The Story of the White haired Devil

Liang Yusheng creates martial arts novels
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The Story of the White haired Devil is a writer Liang Yusheng The novel was published from August 5, 1957 to September 8, 1958.
The novel is about Ming Dynasty Wanli In the cool autumn of the 43rd year, Zhuo Zhonglian, governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, left his post and returned to his hometown in northern Shaanxi. When passing the Sichuan Shaanxi border, he was robbed of the rich and helped the poor“ Jade Luosha Qinxia Take most of the property. Wudang Disciple Accompanying Escort Geng Shaonan , the second finger of his left hand was cut off because of his arrogance to show his punishment. Since then, he has become angry with Wudang Sect for practising Nishang. The people rebelled against the court, the subordinates betrayed their superiors, the crafty and sycophantic betrayed the country, and the spirit of resistance and freedom was intertwined, which was the spirit of that era.
The novel is interspersed with Xiong Tingbi, Yuan Chonghuan, Wei Zhongxian, Hak's, Li Zicheng and many other historical figures. It integrates patriotism, chivalry and romance, increases the historicity of the work, describes the character successfully, and has beautiful and fluent language. However, because it is a kind of serial novels, there are too many references before and after, which makes the structure appear loose, especially in the latter part. [5] The novel has been made into films and TV plays for many times since then. [6]
The Story of the White haired Devil
Creation era
August 5, 1957 - September 8, 1958
literary genre
dominating figure
Qinxia Zhuo Yihang etc.
Story background
In the cool autumn of the 43rd year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, Governor of Yungui Zhuo Zhonglian Leaves His Post and Returns to His Hometown in Northern Shaanxi

content validity

Ming Wanli In the cool autumn of the 43rd year, Zhuo Zhonglian, governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, left his post and returned to his hometown in northern Shaanxi. When passing the border between Sichuan and Shaanxi, he was robbed of the rich and helped the poor by the "Jade Luosha" Qinxia Robbing property. Wudang Disciple Accompanying Escort Geng Shaonan , the second finger of his left hand was cut off because of his arrogance to show his punishment. Since then, he has become angry with Wudang Sect for practising Nishang. Shortly thereafter, a "staff attack case" occurred in the imperial court, the son of Zhuo Zhonglian Minister of Household Waiter Zhuo Jixian was framed and sentenced to death. The grandson of Zhuo Zhonglian, the master disciple of Taoist Priest Ziyang of Wudang Sect Zhuo Yihang Break into the palace and expose it Ming dynasty Emperor Shenzong's son Conspiracy with Concubine Zheng, he was the father of the rebellion, and was deeply appreciated by Prince Changluo. After that, Zhuo Yihang returned home from Beijing with his father's spirit and passed through Huashan. Zhuo Yihang met a girl with outstanding appearance, and they had a deep affection for each other. Unexpectedly, the next night, Zhuo Yihang participated in the battle of the palace guards besieging the Yuluo Temple, but found that the girl he met in the daytime was actually the Yuluo Temple. Zhuo Yihang was shocked, and the two had to draw their swords. In the decisive battle, Zhuo Yihang understood that the palace guards who were in charge of the siege of Yuluosha were spies from all over the country. They defeated a group of enemies together. Xuan got acquainted again martial arts master Liaodong A caretaker Xiong Tingbi General Yue Mingke You can compare the sword with Nishang when you practice it, and then you know that you are from the same school. Master of Nishang Ling Muhua And Yue Mingke's Master Huo Tiandu This is a loving couple who broke up in anger. Zhuo Yihang and Yue Mingke learned from Ling Muhua's suicide note that Lian Nishang was adopted by his teacher at the age of three or four after his mother died and his father gave up. Soon after Zhuo Yihang returned home, his grandfather Zhuo Zhonglian died because he could not stand the pain of losing his son. Soon Zhuo Yihang was also framed and sent to prison. After hearing the news, Lian Nishang came to rescue him. After the prison break, the person who practices Nishang meets a Wulin magnate Iron Flying Dragon , the two fight by mistake and then practice and recognize him as the adoptive father. Taoist Priest Ziyang, the leader of Wudang, died, and appointed Zhuo Yihang as the successor leader. A group of Wudang disciples met with Taoist Priest Hong Yun, the martial uncle who practiced Nishang and defeated Zhuo again, at Tie Feilong's home. Liang Zi of both sides became deeper and deeper. Zhuo Yihang was in distress, pleading to defend his filial piety and redress his grievances, and was postponed for three years. After the burial of Shifu, Zhuo Yihang and Shifu White stone Taoist Priest went north together to avenge. Yuyue Mingke in Henan Songshan Mountain , and the two are friends.
