
[bái tóu wēng]
Pulsatilla in Ranunculaceae
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Pulsatilla chinensis (Latin scientific name: Pulsatilla chinensis (Bunge) Regel), Ranunculaceae Pulsatilla Perennial herb , with rhizome, ovate leaves, and blue purple calyx. Nicknames include Nelumbo, powdered milkweed, white headed grass, old aunt grass, etc.
Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei Shandong Hills, barren slopes and fields in Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang and other provinces. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and stopping dysentery, drying dampness and killing insects, and has high medicinal value. Pulsatilla can be planted naturally in gardens, used to decorate flower beds, both sides of roads, or intersperse in forest spaces. It is an ideal ground cover plant variety.
(Overview picture reference source: [1]
Chinese name
Latin name
Pulsatilla chinensis (Bunge) Regel [10-11]

morphological character

The plant is 15-35cm high. Rhizome 0.8-1.5cm thick. Basal leaves 4-5, usually just emerging at flowering, long stalked; The leaf blade is broadly ovate, 4.5-14cm long, 6.5-16cm wide, triple lobed, middle lobed with or without a handle, broadly ovate, triple lobed, middle deep lobed wedge obovate, rarely narrow cuneate or inverted trapezoid, entire or toothed, lateral deep lobed with unequal double lobed, lateral full lobed with or without a handle, unequal triple lobed, the surface becomes hairless, and the back is villous; Petiole 7-15 cm long, densely villous.
Scape 1 (- 2), pilose; Bracts 3, base connate into a tube 3-10 mm long, triplicate, deep lobes linear, undivided or upper triplicate, abaxially densely villous; Pedicel 2.5-5.5 cm long, 23 cm long in fruit; Flowers erect; sepal Blue purple, oblong ovoid, 2.8-4.4 cm long, 0.9-2 cm wide, densely pilose on the back; Stamens are about half as long as sepals. Aggregate fruit 9-12 cm in diameter; achene Spindle shaped, flat, 3.5-4 mm long, villous, persistent style 3.5-6.5 cm long, with upward oblique villous. It blooms from April to May. [2] [12-13]

Distinction of recent species

Branches and leaves
0.8-1.5 cm thick rhizome
Rhizome 5-8 mm thick
flowers and fruits
Calyx blue purple
Sepals purple
windflower [14]


In China, it is distributed in Sichuan (Baoxing, 3200m above sea level), northern Hubei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, southern Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Hebei (200-1900m above sea level), Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang. Life in the grassland, forest edge or dry and stony slope of the plain and low mountain slopes. It is also distributed in North Korea and the Far East of the Soviet Union. [2]

Growth habit

It likes cool and dry climate. Cold resistant, drought resistant, not high temperature resistant. Sandy loam with deep soil layer and good drainage grows best, followed by alluvial soil and clay loam, while low-lying land with poor drainage is not suitable for planting.

Reproductive methods



Seed breeding is mainly used in production transplant The seeds are generally collected in the northeast in the first ten days of June, when 60% of the seeds become yellow and mature recovery The seeds are harvested too early, the maturity is not reached, and the germination is not strong; If the seeds are harvested too late, they will fly away with their own feathers. The collected seeds are placed in baskets to dry in the sun, and covered with screens to prevent the seeds from flying away with the wind. When drying to more than 98% dryness, put it on the iron mesh screen and rub it repeatedly until the seeds and feathers are crushed under the iron mesh. The seeds of Pulsatilla chinensis are very small. Generally, there are 500000 seeds per kg, sow Timely and properly, the budding rate can reach more than 80%.
The sowing in early spring is usually carried out in March and April, with a row spacing of 3.0-4.5cm. After sowing, the soil is covered to cover the seeds. In the early spring of the second year, before the overwintering seedlings sprout, the seedlings shall be transplanted according to the row and plant spacing of 30cm × 9cm. [3]


