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Hypermastia in men

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Zhang Huabing (Deputy Chief Physician) Review Endocrine Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Male breast hypertrophy, also known as male female type breast, refers to unilateral or bilateral breast hypertrophy in men at different stages and ages due to different reasons, with breast distention and pain, discoid nodules under the areola, and nipple retraction seen individually Nipple discharge Some of them are similar to the mammary glands of adolescent girls, so they are also clinically known as adolescent breast hypertrophy, middle-aged and elderly breast hypertrophy, idiopathic male breast hypertrophy, etc.
Foreign name
masculine mastoplasia
Male female breast
Visiting department
Endocrine Department
Common causes
Physiological imbalance of endocrine, hypogonadism, low androgen secretion, adrenal cortex hyperplasia, benign tumors, etc
common symptom
Male unilateral or bilateral mammary glands are female with hyperplasia and hypertrophy
Chinese name
Hypermastia in men


Male breast hypertrophy is a common disease. It is reported in foreign literature that the incidence of asymptomatic breast hypertrophy that can be felt in normal people ranges from 32% to 38%. It has been reported that the incidence of puberty can be as high as 67%, and the incidence of men over 50 years old can also be as high as 57%. The age of onset is almost any age, ranging from 7 to 85 years old. There is no significant difference in the incidence of left and right breasts, and bilateral breast hypertrophy is more common.


(1) Primary male breast hypertrophy
It is mostly seen in children and adolescence. It is often caused by physiological imbalance of endocrine, the plasma estradiol content is higher than testosterone content, resulting in a temporary abnormal ratio of estrogen/androgen, or the sensitivity of breast tissue to estrogen is increased, which is also called physiological male breast hypertrophy.
(2) Secondary male breast hypertrophy
1. Endocrine diseases
(1) Testicular disease due to gonadal dysfunction, low androgen secretion, changes in the proportion of testosterone and estrogen in the blood, resulting in male breast hypertrophy ① Congenital testicular agenesis (Klinefelter syndrome); ② Complete testicular feminization; ③ Kallmann syndrome; ④ Orchitis Symptoms, trauma and tumor; ⑤ Reifenstein syndrome.
(2) Adrenal diseases such as adrenal cortical hyperplasia, benign tumors, malignant tumors and hypofunction, such tumors can directly secrete estrogen or produce excessive estrogen precursors (such as androstanone), which can be transformed into effective estrogen in the tissue, and blood estradiol increases, causing breast hypertrophy.
(3) thyroid disease For example, hyperthyroidism, an increase in the concentration of plasma sex hormone binding globulin, an excess of bound androgens, an increase in free estradiol (unconjugated estradiol), and an increase in the ratio of estrogen to testosterone lead to hormone imbalance that stimulates breast tissue hyperplasia, leading to male breast hypertrophy.
2. Other non endocrine diseases
(1) Liver diseases such as hepatitis cirrhosis liver cancer When accompanied by liver function decline, it often causes breast hypertrophy.
(2) Chronic innutrition convalescence innutrition Gonadotropin secretion was decreased at the time of treatment. When innutrition After correction, there is a side note of the second puberty phenomenon, which is called "feeding increased breast hypertrophy".
(3) Bronchus lung cancer And chronic lung diseases such as oatmeal cell carcinoma pulmonary tuberculosis empyema It can cause breast hypertrophy due to local stimulation.
(4) Chronic renal failure cause uremia After detection, it was found that serum estrogen and prolactin concentration were relatively elevated in 30% of patients, which led to breast growth and hypertrophy.
(5) Nervous system diseases such as paraplegia caused by high spinal cord disease Syringomyelia . Hereditary dyskinesia may be accompanied by mammary gland hypertrophy.
(6) Hyperplasia of prostate or prostatic cancer When patients take estrogen for a long time for treatment, it can often cause male breast hypertrophy.
(7) Lymphatic system diseases lymphoma Malignant histiocytoma, myeloma and other reticuloendothelial system diseases are also rare in male breast development.
(8) Drug induced breast hypertrophy gonadotropin chlorpromazine, cimetidine, methyldopa, metoclopramide, metronidazole, isoniazid, reserpine, and thyroid extract can bind to estrogen receptors, causing endocrine dysfunction and male breast development, But most of the enlarged breasts after drug withdrawal can be recovered.
(9) Other diseases such as cardiovascular disease( hypertension heart disease )Serious skin disease (Leprosy, exfoliation dermatitis )、 Autoimmune disease( arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis )、 Leptospirosis Ulcerative colitis Sometimes it can also accompany male breast development.

