
[yì zhōu]
Ancient place names in Sichuan
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Yizhou, an ancient place name in China, Martial Emperor Set Thirteen states One of the thirteen provincial history departments( Three Kingdoms Period )Include today Sichuan Chongqing Yunnan Guizhou Hanzhong Most regions and Myanmar north, Hubei Henan A small part, where the governance lies Shujun Of Chengdu
Chinese name
Foreign name
Present Southwest (except Western Sichuan, Tibet)
1060000 km²
Prosperity Population
5.29 million people (at the beginning of the Three Kingdoms Shuhan regime)
major city
Chengdu, Bajun, Nanzheng, Luoxian, Jiangyang

State Administrative Region


Pre Qin

Yizhou was Ba people and Shu people A place to live.
In 316 BC, the Qin state Annexation of Bashu.
In 311 BC, Qin built the city wall according to the Xianyang system.

Western Han Dynasty

Yuanfeng Five years (the first 106 years), Martial Emperor There are 13 provincial governor departments in the country, and the Yizhou Department is in Sichuan Luoxian County In the following hundreds of years Shujun Qianwei Prefecture Judy County Yuedang County Zangke County Jianning County Yongchang County Hanzhong County Guanghan County Zitong County Bajun Brazil County Badong County Yizhou County The county has 146 counties under its jurisdiction, belonging to Shu. It is located in the Hanzhong Basin of modern Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Shaanxi.

Eastern Han Dynasty

The administrative division of the whole country was changed, and the seat of Yizhou was designated Luoxian County (now Guanghan, Sichuan).
In 191, Yizhoumu Liu Yan Migration treatment Mianzhu
In 194, the prefecture government was moved to Chengdu. Since then, Yizhou also means the alias of Chengdu. This title was almost always used until the end of the Western Jin Dynasty. However, the city name of Chengdu has never changed. [1]

three countries

Yizhou was one of the three largest states at that time, Liu Bei Occupy this place and establish the Shuhan regime.
The Last Years of the Three Kingdoms Western Jin Dynasty Extinguish Shuhan , divide Yizhou, set up separately Liangzhou

Southern and Northern Dynasties

Southern and Northern Dynasties - Southern Dynasties Qi - Yizhou (AD 497)
During the Western Jin Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it has always been the Yi and Liang prefectures. During the Sixteen Kingdoms Period Qiao Zong Set up here Qiao Shu Regime.

Sui and Tang Dynasties

Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa Three years ago (583), Yizhou was only a county.
Great cause In the third year (607), the prefecture was changed to a county, and Yizhou was changed to Shujun , set up the imperial guard.
In the first year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (618), it was called Yizhou again, and the prefecture set up a governor.
The first year of Zhenguan (627), Li Shimin Abolish state and county systems, and change Yizhou and other states into Jiannan Road
Vertical arch Two years (686), analysis of Yizhou's land acquisition Shuzhou
Kaiyuan Seven years (719) Jiannan Road Jiannan Festival Envoy Yizhou belongs to.
In the first year of Tianbao (742), the prefecture was changed into a county, and Yizhou was changed into Shujun Yizhou was eliminated. [1]