When the old plant has not yet germinated, it shall be dug up by roots and planted separately. [3]

cultivation techniques


Land selection and preparation

The sandy loam or loam with slightly higher terrain, sufficient sunlight, good drainage, loose and fertile soil shall be selected for cultivation; Saline alkali easily waterlogged, heavy clay soil is not suitable for planting. After land selection, fertilizer shall be applied according to the soil fertility, mainly with fully decomposed farmyard manure and less chemical fertilizer. Each mu (667 ㎡, the same below) shall be applied with 3000-4000kg farm manure and 30-35cm deep. Rake the soil to make a bed. The bed is 15-20 cm high and 1.0-1.2 m wide. Rake the bed surface to make a slightly convex bed surface for sowing. [3]

grow seedlings

Select new seeds collected in the same year, and prohibit old seeds. yes sprinkling irrigation Direct sowing can be carried out if conditions permit, and sowing can be carried out if there is no sprinkler irrigation condition germination Later sowing. Seed germination method: soak the seeds in warm water for 4-6 hours, change the water once during the period, drain the water after picking it out, and put it at 25-30 temperature for germination; During germination, the seeds should be properly turned to avoid heating; After 4-6 days, when more than 70% of the seeds have sprouted, they can be sowed; If the seeds cannot be sown in time, the germinated seeds shall be stored at 2-5 ℃. When sowing, the seeds shall be evenly sown on the bed surface according to the amount of 2.5kg seeds per mu, and then the seeds shall be covered by sieving fine soil with a sieve, generally covering about 0.2cm of soil, then watered thoroughly, and the bed surface shall be covered with straw, pine needles and other materials to facilitate moisture retention and seedling emergence. [3]


After sowing, the conditions are suitable germination In general, the seeds can sprout 4-5 days after sowing, and the seeds without germination treatment will sprout longer. After emergence, straw and other coverings shall be removed gradually, with half covering and half covering as the degree. When the true leaves grow out, spray the mixture of dimethoprim and foliar fertilizer to prevent sudden fall, once every 5-7 days, generally twice. In addition, urea can be applied twice according to the growth trend, and immediately watered after each application of 10kg or applied in the top rain before rain to prevent seedling burning. Weeding should be done early and thoroughly to prevent weeds and seedlings from competing for nutrients; Nongda can also be sprayed before emergence, but the spraying time should be well controlled. [3]


Pulsatilla can be transplanted in spring and autumn, either with 1-year-old seedlings of the same year or 2-year-old seedlings. As the anemone prefers dry and cool climate, the best choice for transplanting field is high dry land or sloping land. It can be used for bed transplanting or ridge planting. The plant and row spacing for bed planting is generally 10cm × 25-30cm, and the plant spacing for ridge planting is about 8cm. In case of drought after transplanting, it needs to be watered thoroughly after transplanting. The anemone is extremely drought resistant, so it basically does not need to be watered after seedling slowing without severe drought. Pulsatilla can tolerate barren, and nitrogen fertilizer can be applied properly at seedling stage; When bolting, the flower buds should be removed to facilitate root development; In the future, 10kg of compound potassium fertilizer can be applied per mu every year before returning to green, so as to accelerate root growth. [3]


commonly transplant In the next 2-3 years, after the ground part withers in autumn, the stubble on the ground is cut off, the main root is gouged out mechanically or manually, and the soil is removed to dry in the sun. The finished product is generally more than 1500-2000kg per mu of fresh Pulsatilla. [3]

Disease and insect control


Root rot

It is easy to occur in rainy season and low-lying Jiyong block Root rot Prevention and control methods: ① Before transplanting, soak the seed root with 100 times 50% disinfectant solution for 3-5 minutes before planting; ② During the rainy season in the growing season, attention should be paid to drainage to prevent ponding in the ground. ③ 50% Tobuzin 800 times of liquid. [4]


Suffer from aphid Harmful, mainly sucking young buds and leaves, especially in dry weather. Control method: 50% during aphid occurrence Fenitrothion Spray 1000-2000 times or 1500-2000 times of 40% dimethoate emulsifiable concentrates once a week until there is no aphid damage. [4]