Yue Mingke was ordered by Xiong Tingbi to go to Beijing from Shaanxi. On the way, he met with the Mafia expert "Yin Feng Poisonous Sand Palm" Jin Uniqueness Encountered a fierce fight. Yue was poisoned and injured. Fortunately, she was the daughter of Iron Flying Dragon Iron coral When they saved each other, they felt tender in their hearts and went to Beijing together. After entering Beijing, I met someone who was not long after he ascended the throne bring honor to one's ancestors Zhu Changluo Misingestion“ Red pill ”And died. Xizong Zhu Youxiao Ascension, eunuch Wei Zhongxian And the school nurse Keshi Taking the Emperor under his command. Xiong Tingbi Fu was captured by the imperial edict when he arrived in Beijing and frequently encountered dangerous situations. Fortunately, Yue Mingke, Zhuo Yihang, Lian Nishang, Tie Feilong and others rescued him. At this time, Jin's unique wife Red Flower Ghost Mother Going out of the mountain to fight Iron Flying Dragon, Lian Nishang defeated the Red Flower Ghost Mother with her wit and martial arts skills, and Jin Duyi was seriously injured again. Xiong Tingbi resigns his post and leaves Beijing to return to Hubei with Yue Mingke, Zhuo Yihang and his martial uncle, Taoist Priest Baishi. He practices Nishang and Tie Feilong then go to Mount Song to meet them. Taoist Priest Baishi and Taoist Priest Hongyun stopped Lian and Zhuo Yihang from meeting, and they fought fiercely. Taoist Priest Baishi and others fell back again, and the resentment between the two sides deepened. Zhuo Yihang went home to guard his filial piety and practiced Nishang. When he heard that the imperial army had gone to Shaanxi to suppress bandits, he hurried back. Encounter on the way title assumed by the rebel leader Gao Yingxiang and later passed to Li Zicheng in their uprisings during the late Ming dynasty Li Zicheng learned that his stronghold had been broken by the army, and the rest fled to Sichuan. Soon, they gathered in the old part of Sichuan, together with iron coral Guangyuan Mingyue Gorge Then stand the mountain. Since then, the imperial court has reactivated Xiong Tingbi as the Liaodong Economic and Strategic Envoy, but his real power has fallen to the sidelines. His subordinates disobeyed the command and ignored the enemy's advance, leading to the annihilation of the whole army. Wei Zhongxian took the opportunity to kill Xiong Tingbi and sent the Royal Guards to arrest Yue Mingke. Yue Mingke fled to Sichuan alone and escaped when he met Zhuo Yihang and Lian Nishang in Guangyuan.