Ancient name of Chengdu Jincheng Jinguan City Lotus City Nickname“ city of Chengdu
Chengdu is the old place of ancient Shu. About 2500 years ago, the Kaiming King of the ancient Shu Kingdom took the capital from Fanxiang (today's Pengzhou At the junction of Xindu) King Tai of Zhou One year of relocation Agglomerate , two years Chengyi "Three Years of Chengdu", named Chengdu.
Qin destroyed Shu and renamed it Shu Prefecture. Chengdu's brocade industry was developed in the Western Han Dynasty, and the court set up here“ Jinguan ”Therefore, Chengdu is also called "Jinguan City" or "Jincheng" for short. In the Five Dynasties, the leader of Later Shu Meng Chang Chengdu is also known as the "Chengdu City" after the order to plant hibiscus all over.
From the end of the Western Jin Dynasty Chenghan Chengdu's Yizhou Aliases are almost useless. To the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Houshu When Meng Chang, the second emperor, planted hibiscus trees all over the city wall, the city was surrounded by hibiscus flowers when the flowers were in bloom. From the outside, it looks like a lotus city, so the other name of Chengdu has been formed since then. But Chengdu's real name has never changed.
Chengdu, the capital of Shu County, also produces Shu brocade The emperor appointed a royal official to handle the supply and demand of the imperial court's Shu brocade, so it is also called Jinguan City At the end of Qin Dynasty and the beginning of Han Dynasty, Chengdu replaced the Central Plains and became known as "Tianfu".
At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Gongsun Shu was proclaimed emperor and Chengdu was designated as a "family".
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Yan was "Yizhou Mu", moved to Chengdu, and used Chengdu as a prefecture, county and county seat.
Chengdu's commerce was developed in the Qin and Han Dynasties. In the Qin Dynasty, Chengdu had become a national metropolis. In the Western Han Dynasty, Chengdu had a population of 76000 households and nearly 400000 people, making it one of the six largest cities in China( Chang'an Luoyang Handan Linzi, Wanzhou, Chengdu), "Shaocheng" is the most developed commercial city in Chengdu, where there are mountains of goods, shops and stalls. In addition, the literature and art of Chengdu in the "Han Dynasty" also reached a high level, Sima Xiangru , Yang Xiong Wang Bao He is the most famous scholar in China. The Han Dynasty brick and stone reliefs unearthed in Chengdu are exquisite and extensive.
Chengdu got its name when the ancient Shu State moved its capital from north to south. The rulers wanted to take advantage of the Zhou Dynasty's ancestors' prosperity in moving the capital, and hoped that this new place could become the political center of the country as soon as possible. So I chose Chengdu as the capital city. So Chengdu, as a city, has been called "Chengdu" since its birth.
During the Sui and Tang dynasties, Chengdu was economically developed, culturally prosperous, and Buddhism prevailed. Chengdu has become one of the four famous cities in China (Chang'an, Yangzhou, Chengdu Dunhuang )Third, agriculture, silk industry, handicraft industry and commerce are developed. Papermaking and printing are developing rapidly, and their economic status is so-called“ Yang Yi Yi Er "(Yangzhou first, Chengdu second)." Shu embroidery "As one of the three famous embroideries in China," Shu brocade "is regarded as a tribute treasure, and its output ranks first in the country. Chengdu is one of the birthplaces of Chinese block printing. In the late Tang Dynasty, most of the printed products came from Chengdu. In addition to the national important food market and silkworm market, Chengdu also has" grass market ", which is a town market distributed in neighboring areas. In the Tang Dynasty, Chengdu was full of litterateurs and great poets Li Bai Du Fu , Wang Bo Lu Zhaolin , Gao Shi, Cen Shen Xue Tao , Li Shangyin, Yong Tao, Kang Shu and other short-term residents in Chengdu. In the Tang Dynasty, Chengdu developed tourist attractions such as Kaimo River and Baihua Pond. During the Zhenguan period, Jianyuan Temple was built in the north of the city. During the Dazhong period of the Tang Dynasty, it was renamed Zhaojue Temple , known as the "No.1 Zen Forest in Western Sichuan".

historical event

In the Han Dynasty, Yunnan could go down the Irrawaddy River by water and sail out of the Bay of Bengal to India. It is connected to the Indian Ocean Channel. According to the Biography of Wei Lue · Xirong, the waterway of the State of Qin, which connects Yongchang County of Yizhou, will land from the coast of Myanmar to Yongchang. The description of the place to the east of India's east coast in the Voyage of Eritrean Industry Sea can also confirm this route. In the History of Myanmar, the British historian Harvey said that since the second century BC, China has used Myanmar as a commercial channel, "along the Irrawaddy River, along the Salween River, there is still a ride along the Chindwinr (today's Qindun River) through Manipur, which takes three months to Afghanistan. Businessmen exchanged Chinese silk and other famous products for Myanmar's gems, jadeite and kapok; Indian rhinoceros horn, ivory, European gold and other treasures. [2]