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This entry is made by Baidu Health Medical Classic Epilepsy Provide content.
Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease characterized by recurrent seizures. By the brain neuron It is caused by abnormal discharge, and the onset of the disease is characterized by repetition and transience. The causes of epilepsy include Muscle contraction , cerebral cortex development disorder, brain tumor , head injury, Central nervous system infection And may be related to heredity. Epilepsy is not limited to any age group, among which children and the elderly are relatively common. According to statistics, epilepsy affects more than 70 million people worldwide. The incidence rate in China ranges from 5 ‰ to 7 ‰. Every year, about 400000 to 600000 people are newly diagnosed with epilepsy.
The main manifestation of epilepsy is a sudden, unprovoked seizure. The symptoms of the seizure are different, but the performance of each seizure of the same patient is similar. Symptoms may include momentary loss of consciousness and falls, abnormal limb sensation, hallucinations, repeated words or single syllables, body or eye rotation, etc.
There is no specific treatment plan for epilepsy, and the main treatment method is drug treatment, so as to control the condition and reduce the frequency of seizures, so that patients can achieve no seizures, no side effects, and the quality of life can be restored or close to normal. In the course of taking medicine, patients must regularly monitor the blood concentration of drugs in order to adjust the medication program. The living habits of patients will also directly affect the state of the disease, so improving the lifestyle, such as keeping good sleep, avoiding excessive fatigue and mental stress, and avoiding excessive drinking and smoking, is also an important measure to prevent seizures.
TCM disease name
Foreign name
Visiting department
Neurology Department, Emergency Department
Multiple population
Any age group, especially children and the elderly
Common causes
Cortical dysplasia, brain tumor, head injury, central nervous system infection, cerebrovascular disease, parasitic infection, genetic metabolic disease, neurodegenerative disease, secondary encephalopathy, etc
common symptom
Sudden repeated epileptic seizures, involuntary movement of limbs, lethargy and unresponsive, limb paralysis
Hereditary or not
It may be related to heredity
Related drugs
carbamazepine Valproic acid Phenytoin sodium Phenobarbital Clonazepam And other antiepileptic drugs

Disease Profile

Due to the different starting position and transmission mode of abnormal discharge, the clinical manifestations of epilepsy are complex and diverse, which can be manifested as paroxysmal motor, sensory, autonomic nervous, consciousness and mental disorders. The causes of epilepsy are various. After regular antiepileptic drug treatment, about 70% of epileptic patients can control their seizures, of which 50%~60% can recover after 2~5 years of treatment, and patients can work and live as normal people.

Type of disease

The classification of epilepsy is very complicated. In 2017, according to the different seizure mechanisms, epilepsy was divided into four major categories: focal, comprehensive, comprehensive with focal and unknown types.
Chinese scholars call epilepsy with clear etiology“ Secondary epilepsy ”; If the cause of disease is not clear, it is called“ Idiopathic epilepsy ”; Epilepsy whose symptoms at the time of onset have the characteristics of secondary epilepsy but whose etiology is not clear is called“ Cryptogenic epilepsy ”。
In addition, 20% of patients with epilepsy have a good understanding of the current drugs, surgery Vagus nerve stimulation And other treatment methods, such epilepsy is called“ Intractable epilepsy ”。 In a broad sense, intractable epilepsy refers to "epilepsy that cannot be prevented from continuing to attack by all current treatment methods" or "the number of seizures has not been significantly reduced compared with that before treatment". In a narrow sense, intractable epilepsy refers to "drug-resistant epilepsy", that is, epilepsy with unsatisfactory drug treatment.
No matter how scientists classify epilepsy, these are just methods to induce diseases, and will not change the characteristics of epilepsy. Patients only need to understand that there are many classifications of epilepsy, and there are more detailed classifications under different classifications. Doctors will help patients determine specific types and provide the best treatment plan.