When Zhuo Yihang's three years of filial piety expired, his martial uncles Hong Yun and Taoist Priest Bai Shi led their disciples to meet the new leader in Shaanxi. By way of Guangyuan, Jade Luosha He "robbed" Zhuo Yihang to the Mingyue Gorge Stronghold and showed his ambition. He should study martial arts together with Zhuo Yihang. Zhuo Yihang was too prejudiced by his school to agree. Taoist Priest Bai Shi and Taoist Priest Hong Yun, who are narrow in spirit, joined hands with the officers and soldiers to break through the Mingyue Gorge and set fire to the mountain stronghold in order to find Zhuo Yihang and avenge the Yuluo Temple. Almost all the female soldiers in the village died in battle, and Iron Shanhu also died in the hands of Jin Uniquely. After killing Jin Duyi, Yue Mingke left Tianshan Mountain and became a monk Zen Master Huiming He studied martial arts and became a master of Tianshan Sect. Lian Nishang and Tie Feilong went to Beijing again, and transferred Xiong Tingbi's military book Liaodong Lun, which Yue Mingke had brought out at the risk of death, to the border general Yuan Chonghuan Zhuo Yihang asked someone to send a message to Lian Nishang, which showed his love. Lian Nishang left Beijing south Wudang Mountain
After returning to the mountain from Mingyue Gorge, Zhuo Yihang never forgot to practice Nishang. He was as stupid as a fool. He didn't ask about anything except martial arts. As the leader, all things are handled by martial uncles. Worried martial uncles blame Lian Duzhuo's temptation and regard her as our public enemy. After practising Nishang in Wudang, both sides confided that Zhuo Yihang finally decided to give up everything and go with the practice. But at this time, Zhuo's four martial uncles joined hands to form a sword formation to besiege Nishang. A fierce fight was fought, killing everything. The four elders of Wudang were all injured. At the critical moment, Zhuo Yihang could not cope with the fight between his lover and his school. He was encouraged to play for the fight. He was heartbroken when practicing Nishang. Love and hate mixed. When he woke up, his hair was white. She cherishes and prides herself on her peerless appearance. Unexpectedly, she changed from a beautiful girl to a white haired old woman overnight. She was extremely disheartened and upset. She quit the Wulin in the Central Plains and left for the south peak of Tianshan Mountain. However, her personality of looking for people to compete in martial arts has not changed. After living in seclusion, she also went down the mountain to kill people, found famous people to compete in martial arts, and defeated them. From then on, she was called the white haired witch.
After practicing Nishang, Zhuo Yihang was as mad as a madman and looked like an idiot. One day, I was suddenly awakened, and my depression was like Volcano eruption , he finally rushed down Wudang Mountain regardless of everything to follow the trail of Nishang training. After a lot of hard work, until the northern peak of Tianshan where Zen Master Huiming lived in seclusion, he finally learned that Lian lived in seclusion in Tianshan South peak , that is, to go to search in the snow. However, the practice has become disheartened and unwilling to forgive and make peace. Zhuo Yihang came back disappointed. Since then, he has wandered through the grasslands and deserts in the north and south of Tianshan Mountains and accepted his apprentice Cynanchum chinense From Xin Longzi's mouth, Zhuo Yihang finally found what was said to make white hair black Youtan Immortal Flower However, because the flower has already blossomed, it still needs 60 years of waiting. Zhuo is determined to wait until the day when the immortal flower blooms.
Wudang Taoist Baishi and his daughter He Lvhua Go to Xinjiang to look for Zhuo and return to the mountain. When he meets the enemy in the desert, Baishi is captured. Zhuo Yihang saved He Lvhua when he passed by. He was also poisoned and injured. While He Lvhua was healing Zhuo Yihang, Lian Nishang found out that he misunderstood Zhuo Yihang was dating his smart and lively junior sister. He was jealous and went away in anger. Zhuo Yihang was helpless. He broke into the enemy's nest to rescue Martial Uncle, but he was at risk because of the enemy's experts. At the end of the training, he couldn't bear to see Zhuo Yihang die alone. He saved Zhuo Yihang and Taoist Baishi with his superb martial arts. Zhuo Yihang showed his mind again, but his heart was very gray when he practiced Nishang. He didn't listen to the explanation, but he went away, preferring to stay a little Unfinished Love, remember each other.
