zero Useful+1

Relief stone

Building stone
This term is provided and edited by the teaching and research team of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in the direction of art communication.
Portrait stone is a kind of exquisite stone carving art, which is carved on the buildings such as the underground tombs, cemetery ancestral halls, tomb towers and temple towers during the Han and Wei Dynasties. Most of the buildings to which the stone reliefs belong are funeral ritual buildings. Therefore, in essence, the stone reliefs of the Han Dynasty are a sacrificial funeral art. Portrait stone is not only the peak of the development of Chinese classical art before the Han Dynasty, but also has a profound impact on the art after the Han Dynasty, and plays an important role in the history of Chinese art. [1]
Chinese name
Relief stone
Building stone
Ancient Chinese Culture Treasure of heritage
Tomb chamber Coffins , Tomb Temple Graveyard etc.
Epigraphy Stage, archaeological data accumulation stage and comprehensive research stage
Rich and colorful real life, historical stories for future generations, and magnificent fairy world

Concept Interpretation

Flat Magpie Needles
The relief stone is Ancient Chinese Culture Most of the treasures in the heritage and modern unearthed portrait stones come from the Qin and Han Dynasties, and most of the folk artists who have not left their names are Tomb chamber Coffins Tomb shrine Graveyard Carving on the stone, taking the stone as the ground and the knife as the pen, is a precious stone carving art.
The area where relief stones are found in China is very wide, and the distribution area mainly has four centers: first, Nanyang, Henan North Hubei The second is Shandong Northern Jiangsu Northern Anhui The third is Sichuan, the fourth is northern Shaanxi Northwest Shanxi Zone. In addition, Henan Xinmi Yongcheng , Beijing Fengtai Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Shaanxi Bin County There are also sporadic discoveries. The first three regions were the centers with developed economy and culture at that time; Northern Shaanxi and northwestern Shanxi were important areas of northern frontier defense before Emperor Shun of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and their centers Suide It is also located on the trade channel leading to the West.

Artistic expression

The Han Dynasty stone reliefs are rich in content and widely used, reflecting the Social situation Local customs Rules and regulations , religious belief, etc Ancient Stone Carvings Artworks are also important materials for studying the politics, economy and culture of the Han Dynasty. Portrait stone is an artistic expression of the real life, historical stories, immortal world and other aspects of the ancestors.
Artistic expression of Han Dynasty stone reliefs
real life
Such as greeting and seeing off, riding, greeting and paying homage to guests, cooking and feasting, music and dance acrobatics, Zhong Mingding and Dingshi, six games of chess, chase hunting, shoot imperial competition, flying swords and jumping pills, training elephants and snakes, fish and dragons spreading, swallowing swords and spitting fire, fishing and hunting, pavilions and pavilions, guards, etc. It widely reflects the wealth and assets of the tomb owner during his lifetime. From mountains, forests, fields and pools to high-rise buildings, these contents can be summarized to form a complete manor economic map, which is also the material basis for the tomb owner's thought of the aforementioned lifestyle. Similarly, as a concept advocating wealth, it has also been transplanted to people's imagination wonderland in
Historical stories
The ancestors of the Han Dynasty were good at thinking and worship, although the royal family Dismiss all schools of thought and uphold Confucianism , but in society Neo Confucianism At the same time, Taoism And folk religions are also very active. While accepting the ethical and moral constraints of the monarch, his subjects, his father, his son and his son, as well as being loyal to the monarch and filial piety, people are also full of passion for becoming gods and worshipping natural gods, such as heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, while paying homage to the wise monarch, the nobility of martial arts, the chastity martyrs, and the martyrs. They believe that all things have spirits and respect all gods from heaven to earth. In the art of Han painting, we can see that it is all inclusive. No wonder Mr. Lu Xun wants to praise the "profound and broad" of the art of Han painting.
Immortal World
The four gods of green dragon, white tiger, vermilion sparrow, and Xuanwu (the intersection of tortoise and snake), the legendary Nuwa, the ancestor of the people who created heaven, earth, and people, the legendary Nuwa, the Fuxi and Nuwa people with their heads and snakes, the Jade Rabbit pounding medicine, the divine animal guarding the tripod, the Western Queen Mother and the Eastern King Mother, the nine human face beasts that travel with the car - Kaiming beasts, as well as the three foot crow, the nine tailed fox, the glossy ganoderma, the unicorn, the god feather man Strange birds and animals. In order to become immortal after death, imaginative ancestors used magical animals such as dragons, tigers and deer as riding tools. These portraits express the grave owner's strong desire to become immortal and enjoy the fairyland life after death, which is actually the extension and continuation of the real life of the grave owner.