The etiology of secondary epilepsy is mostly clear, but the etiology of idiopathic epilepsy is not clear. Research findings may be related to genetics. So far, there is no structural damage or biochemical abnormality in the brain of patients with idiopathic epilepsy that can cause seizures.
  • Etiology of secondary epilepsy
Cortical dysgenesis
This refers to abnormal lesions in the cerebral cortex, related to developmental disorders. Eventually lead to recurrent seizures.
brain tumor
Head injury
A part of patients with head trauma may be more prone to epilepsy. For adults, these reasons include but are not limited to the violent impact in a car accident, brain injury caused by falling from high altitude, epilepsy after brain surgery, etc; For infants, the use of midwifery forceps during delivery is easy to induce infantile head injury epilepsy.
Use of forceps during delivery
Central nervous system infection
This is a general term for a large category of diseases, including Tuberculous meningitis Neurosyphilis Viral meningitis Etc. In some cases human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected patients may also have seizures.
Cerebrovascular disease
This kind of disease includes many diseases, but not all cerebrovascular diseases will cause seizures. Some patients with cerebrovascular diseases may have epilepsy after two weeks of bleeding, which belongs to epilepsy after cerebrovascular diseases.
Parasitic infection
Certain types of parasites can trigger seizures. In China, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are mainly infected with cerebral paragonimus, and the middle and lower reaches are mainly infected with cerebral paragonimus schistosome Mainly in the north Cysticercus cellulosae Parasitic induction is dominant. With the prevention of parasitic diseases, it is relatively rare in China at present, but doctors will also consider the patient's residence when making a diagnosis, and rule out seizures caused by such causes.
Genetic metabolic disease
Neurodegenerative disease
as Alzheimer disease Parkinson's disease Late, may be accompanied by seizures.
Secondary encephalopathy
about Systemic lupus erythematosus 8%~20% patients will have epilepsy; diabetes Epilepsy can also occur; Some drugs and vaccines may also cause epilepsy.
  • Predisposing factors
Evoked factors have a strong correlation with the occurrence of epilepsy. When they exist alone, they will not cause seizures, but will induce or exacerbate epilepsy under specific circumstances. There are mainly four related causes:
Endocrine related
Some women's seizures are related to menstruation, some are related to pregnancy, and some are related to hormones.
Sleep related
Many epilepsy patients only get sick in sleep. If they don't get enough sleep, epilepsy may also be aggravated.
genetic correlation
Some epilepsy may be related to heredity. Studies have found that some genes are related to epilepsy, and in some families, family aggregation has indeed been found. However, the genetic risk of epilepsy is very low. In other words, most patients with epilepsy will not have epilepsy in the next generation.
Generally speaking, the risk of epilepsy before the age of 20 is about 1%, that is, about one person in 100 will have epilepsy. If the parents have epilepsy and have a family history related to epilepsy, the risk of epilepsy in the next generation is between 2% and 5%. If parents' epilepsy has nothing to do with genetic factors, such as epilepsy caused by stroke or brain trauma, it will not affect the prevalence of the next generation.
Although epilepsy has little genetic impact on the next generation, some drugs for epilepsy may have a negative impact on the unborn child. Patients who take medicine for a long time should not stop taking medicine without authorization. If there is a pregnancy preparation plan, you must tell the doctor in advance.
Age related
Some types of epilepsy mainly occur in children. When children become adults, this kind of epilepsy will relieve itself.


