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[huà miàn]
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A picture refers to an actual flat surface on which the artist realizes a picture image. In some cases, the picture only plays the role of establishing the transparent plane of the form illusion that actually exists in the three-dimensional space, that is, the picture itself is flat, but refers to something in the three-dimensional space. It refers to the image presented on the canvas, screen, etc., the natural scene presented in a region, or the social phenomenon displayed in a specific environment.
Chinese name
An actual flat surface on which the artist realizes a picture image
Human, material, light and color

Basic explanation

1. [picture plane]: a transparent plane perpendicular to the line of sight drawn by linear perspective. The points of the scene in the painting can be regarded as straight lines projected from the plane with the painter's eye as the center
2. [tableau]: vivid description or image
3. [frame]∶ film Film slide One of a series of lenses of microfilm
4. [general appearance of a picture]: picture screen The image shown above


The picture is composed of people, objects, light and color.
1. Use a knife to cut the face. Of some ethnic groups in ancient northern China customs In case of great worries A great funeral That is to say, cut the face and bleed to show sorrow.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms ·Wei Zhi · Cangci Biography: Nonsense To die mercifully, knowing that the party will meet Wuji Xiaowei Under the administration of senior officials, there may be mourning, or there may be pictures of swords to show blood and sincerity. "
2. Images presented on the canvas, screen, etc.
Qin Mu "Picking up Shellfish in Yihai · Mural Painting": "The picture is a spacious hall with long table desktop On the top plain white cloth , with stale bread. " Duanmu Hongliang "The Art of Guan Shanyue": "Under the rock, a red plum tree slants sideways, without branches or vines. It is dyed at will. The picture is very blank, but it is magnificent."
3. Refers to the natural Scene.
Mao Dun On Scenery: "Then I recall another picture, which is called‘ The Loess Plateau ’。” Wang Xiyan The World of Man, the First Neighbor: "When you open the south facing window, there is a picture of Remote mountain , near the village, electric pole and tile ridge
4. It refers to the social phenomenon displayed in a specific environment.
Ancestral comfort Throttling "Line": Public Security Staff, have seen Li Zhengsheng's 75000 word prison Written confession As well as more than 100000 words of interrogation records, we also get this picture: people with rigid ideas led by lines actually blame the pioneers with fresh, lively and sharp thinking. "