primary coverage

The modern stone relief can be divided into the following five categories:
Nine head Man face Bicycle Ride Portrait Stone
1、 It reflects agriculture, sideline industry, handicraft industry and commerce in the Han Dynasty, such as sowing, harvesting, husking rice, brewing Salt well , mulberry garden, lotus picking, marketplace, etc. This kind of stone relief has the richest content and is worth studying. For example, the "salt well" portrait brick unearthed from Tomb No. 1 in Yangzishan, Chengdu, meticulously depicts the [Han Dynasty] Well salt Production situation. The salt well in the picture is equipped with a pulley for extracting brine; The bittern is slowly flowing into the burning iron pan through the bamboo Jian. It is the most rare material material to study the history of ancient salt industry.
2、 Portrait stone showing the identity and experience of the tomb owner, such as the patrol map of chariots and horsemen Meatball sword Dancing diagram, etc. Most of the tomb owners of the portrait stones are local heroes and dignitaries, such as Huan Kuan It is said in "On Salt and Iron, Stabbing Power" that "the cloud is always in the paint, Hub blow Yu Dao... Zhongshan A virgin , Fu Liu signs on the hall, and the drums sound Bayu , made under the hall. Women wear rich clothes, while maidservants and concubines are happy. Descendants ride in cars, hunt in and out of the field, and are quick and healthy. The contents of these stone reliefs are consistent with the literature records.
3、 Portrait stones representing the social life and political system at that time, such as the theme of bazaar, acrobatics, lecturing and lecturing, respecting talents and providing for the aged, etc. Zhang Heng On《 Xijing Fu 》The acrobatic performance scene at that time is described in: "The wonderful play of Chen Jiao and Gu is in the square of the panoramic view. The birds are carrying the tripod, the Dulu Yuanchu, the narrow Yan Zhuo, the protruding chest, and the jump Meatball sword It's a waste of money. We meet on the ropes. These can be found in the brick portraits. Another example is the "Lecture and Classics Teaching Map", which vividly portrays the scenes of doctors, Du and students in class. The education of the [Han Dynasty] can be summarized here.
4、 The stone portraits that show the tomb owner's enjoyment of life, such as feasts, courtyards, cooking, music and dance, and hundred operas. This also reflects the actual situation of [Han Dynasty] architecture and folk customs from a certain angle.
5、 Portrait stones representing myths, legends and superstitious thoughts at that time, such as Fuxi Nuwa , Sun and Moon, Immortal Six Strikes, etc. [3]

Unearthed cases


Xiaoxian portrait stone

Portrait sarcophagus
More than 160 stone reliefs from Han tombs were unearthed in Xiaoxian County, covering many ancient myths, legends and historical sites. Xiaoxian Han Dynasty stone reliefs It is not only the combination of painting and sculpture, but also Han dynasty The comprehensive embodiment of folk art.
The large number of unearthed Han stone murals in Xiaoxian County has enriched and enriched the treasure house of ancient Chinese stone carving art and mural art. Although it has weathered and eroded for about 2000 years, it makes us see the disappeared scenes of life and cultural and artistic relics of the Han Dynasty, and reappears the historical picture of the Han Dynasty.
It provides powerful evidence for us to understand and study the politics, economy, culture and folk customs of the Han Dynasty, and is a very rare historical data. Its artistic achievements are comparable to the world's famous works of art and occupy an important position in the field of art in China and the world.