Zhuo Yihang sighed with emotion surge , sorrow comes from it. Decades of love passed by in his mind. Past events were like in front of him. There were repentance, sadness, tenderness, and sad misunderstanding. The most sad thing was that the past was gone, and the future was not necessarily traceable. The only thing he could do was Night and night Acacia, long memory, waiting Youtan Immortal Flower Another day. [1]

Catalogue of works

Every title
The first time, the Iron Sagittarius God Bow Youth helped the Ju Huan, the Golden Saddle, the BMW Big Robber shook the empty voice
The second round shocked Jinghua Daiuchi Encounter a pedestrian at night
The third round of fraternity deep palace Teng sword gas gratitude and hatred difficult to solve the ancient cave knot
The Fourth Seven Lost Array: The Great Spy Becomes Empty; Thirty Years of Love Like a Dream; Sutra on the Stone Wall
The fifth chapter: The villain in the plain, the poison killer, the secret chamber of the beacon fire in the small town, revealing the plot
The sixth chapter: Moonlight Night Tells of Feelings, Misfortune and Entanglement, Fighting against Stranger Swords in the Mountain
The seventh chapter of the sword spectrum causes strange disasters, and the storm folds up. The leader's load-bearing support misunderstands
The eighth time, thank you, Headmaster. It's hard to cut off the relationship. It's hard to stop the hatred of Zhu Quanxiao
The ninth time, the Jianghu warlock Shi Cheated Red Pill. The young man wanted to find a sword formula
The tenth round of swordsmanship is passed to Xuantian Mountain, and the chivalrous man Jinghua said that evil spirits appeared in the inner court
The eleventh round of erosion, lamenting the lack of heroism in the palace, raising a pile to mourn the state affairs, and the chivalrous men are heartbroken
The Twelfth Round: Hard to Relieve the Sadness of the Block, Sorrow over the State Affairs, Power Traitor, Handle, Design and Hurt the General
The Thirteenth Time: More Wind and Rain, Heartbreak, Old Hatred, Changing Times, New Sorrow
The 14th time, the famous general, the lady devil, is willing to convince the ghost mother under the Secret Devil Cliff to show off her heroism
The 15th round of the magic sword's fearsome and frightening stunt, poison bead throwing in the air, cold and sharp
The 16th time, father and son happily meet and command to solve the difficulties of loyalty and betrayal
The 17th Jewelry Attracts the Powerful People to Fight in the Wilderness Forest
The Eighteenth Unfair Prison Destroys the Great Wall, Shakes the Stars Down, Protects Your Good Friend with Pain, and Swords Soar in the Air
The 19th time, the debt is hard to pay. Ask Huahua not to speak. The front is not proved. Say nothing to the moon
The 20th time, the sound of a flute becomes Guangling. After many years of waking up, he feels ashamed to be a survivor
The 21st time, when the village was destroyed, the remaining sadness left a piece of earth. Try to move Yu Yixiao to present Tibetan treasures
The 22nd round unjust verdict The capital city constructs a grievance and a deep palace reads the book, and the chivalrous woman delivers a wonderful book
Chapter 23 Sword Qi Soar into the sky Surprised the palace for three times, watching the secret and walking away in anger
The 24th Turn: Nian Abandons the Slaughter Knife, Revenge, Understand the Truth, Pass on the Painted Brush, Old Couple's Memory
The 25th time, lotus leaves the mud, determined to leave parents' minds and meet lovers
The 26th round: Sword Rushing into Famous Mountain, Beauty Seeking Friend, Xia Hui, Yougu, White Hair, Green Silk
The 27th time, a boy who doesn't want to remain famous asks for shelter, confesses his feelings and regrets, and the young master looks for him
The 28th time, the apprentice from outside the Great Wall was devoted to spreading swordsmanship
The 29th Return: The Gossip in the Valley: The Man Still Can't See the Deserted Mountain; The Traitor Has a Plot
The 30th Turn: Looking at the Sky, Feeling Cold Star, Lost Grassland, Scared and Fierce Fighting, Strong Sword
Thirty first chapter: You hate to send Acacia to the remote sky. All kinds of zither sounds fly in the desert. There are many misunderstandings
The 32nd Return to the Desert, Yellow Sand, Buried with Love and Injury, Shadows of Silver Han from afar, Legend of Hatred and Hope for Twin Stars


dominating figure
Qinxia  “ Jade Luosha ”, "White haired witch", Southern Shaanxi Thieves, Ling Muhua A disciple of.
