaze King had surrounded Kapila Weicheng, he was very excited to tell the Buddha:
"Buddha! The Kapila Acropolis was invaded by the King of Glaze. In order to rescue the people of the whole city, we should help."
The Buddha looked at Maghalian for a while, and then answered in a kind tone:
"Mughalian! The Sakyamuni people received the retribution of their sins, which is felt by the common karma. You can't accept it for them! They don't repent their sins, they are arrogant, they don't change their ways, and their houses will eventually fall down!"
After listening to the Buddha's words, the Monggalyayana Venerable Master knew that this was true, but he thought of his divine power, which he wanted to use to save the people in the city.
The King of Coloured Glaze besieged the Gapilo Acropolis with a million troops. The city was so full that no one could pass. Only Mughalian could fly into the city with his magic power.
After entering the city, Mughalian found 500 outstanding people among the Sakyamuni. He took photos of them with bowls and flew out of the sky.
After leaving the city, when we arrived at a peaceful area, Magdallian opened the bowl in his hand and wanted to release 500 Sakyamuni people. But if we didn't look at it, we were already. At first, Magdallian was shocked, and all the 500 people in the bowl turned into blood!
By this time, the Mahayana Venerable Master had fully realized that the law of cause and effect that Buddha said could not be violated, and even if there was divine power, it could not defeat karma. [14]
martyrdom First person
By virtue of his supernatural power of going up to heaven and down to earth, Mughalian helped spread Buddhism and made great contributions. But the Buddha has long said that divine power is not the ultimate method, Long browed Arhat , originally You Tian Wang His minister, Bintou Luopolaolao, got a magical power after becoming a monk with the Buddha and once showed it off in front of his white clothes. The Buddha rudely scolded him once, and ordered him to separate from the monk group and go to West Quyeni to educate alone. Only the magic power of Mughalian, Buddha not only did not scold, but often praised.
The Buddha is not biased. He knows a fact that he uses the power of Magdalene to help him to preach and consolidate his good deeds, but the result of Magdalene's use of the power cannot be overcome Business newspaper If the karma created by individuals is needed, even if they have supernatural power, they will not die. Buddha wanted to use this fact to teach future generations.
Although the age of Mughalian is gradually approaching the edge of the old age, he is more and more energetic, just like the flowing preaching life. He didn't know that he was envied because he preached the Buddha's teachings enthusiastically. The laymen had no way to deal with the Buddha, but they waited for an opportunity to assassinate Mughalian.
He shouldered the responsibility of promoting law and benefiting life. Once, on the way to preach the truth, he passed by the foot of Isidjawa pear mountain and was Naked Outer Path When they saw it, they pushed down the stones from the mountain to kill Magdalen. The stones fell like raindrops, and the impermanent flesh of Magdalen was beaten Meat paste However, they did not dare to approach the place where Mughalian died in two or three days. They were afraid of his magic power. However, in order to spread the Bodhi seed of Buddhism, Mughalian was persecuted by outsiders. In order to set an example for future generations to sacrifice for the Dharma, his body really died. The blood of Mughalian is not in vain. In order to promote law and benefit life, many sages and sages, under the light of the Buddha, followed the footsteps of the Mughalian Venerable, gave their lives, gave everything, the light of truth, can not be destroyed in the world, which is a great price to pay!
The news that the Mahakalian Venerable was assassinated by outsiders spread Ajatsu The king was so angry that he ordered the arrest of the murderer. Thousands of naked laymen were thrown into the prison under the wrath of Ajatsu Fire pit
The heresy was executed by the King Ajatsu, which can't be eliminated monk We mourn for the martyrdom of Magdallian. We sigh. They all feel that things in the world are too unfair. With such great power of Magdallian, why can't we avoid attacks from outsiders!
The monks were unwilling. They gathered together to ask the Buddha. They asked, "Buddha! Monggalyayana and Sariputra are the same Buddha Upper seat He is such a great person. The Buddha went to the Heavenly Palace to say that he was the mother. He was asked by us to visit the Buddha in the Heavenly Palace; His mother suffered from slandering Sanbao and fell into hell. He went to hell to save his mother. He is such a magnificent and powerful sage, why not fight with the laymen? At least, why didn't he avoid the conspiracy of outsiders? "
The Buddha realized the truth of the universe and everything that would happen in the world. The Buddha's great wisdom has long known that the Buddha was not as excited as the monks, The Buddha calmly told everyone: "Mughalian is the most skillful disciple among my disciples. He is not unable to fight against outsiders, but because once when the King of Glaze invaded Kapila Wei, he could not save the people in the city with his divine power. He knows that the divine power cannot defeat the karma, the body is impermanent, and the karma is going to end. In his past life, Mughalian used fishing as a career, and I don't know how many lives died for his grievances. Don't be sad. Although Mahakalian died, the truth will not die! "
"But, Buddha!" said the monks who could not let go, "we finally felt that the death of Monggalyayana was too tragic!"
"Do not think so, monks. The question of life and death is not a problem before the enlightened ones. There is life and there is death There is no need to panic and fear when you die. What matters is whether you are sure of your death. Only the Mahayana Venerable Master is not lost when he dies, and entering Nirvana is truly valuable. Only the Mahayana Venerable Master sacrifices to promote the teachings of Buddha, which is infinite beauty! "
Among the monks, there were still some people who could not let go. They sighed, shook their heads and said to the Buddha with infinite sadness:
"Buddha! We also know that we should have the spirit of sacrifice for the religion, but it is too early for the Mahakalian Venerable to sacrifice now. There are many great undertakings that need his leadership to do. Buddha! Why didn't you tell him this encounter earlier so that he could have a precaution?"
From these bhikkhus' questions about Buddha, we can know that they are excited about the martyrdom of Mughalian, and we can also know that all bhikkhus respect Mughalian. Buddha again said to everyone in a tone of comfort and encouragement:
"Bhikkhu! When Mahayana was martyred, it was not because he did not know how to prevent. He had the power of a great god, and he could defend himself from death, but this was not the way in the end. Practitioners should not violate the law of cause and effect. Mahayana caught fish in the cause, and the killing of life was coming to an end. Moreover, Mahayana had long vowed to dedicate his life to the truth, and now he was very happy with his wish In out My disciples can all have the spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom of Mughalian, and the Buddhism will be further developed, monks! You should follow the example of Mahayana! "
The monks and nuns were very moved by the French language taught by Buddha physical body In the event of death, there will be countless Mughalian people who will willingly and joyfully tread in order to publicize the truth of Buddha and spread the holy religion Martyr We are moving forward!
We should cheer for the martyrdom of Monggalyayana! [15]