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[jiāng yù]
Chinese words
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Territory, pronunciation: ji ā ng y ù, Chinese words, meaning land , national boundary, from "Xunzi. Jun Dao". [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
jiāng yù
words whose meaning is similar
Territory Boundary State and Gyeonggi Border Territory Territory Size [2]
Land or territory.


Land; Border, territory National territory (with emphasis on size). Also refers to field [1]


"Xunzi: The Way of the Lord": If you can't use it, if you don't go to its territory, the country will have no reason for life. [1]

example sentence

Jin Zuosi's "Ode to the Capital of Wei": In its territory, Qi and Qin were standing beside it. They gathered together the Hebei Road, opened their minds to Yin and Wei, and climbed over Yan and Zhao. [1]
Wei Shu ·Topography: "Xia Shu · Yu Gong", Zhou Family's "Zhifang", Chinese painting Kyushu It is thin on the outside. It is also the scale of a king to analyze its objects and territory and control its territory. "
Song Dynasty Ye Shi "Taking Yan Yi": "Later, Xiao Xi handled the territory of Hedong and gave it hundreds of miles, but Wang Anshi and Han Jiang did not know how to compare it." [1]
The poetry of Oubei · the writings of the Southern Song Dynasty never entered Jinyuan, written by Zhao Yi of the Qing Dynasty: "After the Southern Song Dynasty crossed to the south... the poetry of the Southern Song Dynasty rarely spread to the Central Plains, and its territory is limited, so it cannot be circulated immediately."
Fan Wenlan, Cai Meibiao, et al., General History of China, Part III, Chapter II, Section VI: "The powerful enemies of ancient China are usually in the north desert North and south... countries with such territory are bound to become great enemies on the northern border of China, because even if they are defeated by China and retreat to Mobei for a rest, they can return to Monan and continue to attack the border. " [2]


There is no doubt that the academic style of the New Left has a profound impact on the field of modern and contemporary literature research. Traditional literature research has been despised, and literature has once again become the supporting material for the history of thought. In more cases, the materials are not suitable. Sociological study of literature territory It has been broadened to the field of political criticism, where attitudes and positions often play a decisive role—— Chen Xiaoming

China's territory span

China is located in the east of Asia and the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. It starts from the center of Heilongjiang River near Mohe River in the north and ends at Zengmu Underlying Sand in Nansha Islands in the south. It starts from the Pamirs in the west and ends at the confluence of Heilongjiang and Wusuli River in the east. The land area is 9.6 million square kilometers, and the land boundary is more than 20000 kilometers.
The territory of the Yuan Dynasty
The territorial sea is composed of the Bohai Sea (inland sea) and the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. The eastern and southern continental coastline is 18000 kilometers. The water area of the inland and border seas is about 4.7 million square kilometers. There are 7600 islands in the sea area, of which Taiwan Island is the largest, with an area of 35798 square kilometers.
The Bohai Sea is located in the Bohai Strait from Laotieshan Cape of Liaodong Peninsula to Penglai Cape on the north bank of Shandong Peninsula, which is connected with the waters of the Yellow Sea. Miaodao Archipelago stretches across the gap, covering an area of 77000 square kilometers, with an average depth of 18 meters and the deepest depth of 70 meters.
The Yellow Sea starts from the Yalu River estuary in the north, borders the East China Sea on the north bank of the Yangtze River estuary to the Jeju Island in the south, and is connected to the Bohai Sea by the Bohai Strait in the west. The average water depth is 44 meters, the deepest is 140 meters, and the area is 380000 square kilometers. The seabed is a semi closed shallow sea continental shelf.
Territory of the Warring States Period
The People's Republic of China is located in the east of the Asian continent and the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. With a land area of about 9.6 million square kilometers, it is the third largest country in the world after Russia and Canada. China's territory starts from the center of the Heilongjiang River to the north of the Mohe River in the north to the Zengmu Dark Sand at the southern end of the Nansha Islands in the south, about 5500 kilometers from the north to the south; From the junction of Heilongjiang and Wusuli River in the east, near Heixiazi Island. West to the middle of the Pamir Plateau, about 5200 kilometers from east to west. China's land boundary is 22800 kilometers long, bordering Korea to the east, Mongolia to the north, Russia to the northeast, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the northwest, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan to the west and southwest, and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam to the south. The east and southeast are across the sea from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.
The coastline of mainland China is about 18000 kilometers long. The coastal terrain is flat, with many excellent harbors, and most of them are ice free throughout the year. The eastern and southern parts of the Chinese mainland are adjacent to the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea, with a sea area of 4.73 million square kilometers. The Bohai Sea is China's inland sea, while the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea are marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean.
There are 5400 islands distributed in the waters of China. The largest one is Taiwan Island, with an area of 36000 square kilometers; The second is Hainan Island, with an area of 34000 square kilometers. Diaoyu Island and Chiwei Island, located in the northeast of Taiwan Island, are the easternmost islands in China. The islands, reefs and beaches scattered in the South China Sea are collectively referred to as the South China Sea Islands. They are the southernmost group of islands in China, and are called Dongsha Islands, Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Nansha Islands according to their locations.