Key values



There are more than 30 varieties of Pulsatilla with bell shaped flowers in three colors of white, purple and blue. The whole plant of Pulsatilla is covered with hair, which is very strange. During the month and a half from the opening of flowers to the maturity of capsules, you can enjoy the flowers first and then the fruits. In summer and autumn, the leaves are green and dormant after severe frost. As a kind of wild perennial plant, it can be planted for many years for viewing. It overcomes the disadvantages of high cost and easy degeneration of biennial herbaceous flowers. It can be planted in gaps between forests and bushes, or planted in flower border in a natural way. Because of its early flowering and short plant, it is an ideal ground cover plant variety, Feather style is persistent in fruit stage, which looks like a head and is very unique. It can also be used for flower beds or potted plants. In addition, because Pulsatilla is very sensitive to acid rain, when acid rain falls, Pulsatilla will soon die. This characteristic of Pulsatilla not only makes it often used as an indicator plant to detect environmental pollution, but also increases its value as an ornamental flower. [5]


pharmacological action
1. Anti trichomonas vaginalis: Yan Yan et al. conducted anti trichomonas experiments in vitro with different concentrations of water extracts of Pulsatilla chinensis, and found that Pulsatilla chinensis can directly act on the surface membrane of the worm, with a strong anti trichomonas effect. [6]
2. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory: Yao D and others found that Pulsatilla has the ability to prevent the release of peroxides in liver tissue, increase the activity of MnSOD, and prevent hepatitis B virus infection. Long Shengjing et al. have studied and found that the water extract of Pulsatilla chinensis has a strong anti active oxidation effect by using Luminol luminescence system, which can effectively remove hydrogen peroxide and prevent the lipid peroxidation caused by it from causing cell or tissue damage. Zhang Wenyuan and other researchers found that the ethanol extract of Pulsatilla has a significant inhibitory effect on dextran sulfuric acid induced colitis in rats. [6]
3. Insecticidal and bacteriostatic: Lan Jiyu and other researchers found that Pulsatilla decoction has a better effect on killing Entamoeba histolytica. Cao Jinghua et al. measured by K-B paper diffusion method that the aqueous extract of Pulsatilla chinensis has obvious inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus typhimurium, Streptococcus A and Streptococcus B. [6]
Functional indications
Treat hemorrhoids and other bleeding symptoms. It is used to treat toxic dysentery, febrile malaria, cold and hot, epistaxis, and hemorrhoids. [2]
Attached party
windflower [15]
① Treatment of hot dysentery: two liang of Pulsatilla, three liang each of Coptis chinensis, Phellodendron chinense and Cortex fraxini. Add four flavors, take seven liters of water, boil two liters, and remove the dross. One liter of warm clothing will make you more comfortable. (The Golden Chamber, Pulsatilla Decoction)
② It can cure rest dysentery, day and night, and abdominal cold pain: one or two pieces of Pulsatilla, two liang of Huangdan (and the Pulsatilla into the iron bottle to burn red), one or two pieces of dried ginger (crackle, file), half a liter of Hyoscyama seeds (remove the floating with water, boil the buds, expose them to dry, stir fry them to make them yellow and black), two liang of alum (burn the juice completely). Take the medicine and mash it to the end. Boil the batter and pills with vinegar, as big as a plane tree. Drink ten pills of porridge before each meal. (Saint Huifang Pulsatilla Pill)
③ Treatment of diarrhea due to cold fatigue and postpartum delivery of women: half a liang of Pulsatilla (without reed head), half a liang of wormwood leaves (stir fry). The second flavor is the end, one liter of rice vinegar is used, half of the medicine is used, first boiled into decoction, and the remaining powder is added. Every 30 pills of Hewan Wutong Pill are taken, and rice is drunk before hollow eating. (The General Record of Saint Ji, Pulsatilla Pill)
④ After the treatment, it is extremely beneficial to the deficiency: two liang each for Pulsatilla, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, donkey hide gelatin, three liang each for Cortex fraxini, Rhizoma coptidis, and Cortex cypress. Seven liters of water will be used for the top six flavors, and two and a half liters will be boiled, and the inner glue will disappear. Serve three times at different temperatures. (Synopsis of the Golden Chamber, Pulsatilla and Glycyrrhiza Ejiao Decoction)
⑤ It can cure children's heat toxic dysentery like fish brain: half a pair of Pulsatilla, half a pair of Coptis chinensis (remove beard, stir fry slightly), one or two pieces of pomegranate peel (stir fry slightly, file). The last piece of medicine is smashed and rent Luo as a powder. For each dose, take a small cup of water and fry it to five cents. Remove the dregs. Regardless of the time, measure the size and take more or less. (Saint Benevolent Prescription, Pulsatilla Powder)
