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pelvic cavity

[pén qiāng]
Cavity inside the pelvis
Pelvic cavity: The cavity inside the pelvis. Bladder and urethra, etc Urinary organ And the uterus and ovaries of women are all in the pelvic cavity. [1] pelvic cavity the peritoneum Inflammation can be confined to one part or occur in several parts at the same time, which can be divided into acute and chronic. The scope of female pelvic cavity includes genitals Guan (uterus Fallopian tube , ovary), pelvic peritoneum and periuterine connective tissue
Chinese name
pelvic cavity
Foreign name
reproduction organs Pelvic peritoneum, connective tissue
The place where the fetus or larva grows
The position is the same as the testis, only the left side develops
Related to age and spawning period
pén qiāng

Part introduction



Part of the female reproductive organs of humans and animals, which are human and animal fetuses or Larval development Place of growth.
endometrium I.e mucosa , composed of epithelium (genus Monolayer columnar epithelium , Yes Secretory cell And ciliated cells) Astrocyte , called Stroma cell Lamina propria The endometrium can be divided into superficial functional membrane and deep functional membrane Basement layer The functional layer is thick, accounting for about 4/5 of the thickness of the intima, and the base layer is thin and dense, accounting for about 1/5 of the thickness of the intima menstruation During the cycle, the functional layer can be stripped, while the base layer cannot.

Fallopian tube

pelvic cavity
Only the left side is developed, which is a long and curved pipe. According to its structure and function, it can be divided into five parts from front to back: the funnel part - there is the abdominal opening of the fallopian tube in the center, and the edge is thin and umbrella shaped. The swelling part, or protein secretion part, is the longest and most curved part. isthmus ——It is the reduced part behind the expanded part. Uterus - expanded into a saclike, thick wall. Vagina - thin and curved into an "S" shape, with the rear end opening at Cloaca Left side of.


The position is the same as the testis, only the left side develops (the right side has degenerated), showing Grape In different development stages ovarian follicle The follicles are yellow, and the ovarian surface is densely covered with blood vessels. The size of ovary is related to age and spawning period.
Ovaries located in Fundus uteri The posterolateral side of the pelvic cavity is connected with the lateral wall of the pelvic cavity. During pregnancy, due to the movement of the uterus, its position also changes greatly. After the fetus is delivered, the ovary generally does not return to its original position. Ovaries belong to intraperitoneal organ It is completely Broad ligament of uterus The posterior lobe is wrapped to form an ovarian capsule. Interovarian Plica peritoneum , called ovary Mesentery (Mesovarium)。 The ovarian mesangium is very short, and there are blood vessels to the ovary lymph gland And nerves. Ovarian mobility Its position is mostly affected by the filling degree of large intestine. Generally located in Ovarian fossa The inner and outer sides are connected with the peritoneum of the lateral wall of the pelvic cavity. Ovarian fossa Angle of intersection Inside, the front boundary is umbilical artery Cable, the rear boundary is ureter and Internal iliac artery Ovarian fossa floor consists of Internal obturator muscle And covering its surface Pelvic fascia and Parietal peritoneum form. At the base of the ovarian fossa extraperitoneal tissue There are obturator vessels and nerves passing through. The position of the fetal ovary is similar to that of the male testis, which is located near the waist and kidney. The ovary of the newborn is higher, slightly Oblique position The position of adult ovary is lower, and its long axis is nearly vertical. his Fallopian tube End, located in the pelvis Upper mouth Slightly below the plane, near the external iliac vein Sacroiliac joint relative. Uterine orifice It is downward, slightly above the pelvic floor peritoneum, and connected with the lateral horn of the uterus. The mesangial margin lies behind the umbilical artery cord. Free margin It is located in front of the ureter. Older women have lower ovarian position. The position of ovary may be caused by Uterine position Is affected. When the uterus leans to the left, the left ovary moves downward slightly, and the uterine end turns inward slightly; When tilting to the right, the opposite is true. The oviduct end of the ovary and the upper part of its posterior edge are covered by Fimbria oviduct and Funnel of fallopian tube Overwrite.