Nanyang Portrait Stone

Nanyang Han Dynasty stone reliefs
Mainly land use reduction Bas relief plus Lineation The expression method, the bottom outside the image is shoveled into plain surface, or cut into straight lines or twills. On the image with traces of hammering and chiseling, the details are carved with vigorous and powerful lines, which is a carving technique combining relief and lines. The shape of the image is not good at delicacy, but wins by pungent and refined. It has a rough, simple, unrestrained and heroic artistic style, which reflects the profound and grand style of the Han Dynasty.
stay Chu Culture Under the strong influence of, it mainly depicts mythical figures, auspicious animals and stars, such as Fuxi Nuwa East Prince Queen Mother of the West , immortals, and Golden Black Negative Sun , White Tiger constellation, etc. When the picture shows a story, it is mainly horizontally distributed, with a sense of movement, vigorous wildness and vitality. The style is bold and unconstrained, simple and powerful, and the composition is sparse and clear, reflecting a grand and broad artistic style.
Henan was an area with developed ancient culture in the Han Dynasty, where Confucianism and Laozi and Zhuangzi dominated Yin Yang and Five Elements , historical myths and so on interweave together and become the main content of the performance of the portrait stone. The stone relief has a variety of subjects and rich contents, including realistic life scenes reflecting manors, car shops, parties, banquets, wars, music and dance, miscellaneous plays, workshops, hunting, manual labor, etc., as well as graphics and decorative patterns depicting birds, animals, fish, insects, sun, moon, stars, stars, mountains, rivers, vegetation and other natural scenes, as well as various buildings. The style is simple and thick, strong and beautiful. Most of the stone reliefs are stories of historical figures that express the Confucian moral ideals, forming a simple and honest artistic style with dense layout. [3]

Xuzhou relief stone

Xuzhou relief stone
The content of the subject matter is very rich. It represents all aspects of life in the Han Dynasty in a realistic and vivid way from multiple angles, full of strong human and secular flavor. At the same time, it expresses the immortal world in the eyes of the Han Dynasty people by means of romanticism. Xuzhou was one of the dissemination centers of Buddhism and Taoism in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the theme came from the illusion of religious reincarnation, immortality and immortality. In terms of composition, images with two different natures, "photo" and "virtual", are generally separated in the form of grid division. For example, the picture is divided into upper, middle and lower grids: the upper grid is carved with immortal birds, gods and animals, which depicts an unreal fairyland; The hunting scene in the middle grid and the travel of horses and cars in the lower grid show the living world. In terms of artistic expression, the author often describes the spirit in form, and focuses on depicting the appearance or spirit of objects. Such as the famous“ Lux figure ”On the screen, the five heroes all have wide eyes and different movements, which are very vivid and vivid. In order to show that the strength is too strong, the author deliberately carved the feet of several strength figures out of the lower boundary of the picture frame.
Three Gods Picture Stone
Late Eastern Han Dynasty Taiping Avenue They taught in Bazhou, Xuzhou and Lunan, where Taoism and immortals were popular at that time. The Han Dynasty stone relief produced in this area must also record and reflect this historical fact. This stone is one of its important works. The work not only has distinctive characteristics of the times, but also has novel design, unique style and superb skills. It is a precious Han Dynasty art with great personality. It was created in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in southern Shandong, and is 1.08 meters high. [2]

Shaanbei relief stone

Han Dynasty relief stone in northern Shaanxi
With real life as the theme, there are many Farming , hunting and other themes, forming a simple and decorative artistic style paper-cut It is passed down in one continuous line, because it is located in the frontier fortress, it can be seen that Qin Culture And Hu culture.
Portrait stone is of great value to the study of architecture, sculpture and painting in the Han Dynasty. As a form of sculpture art, it plays a role of connecting the past and opening the future in the history of Chinese art. The so-called "gift of three generations of Zhong Ding jade carving, the first painting in the Jin, Tang and Song dynasties", left behind is the simple, lively and enthusiastic artistic style. because Han Dynasty stone reliefs The combination of painting and sculpture is to draw a picture on the stone plane before carving, so many early factors of Chinese painting can be seen here. [1]

