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Stock market terminology
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In a round, it means price of stock In a certain time, the amplitude is very small, in short Horizontal plate Trend.
Chinese name
Sideways trend
Futures terms
The stock price amplitude is very small in a certain time range

Futures terms

Lock warehouse generally refers to futures Investors are buying and selling Futures contract Later, when the market moves in the opposite direction to its own operation Position In contrast, the new warehouse is also called the counter lock Lock order , and even called it Butterfly Flying Together. There are generally two ways to lock positions, namely profit locking and loss locking. Profit lock position is bought and sold by investors Futures contract To a certain extent Floating profit Investors feel that the original trend has not changed, but the market may fall back or rebound for a short time, and investors do not want to buy at a low price or sell at a high price easily close a position , they continue to hold the original Position At the same time, open new positions in the opposite direction. Loss lock position means that the futures contract bought and sold by the investor has a floating loss to a certain extent. The investor cannot see the future market clearly, but does not want to turn the floating loss into actual loss, so while continuing to hold the original loss position, he opens a new position in the opposite direction in an attempt to lock in the risk.

Brief introduction

(1) First, find out why we need to lock the warehouse.
(2) What problems can be solved by locking the warehouse.
(3) What benefits can the lock warehouse bring to us.
In the state of loss, there is no lock position, lock position only lock profit.
It mainly solves the problem of consolidation in the market and the problem of Position In the best position and at the least cost.
The consolidation is mainly divided into:;
(1) Regular consolidation between cells.
(2) Large range irregular consolidation.
It is certain that any kind of one-way position will be tested in this consolidation.
Either your stop loss is large and the direction is correct, avoiding the two kinds of consolidation, and you will win in the end. On the contrary, if there is a reversal or big shock, you will suffer a lot of losses.
Either your stop loss is small, and no doubt you stop loss repeatedly during this period, resulting in heavy losses and disorientation.
Either you think that you will temporarily consolidate and withdraw from the sidelines, but at a relatively high point you dare not open up positions, let alone open down positions.
Missed the opportunity in hesitation.
All the above questions can be used Lock-in To solve the problem, before any one-way market appears, your Position Already in the best position.
And while locking in early profits, there are opportunities to expand your profits.
Your profit will multiply when the one-way market appears.
Your position is also in the best position when the reversal occurs.
One step ahead, one upmanship.
All this is achieved by paying more manual costs and a little loss in the process of operation. (I have a saying that you can spend a small amount of money to buy insurance for your position, but you may not be able to spend money to earn money back.) There are few pure one-way quotations, only one third of the total process.