Preventive care

pelvic infection Prevention and nursing of symptoms
pelvic cavity
1. Put an end to all kinds of infection routes, keep the perineum clean and dry, clean the vulva with water every night, and make sure that special personnel are assigned to wash the vulva. Never wash the vagina by hand, or wash the vulva with hot water, soap, etc. pelvic infection The amount of leucorrhea is large and the texture is thick, so you should change your underwear frequently, and do not wear tight chemical fiber Texture underwear.
2、 menstruation Stage, post abortion and upper stage Ring retrieval After gynecological surgery, vaginal bleeding must be prohibited sex life , swimming, bath and washing are prohibited Sauna bath , change frequently tampon , because the engine body Resistance Decline, pathogenic bacteria It is easy to enter by chance, causing infection.
3. Diagnosed as acute or sub acute Acute pelvic inflammation Patients must comply with Doctor's order Actively cooperate with the treatment. The patient must stay in bed or take Semi recumbent position To facilitate inflammation localization and secretion discharge. Chronic pelvic inflammation Patients should not be too tired. They should combine work with rest and refrain from sexual intercourse to avoid worsening symptoms.
4、 fever The patient usually sweats a lot when the fever subsides. Pay attention to keeping warm and keep the body dry. After sweating, change clothes and trousers to avoid blowing the air conditioner or direct blowing Convective wind
5. Pay attention to the quantity, quality, color and taste of leucorrhea. Those with more leucorrhea, yellow color, thick texture, foul smell, indicate a serious condition. If leucorrhea turns from yellow to white (or light yellow), the quantity changes from less to less, and the taste tends to normal (slightly sour), indicating that the condition has improved.
6. Patients with acute or subacute pelvic inflammation should keep Smooth stool And observe the character of stool. If there is pus in the stool or Be quick inside and heavy behind We should go to the hospital immediately to prevent Pelvic abscess Burst the intestinal wall, causing Acute peritonitis
7. Some patients suffer from chronic pelvic inflammation and feel a little uncomfortable, so they take antibiotics by themselves. If they take antibiotics for a long time, they will appear in the vagina Flora disorder , caused by Increased vaginal secretions , white Leucorrhea like bean dregs , at this time, Should be Go to the hospital and exclude colpitis mycotica
8. Pelvic inflammatory patients should pay attention to diet regulation; Nutrition should be strengthened. It is advisable to eat a light and digestible diet during fever High fever Patients with fluid injury can be given Pear juice or Apple Juice Watermelon Juice It should not be drunk after freezing. The patients with leucorrhea, yellow color, large quantity and thick texture belong to Damp heat syndrome Avoid fried and roasted greasy and spicy food. less Abdominal cold pain . The patient who is afraid of cold and has a sore back belongs to cold coagulation Qi stagnation type , you can give Ginger soup Brown sugar water , Guiyuan meat isothermal Hot food Most of them have five heart troubles and low back pain Deficiency of kidney yin , edible meat and eggs Flesh and blood affectionate To nourish and strengthen.
9. Do a good job of contraception to minimize the trauma of induced abortion. Strict aseptic operation is required during operation; Avoid the invasion of pathogenic bacteria.
10、 Chronic pelvic inflammation Abdominal mass Patients use traditional Chinese medicine retention enema The treatment is very effective. It has Promoting blood circulation and removing stasis Soft and hard disintegration clearing away heat and toxic material Or it can warm the palace and dissipate cold. The method is:
Preparation before operation:
(1) Concentrate 100ml of a dose of Chinese medicine for standby;
(2) disposable infusion set L, a little paraffin oil or lubricating oil;
(3) enema Empty stool and urine before Abdominal pressure And clean the intestines.
Operation method:
Before going to bed every night, after emptying stool and urine Right lateral decubitus Move the buttocks close to the bed edge, connect the infusion set according to the intravenous infusion method, discharge the gas, cut off the needle of the infusion set, apply a small amount of lubricating oil on the end, slowly insert 10-15cm from the anus into the rectum, and slowly drip the liquid medicine. The temperature of the liquid medicine should be 39 ℃ - 41 ℃, the pressure should be low, and the liquid level should not be more than 30cm from the anus. After filling, try to stay in bed and rest.
Traditional Chinese medicine retention enema has been used in clinical practice for many years, which is a good method Route of administration , mainly through absorption of intestinal wall Semipermeable membrane Of Permeability It is rapidly absorbed and causes systemic Therapeutic effect , especially for adjacent organs, such as pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, etc. Moreover, it can be operated by nurses during hospitalization, or operated at home after leaving the hospital.
Acute pelvic inflammation and Chronic pelvic inflammation The treatment is different.
about Acute pelvic inflammation In terms of treatment, patients should take more rest, Supplemental nutrition , using antibiotics Before Vaginal discharge Bacterial culture and Drug sensitivity test , select appropriate antibiotics.
Chronic pelvic inflammation Chinese and Western Medicine combined treatment Obvious package or repeatedly selected by the author surgical treatment