The pathogenesis of epilepsy is very complex. The imbalance between excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system leads to seizures, which is mainly related to the changes of ion channel neurotransmitters and glial cells.
  • Abnormal ion channel function
Ion channels are the basis of excitability regulation of excitable tissues in vivo. Mutations in their coding genes can affect the function of ion channels, leading to the occurrence of some genetic diseases. At present, it is believed that many human idiopathic epilepsy is an ion channel disease, that is, a defective gene encodes a defective ion channel protein to cause epilepsy. The research on the correlation between sodium ion, potassium ion, calcium ion channels and epilepsy is relatively clear.
  • Abnormal neurotransmitter
Epileptic discharge is closely related to neurotransmitters. Under normal circumstances, excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters remain in balance, and the neuronal membrane is stable. When there are too many excitatory neurotransmitters or too few inhibitory neurotransmitters, they can make the excitation and inhibition imbalance, make the membrane unstable and produce epileptic discharges.
  • Abnormal glial cells
neuron The electrolyte balance in the microenvironment is the basis for maintaining the normal excitability of neurons. Glial cells play an important role in maintaining the living environment of neurons. Epilepsy may occur when astrocytes' uptake of glutamic acid or γ - aminobutyric acid changes.


Idiopathic epilepsy The brain of such patients has no structural changes or metabolic abnormalities that can explain the symptoms, and their pathogenesis is closely related to genetic factors. Symptomatic epilepsy has various brain lesions and metabolic disorders, and there are epileptogenic foci in the brain. Sudden high-frequency repetitive abnormal discharge of neurons in the epileptogenic focus can spread continuously to the surrounding cortex until the inhibition stops the seizure, leading to sudden seizure arrest.


Most types of epilepsy will occur suddenly and recover quickly after a short duration. The patient performs normally in the interval between two seizures, which is not very different from normal healthy people.
The characteristics of different types of epilepsy are different, but the performance of the same patient is similar each time, that is, the symptoms of each seizure are not very different.
In addition, epileptic seizures are repetitive, that is to say, a single seizure should not be easily diagnosed as epilepsy.

early symptom

Before the seizure, some patients can feel that they are about to get sick hours or even days ago. These premonitions may include abnormal sensation of limbs, or some unspeakable abnormal feelings. Some people will experience changes in taste, smell and hearing. Some patients may not see clearly.
These early symptoms are not necessarily related to seizures, but these premonitions can help patients prepare for seizures in advance. For example, take anti epileptic drugs in advance, avoid putting yourself in a dangerous environment, and be prepared to prevent injury when you get sick.