⑥ For the treatment of warm malaria attack, the coma is like death: one or two anemones, two cents each for bupleurum, pinellia, scutellaria baicalensis and betelnut, and seven cents for licorice. Pan fried clothes. (Collection of Materia Medica)
⑦ Treatment of external hemorrhoid swelling and pain: the anemone grass is rubbed with its root. (Easy to Clean Formula)
⑧ Cure the growth of scrofula, and make the body cold and hot: two taels of Pulsatilla, one or two pieces of angelica tail, peony skin, and Pinellia ternata respectively. Stir fry for the last, three yuan for each serving, and adjust the white soup. (Collection of Materia Medica)
⑨ Treatment of small depression: the root of anemone is produced without asking how much, and then it is tamped. It is applied with the disease. It will be treated as a sore overnight, and will recover in 20 days. (Sketch Recipe)
clinical application
1. Treatment of protozoal dysentery: Adults take 15-30g of Pulsatilla rhizome every day, three times of decoction, and seven days as a course of treatment. In case of serious illness, another 30-50g of decoction into 100ml of liquid medicine is used for retention enema, once a day. According to the observation of 23 cases, the number of stools and red and white mucus decreased significantly after administration; Stool speculum Amoeba The average time of turning negative was 1.4 days; Rectoscopy proved that the ulcer healed rapidly, and all cases were cured in an average of 7 days. In addition, ten cases were treated with Pulsatilla Decoction, all of which were cured; The longest treatment time was 9 days, and the shortest was 1 day, with an average of 2 days. In addition, Pulsatilla tissue extract can also be used every day intramuscular injection Once, the initial dose is 2ml, and then increase 0.5ml each time until it reaches 3.5ml; After the symptoms disappear, continue to inject 5-10 times, then reduce to 1-2 times a week, the whole process is 3 months. For severe and chronic cases, 5-8 ml of Pulsatilla tissue extract was added with 60 ml of normal saline for rectal perfusion, once a day. 23 cases were treated, 19 cases were cured, 4 cases were improved; The average time of symptom disappearance was 4.4 days, and the stool turned negative was 6.1 days.
2. Treatment of bacillary dysentery: systematic observation on the treatment of bacillary dysentery with single herb Pulsatilla chinensis seems to be less. It has been reported that the improved Pulsatilla soup (6 coins for Pulsatilla, 3-6 coins for Phellodendron, Qinpi 2-3 yuan, 1 yuan each for woodincense, tangerine peel and liquorice, 400ml of water is added and boiled into 200ml as one dose). 123 cases of acute bacillary dysentery or acute attack type of chronic bacillary dysentery are treated with one dose every day, separately in the morning and afternoon, and a course of treatment is 5-10 days or 7-15 days. Results: The cure rate was 78%, which was close to 76% in the control group (treated with sulfamidine). If the curative effect is observed according to different intestinal diseases, the curative effect of catarrhal type is higher, with the cure rate of 95%, the cure rate of erosive type is 75%, and the cure rate of ulcer type is 56.7%. The course of treatment of erosive ulcer type was 7-15 days, and 10% green tea decoction was added at the same time for retention enema. For the cases with effective treatment, the average time to reduce fever was 2.01 days, the time to eliminate abdominal pain, tenesmus and abdominal tenderness was 6.9 days, the time to return to normal for stool secondary application was 10.02 days, the time to return to normal for stool characteristics was 10.1 days, the time to return to normal for routine stool examination was 9.4 days, and the time to turn from stool to yin was 4.05 days.
3. Treatment of scrofula: take 5 liang of Pulsatilla, clean and cut it into inch segments, soak it in 2 jin of white wine, seal it in the jar, boil it in water for several times, take it out and put it in the shade on the ground for 2-3 days, then open the jar, remove the Pulsatilla, bottle and seal the wine for use. Take it once an hour after eating in the morning and evening, and drink 1-2 cups each time. Generally, 1-2 months is a course of treatment. It is suitable for patients with scrofula ulceration, whose pus is clear and thin, and who have not closed their mouth for a long time. More than 10 cases were effective after treatment.
4. Treatment of furuncles and carbuncles: 2 liang of Pulsatilla, decocted in water for several days. It is still combined with conventional local treatment. There is no adverse reaction after taking Pulsatilla, and a few patients have laxative effect after taking Pulsatilla, which is very suitable for patients with constipation due to excessive heat.