Stone relief of Wu's Temple in Jiaxiang

Han Dynasty stone relief of Wu's Temple in Jiaxiang
Wushimuqun stone be commonly called Wu's Ancestral Temple or Wu Liang Temple , located in Shandong Jiaxiang County 15 kilometers south of the city Wuzhaishan Village It is a stone structure decoration building on the Wu family cemetery in the late Eastern Han Dynasty (between 147 and 189). There is a pair of stone lions, two Han steles and 46 Han stone reliefs. The Han Dynasty stone reliefs have a wide range of contents, profound ideological content, and pure carving technology, ranking the forefront of the Han Dynasty stone reliefs in China. In 1961, it was announced by the State Council as the first batch of key protected cultural relics units in China.
The theme and content of Wu's tomb stone carvings can be divided into three categories: myths and legends, historical stories, and real life. The contents of these pictures include politics, economy, culture, military and social ethics, morality and many other aspects. They are not only a microcosm of the Han Dynasty society, but also a perspective of the historical and cultural accumulation and social development track. They are an "encyclopedia" in Chinese history. In particular, the stories of historical figures are the most abundant, including China Han Dynasty stone reliefs People see Shandong, Shandong see Wu's Ancestral Temple In other words, it has extremely high collection value.

Lishi Portrait Stone

Lishi It's China Han Dynasty stone reliefs One of the main distribution areas of, Lishi Han relief stone It can be roughly divided into two categories: one is the celestial world, describing the fairyland the tomb owner prayed to enter after his death; One is the realistic picture of the world, describing the happy life of the tomb owner.
In the subject matter of myths and legends, there are common red birds, three legged birds, two headed birds with a mouth holding a gui, chicken head human body, cow head human body, one horned god horse, tiger car, wild goose car, fox car, leopard car, fish car, dog car, dragon car, car and horse travel map, east prince, west queen mother, feather man riding dragon, feather man double dragon, etc. In order to ensure that the tomb owner is safe in the underworld, stone tomb portraits are often carved with auspicious animals such as the title ring, rosefinch, green dragon, basalt, white tiger, etc. The title ring of the shop head is usually carved on the tomb door, which is the sign of the door. The head of the shop should be the evolution of gluttonous food. It is carved on the tomb door to ward off evil spirits and avoid ghosts. Green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu are the god of location, whose duty is to resist the four directions and avoid bad luck. In addition to reflecting the contents of myths, legends and stories, there are also some themes reflecting the life of the nobility. Among these themes, there are towers and high pavilions. The owners of the buildings have feasts and chats, play chess and listen to music. Some slaves hold food to write, and some bow their hands to greet guests.
Lishi Han relief stone by Sandy shale , soft, grayish green, reddish brown. After the stone is cut, chiseled and polished, the painter outlines the image with ink lines, and then the stonemason incised carving Its outline is carved and shoveled to become a bas relief work. The details in the portrait are not engraved with black lines, and the original ink is indistinctly recognizable. The composition of his portrait is sparse and clear, the portrayal is dignified and eye-catching, and the image is clean and simple. And the scraping and shovel are very shallow, so the rubbings are like silhouettes, and the ground is chiseled, resulting in an ancient and profound artistic style. Li Shi's stone reliefs of the Han Dynasty can be compared with the colored figures on the bricks in the Han tombs in Luoyang, and the figures in the Han tombs in Laochengzi, Dalian mural , and the figure paintings on various lacquerware in some Han tombs near Pyongyang, North Korea, have the same artistic and historical value. It is better than Shandong Wu Liang Temple The design is sparse and bright, and the painting and carving are more realistic and vivid than the figures in the Wuliang Stone Room. Lishi Han stone reliefs have been exhibited in Canada, the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Shanxi Provincial Museum, and the Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, which has a great impact on the masses.
At present, Lishi Municipal Cultural Administration Office has collected more than 100 pieces of Han Dynasty stone reliefs of various types, and plans to open a "Han Dynasty stone reliefs exhibition hall" to display the glory of the ancient Chinese culture in a unique form of cultural relics and a unique style. [4]