Paroxysmal symptoms

Different types of epilepsy have different symptoms and characteristics, which will be systematically introduced as follows:
  • Self limited generalized seizure
Patients with this type of epilepsy often lose consciousness at the initial stage of the seizure, completely unaware of what happened to them. In addition, the following subdivision types also have their own characteristics:
Generalized tonic clonic seizure
In the early stage of the attack, patients not only lose consciousness, but also fall. At this time, most patients will scream and twitch all over the body. Clonus will occur after 10~20 seconds. Each clonus will have an interval, the frequency of seizures will gradually slow down, and the interval will be longer and longer.
After a severe clonus, the seizure stopped. At this time, it will be observed that the pupil of the patient is dilated, salivary secretions are increased, and breathing stops. After that, the patient will slowly recover, and the above signs will gradually return to normal. The whole process is about 5 to 15 minutes. Some patients will also have closed teeth and incontinence during the attack.
When the patient wakes up, he will generally feel headache, aching all over the body, and want to sleep.
It is worth noting that during the seizure period, the patient must not be constrained by force, so as to avoid being injured by mistake and causing fracture and dislocation of the patient.
Tonic seizure
This type of patients is more common in patients with diffuse brain injury. During the attack, it may be a strong and continuous contraction of local or systemic skeletal muscles, which can fix the patient in a special position.
Clonic seizure
This type is mainly seen in neonates and infants, and the children will lose consciousness during the attack.
Absence seizure
The sudden occurrence and rapid termination of loss of consciousness are the main characteristics of this type of epileptic seizures. The patient may suddenly stop moving, be in a daze, slip something on the floor, and fail to respond to calls from others. Some patients may mechanically repeat the original simple movements.
Each attack lasts for several seconds, and may occur dozens or even hundreds of times every day. After the attack, the patient soon wakes up and does not feel uncomfortable. After waking up, he cannot recall what just happened to himself.
Some atypical absence attacks start and end slowly. In addition to loss of consciousness, there are other muscle related symptoms, such as unstable standing.
myoclonic seizures
This is a sudden involuntary movement similar to electric shock, and the onset time is generally short.
Dystonic seizure
This kind of patients often fall suddenly, and some patients who are not too serious will suddenly bow their heads and suddenly droop their arms.
Clonic seizure of eye muscle with or without absence
The seizures of such patients are mainly related to the eyes. Most of them occur after eyelid closure under continuous light. Intermittent flash stimulation may also induce seizures. During the attack, the patient's eyes seemed half open and half closed, sometimes accompanied by hand twitching.
  • Self limited focal attack
Patients of this type are clear headed when they have seizures, and can describe what just happened to them after seizures.
Focal motor seizure
When a patient has an epileptic seizure, it is mainly an involuntary twitch of a body part, mostly one side of the eyelid, mouth corner, hand or toe, or one side of the face or limb. In serious cases, the patient may have transient limb paralysis after the attack.
Some patients also have abnormal movements related to the human body's motor system, such as involuntarily repeating words or single syllables before the attack, accompanied by body or eye rotation, etc.
Focal sensory seizure
When this kind of patient attacks, there is often abnormal sensation. Such as taste, smell, hearing abnormalities, hallucinations and so on.
The main feature of this category is that the patient has a conscious disorder and can do some seemingly purposeful but actually purposeless actions, such as repeatedly chewing, repeatedly rubbing hands, or opening and closing the door aimlessly. After the attack, the patient cannot recall the details of the attack.
Focal secondary generalized attack
It refers to the condition that the patient first has the above symptoms and then progresses to a general attack.
  • Other self limited seizures
Some epileptic seizure symptoms are related to laughter. The patients have no inducement, rigid and repeated giggles. Some patients also cry as the main manifestation, which is classified as "giggle seizures".
In addition, there is also a kind of unilateral clonic seizure, which refers to the muscles limited to one side of the body, and rhythmically contracts repeatedly. The seizure frequency is 2-3 times per second, and the seizure time may be longer.
In short, epilepsy is a disease that includes a variety of subdivisions. With the continuous progress of medicine, there will be more and more detailed classifications to help people understand epilepsy more comprehensively.

Post seizure symptoms

After the epileptic seizure, some patients can recover to normal state immediately, while others need several minutes or hours to recover. Different epilepsy types have some differences.

Medical treatment

There are many types of epileptic seizures. If it is not serious, patients can choose to see a doctor after the seizure. However, if the patient has the following conditions, he or she needs to go to the emergency department for medical treatment quickly:
  • Epilepsy lasts for more than 5 minutes;
  • After the seizure stopped, the patient's breathing and consciousness did not return to normal;
  • After an epileptic seizure, a second one followed;
  • Fever or febrile convulsion;
  • Pregnant;
  • Diabetes;
  • Injuries during seizures.

Diagnostic process

The diagnosis of epilepsy is mainly divided into the following three steps:
  • Eliminate interference factors and diagnose epilepsy
During this process, the doctor may ask the patient whether he lost consciousness when epilepsy occurred, whether he could remember the onset of the disease at that time, and whether he had a sudden fall. At the same time, it is also recommended that patients receive electroencephalogram (EEG) examination.
  • Identify the type of seizure
If the doctor believes that the patient does have epilepsy, this step is to determine which type of epilepsy the patient has. There are many subtypes of epilepsy, which requires comprehensive judgment of experienced professional doctors. Some types of epilepsy can be spontaneously relieved without treatment, but some types still need to further determine the etiology.
  • Determine the cause
When the doctor knows that the patient belongs to secondary epilepsy, it is necessary to determine the cause. At this point, the doctor may recommend that the patient accept the skull CT MRI Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and other imaging examinations may also suggest that patients receive blood tests to determine whether it is related to infection.

