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An imperial edict

The emperor's notice to all his subjects
The edict is emperor Announced to all subjects document In the Zhou Dynasty, emperors and officials could use imperial edicts. Qin Wang Zheng Unifying the six countries and establishing a monarchy country Later, he thought that "virtue is also the three emperors, and meritorious is the five emperors", called himself the emperor, and called himself "I". And the order was changed into a system, and the order became an imperial edict. From then on, the imperial edict became the edict that the emperor announced to his subjects Special instruments The "imperial edict" is one of them.
Chinese name
An imperial edict

Folk misinformation

Before the Ming Dynasty, the imperial edict was read without saying, "To honor the emperor and make an imperial edict" [1]
In many popular historical films and TV works, eunuchs often read the imperial edict: "The emperor's edict..." This sentence is very uncomfortable to hear, because before the Ming Dynasty, the "prologue" of the imperial edict did not have these eight words at all, which can be called "joking" and "crossing".

physical truth

In ancient China, The imperial decree is not fully called "imperial decree"
According to《 Grand view of China's imperial edict 》According to a book, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the imperial decrees were called "Life", "Order" and "Government" It was not until the Song Dynasty that imperial decrees were generally called "imperial edicts". The opening words of the imperial edict are not all "to accept the fate of the emperor", but different from each other in the past dynasties: in the Tang Dynasty, the opening words of the imperial edict were mostly "under the door", because the imperial edict was generally reviewed and issued by the province under the door at that time, such as the imperial edict of "Suzong Appoints the Crown Prince to Supervise the State", the opening words were: "under the door, the foundation of the world..." There is also "I Shao Ying Jun Ming" "I deserve the spring life of Haotian" and other words are used as the opening words. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the opening words of the imperial edict often used eight words, "When the weather is favorable, receive the order of Ziming", to clarify the "orthodoxy" of the emperor. The highest god of the Mongols is Eternal Heaven, so the opening words of the imperial edict in the Yuan Dynasty are "Eternal weather, great blessing and help, imperial edict..." The first eight words of "Fengtian Chengyun imperial edict" used as the opening words of the imperial edict is Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. That is to say, the eight words "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor's Imperial edict" appeared in the imperial edict, starting from the Ming Dynasty.
According to the book "Wanli Yehuo Bian" by Shen Defu of the Ming Dynasty, after Zhu Yuanzhang established the capital of Nanjing, he renamed Nanjing "Ying Tianfu" and named the largest Jinluan Palace in the palace "Fengtian Palace". In order to demonstrate the legitimacy of his "Son of Heaven", he called himself "Fengtian Fazu" and engraved the words "Fengtian Fazu" on the jade pendant. Later, in order to find the "theoretical basis" and strong evidence for "Fengtian Chengyun", Zhu Yuanzhang also wrote the article "A Dream of the Imperial System", which vividly described his dream of heaven palace, saw the "Three Clears of Taoism", and the Taoist in purple gave real clothes and swords. Since then, Zhu Yuanzhang began to call himself "the imperial edict of Fengtian Chengyun". When he issued the imperial edict again, he used these eight words as the "prologue". The fixed form of the opening words of the imperial edict has been formed in the later generations.
Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the correct sentence for the "Emperor's Imperial edict" should be "Emperor's Imperial edict", rather than the reading of "Emperor's Imperial edict" in the current film and television works.
"The emperor made the name" refers to the imperial edict of Emperor Qianlong's appointment of ministers, which is generally referred to as "the emperor made the name" Beijing Municipal Archives A staff member of the special collection hall explained that a imperial edict exhibited here during the reign of Emperor Qianlong was generally used for imperial edicts that need to be known throughout the country. This precious archive of the imperial edict was opened on the International Archives Day on June 9, 2014 [2]