Anhui warlord

One of the three factions of the Northern Warlords
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Anhui warlord yes Beiyang Warlord One of the factions, with its leader Duan Qirui by Anhui (referred to as Wan). The main characters are Xu Shuzheng Jin Yunpeng Duan Zhigui Fu Liangzuo Ni Sichong Etc.
The Anhui warlords were the direct branches of the Northern Warlords. After Yuan died, they quickly seized power in Beijing and gained the support of the local governor corps.
Chief: Duan Qirui.
Key personnel: Xu Shuzheng, Jin Yunpeng Wu Guangxin , Duan Zhigui, Fu Liangzuo, Lu Yongxiang, etc.
Zhiwan War In the middle, it is the defeat of the new direct line and Fengline, and the withdrawal from the center; Jiangsu Zhejiang War In China, the Anhui faction Lu Yongxiang defeated the new direct faction Qi Xieyuan, Sun Chuanfang, and so on. The Anhui faction has never recovered from the defeat and is in a political and military insignificant position. [1]
Chinese name
Anhui warlord
Foreign name
Anhui warlords
Duan Qirui
Main generals
Xu Shuzheng, Jin Yunpeng, Duan Zhigui, Fu Liangzuo, Ni Sichong
Sphere of influence
Anhui, Shandong, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shaanxi
Engage in war
Zhiwan War, Jiangsu and Zhejiang War

Development history

June 1916 high Qing official After death, twice president of the republican government at Peking President, Duan Qirui The power of the Beijing government is controlled by the Prime Minister and the Chief of the Army. When Japan and the United States fought for control of China, their contradictions became increasingly intensified. Duan Qirui relies on Cao Rulin Such pro Japanese bureaucrats, eager to obtain assistance from Japanese imperialism, actively advocated declaring war on Germany and Austria. However, Li Yuanhong and most members of Congress objected to the issue of joining the war.
In May 1917, Li Yuanhong removed Duan Qirui from the post of State Premier. The Anhui clique instigated warlords in more than ten provinces and autonomous regions to power on "independence" and send troops to Beijing. July, Zhang Xun Seize the opportunity to embrace the Qing Emperor Pu Yi Restoration (see Zhang Xun's Restoration )。 Duan Qirui led his troops in a crusade. With the support of the whole nation, he quickly defeated Zhang Xun and regained control of the regime. Direct leader Feng Guozhang Although he took over the presidency of the Beijing government, he had no real power.
Beijing The government announced that the legal system of the Republic of China was interrupted, and the Republic was rebuilt. It decided to form another parliament and review the Constitution. The Anhui clique did not hesitate to sell the country's rights and interests and borrowed foreign debts from Japan, of which the eight loans handled by Nishihara Tortoise alone amounted to 145 million yen. They took the opportunity to organize and train the "participating army", expand the strength of the Anhui clique, and advocate the reunification of the country by force. In the autumn of 1917, a civil war was launched in an attempt to eliminate the southern law protection forces led by Sun Yat sen. At the same time as the military offensive, they collected politicians and organizations Anfu Club , instructing local warlords to manipulate elections and re elect members of parliament, isolating and excluding bourgeois moderates. In the autumn of 1918 Anfu Department The new Congress with an absolute majority of members, known as Anfu Congress The Anhui warlords also used Anfu for parliamentary elections Xu Shichang To replace Feng Guozhang as president and suppress the Zhili system so as to implement the autocracy of the first system.
The policy of unifying Anhui warlords by force aroused the public indignation of the people all over the country and was opposed by the generals of the direct line. The fight for power among the warlords in Zhiwan is intensifying. In July 1920, Zhiwan War Burst, Anhui Army cover Straight army and troops in the three Northeast provinces Defeat. Duan Qirui The important leaders of the outgoing and Anhui clique were wanted, the Anfu Congress was dissolved, and the Beijing government was controlled by the direct clique. The Anhui warlords were gradually eliminated. In November 1924, Duan Qirui received Kuomintang Army Fengtian faction Lineal system Yu Bu recommended that he be "temporarily in power", but he was no longer in power as the leader of the Anhui clique, but just a buffer figure for various warlords to fight for power.