Visiting department

Internal Medicine-Neurology. Go to the emergency department in case of emergency.

Relevant inspection

The relevant examinations for epileptic patients can be divided into two categories, one is general examination, such as blood examination, and the other is special examination for epileptic patients, such as EEG examination, MRI examination, etc. The doctor will advise the patient to accept one or more examinations according to the patient's medical history. Here, we will focus on the special examination types of epilepsy.
  • EEG examination
electroencephalogram The characteristics of epileptic discharge are important evidence for the diagnosis of epilepsy, so most doctors will recommend patients to accept this examination. Fortunately, the whole process of this examination will not make patients feel pain.
During the examination, the doctor will attach some electrode pieces to the head of the patient. These electrode pieces are connected to the wires of the instrument. The doctor can read the waveform information of brain waves through the instrument.
Generally speaking, the whole inspection process is about ten minutes to half an hour, and it will be delayed under special circumstances. During this process, the patient may be awake or sleeping after taking tranquilizer.
EEG examination
  • Electromyography
For some patients after seizures, doctors may recommend that patients accept electromyogram Examination to assess the neurological function of muscles and whether skeletal muscle damage occurs after seizures.
This examination may make the patient feel nervous and painful.
During the examination, the patient lies flat on the examination table, and the doctor will insert an inspection needle into the patient's muscles. This needle is similar to the needle used for acupuncture and moxibustion. The difference is that the tail of the needle is connected to the wire, and the wire is connected to the instrument. The doctor will read some special waveforms and values, and issue the examination results after comprehensive evaluation.
The whole inspection process generally ranges from half an hour to one hour. Since it is an invasive examination, it is not recommended that children and elderly patients receive this examination for many times.
  • Head CT
Head CT is mainly used to determine whether there is space occupying lesion, infarction or hemorrhage in the brain. At the same time, it has more advantages than MRI in detecting tumor hemorrhage.
Before the examination, the patient should remove the necklace, earrings and other accessories, and also remove the false teeth to ensure that there is no metal interference.
During the examination, the patient lies flat on the conveyor belt of the instrument and does not shake his body. Just follow the doctor's instructions.
This examination will have certain radioactivity, so it is not recommended that pregnant women or pregnant women receive this examination.
  • MRI examination
If conditions permit, the doctor will recommend the patient to accept MRI examination. The cost of this examination is more expensive than that of cranial CT, and the examination method is similar to that of cranial CT.