Identification of medicinal materials


Character identification

Pulsatilla has a long cylindrical or conical root, slightly curved, sometimes twisted and slightly flat, 5-20 cm long, 0.5-2.0 cm in diameter. The outer skin is yellowish brown or brownish brown, most of which have fallen off, and the remaining ones are also easy to peel off. There are reticular cracks or fissures in the broken skin. There are often decayed pits near the root head. The root head is swollen, with white hairs, and some have sheath like petiole residues. It is hard and brittle, with flat section and easy separation of wood and leather. The skin is yellowish white or yellowish brown, and the wood is yellowish. [7]

Microscopic identification

Cross section of root: epidermis, cortex and endothelium have usually fallen off. The phloem is broad, the lateral cells are brown, and the wall is corky; The phloem fibers are scattered individually or in bundles, with a diameter of 15-35 μ m, thick walls, and some roots have no fibers. The cambium ring is obvious. Xylem ray is wide; The catheter is circular polygon, single scattered or several in groups, with a diameter of 25-85 μ m; The diameter of wood fiber is 42 μ m, the wall is slightly thick, and non wood. The root is thicker, and the center is often a parenchyma cell. [7]

Physical and chemical identification

4g of crude powder of the sample was added 20ml of ethanol, heated and refluxed to extract for 1h, filtered, the filtrate was concentrated to about 6ml on a water bath, cooled, and added an appropriate amount of acetone to precipitate, filtered, quickly took a small amount of precipitate (about 5mg), put it in a test tube, added 1ml of acetic anhydride to dissolve it, and added 1ml of sulfuric acid along the tube wall. The junction of the two liquids showed red or purplish red ring (saponin reaction). Pulsatilla has this reaction, while potentilla and Potentilla discolor do not. [7]

chemical composition

The root of Pulsatilla Chinensis contains Pulsatilla saponin A, B, C, D, 3-O - α - L-rhamnopyranosyl - (1 → 2) - α - L-arabinopyranosyl-3 β, 23 dihydroxy - △ 20 (29) - lupinopyranosyl - (1 → 2) - α - L-arabinopyranosyl-3 β, 23 dihydroxylup △ - 20 (29) - en-28-oicacid], Pulsatilla saponin A3, B 4, Saponin 1,2, betulinicacid-3-O - α - L-arabinopyranoside, betulinic acid, 3-oxobertulinic acid, daucosterol, anemonin, protoanemonin.

Plant culture


cultural implication

Birthday flower: woodanemone
Birthday: April 7th.
Flower language: wit
The white and pure Pulsatilla is the flower worshipped to Yavlahart, a Christian writer in Persia in the fourth century. Therefore, the flower language of Pulsatilla is matched with Yavlahart's intelligence - intelligence.
Those who are blessed by this kind of flower have outstanding intelligence; Moreover, it is not only intellectually rich, but also has a fine sense of insight into people's hearts. If we take the artistic route, maybe it will be easier to succeed? Such you, only the values are connected with you.
Flower language: increasingly thin love, love of betrayal.