Rise and fall of honor and disgrace

high Qing official After his death, the Anhui Clique assumed the orthodoxy of the Northern Ocean, manipulated the political situation, and became famous. But the good times didn't last long. In the Zhiwan War in July 1920, the Anhui clique suffered a crushing defeat and never recovered. Although Duan Qirui later came out of the mountain to take the post of "ruling", he had no right to work. Among the three major factions in the Northern Ocean, the Anhui faction was the first to prosper and also the first to decline. As Duan Qirui's trusted advisor and the core figure of the Anhui Department, Xu Shuzheng What he did was directly and greatly related to the rise and fall of the Anhui system. In a sense, the prosperity of the Anhui system is in Xu, and the defeat is also in Xu.
1、 Xu Duan met by chance. Xu Shuzheng, Anhui Xiaoxian County People. In 1901, he went to Jinan to vote for Yuan Shikai, but failed to vote for Yuan Shikai. However, he met Duan Qirui accidentally. Duan "made an appointment with him for a long talk, and he agreed with him deeply, so he hired him as a clerk". In 1905, Duan supported studying military affairs in Japan, and in 1910, he returned to China to serve as Jiangbei Military Counsellor. He was actually the general staff officer of Duan Qirui, the commander of Jiangbei, Wuchang Uprising Soon after the outbreak, Duan Qirui Governor of Huguang , commanded the First Army and appointed Xu Shuzheng as the General Staff.
At that time, both the north and the south were at war and at peace. Duan was ordered by Yuan Shikai to join 50 Beiyang officers in a telegram to support the Republic. The telegram said: "Establish a republican regime and observe the cabinet and Minister of State Wait, temporarily represent the government... and then convene the Congress to organize a republican government. "
This sensational message was drafted by Xu Shuzheng, and it played an important role in promoting the abdication of the Qing Emperor and gaining political capital for Duan Qirui. Later, Xu Ze was the army chief of the Beijing government, and Xu Ze was the deputy army chief; Duan was the Premier of the State, and Xu Ze was the Secretary of the State; Segment is War supervision Xu Ze served as the commander of the Northwest Frontier Defense Army (formerly known as the participating army). It can be seen that the two men are both proud and work together step by step. Duan regards Xu as a member of the armed forces, and Xufeng Duan as the supreme.
Extinguished“ Second Revolution ”Later, Yuan Shikai became dizzy and wanted to monarchy Self. Duan Qirui did not agree from the beginning, so Yuan Duan's relationship was very stiff. Xu Shuzheng is Duan's most trusted person. He is basically the sole agent of the War Department, so Yuan hates Xu very much. Duan refuses to do so after several attempts to transfer Xu from the War Department. In May 1915, Duan Jing and Xu Shuzheng and other confidants decided to "retire by illness" and confront passively. The situation has changed since then, and the national defense army has prospered. Yuan hopes that Duan can help. Duan appoints others to discuss countermeasures with Xu, and Xu suggests Duan call himself ill. Duan has indeed remained in seclusion. With the death of Yuan Shikai, China's political pattern has undergone great changes. All major warlords and factions are competing for power and profit. Xu's influence on Duan and the role of the Anhui clique are growing. 2、 Duan Qirui refused to resume the plan after his second term as Premier because of the political need to monopolize power《 Provisional stipulation 》。 In July 1917, Sun Yat sen launched the“ Dharmapala Movement ”The target was Duan Qirui. Duan used this as an excuse to pursue his policy of unifying forces.
In November 1917, due to Southern Operations At the impasse, Duan Qirui announced his resignation from the post of State Premier. On November 18, the direct generals Cao Kun and Three Governors of the Yangtze River Jointly generating electricity, advocating the cessation of civil war. However, Cao Kun soon stated that he could not be held responsible for the message without his consent. Cao Kun is the most powerful of the Beiyang Sect and the closest to Beijing. His attitude is very influential. When Xu Shuzheng saw that there was a gap, he immediately ran to Tianjin to tempt Cao, saying that Cao Ru was inclined to the main battle group and would definitely hold him as the Vice President when he was re elected in the future. As expected, Cao announced separately on the 21st that Southern Army The withdrawal from Changsha was the condition for the north-south peace talks. At first, it seemed to be a compromise plan, but in fact, it was another form of the main battle theory.