differential diagnosis

  • syncope
Syncope is mostly manifested as instantaneous loss of consciousness and fall, with obvious incentives, such as long standing, severe pain, emotional excitement, severe cold, etc., or it can be induced by coughing, crying, laughing, exertion, suffocation, defecation and urination. At the same time, there are often signs of nausea, dizziness, weakness, tremor, abdominal heaviness or blackness in front of the eyes.
The onset of syncope is slower than that of epilepsy, which rarely causes the loss of consciousness for more than 15 seconds, and consciousness recovers quickly and wakes up. See the following table for specific identification.
Key points of identification
Nervous tension, pain stimulation, etc
Many None
Prodromal symptoms
Yes, it can be longer
None or short
Relationship between seizure and posture
Standing or sitting position is common
Skin color
Normal or cyanosis
Convulsion with urinary incontinence and tongue bite
Post seizure unconsciousness and automatism
None or rare
Abnormal EEG during interictal period
  • Pseudoepileptic seizure
This kind of attack is also called hysterical attack, which is mostly caused by psychological disorder. See the following table for specific identification.
Pseudoepileptic seizure
Seizure occasion
In any case
Mental inducement and presence
Seizure characteristics
Sudden onset of stereotyping
The attacks have various forms and strong self-expression, such as eye closure, crying, hand and foot twitching and excessive breathing
Ocular position
Upper eyelid raised, eyeball darting upward or deflecting to one side
Closed eyelids, eye movements
Face color and mucous membrane
Pale or red
Scattering and loss of reflection to light
Normal, light reflection exists
Counter passive movement
Falls, tongue bites, urinary incontinence
Duration and termination method
About 1~2 minutes, stop automatically
Can last for hours, need comfort and hints
Pyramidal tract sign
Babinski sign (+)
  • migraine
Premonitory symptoms
Long duration
Relatively short
Visual hallucination
Most of them are flash, dark spot, hemianopia and blurred vision
In addition to flash and dark spots, some are complex visual hallucinations
Main symptoms
Severe headache, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting
Tonic clonic seizure
Consciousness obstacle
See more
Duration of attack
Long, hours or days
Short, several minutes
Mental memory disorder
None or rare
See more
Nonspecific slow wave
Epileptiform discharge
  • Tic disorder
Tic disorder
Myoclonic seizure
Age of onset
5-10 years old
Any age
clinical features
Sudden, repetitive and rigid involuntary twitch of one or more groups of muscles, usually non rhythmic, commonly seen in the face, neck, shoulder and upper limbs
Focal: repetitive rhythmic twitch; Multifocal: involving multiple groups of muscle twitching, which can be synchronous
Controlled by consciousness
May be effective for a short time
Symptoms reduced or disappeared
Basically no impact
Emotional tension and psychological stimulation
Possible aggravation
Possible aggravation
State of consciousness at onset
Clear, dull or lost
Accompanying neurological symptoms
Attention deficit, learning difficulties, compulsive behavior or obscenity
No or encephalopathy change
Normal or non twitch background slow wave
Slow wave or epileptiform discharge
  • Transient ischemic attack
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is mostly seen in the elderly, often Arteriosclerosis coronary heart disease hypertension diabetes Such basic diseases as sensory loss, limb paralysis, limb twitch, etc. will occur suddenly, and the symptoms will generally last for 15 minutes to several hours. There is no obvious epileptic discharge in EEG.
  • hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia When the blood glucose level is lower than 2mmol/L, local epileptic twitch or limb rigidity may occur, accompanied by loss of consciousness. It is common in patients with insulinoma or diabetes mellitus, and the medical history is very important for differentiation.

First aid measures

Patients with premonitory attacks should inform their families or people around them in a timely manner. If conditions and time permit, the patients can be held to the bed. If it is too late, they can lie down to prevent sudden loss of consciousness and injury. They should quickly remove the surrounding hard objects and sharp weapons to reduce the damage to the body during the attack. Quickly loosen the patient's collar and turn his head to one side to facilitate the discharge of secretions and vomitus from the mouth and prevent choking and suffocation caused by flowing into the trachea. Do not put anything in the mouth of the patient, and do not inject medicine to prevent suffocation. Don't pinch the patients, because it will do no good to the patients. Do not force the patient's limbs during the convulsion. Excessive force may cause fracture and muscle strain, increasing the patient's pain. Seizures can be relieved within 5 minutes. In case of continuous or frequent attacks, the patient should be sent to the hospital quickly.


The ideal state of epilepsy treatment is to completely control the epileptic seizure of the patient, with only slight side effects or even no side effects during drug treatment, so that the patient can achieve the quality of life of normal people.
For patients with clear etiology, first treat the etiology, such as removing brain tumors, antiparasitic treatment, etc; If there is no clear cause, or if a clear cause is found but cannot be eradicated, drug treatment should be considered.

Acute treatment

In case of epilepsy, drug treatment is not necessary. It is more important for family members or people nearby to help patients take some measures to prevent injuries:
  • Help the patient untie the collar and belt to keep breathing unobstructed;
  • Put clothes on the patient's joints to prevent the patient from scratching;
  • Move away from chairs and other objects around the patient to prevent bumping;
  • Do not force the patient's body to avoid fracture and dislocation.


