zero Useful+1

Baishun Town

Xiaxia Town, Nanxiong City, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province
Baishun Town, Guangdong Province Shaoguan City Nanxiong City, located in Nanxiong City In the northwest, Renhua County is connected to the west Fuxi Town , Shixing County to the south Mashi Town , East and Quan'an Town Lanhe Town Bordering Jiangxi Province in the north Dayu County As a neighbor, [5] The administrative area is 191.42 square kilometers, [9] By the end of 2019, Baishun Town had a registered population of 13300 and a permanent population of 10500. [9]
In the 10th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1377), Baishun Patrol Inspection Department was set up in Baishun Dock. In 1984, it was changed to Baishun District. In 1986, the district was withdrawn and Baishun Town was established. [2] As of October 2021, Baishun Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 9 administrative villages. [3] The town people's government is located in Baishun Market. [4]
In 2019, the total economic income of Baishun Town was 221 million yuan, and the rural per capita net income was 15900 yuan. The general public budget revenue was 11.071 million yuan, up 52.3% year on year; The general public budget expenditure was 11.071 million yuan, up 52.3% year on year. [9]
Chinese name
Baishun Town
area number
four hundred and forty million two hundred and eighty-two thousand one hundred and twenty
Administrative Region Category
Nanxiong City, Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province
geographical position
Northwest of Nanxiong City
191.42 km²
Area under jurisdiction
1 community, 9 administrative villages
Government residence
Baishun Market
Area Code
zip code
five hundred and twelve thousand four hundred and twenty-seven
climatic conditions
Subtropical monsoon climate
License plate code
Yue F
13300 people [9] (Registered population by the end of 2019)

Construction history

Landscape of Baishun Town
In the 10th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1377), Baishun Patrol Inspection Department was set up in Baishun Dock.
In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), it belonged to Shaowang Township, the ninth district.
In the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), it was changed to Shao'an Township.
In the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), it was changed to Baishun Township.
In 1958, it successively belonged to Gaofeng People's Commune and Baiyun People's Commune.
In 1962, Baishun People's Commune was established.
In 1984, it was changed to Baishun District.
In 1986, the district was withdrawn and Baishun Town was established. [2]

administrative division

As of October 2021, Baishun Town has jurisdiction over 1 community and 9 administrative villages, [3] The town people's government is located in Baishun Market. [4]
Division details of Baishun Town
Zoning code
Urban and rural classification code
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand and one
one hundred and twenty-one
Baishun Community
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and one
one hundred and twenty-one
Baishun Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and two
two hundred and twenty
Dashazhou Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and three
two hundred and twenty
Dengdong Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and four
two hundred and twenty
Dongkeng Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and six
two hundred and twenty
Hudi Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and seven
two hundred and twenty
Shangmu Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and eight
two hundred and twenty
Xitou Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and nine
two hundred and twenty
Yangmei Village
four hundred and forty billion two hundred and eighty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand two hundred and ten
two hundred and twenty
Zhu'an Village

geographical environment


Location context

Baishun Town is located in Nanxiong City In the northwest, Renhua County is connected to the west Fuxi Town , Shixing County to the south Mashi Town , East and Quan'an Town Lanhe Town Bordering Jiangxi Province in the north Dayu County Neighborhood, with an administrative area of 191.42 square kilometers. [5] [9]
Baishun Town People's Government of Nanxiong City

topographic features

Baishun Town is located in the mountainous area in the west of Dayu Ridge, with a high terrain and an average altitude of 600~700 meters. The highest peak in the territory is Guanyindong Mountain, with an altitude of 1428 meters. [4]
Topographic Map of Baishun Town


Baishun Town has a subtropical monsoon climate with an average annual temperature of 17.8 ℃. Frost and snow often occur in winter. The frost free period lasts 252 days and the annual rainfall is 1612.5 mm. [4]

natural resources


Forest resources

By the end of 2011, Baishun Town had 11381 mu of arable land, 290000 mu of mountain land and 265000 mu of mountain forest, including 140000 mu of bamboo forest, with a forest coverage rate of 80.4%. [1]

mineral resources

There are uranium ore, granite rock, rare earth and other resources underground in Baishun Town. [1]