Duan's ambition and Xu's arrogance finally made the contradiction between Zhiwan and Anhui public. Duan sent Xu to Fengtian Exhortation troops in the three Northeast provinces Enter the pass to strengthen the momentum. Xu Shuzheng knew very well that it would be impossible to invite the "King of the Northeast" into the Pass without giving any benefits. It happened that a batch of ordnance purchased from the Japanese government by the War Department would be qinghuangdao On shore, Xu decided to leave the ordnance as a gift to the Fengjun. Because of his ingenious work, not only Feng Guozhang could not grasp the handle, but also Duan Qirui could not say more when he knew it.
Zhang Zuolin I had always wanted to interfere in the political situation of the Central Plains. With ready gifts, I naturally preferred the Anhui clique. On March 12, 1918, the Fengtian army set up a general headquarters in Grain City Zhang Zuolin was appointed as president Secretary General Xu was appointed as the deputy commander. "The deputy commander is responsible for all the functions and powers of the commander in chief.". Feng Guozhang had to ask Duan Qirui to form a new cabinet. The resurrection of Duan Cabinet showed that the Anhui clique had won a great victory in the struggle with the Zhili clique, in which Xu Shuzheng made great contributions.
However, when the Fengtian army entered the pass, he did not really want to go to the front to fight with the Southern army. When Xu Shuzheng kept running in Beijing and Han and planned to change all the front troops into six mixed brigades of the Fengtian army, Zhang Zuolin immediately felt that he could not tolerate it. He recalled the Fengtian army that had already moved to eastern Hunan on the grounds of tight border defense.
Relying on other people's army is not a long-term plan. Duan Qirui has been aware of this. Appointed at the end of 1917 War supervision That is to say, we started to organize and train the participating army. In January 1919, the participating army was officially established and was divided into three divisions. Obviously, Duan is building his own direct troops in the name of joining the war. Since the end of the First World War, the name of the participating army was no longer appropriate, so it was renamed the Border Guard Army, and Xu Shuzheng chose Northwest China As a base for the development of border defense forces.
In June 1919, beiyang government Xu Shuzheng was officially appointed as the northwest border preparation envoy and the commander of the northwest defense army. Shortly after Xu took office, the separatists of the ethnic minorities in Outer Mongolia set off a wave of "autonomy", and the Beiyang government appointed Kulun as ambassador Chen Yi It was renamed General Yu Wei, and Xu Shuzheng was responsible for overseeing the affairs after the good deeds in Outer Mongolia. The Anhui faction gradually penetrated into Outer Mongolia. The heavy troops guarding the border and effective measures have objectively maintained the unity of the motherland and stopped the ethnic division. Xu has made some contributions to safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and the nation. As a result, it has not only strengthened the practical combat capability of the border defense army, but also improved the political reputation of the Anhui clique and Xu himself.
Due to Xu Shuzheng's advice and active travel, the power of the Anhui clique was growing day by day and reached its heyday.
3、 The main reason for the rapid decline of the Anhui clique was the internal contradictions of the Beiyang clique, and the occurrence and intensification of these contradictions were related to Xu Shuzheng.
The real fuse of the hatred between Zhijiang and Anhui is Lu Jianzhang Homicide cases. Lu is Lineal system One of the elders, who was once the commander of Shaanxi, is also the current general. In June 1918, the governor met in Tianjin to discuss war and issues. In order to reverse the situation that is not conducive to the peace establishment, Feng Guozhang secretly instructs Lu Jianzhang to persuade Cao Kun and Three Governors of the Yangtze River Leader Li Chun Strengthen cooperation. Soon after arriving in Tianjin, Lu was cheated by Xu Shuzheng troops in the three Northeast provinces The headquarters in Tianjin shot and killed without authorization.