Technological techniques


Line engraving technique

TianLie relief stone
The outline and details of the image of the stone relief carved by the line carving technique are all represented by lines, similar to the line drawing with knife instead of pen. from rubbing Look, this kind of work is a kind of line drawing.
Line carving techniques can be divided into three categories.
I Lineation That is, the image is directly outlined on the stone surface with a line. The biggest feature of this kind of technical work is that the surface of the portrait is not concave and convex, and the image and residual white are on the same composition surface. Due to the different treatment methods of stone masons for stone surfaces, this technique can be divided into two types, namely, plane hatching and chiseling hatching. This is the most basic carving method of Han Dynasty stone reliefs, which is consistent with the development of Han Dynasty stone reliefs. In the early period, that is, from the late Western Han Dynasty to the early Eastern Han Dynasty, the Yin line carved relief stone has thick and deep lines and childish images.
2、 Concave line engraving. The so-called concave line carving refers to the carving technique of cutting down the image surface along the contour line of the image on the stone surface so that the image surface is slightly lower than the white surface. This technique is also divided into flat concave line carving and chiseled concave line carving due to different processing methods of stone surface. The chiseled concave carving was mainly popular from the late Western Han Dynasty to the early and middle Eastern Han Dynasty. The works in the late Western Han Dynasty were rigid in lines and simple in images.
Hall figure stone
3、 Convex line engraving. This is a carving technique that is diametrically opposite to the concave line carving, that is, on the polished stone surface, the remaining white surface outside the contour line of the image is cut down to make the image surface appear flat and convex. The details of the object image shall be represented by the yin line or ink line. Due to the difference between the processing method of the white surface and the expression method of the image details, this technique has three forms of expression: chisel relief convex surface line carving, shovel relief convex surface line carving and shovel relief convex surface line carving. The line carving technique of chiseled relief convex surface was mainly popular in Jiaxiang, Shandong Province in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. The image details were expressed with fine and accurate lines, and the remaining white surface was the fine parallel chiseled lines left when the ground was reduced. Because such works are exquisitely carved, with gorgeous images and many inscriptions, they have always been Gemologist To which we attach great importance. famous Portrait of Wu's Temple The stone carvings are works carved with this technique. Because of their delicacy, they are praised as the "King of Han Stone Portraits" by the Japanese art history parent, Hiroshio. [1]

Relief technique

Portrait Stone of Wen Shuyang Canteen
For the relief carving techniques, in order to show the texture of the image, not only the white surface outside the image surface should be cut down to make the image obviously float, but also the image surface should be cut into a curved surface. These techniques can be divided into three categories.
Bas relief. This is a kind of image that floats low and is used for image details Lineation To express the relief techniques. This technique, the most important and basic carving technique of Han Dynasty stone reliefs, has been widely popular in the distribution areas of the first, second and fourth Han Dynasty stone reliefs for more than 200 years from the late Western Han Dynasty to the late Eastern Han Dynasty.
High relief. This is a relief method with deep shovel, high floating image and different concave and convex portrayal of image details according to the principle of three-dimensional expression. This kind of works, because of its strong stereoscopic sense, are usually arranged in eye-catching positions such as the door leaf or lintel.
Carving. On the basis of high relief, some parts of the image are further hollowed out to make the work close to circular engravure Relief techniques. [4]