Landscape of Baishun Town
By the end of 2010, Baishun Town had 3327 households, 12589 people and 7837 labors. [1]
By the end of 2017, Baishun Town had 3652 households, 13229 people and 8598 labors. [2]
By the end of 2019, Baishun Town had a registered population of 13300 and a permanent population of 10500. [9]


Landscape of Baishun Town
In 2011, the financial revenue of Baishun Town was 3.87 million yuan, the total agricultural output value was 252 million yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers was 6383 yuan. [4]
In 2017, the total economic income of Baishun Town was 192.2 million yuan, an increase of 8.33%, the rural per capita net income was 14892 yuan, an increase of 8.32%, and the investment in fixed assets was 108.13 million yuan, an increase of 45.7%. [2]
In 2019, the total economic income of Baishun Town was 221 million yuan, and the rural per capita net income was 15900 yuan. The general public budget revenue was 11.071 million yuan, up 52.3% year on year; The general public budget expenditure was 11.071 million yuan, up 52.3% year on year. [9]


There are Guangdong Provincial Highway S342, S244 and Nanxiong County Highway X340 passing through Baishun Town. [1]
Baishun Town People's Cultural Plaza

social undertakings



By the end of 2019, there was one nine-year consistent school and one kindergarten in Baishun Town. [9]

medical and health work

By the end of 2011, there was one health center and one village health center in Baishun Town. [4]

social security

In 2017, Baishun Town completed 3407 urban and rural basic endowment insurance contributions, and 11000 people participated in urban and rural residents' medical insurance. 76 person times of civil medical assistance were completed, with a relief amount of 275700 yuan, including 31 person times of one-stop assistance of 40000 yuan, and 7.5 tons of relief food was distributed. [2]

New rural construction

In 2017, Baishun Town demolished more than 316 dilapidated houses, pig cattle pens, latrines, etc., with a total area of 14000 square meters. Clean up 50 tons of garbage and sludge in sanitary dead corners. [2]


By the end of 2011, 29 small hydropower stations had been built in Baishun Town, with an installed capacity of 10695 kilowatts and an annual generating capacity of 32 million kilowatt hours. [1]

Historical culture


cultural relics and historic sites

  • Huangwu City
Huangwu City, called Renli Village in ancient times, is located in the southwest of Baishunxu. It was built in the 10th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1377), and took eight years to complete. It has a history of more than 600 years. [10]

Intangible cultural heritage

Baishun Fragrant Fire Dragon
Baishun Fragrant Fire Dragon
Baishun Xianghuolong is located in Baizhupian Village, Baishun Town. According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1662-1722), there was a drought, locusts were rampant, and plague was prevalent in Baishun. One day, an old man in the village dreamed that two golden dragons flew up from the pond near the village and walked around. Wherever the golden dragons went, locusts disappeared and diseases disappeared. The next day, the old man told the villagers what he had seen in his dream, and took the villagers to the Xiangshui Pond to check. When he saw two piles of dry straw piled by the pond, the old man suddenly understood that the dream was to burn insects with fire. Therefore, the villagers were encouraged to tie straw into straw dragons, and put incense on the straw dragons. At night, the strong young people in the village were allowed to carry incense dragons around the village and fields. For several days in a row, the locusts in the fields were really less and less. Soon, it rained again, the drought was eliminated, and the crops were harvested. People thought that the incense fire dragon meant to drive away disasters and pray for blessings. Since then, the incense fire dragon has been dancing every year and passed down from generation to generation. Baishun incense fire dragon is a national intangible cultural heritage. [6] [8]

Local specialty

The specialties of Baishun Town include winter bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots, flower beans, mushrooms and red bayberries. [1]

Honorary title

In September 2021, Baishun Town was included in the third batch of Guangdong provincial "one village, one product, one town, one industry" professional towns. [7]