Zhuo Yihang is the leader disciple of Wudang Sect, the son of Zhuo Jixian, and the disciple of Taoist Priest Ziyang.
Yue Mingke is Master Huiming, Xiong Tingbi Counsellor of, and disciple of Huo Tiandu.
Iron coral The daughter of Iron Flying Dragon.
Taoist Baishi's "Five Elders of Wudang" ranked fourth, and the Wudang Elder, whose surname is He.
Iron Flying Dragon Wulin Stranger, Longmen County The leader of Iron Family Villa practices Nishang Ke Pingting My adoptive father.
Other characters
Zhuo Zhonglian was the former governor of Yungui.
Geng Shaonan A disciple of Taoist Hongyun.
Wang Zhaoxi The son of Wang Jiayin.
Taoist Huang Ye's "Five Elders of Wudang" ranks second, and Wudang Elders.
Hongyun Taoist "Wudang Five Elders" ranks the third, Wudang Elder.
Taoist Qingxuan's "Five Elders of Wudang" ranks fifth, and Wudang Elders.
Zhou Tong was a bandit on the border between Sichuan and Shaanxi.
Zhu Baochun "Fire Spirit Ape" is a bandit on the Sichuan Shaanxi border.
Mai Fengchun, the leader of "Mai's three heroes", is a bandit of Dingjun Mountain.
Tu Jingxiong Longmen Sect Helmsman.
Shao Xuanyang One legged bandit in southern Shaanxi.
Wang Jiayin Leader of the Green Forest in Northern Shaanxi, a famous swordsman.
Meng Can The duty martial artist in Changluo Palace.
Changluo Mingguang Sect Emperor Taichang , Zhu Yijun's eldest son.
Liu Ximing A famous martial artist in Beijing, and a friend of Wang Jiayin.
Meng Qiuxia Meng Can's daughter later became Wang Zhaoxi's wife.
White sensitivity Meng Can's disciple.
Taoist Zhen Qian Huashan Mountain Dropping Goose Peak Taoist, Huo Tiandu, Ling Muhua, friends of Wudang Five Elders.
Zhao Ting Songyang Sect Swordsman.
Taoist Qingsong
Xiong Tingbi Liaodong Economic and Strategic Envoy.
Mu Jiuniang Tie Feilong's wife, who later married Gongsun Lei.
Sun Shenxing Minister of Rites.
Wang Anshun, the Imperial Envoy.
Zhu Youxiao   Ming Xizong , son of Changluo.
Cheng Kun Imperial Guard Bodyguard.
Dong Fangyu's former bodyguard, Cheng Kun's a deputy
Ke Pingting The daughter of Wei Zhongxian and the Hak family, the disciple of Gongsun Aunt.
Murong Chong   East Factory Chief coach of the guard, disciple of Jiao Manzi and Dingxu Master.
Zhou Jiamo Minister of the Ministry of Officials.
Wang praised Xiong Tingbi's follower and Qiu Taixu's disciple.
Aunt Gongsun“ Red Flower Ghost Mother ”, the daughter of Gongsun Yiyang and the unique wife of Jin.
Chief Escort of Longda Sanchang'an Escort Agency, friend of Iron Flying Dragon.
Li Feng is the first disciple of Wudang Sect in Beijing.
Li Shenshi He is the son of Li Tianyang and the disciple of Long Xiaoyun. Later, he worshipped Taoist Huang Ye as his teacher.