This is a concentrated reflection of Xu Shuzheng's domineering character, and also an open signal that the Anhui Radicals are challenging the Zhili. Xu tried to suppress the peace makers with fait accompli, but it backfired and caused widespread dissatisfaction among the direct and even outsiders. Xu Shuzheng's personality and conduct determine his fatal weakness of making too many enemies. In this regard, his relationship with Zhang Zuolin is particularly prominent. Originally, in order to overwhelm the Zhili clique, the Anhui clique had always adopted a policy of attracting the Feng clique, and Xu was the pioneer in contacting the Feng army, but troops in the three Northeast provinces Shortly after entering the GATT, there was discord between Xu and Zhang.
After the Tianjin Conference, Zhang Zuolin found that Xu Shuzheng had received the troops in the three Northeast provinces The military expenditure was 5.15 million yuan, while the actual income of the Fengtian army was only more than 1.8 million yuan, and the rest was spent on the preparation and training of the battle troops and the election of the new parliament. In anger, Zhang dismissed Xu Fengjun from his post as Deputy Commander.
At a banquet, Xu was very drunk Zhang said "Brother, you have both territory and military strength. Don't try to be brave. I'm too weak to conquer. If I really can't, I will take Japanese soldiers to fight you one day.". Zhang calmly and tactfully replied, "Brother, why are you here? My soldiers are your soldiers. Cheers! Cheers!" The embarrassing situation was finally overcome, but Xu Zhang's accumulated resentment grew deeper and deeper. Xu Shuzheng expanded his power in the northwest region, and his actions clashed sharply with Zhang Zuolin's "Great Manchu and Mongolian Doctrine". How could Zhang allow the Northwest King to ride on his Northeast King's head and turn a blind eye to it? Although the two sides temporarily came together for some common interests, they eventually parted ways. Xu Shuzheng has been waiting for an opportunity to get rid of Zhang Zuolin. On the eve of the Zhiwan War, Xu wanted to borrow Duan Qirui to meet Zhang Zuolin's mobile hand in Tuanhe, but Zhang objected to the meeting. Xu plans to snipe when Zhang returns to Fengtian and passes Langfang. Zhang gets his daughter's family Jin Yunpeng We quickly went to Tianjin in micro clothes to avoid being poisoned. Xu failed in one plan and found another. He sent an assassination group into Mukden, but the plot was revealed soon.
Xu Shuzheng Repeated plotting angered Zhang Zuolin, and Zhang finally tore off his coat of neutrality. The reason why the Anhui Clique was so vulnerable in the Zhiwan War was, to a large extent, because troops in the three Northeast provinces Joined the direct line camp, resulting in a sudden shift in the strength of both sides. Duan Qirui did not expect that he would at all costs Zhang Zuolin Entering the pass was to increase the weight of defeating Zhili, but it ended in a sad ending.
If we say that making enemies is shown in treating other forces too much, it is not enough. In fact, Xu Shuzheng's behavior has also caused differentiation within the Anhui system, which has greatly weakened its own strength. Xu Shuzheng's actions accelerated the alliance against the Anhui forces. By the autumn and winter of 1919, an anti Anhui alliance was formed, mainly consisting of the Zhili, the Soviet Union, Hubei, and Jiangxi provinces, plus seven provinces in the three northeastern provinces. In 1920, the Zhiwan War broke out. Duan Qirui worked hard in the Zhiwan War Northwest Army After losing everything to the border guards, the Anhui clique never recovered.
After the Zhiwan War, Xu Shuzheng was wanted by the Beiyang government as one of the "top ten scourges" and fled to Japan. After Duan Qirui returned to power, Xu returned to China to participate in political activities, feng yu-hsiang He has always held a grudge against him because he shot Feng's uncle Lu Jianzhang without authorization. On December 29, 1925, Xu was arrested and shot by Feng Bu when he was passing Langfang.