For the treatment of patients in the interval between seizures, doctors' drug treatment mainly has the following principles:
When the patient first attacks and is diagnosed, there are still some disputes about when to use drugs. For those cases where the number of attacks is rare for more than 6 months, doctors will comprehensively evaluate the side effects and efficacy of drugs, and select them as appropriate.
Doctors will give treatment plans according to the type of epileptic seizure, the size of drug side effects, drug sources, price, patient age, gender and other factors. At present, the most important basis is the type of epileptic seizure.
If the drugs are selected improperly, not only the treatment is ineffective, but also the seizures may be aggravated. Therefore, patients should never take medicine without authorization. They must go to a regular hospital for medical treatment and take medicine according to the doctor's advice.
Common antiepileptic drugs are as follows:
Traditional antiepileptic drugs
New antiepileptic drugs
Partial seizures and partial secondary generalized seizures
Carbamazepine, valproic acid, phenytoin sodium, phenobarbital
Levetiracetam, Lamotrigine, Topiramate, Oxcarbazepine
Generalized tonic clonic seizure
Valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenytoin sodium
Topiramate, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, gabapentin, levetiracetam
Tonic seizure
Phenytoin sodium, valproic acid
Topiramate, lamotrigine, zonisamide, levetiracetam
Clonic seizure
Carbamazepine, valproic acid
Levetiracetam, Topiramate, Lamotrigine, Oxcarbazepine
Typical absence and atypical absence
Ethsuccinamine, valproic acid, clonazepam
Myoclonic seizure
Valproic acid, clonazepam
Levetiracetam, topiramate
Doctors generally advise patients to take medicine from a small dose and gradually increase the dose. If the drug effect is not ideal and the treatment plan is adjusted, priority will be given to the plan with less side effects of the drug as far as possible, and the effectiveness of the treatment will also be considered.

surgical treatment

The surgical treatment of epilepsy is mainly the treatment of etiology. If the seizure is caused by a tumor, then with the removal of the tumor, the epileptic symptoms will be relieved or disappear. There are still some new therapies, but their effectiveness needs further evaluation.

TCM treatment

The TCM treatment of the disease is not supported by evidence-based medical evidence, but some TCM treatment methods or drugs can alleviate symptoms, so it is recommended to go to regular medical institutions and treat under the guidance of doctors.


25% of patients with epilepsy can spontaneously relieve without treatment, and 50% of patients will never get sick again after receiving regular treatment. Therefore, most patients can control their condition without taking medicine for a long time.
In addition, most antiepileptic drugs have side effects to varying degrees, but generally, they do not affect life expectancy. However, we must be alert to the unexpected events that may occur during seizures. After all, some unexpected events are likely to endanger lives.

disease prevention

Attention should be paid to the following aspects to prevent epilepsy
  • It is forbidden to have close relatives get married. In the first three months of pregnancy, be sure to stay away from radiation Viruses and Bacteria Infected. Regular pregnancy examination, avoiding fetal hypoxia, asphyxia, birth injury, etc. during delivery
  • When children have fever, they should seek medical advice in time to avoid high fever convulsion and brain damage. You should also take good care of the child to avoid head injury.
  • Young people, middle-aged people and old people should pay attention to ensuring a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of encephalitis meningitis Cerebral vascular disease And other diseases.

Disease care

To prevent the recurrence of epilepsy, the following aspects should be paid attention to:
  • Regularly live, rest on time, ensure adequate sleep, avoid staying up late, fatigue, etc. Avoid watching TV or playing games for a long time.
  • Eat a light diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid coffee, cola, spicy and other exciting drinks and food, and quit smoking and drinking. Avoid drugs containing caffeine and ephedrine. Penicillin or floxacin drugs can sometimes induce seizures.
  • Take medicine regularly and regularly, and follow up regularly.
  • No driving; Swimming in the sea or rivers is prohibited; It is not suitable to work at heights or not operate the machine.
Reference source: [1-10]