Composition skill

For the composition of Han Dynasty stone reliefs, its spatial perspective is undoubtedly the most influential. In the Han Dynasty stone reliefs, two spatial perspective composition methods, namely, the scattered point perspective composition method and the focus perspective composition method, were used.
The so-called scattered point perspective composition is a spatial perspective composition method that captures the things to be displayed from the same direction with equidistant viewpoints and depicts them on the screen. In the Han Dynasty stone reliefs, Scatter perspective There are four forms of composition. The earliest and most widely used Scatter perspective It is the bottom line horizontal method, that is, the things to be depicted are scattered with equal distance on the side Perspective The perspective composition method that horizontally arranges the captured image outline on the same bottom line of the picture, regardless of its depth. In the portraits with this composition, the three-dimensional space of reality becomes the two-dimensional space of art, and the deep relationship of the depicted things is completely invisible, only the left and right relationship can be seen. In order to show the depth relationship of things, from the bottom line horizontal method, the bottom line oblique perspective, bird's eye oblique perspective and up far down near bird's eye perspective have been developed.
The bottom line oblique perspective method is to move the viewpoint from the front side to the oblique side, and horizontally arrange the captured images on the same bottom line of the screen. In this way, similar objects arranged in order along the depth of space will appear the phenomenon of overlapping side outline lines on the screen. At this time, the visual space on the screen is not two-dimensional space, but three-dimensional space. The bird's-eye oblique perspective method is a perspective composition method based on the bottom line oblique perspective method, which further improves the viewpoint, so that similar things arranged in order along the depth space not only overlap each other on the side, but also the upper contour lines on the screen, and the three-dimensional space of things is more clearly reflected.
The aerial perspective method is to raise the viewpoint to a higher level, carry out aerial perspective on the complex objects arranged at multiple levels along the depth of space, and show the captured image from the bottom line of the picture up to the whole picture according to the principle of "up far, down near". In Han Dynasty stone reliefs, two or even three of these scattered perspective compositions are often used together on the same screen, resulting in inevitable visual contradictions. Probably just to overcome this defect, in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, an unprecedented perspective composition method - focus perspective composition method was first used in Han Dynasty stone reliefs. The biggest difference between focus perspective composition and scatter perspective composition is that the former only observes and captures images from a fixed viewpoint, while the latter must constantly move and change viewpoints in order to achieve equal distance perspective on images. From the point of view of physics, scattered perspective is contrary to scientific laws and unreasonable, while focus perspective is reasonable; However, from the point of view of art, both are reasonable, and the former is more suitable than the latter for representing magnificent scenes.

Decorative pattern

As the decoration of stone edge decoration of Han Dynasty portraits figured-belt It plays an important role in both image configuration and picture decoration, and is an indispensable part of the art of stone reliefs. The decorative pattern of this decorative belt is usually Bipartite continuity The form of is engraved around the main image. From the late Western Han Dynasty to the early Eastern Han Dynasty, the patterns of stone flower ribbons in portraits were mainly simple geometric patterns; In the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty, there were not only very varied curly cloud patterns and curly grass patterns, but also a composite decorative pattern belt composed of several overlapping pattern belts. In the first and third distribution areas, due to the extensive use of this composite decorative pattern belt, the main image is extremely gorgeous and elegant, greatly improving the artistic appreciation of the relief stone. Since the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the white filling technique has been widely used in the main image of the portrait stone, making the structure and layout of the portrait more comfortable and enjoyable.
Due to the different production techniques of Han Dynasty stone reliefs in different distribution areas, the stone reliefs in the Eastern Han Dynasty showed a variety of different styles and features. The exquisite and exquisite stone reliefs in Shandong and northern Jiangsu, the magnificent stone reliefs in Nanyang, the simple and dignified stone reliefs in northern Shaanxi, and the elegant and natural stone reliefs in Sichuan are all wonderful flowers in the gardening of Han Dynasty stone reliefs. The changes in the artistic style of the portrait stone in the fifth distribution area prove that the development level of the portrait stone art in Nanyang before the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty was the highest. Later, Shandong and northern Jiangsu became the regions with the highest artistic level of the portrait stone and the greatest impact on other regions. [1]