representative figure


Duan Qirui

Duan Qirui (March 6, 1865 - November 2, 1936), named Zhiquan, was an old man of the right way in the evening, and was born in Lu'an County, Anhui Province. He has been in charge of politics for six times in his life (acting prime minister from May 1 to July 31, 1913; secretary of state of the Political Affairs Hall from April 22 to June 28, 1916; prime minister for three times from June 29, 1916 to May 23, 1917; from July 17 to December 22, 1917; from March 23, 1918 to October 10, 1918; and from November 24, 1924 to April 20, 1926 Interim Administration of the Republic of China 。) From March 1912 to August 1915, Duan Qirui served seven consecutive terms in the cabinet of the Beijing government as the chief of the army. During this period, they turned from supporting Yuan to opposing Yuan and opposing Yuan Hongxian monarchy In the struggle against Yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui's resignation, non cooperation and covert resistance played an important role“ The Third Republic ”The reputation of.
Duan Qirui was honest and upright all his life. He was quite charismatic, and was known as the "Prime Minister of Six Ignorance". After the Japanese burned the war of aggression into the country, they tried to pull him out of the country and organize a the Nanjing National Government Opposite completely loyal to the Japanese Puppet regime Duan Qirui didn't agree. On January 19, 1933, Qian Yongming, Special Envoy of the National Government Chiang Kai shek Duan Qirui went to Tianjin and asked Duan to "go south to take care of himself". Duan Qirui then moved to Shanghai to settle down.

Xu Shuzheng

Xu Shuzheng (1880-1925) was a political and military figure in the modern history of China and a famous general of the Northern Warlord Anhui. People from Xiaoxian County, Jiangsu Province (now Anhui Province), known as "Xiao Xu" because they are different from Xu Shichang, another political figure of the same period.
Xu Shuzheng was admitted as a scholar in his early years. In 1901, he went to Shandong from his hometown to join Yuan Shikai and started his military career. From 1905 to 1910, he traveled to Japan to study military affairs. He was Duan Qirui's trusted advisor. He assisted Duan Qirui in the "three republics" during the Revolution of 1911, the Hongxian monarchy, and the restoration of Zhang Xun. In the struggle with Feng Guozhang, he led Zhang Zuolin into the customs to consolidate the power of the Anhui clique, and presided over the "reunification by force". He also set up the Anfu Club, manipulated the parliamentary elections, and became active in the political arena of the early Republic of China. Later, due to the failure of the Southern Expedition and the discord among the warlords, Xu Shuzheng turned to the northwest to prepare for the border. Backed by force, he forced Outer Mongolia to unconditionally revoke its autonomy in November 1919, returned to the direct jurisdiction of the central government of China, and took over Outer Mongolia as an envoy to the northwest to prepare for the border. In the summer of 1920, he returned to Beijing, participated in the Zhiwan War, and fled to Japan after defeat. Later, he tried to support Duan Qirui to make a comeback and contact Sun Yat sen and Zhang Zuolin to form an anti direct triangle alliance. After 1924, he traveled abroad and returned to China in the winter of 1925. He wanted to unite Sun Chuanfang and Zhang Zuolin against Feng Yuxiang. Because Xu Shuzheng assassinated Lu Jianzhang, Feng Yuxiang's uncle, Feng Yuxiang became more hostile to him and ordered Zhang Zhijiang to hijack and shoot him when Xu Shuzheng left Beijing by train on December 30, 1925. [2]