pelvic infection

Impact I Pelvic effusion Without good treatment, it is very harmful and easy to make Pelvic adhesion In addition, pelvic effusion can also make women Fallopian tube jam The production of fallopian tube blockage is Female infertility One of the most common causes of infertility in patients, pelvic fluid infertility patients need to actively receive treatment and prevent the aggravation of the disease.
Impact II : Most pelvic effusion is due to women genitals It is caused by inflammation of the official organs, and a few other reasons are women's ectopic pregnancy Broken or Corpus luteum rupture And pelvic cyst Most of the above diseases will lead to female infertility.
Impact III Chronic infection The focus and pelvic effusion are probably caused by the ovary and Fallopian tube It is caused by inflammation, which seriously affects women's fertility.

pelvic inflammatory disease

·Characteristics of acute and chronic pelvic inflammation
Pelvic inflammation can be divided into acute and chronic. Acute pelvic inflammation is more serious Gynecological diseases , mostly postpartum
Median sagittal section of female pelvic cavity
. Infection by germs after operation or abortion or poor hygiene during menstruation and diseases of adjacent organs( appendicitis Caused by spread; Chronic pelvic inflammation is mostly Acute pelvic inflammation It is caused by untimely treatment. In case of acute attack of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, it may develop into Chronic peritonitis septicemia , even Toxic shock
·Clinical manifestations of acute and chronic pelvic inflammation
The clinical manifestations of the two are different. Most acute pelvic inflammatory diseases have high fever Chilliness , abdominal pain and tenderness. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease usually has continuous pain in the lower abdomen, backache, menstrual disorders Leukorrhea Urgency of urination , frequency of urination dysuria , poor appetite, fever headache And other symptoms, there are cord like masses on both sides of the abdomen, accompanied by sterility
·Etiology of acute pelvic inflammation
Acute pelvic inflammation Mostly Aerobic bacteria And Anaerobic bacteria Of mixed infection The main causes of acute pelvic inflammation are: 1) infection after delivery or abortion 2) infection after intrauterine surgery 3) poor menstrual hygiene 4) inflammation of adjacent organs Direct spread 5) Acute attack of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease.
·Etiology of chronic pelvic inflammation
Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is often caused by incomplete treatment of acute pelvic inflammatory disease, or patients with poor physique and prolonged course of disease. However, some women do not have the process of acute pelvic inflammatory disease and directly show chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease is more stubborn, when the body resistance is poor, it can be an acute attack.
Main points of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease clinical manifestation
Mainly include: 1) Most of the systemic symptoms are not obvious, sometimes Low fever , easy to fatigue. The course of disease is long, and some patients may have Neurasthenia symptom. 2) chronic inflammation Formed Cicatricial adhesion as well as Pelvic hyperemia , can cause Lower abdomen Falling, swelling, pain and Lumbosacral region Soreness is often aggravated after tiredness, sexual intercourse and menstruation. 3) Because of pelvic congestion, patients may have increased menstruation, and ovarian function damage may have menstrual disorders, Adhesion of fallopian tube Obstruction can lead to infertility.
·Causes of high incidence of chronic pelvic inflammation
Pelvic inflammatory disease, especially chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, is a very common gynecological disease. In China, due to personal hygiene Conditions and medical conditions, or minor gynecological surgery and Family planning surgery in Sterile operation Indifferent concept and wide application Intrauterine device When patients do not pay attention to personal hygiene and other reasons, the incidence of pelvic inflammation is very high. With the increasingly frequent foreign exchanges, STD The incidence rate in China is increasing year by year, which has caused pelvic infection It is also increasing. In this case Sexual awareness It is more obvious in areas with weak, disordered sex life and high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.
·Common causes of pelvic inflammation
(1) Postpartum or post abortion infection: miscarriage Later, the body is weak, and the cervix has not been closed well after dilation. At this time, the bacteria in the vagina and cervix may be ascending infection Pelvic cavity; If there is still placenta If the fetal membrane remains, the chance of infection is greater.
(2) Infection after gynecological surgery: induced abortion, ring release or ring removal Tubal hydrotubation Salpingography Endometrial polyps Extirpation , or submucosa fibroid If the disinfection is not strict or the original reproductive system Chronic inflammation may cause postoperative infection. Some patients do not pay attention to personal hygiene after surgery, or do not follow the doctor's advice after surgery and have sex, which can also cause bacterial infection pelvic infection
(3) Not paying attention to hygiene during menstruation: during menstruation endometrium Exfoliation, Intrauterine Blood sinus Open with condensation clot It is a good condition for bacteria to breed. If you do not pay attention to hygiene during menstruation, use hygienic standard Unqualified sanitary napkins or toilet paper, or sexual life, will provide bacteria with Retrograde infection The opportunity to cause pelvic inflammation.
