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Biological terminology
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Skin cells, namely skin cells, are the superficial structure of the skin Stratified squamous epithelium Composition.
Chinese name
Full name
Skin cell
Number of layers
Fifth floor
Stratified squamous epithelium
Its epidermis is the superficial structure of the skin Stratified squamous epithelium Composition. From the base layer to the surface, it can be divided into five layers, namely the base layer, acanthous layer, granular layer, transparent layer and cuticle.
1. Basement layer: located at the deepest layer of the epidermis, it is connected with the deep dermis by the basement membrane. The basement is a low columnar layer epithelial cells The cells are small and orderly arranged. The nucleus is oval. The cytoplasm often contains melanin particles. Between short columnar epithelial cells Melanocyte Melanocytes are slightly round, with dendritic processes, small nuclei, and can produce melanin particles. The number of melanin particles is related to the depth of skin color. Melanin particles can absorb ultraviolet rays and protect deep tissues from ultraviolet radiation. The cell division of the basal layer is more active, constantly producing new cells and moving to the shallow layer to supplement the aging and exfoliating keratinocytes. Therefore, it is also called germinal layer.
2. Spinal layer: It is located on the shallow surface of the basal layer and consists of 4-10 layers of polygonal cells. The cells are large and consist of many spinous processes. The nucleus is round.
3. Granular layer: located on the shallow surface of acanthous layer, consisting of 2-3 layers Spindle cell form. There are different sizes of Hyaline keratin granules The common staining is strongly basophilic, with small nuclei and light staining.
4. Transparent layer: located on the shallow surface of the particle layer, consisting of 2-3 layers of coreless Flat cell form. The cytoplasm contains eosinophilic hyaline keratin, which is formed by the degeneration of hyaline keratin granules of granular layer cells.
5. Keratinocyte: Located at the shallowest layer of epidermis, it is composed of several to dozens of flat, nucleated keratinocytes. The cytoplasm is full of eosinophilic keratin, and has strong resistance to acid, alkali, friction and other factors. The cells on the surface of the cuticle often fall off in small pieces and form dander.