Artistic achievements

During the Han Dynasty Centralization On the broad historical stage of, all kinds of dynamic heroes emerged from time to time and staged generous and magnificent historical plays that can make later generations sigh and sigh. Portrait stone is a wonderful work of art growing out of this fertile land of the heroic era. As a typical funeral art, its theme is the eternal tragedy theme of sacrificing the living and mourning the dead. However, in terms of artistic expression, Han Dynasty stone reliefs do not depict death as miserable and tragic, but full of optimism and desire for the future and life. In this regard, Han Dynasty stone reliefs can be called a model of the combination of classical realism and romanticism. On the one hand, as a funeral art, it must face up to and respect the social etiquette and customs, refine and process the scene of ancestor worship at that time, and describe it as accurately, truly and carefully as possible; On the other hand, it tries to show people's desire for life to overcome death. It is a great artistic proposition to put individual life and death into the eternal changes of the universe. The use of ancient myths to describe the world of the universe makes Han stone reliefs not only have a mysterious charm, but also full of a simple and unsophisticated power.
Stone carvings of West Queen Mother lecturing
From the ideological content of the portrait stone, the world is mixed with ghosts and gods, and the essence and dross are mixed. Since it is the decorative painting of the funeral buildings of the rulers, of course, it has feudal ideological dross; But because it was created by the working people, there must be resistance and injustice. On the "Ancestral Worship Painting of Ancestral Temple" and“ Confucius sees Laozi ”Although the folk sculptors tried to depict the historical story portraits and auspicious images carefully and accurately, the cold feelings were solidified on the portraits through carving knives. From morning till night, the composition of such images is always a pattern. All kinds of auspicious omens are placed on the screen like still life, and the figures' posture and demeanor are always the same, lacking both change and movement, as if they are always simply imitating and copying. Obviously, they don't care about this kind of content. However, these folk sculptors love life after all. As soon as they enter the real life theme they are familiar with, the carving knives in their hands immediately inject life and vitality into their works. The joyful Music and dance Performances and busy cooking operations are almost immersive. In particular, with accurate and concise lines, the magnificent travel maps of horses and carriages show the horses and horses, the tension of the riding officials, and the grace of the travel heroes to the people. In his works, although the folk sculptors fearfully and respectfully carved the terrible images of God and gods, they made their heroes abandon their prayers and appeals to them and boldly and enthusiastically fly to Queen Mother of the West and East Prince The Kunlun Paradise is under the nose of the gods. This is the people's ideological betrayal of God, but also the bold betrayal of the rulers of the real world society. The appearance of the Kunlun Mountain fairyland represented by the West Queen Mother and the East King Mansion was the most brilliant brilliance of the Romantic thought of the mass immortalization movement at that time. After this theme was collected into the stone reliefs, it greatly improved the artistic appeal of Han stone reliefs, and became the richest and most interesting romantic works of Han stone reliefs.
Double tree and double wall relief stone
From the perspective of archaeological discoveries, Han Dynasty stone reliefs are the largest group of Han Dynasty art works with the largest number of discoveries and the richest content of portraits. In the course of its existence and development for more than 200 years, the great artistic achievements of Han stone reliefs not only made it the peak of the development of Chinese classical art before the Han Dynasty, but also had a huge and far-reaching impact on the development of art after the Han Dynasty. Mainly by Han Dynasty stone reliefs The artistic principles of painting in the Han Dynasty, which were founded and developed, were inherited by tomb murals, especially Chinese paintings, after the Han Dynasty. Among them, the up far down near scattered point perspective composition has become the standard perspective composition mode of Chinese painting; Filling in white also became the main composition principle of Chinese medieval painting. After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, along with Gandhara With the introduction of Buddhist plastic arts, Chinese stone carving art has moved towards a new direction of development. From the perspective of its great role as a link between the past and the future in the history of Chinese art, Han Dynasty stone reliefs will always be a towering artistic monument. [4]