(4) Inflammation spread in adjacent organs: the most common is appendicitis peritonitis Because they are adjacent to the female internal reproductive organs, inflammation can spread directly and cause female pelvic inflammation. suffer from chronic cervicitis Inflammation can also pass through Lymphatic circulation , causing Pelvic connective tissue inflammation
Pelvic infection It will cause physiological and psychological effects on women, so once the above symptoms are found, you should go to the hospital in a timely manner, and you must not take drugs indiscriminately, so as not to delay treatment and delay recovery.
·Is chronic pelvic inflammation associated with infertility?
The uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries in or around a woman's pelvic cavity, including the pelvic cavity the peritoneum When inflammation occurs at any place, it can be called pelvic inflammation. Inflammation can be confined to one part, or several parts can be inflamed at the same time. Clinically, pelvic inflammation in a narrow sense refers to Salpingitis
Pelvic inflammation can be caused by External genitalia It can also be caused by inflammation of adjacent organs or infection of other parts of the body. Bacteria often menstruation , abortion, childbirth, or through various surgical wounds in the reproductive tract into the pelvic cavity to cause inflammation. Pelvic inflammatory disease is divided into acute and chronic. The former has an acute onset and usually has obvious causes. If the treatment is timely, thorough and effective, it can often be cured. When Acute inflammation If not thoroughly treated, it can become chronic, but more often because of the slow onset of the disease, the mild condition did not attract attention, so the treatment is not timely, and it will become chronic. This kind of pelvic inflammation often causes infertility in women.
Chronic pelvic inflammation Most of them are bilateral salpingitis. Over time, the opening of the fallopian tube, especially the end that receives the egg (called the umbrella end), is partially or completely blocked, and the mucous membrane inside the fallopian tube is also narrowed or blocked due to inflammatory adhesion. In this way, eggs, sperm or Zygote Obstacle occurs in the passage of, resulting in infertility. Severe pelvic inflammation can spread to pelvic peritoneum, uterus and cervix The adjacent tissues eventually cause these organs and tissues to become stiff and inactive, especially the fallopian tubes lose the physiological function of softness and creep, become stiff and twisted, and the lumen is completely blocked, reaching the level of incurable.
·Why don't you get pelvic inflammation or salpingitis without having a child?
This is partly due to failure to pay attention to menstrual hygiene, working in paddy fields or swimming during the menstrual period, and a small number of germs constantly invade, which can be caused over time Chronic pelvic inflammation It is partly caused by other diseases, more commonly Pelvic tuberculosis Causes endometrium and Fallopian tube intima Tuberculosis and Tubal nowhere A little is due to Sexual relations The disorder, sexually transmitted diseases cause salpingitis and lead to tubal obstruction; Very few of them suffer from it for a long time before marriage colpitis Symptoms such as trichomonad Sexual or fungal vaginitis, the bacteria can go up to infect the fallopian tube, causing inflammation of the fallopian tube. Therefore, girls should pay attention to the cleanliness of the vulva since childhood. After puberty, when Hypogastric pain Or more obvious dysmenorrhea , abnormal menstruation or vagina Leucorrhea abnormality When, should go to the hospital to check, early lighter salpingitis or pelvic inflammatory disease can be cured.
Chronic pelvic inflammation and Adnexitis Relationship of
In female internal reproductive organs, fallopian tubes and ovaries are called uterus enclosure So strictly speaking, adnexitis refers to the inflammation of fallopian tubes and ovaries. But the fallopian tube Oophoritis Parauterine connective tissue inflammation and pelvic peritonitis are often associated, and it is difficult to distinguish them in diagnosis, Pelvic peritonitis Parauterine connective tissue inflammation is also included in the range of adnexitis.
Chronic salpingitis Pelvic peritonitis is mostly caused by Acute oviduct oophoritis Pelvic peritonitis is caused by incomplete treatment or failure to pay attention to treatment. Chronic inflammation occurs repeatedly and lasts for a long time Pelvic hyperemia connective tissue Fibrosis, pelvic organ adhesion. The most common symptom of patients is the pain of lower abdomen, which often worsens during menstruation or after fatigue, and leukorrhea increases, Menstruation It may increase, lumbosacral pain, and some patients may also have Coital pain Gynecological examination See Uterine retroflexion , poor activity, thickened fallopian tubes can be seen beside the uterus, there are tenderness If there is inflammatory mass formation, the mass can be touched beside the uterus or behind the uterus during examination, with poor movement and tenderness.
chronic Fallopian tube If the inflammation does not heal for a long time, it can cause mucous membrane adhesion in the fallopian tube Fallopian tube jam , secondary infertility, or incomplete obstruction of fallopian tube lumen, increased Ectopic pregnancy The occurrence opportunity of. When the fimbrial end of fallopian tube is adhered due to inflammation Hydrosalpinx However, the patient may not have obvious symptoms.