One of the second generation "four disciples" of Wudang Sect in Yuxincheng, the first disciple of Taoist Huang Ye.
Dragon Roaring Cloud Emei Sect disciple.
Li Tianyang, the commander of the Royal Guards, abandoned the official.
He Qixia That is, Ci Hui, the younger sister of Taoist Baishi and the wife of Li Tianyang.
Hegehua The eldest daughter of Taoist Baishi, later became Li Shenshi's wife.
He Lvhua The second daughter of Taoist Baishi.
Honorable Zen Master Shaolin Jiansi , Elder Jingming's younger martial brother.
To understand and purify Shaolin Disciple
Jingming Elder Shaolin Temple presides over.
Xuantong is a disciple of Zen Master.
Tianyuan Shaolin Temple Dharma Hall Upper seat Later, he became the leader of Shaolin Temple and the first disciple of Jingming Elder.
Yang Kun Minister of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials, a friend of Zhuo Jixian.
Yuan Chonghuan Liaodong Jinshi was later upgraded to Liaodong Jinglue.
Cui Yingyuan The commander of the Royal Guards abandoned his post and retired.
Spring osmanthus and lady in the palace.
Bai Guangsixin, the head of the royal palace.
Lin Zhenjiao Deputy Chief Escort of Chang'an Escort Agency.
Don Nu He was the son of Tang Ma, and later became the chief of the Bro nationality and the leader of the tribes in northern Xinjiang.
Li Zicheng "Little Chuang Wang" is Gao Yingxiang's nephew.
Li Yan Li Zicheng is the general under his command, the son of Li Jingbai, and the disciple of Wang Tong.
Red Lady Henan female thief, wife of Li Yan.
Luo Tie Arm He was a bandit at the border of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and later became Yang Lian's yard guard.
Yang Yuncong The son of Yang Lian, the great disciple of Zen Master Huiming.
Du Mingzhong, Xiong Tingbi Chen Qiyu He later became a senior general under Yuan Chonghuan.
Tang Jiabi The son of Tang Qingchuan.
Master Zhichan is a northwest expert.
A clumsy Taoist expert from the northwest.
Huo Yuanzhong is a famous martial artist in Shaanxi.
The second disciple of Master Huiming of Chu Zhaonan.
Xin Wu Kazak A famous hunter.
Cynanchum chinense The son of Xin Wu, the disciple of Zhuo Yihang.
The deputy of the Balong Kazak chief.
Hamaya "Flying Red Scarf", the daughter of Tang Nu, is a disciple of Nishang.
Chapter V Leader of Wind Sand Castle.
A famous Kazakh martial artist in Longhuyatu.
Palmate bead The daughter of the fifth chapter.
Shi Hao, Wei Zhongxian's confidant and commander of the Royal Guards, was later promoted to Western Depot Deputy general pile head.
Belong to a seal "Eagle Claw King" is a bandit in East Sichuan.
The second son of Chang Xun and Zhu Yijun.
Wei Zhongxian Chief eunuch, the leader of East Hall, Manchuria Internally.
Uncle Zheng Guotai.
Ying Xiuyang, the confidant of Wei Zhongxian, later became the commander of the Royal Guards and the internal agent of Manchuria.
Zheng Hongtai Western Depot The first master.
Fan Zhu "Diamond Hand".
Lingxiao's "jade faced monster fox" is a drama thief.
Huang Biao, "Nurse House" Guard Administrator
Yun Yanping He became a general in charge of the army after having an affair with Manchuria.
Jin Qianyan is a unique nephew of Jin.
Wang Chengyu, former bodyguard and deputy bodyguard chief.
Cui Chengxiu The treacherous party of Wei Zhongxian, the minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Hao Jianchang Jin Uniqueness The first apprentice of.
Gongsun Leijin is the son of Gongsun's aunt.
Liancheng Huxi Plant became the manager of East Plant, and later became the manager of Manchuria.
Jin Uniqueness Gongsun Yiyang's disciple.