Legend 1: Mysterious Old Man and Pulsatilla
Once upon a time, in big lake There is a Niutou Mountain nearby. There is a village at the foot of the mountain. There is a young man called Po Po is cheerful, kind-hearted and helpful. Everyone likes him very much.
But one day, Po suddenly had a stomachache. The pain was more than ordinary and made Po's head ache Cold sweat , even hands and feet are cold. At that time, the people in the neighborhood went to work when they went up the mountain and down the ground. No one helped. Po couldn't bear the pain, so he had to cover his stomach and struggle to find the doctor in the next village. As soon as he walked out of the village, he could not support him and fell on the grass beside the road.
After a while, Po suddenly woke up and saw a white haired grandfather standing beside him with a stick. Grandpa asked Po why he was lying on the roadside. Po replied weakly, "My stomach hurts so much that I can't walk anymore." Grandpa said, "Then find some medicine to take." Po said, "Where can I find it?" Grandpa pointed to the grass beside Po with his stick. There was a green grass with white fur on its head, "The root of this grass is medicine. You can dig some back to make soup and drink it for several times." Po thought to himself, "This grass is common. There are many hills and fields. Can it really cure diseases? Grandpa didn't wait for Po to speak, as if he had seen through Po's question. He stroked his beard and said, "I am an old man with white hair. Will I lie to you?" Then he turned slowly and left.
Po decided to have a try. He resisted the pain and dug some of those heads Landrace Mao's green grass, when I got home, I boiled water from the grass roots, and my stomach didn't hurt much this night. After drinking for three days in a row, he recovered from his illness. When neighbors came to see Po, they knew that Po's illness had been cured by a grass root treatment.
Po recovered from his illness and went up the mountain to cut firewood. On the mountain road to cut firewood that day, Po met the white haired grandpa again. The grandpa stood there with a stick and spirit. From a distance, he looked like a mountain fairy with a white beard. Po hurried forward and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, the medicine you asked me to take is really good. I drank it for several times, and then my illness was cured quickly." The white haired grandpa smiled and said, "Young man, I was just going to tell you that it is my ancestral secret recipe. I saw that you are kind and willing to help people in the village. I wanted to lend your mouth to help me pass it on to the world." Po nodded and agreed. The white haired grandpa suddenly disappeared again.
Since then, no matter who the village people were, if they had stomach pain, Po would carry a shovel day and night to dig the green grass with white hairs on its head in the wild, and then use the grass roots to fry water for the patients to drink when they came back. After drinking, the stomach pain was cured.
Someone asked Po curiously what kind of medicine it was. When did Po learn to use herbs to treat his illness? Po was a kind man. He told everyone about his stomach ache and how he met the white haired grandpa. People asked where the grandpa had gone, and Po regretted: Yes, why didn't you ask the white haired grandpa where he lived?
The next day, Po ran to the place where he met grandpa for the second time and wanted to thank grandpa again. He could also ask for advice in person if he had anything to do in the future. [8] However, Po waited day after day for half a month and didn't see the white haired grandpa again.
Po was disappointed. He sat beside the mountain road where he met his grandpa for the second time, looking at the grass with many hairs growing on its head. Suddenly, he saw a light from a green grass with white hairs on its head. In the light, the green grass swayed gently against the wind. Po suddenly found: Oh, how like a white haired and bearded grandfather this grass is! Po knew that Grandpa with white hair might be an Antarctic fairy, coming down to teach secret recipes to cure people and relieve pain, right? Po also thought that we should not forget the old man who passed on the secret recipe. Since this kind of grass doesn't know its name, we might as well call it "Pulsatilla". Since then, there has been a herb called "Pulsatilla" in the world.
People are using "Pulsatilla" as a traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, they also make natural configurations or flower beds in gardens to beautify the environment.
Legend 2: Du Fu named this herb "Pulsatilla"
Legendary Tang Dynasty poets Du Fu When I was trapped in Beijing, my life was very hard. It was often: "The cup is not cold, but everywhere there is sorrow.". One morning, Du Fu drank a bowl of porridge left two days ago, and soon he vomited and suffered severe abdominal pain. But he lives in a cottage, penniless, and has no money to seek medical treatment. At this time, a white haired old man just passed by his house. Seeing this, he sympathized with Du Fu very much. After asking about his illness, he said, "Wait a moment, I will pick herbs for you." Soon, the white haired old man picked a handful of wild grass with white fur and fried it in soup for Du Fu to take. After Du Fu took the medicine, his pain gradually disappeared and he recovered after a few days. Since "no one asks about self pity for a white headed man, but pity for a person is a white headed man", Du Fu named the grass "white headed man" to express his gratitude to the white haired old man. [9]