
Wind or direction with the most frequency
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Prevailing wind, also known as the most frequent wind direction, refers to the wind with the most frequency in a certain period of time in a region wind or wind direction Usually, the time periods of day, month, quarter and year are used statistical method Calculate the Prevailing wind direction
Chinese name
Foreign name
Prevailing Winds
Maximum wind direction
Wind or direction with the most frequency
statistical method
Usually by day, month, quarter and year
influence factor
Local atmospheric circulation conditions

Characteristics and rules

The prevailing wind zone is often closely related to the circulation conditions of a place, such as in the middle east latitude Westerlies commonly Prevailing westerly wind , on Trade wind belt Up often prevails yamase Sometimes it is also related to local topography, such as in China Weihe River Due to the limitation of terrain, east-west wind prevails in river basins.
The downwind areas where the wind prevails are most affected by pollution. On a clear night, wind speed Small, near ground area several hundred meters high radiation inversion layer The atmosphere is stable, and the diffusion ability of pollutants is poor. Around noon, the vertical decline rate of temperature increases, the thermal and dynamic turbulence develops, and the diffusion ability of pollutants increases. Understand the prevailing wind direction in a region environmental pollution And other studies are very meaningful.
Under construction air pollution The factory should pay attention to: 1. It should be built in the downwind direction of the dominant wind direction; 2. It should be built in the suburb where the prevailing wind is vertical; 3. It should be built in the upwind direction of the minimum wind frequency [1-2]

Prevailing Wind Code

suffer East Asian monsoon Influenced by the general background of atmospheric circulation, the prevailing wind in Zhejiang has obvious seasonal variation characteristics, and because of the complexity and diversity of Zhejiang's topography and landforms. In hilly and mountainous areas, land sea border areas and large basins, the prevailing wind also shows local characteristics with local characteristics.
East Asian monsoon atmospheric circulation The seasonal changes of Zhejiang Province The northerly wind prevails in winter - the southerly wind prevails in summer, and the wind direction is relatively unstable in the transitional seasons of spring and autumn. The annual variation of wind speed shows the overall situation of strong winter and spring monsoon and low summer and autumn monsoon. May and June in the plum rain season are often the minimum wind speed period in the whole year. The wind output can also be increased again in August due to the impact of typhoon. [1]