Hu Guozhu, Deputy Commander of the Royal Guards, Kunlun Sect Good hand.
Hu Mai, "Land Immortal", charlatan, Li Kezhuo Doorman
Meng Fei is a "masterful hand", a charlatan and a disciple of Li Kezhuo.
The leader of the Mahizi Henan Guild, Kaifeng One hegemony.
Li Ke burned the officials of Honglu Temple.
The Dharma Protector of Changqin Lama Zhu You School.
Warriors under the red tent of Chaktunulha.
Wang Tingfu Royal Forest Army Commander.
Wang Tinglu The leader of the imperial army, the younger brother of Wang Tingfu.
Rong Yidong Friends who should repair Yang.
Gan Tianli is a famous catch in Chengdu.
It is a famous catch in coking Chengdu and a friend of Gan Tianli.
Shendayuan Opera Robbers in Northern Shaanxi, Zhang Xianzhong Your subordinates.
Shenyuan Opera Robber in Northern Shaanxi, a subordinate of Zhang Xianzhong and the twin brother of Shendayuan.
Mon Sashkadar Chieftain.
Aconitum Elder is one of the elders of Tibet Tianlong Sect.
Immortal Tiande Tibet Tianlong Sect One of the elders.
The envoy sent by Kotu Manchuria to the Kadar nationality.
Master Tianlong is the leader of Tibet Tianlong Sect.
Master Raymond The first disciple of Master Tianlong.
Mention people
Zhuo Jixian Minister of Household Waiter , the son of Zhuo Zhonglian.
Taoist Priest Ziyang is the "best swordsman in the world", the leader of the "Wudang Five Elders" and the leader of Wudang Sect.
Li Erax is a famous Wulin hostel in Shaanxi.
Gao Yingxiang Drama robber, Wang Jiayin's deputy, succeeded as the leader after Wang Jiayin's death and called Wang "Chuang Wang".
Wang Zuo hangs a drama thief and is under Wang Jiayin.
Zhu Yijun Mingshen Sect.
Pang Bao, deacon eunuch.
Deacon Liu Cheng is a eunuch.
Luo Jinfeng, Great Xia in North Hebei, is a friend of Meng Can.
Zhu Yuanzhang Ming Taizu.
Huo Tiandu A famous swordsman at home.
Ling Muhua A great swordsman, Huo Tiandu's wife.
Fang Congzhe Prime Minister, Senior Scholar.
Gu Xiancheng Minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Shen Shixing Minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Wang Xijue Minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Wang Jiaping Minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Li Xuanshi Chang Luo's favorite concubine.
Huishi Yang is in the middle of the matter.
Long Chengye is a captain of the Inner Court.
Liu Tingyuan The military department is busy.
Qiu Taixu's "Sun Moon Wheel" is a famous Wulin expert.
Gongsun Yiyang is a strange person with profound martial arts in the northwest.
Yuan Yingtai Liaodong is strategic.
Liu Yujie was a corrupt general in the Ming Dynasty.
Wang Wending A corrupt general in the Ming Dynasty.
Liu Guojin Chief of the Ministry of War, former Counsellor of Liaodong.
Liu Yixuan An honest minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Yao Zongwen The imperial envoy.
Feng Sanyuan, the Imperial Envoy.
Wen Zhengming One of the four talents in the early days of our country.
Xie Shichen
Left light bucket The Imperial Envoy is Du Mingzhong's uncle.
Wei Guangzheng, minister of the Ming Dynasty, is the nephew of Wei Zhongxian.
Ruan Dazhen was a minister of the Ming Dynasty and the dry son of Wei Zhongxian.
Gu Bingqian The minister of the Ming Dynasty, the dry son of Wei Zhongxian.
Fu Yue, minister of the Ming Dynasty, is the dry son of Wei Zhongxian.
Ni Wenhuan The minister of the Ming Dynasty, the dry son of Wei Zhongxian.