Inflammation treatment


TCM treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of this disease is mostly due to postpartum, etc Cellular vein When empty, evil heat enters Uterus It blocks the cell vein with blood, causing cell vein HP operation It is blocked in the lower energizer and accumulates Exothermic heat It belongs to traditional Chinese medicine Oligogastralgia Belt down , infertility, abdominal cavity and other categories, is one of the common gynecological diseases. According to different clinical manifestations, different drugs can be selected according to different symptoms.

Fumigation and washing therapy

Make the medicine powerful by local stimulation Direct action Remove symptoms and focus on the affected area. After that, the odor of drugs is absorbed through skin, orifices and acupoints → meridian regulation → viscera distribution and the whole body caused by drug stimulation Pharmacological effect To achieve overall adjustment, so that it can play a role in turning, and promote Yin and Yang to maintain a relative balance.
[23 flavors Antiphlogistic powder 】Operation steps of
1. First take 1/3 of a package, add 1000ml of water, boil it for several times, pour the liquid medicine into a basin, smoke it while it is hot, and then wash the abdomen Fumigation and washing 20-30 minutes 2. Wipe dry after washing, mix the remaining drugs with warm water and white wine to form a paste, put them into a cloth bag (prepared in advance), take the medicine bag through the mouth and rub the abdominal lesion area repeatedly.
3. After 15-20 minutes of rubbing each time, apply it to the tenderness point and add one hot-water bag Apply iron for more than 1 hour. Once a day.
[Source]: Hu Xiuqin's 47 year experience in gynecology

Western medicine treatment

Western medicine should be used to treat female pelvic inflammatory disease Combined medication Of antibiotic Penicillin G erythromycin gentamicin Lincomycin Clindamycin And adequate nutrition and fluid intake to correct Electrolyte disorder and Acid-base imbalance
Optional for chronic pelvic inflammation Chinese patent medicine , such as Hot poison Type Wild chrysanthemum Hua Shuan, external use, 1 capsule each time, anus Administration , 1-2 times a day. In addition Qingkailing Injection Gynecologic Qianjin tablets
Damp heat The type I drug can be selected from Xiangfu Huayu Paste Jinji Capsule Sanmiao Pill Dai Clam Powder Gynecological Stop Band Tablets Longdan Xiegan Pill (piece) Leucorrhea pill Etc.
Medicines for damp heat abdominal stagnation Fubao Granules Fragrance and Blood Stasis Removing Paste Fule Granules Fuyan Kangfu Tablets , Hua Hong Granules Etc.
Blood stasis block type optional Women's Dysmenorrhea Pill Fragrance and Blood Stasis Removing Paste Guizhi Fuling Pill Gynecological Huisheng Pill Bazhen Yimu Pill Motherwort granule Etc
For Chong Ren deficiency cold type, women's classics Twelve Warming Meridians Pill Warming Meridian Pill Black bone chicken and white chicken balls , Fuke Ningkun Pill Tunjing Baidai Pill Fragrance and Blood Stasis Removing Paste Kunling Pill Pelvic cavity.