Yang Weiyuan The minister of the Ming Dynasty, the dry son of Wei Zhongxian.
Pan Ruzhen Governor of Zhejiang.
Sun Chengzong A senior member of the Ministry of War, Du Mingzhong's cousin.
Gao Panlong Former ministers of the Ming Dynasty.
Yu Kong Qianyuan, minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Wang Shaohui Wei Zhongxian's party members.
Yuan Huazhong Minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Wei Dazhong, minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Gu Dazhang Minister of the Ming Dynasty.
Minister of the Zhou Dynasty and the Rui Ming Dynasty.
Xu Xianchun north Zhenfusi , the dry son of Wei Zhongxian.
Zhu Youjian Believe in the king Later Emperor Chongzhen, Zhu Youxiao's younger brother.
Master Dingxu
Jiao Manzi is an independent thief in the northwest.
Tangma is the chief of Luobu nationality in southern Xinjiang.
Gao Jie, the powerful leader of Gao Yingxiang.
Li Guo Li Zicheng's nephew.
Nurhachi Commander of Manchuria Army.
He Shixian Yuan Yingtai's senior general.
You Shigong Yuan Yingtai's senior general.
Leaf height Prime Minister.
Wang Huazhen   Guangning The governor, Ye Xianggao's disciple.
Li Jingbai Minister of War
Wang Tong is a famous expert of Tai Chi Sect.
Chen Qiyu Shaanxi Governor.
Tang Qingchuan is a master of Tang Family in Wanxian County.
Du Wu "night owl", leader of the Rebel Army.
Zhang Si, leader of the Rebel Army, "Shooting Sculpture".
Dried mulberry The big demon in the "Three Demons of the Sang Family".
The second demon in Sang Arc's "Three Demons of the Sang Family".
Mulberry kernel Three demons in the "Sang Family Three Demons".

Appreciation of works

The historical background of The Legend of the White haired Devil is chosen Manchu When we are about to enter the GATT, that is Ming Dynasty At the time of impending collapse. It was an age full of rebellion and betrayal, which coincided with the content of the novel. The people revolt against the government, the subordinates betray their superiors, and the crafty and sycophantic people betray the country... And the protagonists of the novel are also constantly resisting various pressures? The spirit of resistance and freedom is intertwined, which is the spirit of that era. This is why even though the end of the novel is depressing, the whole novel is still exciting - because there is pursuit. Even though criticism and resistance account for a large proportion in the novel, what runs through the novel is still revolutionary optimism Spirit. Therefore, what this novel causes in the reader's mind is not pessimism and negativity, but the opposite feeling, as if there is light behind darkness, and there is freedom under resistance. What follows the decay and destruction is also bound to be a new creation.

Later influence

The Biography of the White haired Devil has set up a classic female image in the history of martial arts—— Qinxia At the same time, it also opened a lot of future martial arts novels leading lady It is a precedent of love for white heads.

About the author

Liang Yusheng True name Chen Wentong , born on March 22, 1924, due to illness Sydney He died at the age of 85. Chinese chivalry Novelists, and Jin Yong Gulong It is also known as the three great masters of Chinese martial arts novels and the founder of the new school of martial arts novels. [3]
Liang Yusheng's Origin Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Mengshan County Born in Guangxi Mengshan mountains He is a scholarly family. He wrote poems and lyrics when he was young, and received a good traditional education. In 1945, a group of scholars took refuge in Mengshan, an expert in the history of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Jian Youwen And with Dunhuang Studies And famous poetry, calligraphy and painting Rao Zongyi Liang Yusheng learned history and literature from them and was very instructive.
After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, Liang Yusheng Guangzhou Lingnan University I majored in international economy After graduation, he worked as a supplement editor in Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao because he loved Chinese classical poetry and literature and history. After 1949, he settled in Hong Kong and then emigrated to Australia Sydney (One Sydney). He is Chinese Writers Association member. [4]