clinical manifestation

Male unilateral or bilateral mammary glands show female development, hyperplasia and hypertrophy, and the nipple and areola are well developed. The diameter of the disk like, hard and tough diffuse masses with clear edges that can be touched under the areola is mostly 2~3cm, and there is certain activity and no adhesion with the skin. A few patients have swelling pain or mild tenderness, and very few may have Nipple discharge

Clinical classification

According to the location and size of hyperplastic and hypertrophic breast, it can be divided into three types clinically.
1. Diffuse type
Hyperplasia mammary gland is diffuse, often located under the areola in a disc shape, does not form solitary nodules, and is characterized by slight pain and tenderness. It is medium in size.
two adenoma type
The tumor is a solitary nodule with good activity and no adhesion. The surrounding boundary is clear and the volume is small. This type should be differentiated from male breast cancer.
3. Female
Bilateral mammary glands are symmetrically hypertrophic without obvious nodules, and white milk can be seen when pressing the nipple Nipple discharge It is large in size and looks like the breasts of adolescent girls.


1. Laboratory inspection
(1) Thyroid function test Blood T three 、T four 、TSH。
(2) Adrenal function test ACTH、 hematuria Cortisol.
(3) Liver and kidney function examination.
(4) Gonad function test E two , T, PRL, LH, FSH, β - HCG, etc.
(5) Genetic examination Oral mucosal chromatin, chromosome and karyotype examination.
(6) Histopathological examination The above examinations cannot confirm the primary diagnosis STD When the tumor changes, fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy can be used.
2. Auxiliary inspection
(1) Molybdenum target X-ray examination The breast appearance is normal. In addition to normal adipose tissue, hyperplastic glands can be seen. The area behind the areola is flocculent, fan-shaped or discoid dense shadows with uniform density. The edges of most glands are blurred, and the hair brush can be seen radiating around. The edges of the lumpy glands can be clearly seen
(2) MRI examination of sellar area MRI examination of sellar region can be taken when hypothalamus pituitary disease or tumor is suspected.
(3) CT of adrenal gland and B-ultrasound of abdominal organs If it is suspected to be adrenal disease or tumor, it can be examined by adrenal CT and abdominal organ B ultrasound.
(4) B-ultrasonic examination of thyroid or testis B ultrasonic examination of thyroid or testis is feasible if thyroid or testis function is suspected to be abnormal.


1. Etiological treatment
The etiology of this disease is complex, so we can get a correct diagnosis and then treat it according to the etiology. Adolescent primary male breast hypertrophy often has a self-healing tendency and can return to normal within about 6 months. Adult and elderly primary male breast hypertrophy, some can self heal, some need medication. The secondary male breast hypertrophy needs to be diagnosed and treated according to its cause. When the primary lesion is cured, the enlarged breast can often gradually recover.
2. Drug treatment
(1) Selective estrogen receptor antagonist Such as tamoxifen.
(2) Androgen therapy It can reduce breast development in androgen deficient patients, but in patients with normal androgen levels, it is often not recommended to increase breast development because androgen is converted into estrogen in the body.
(3) Aromatase inhibitors such as testosterone It can inhibit the aromatization of androgen in the body, thereby reducing the production of estrogen.
3. Surgical treatment
In addition to etiological treatment and drug treatment, male breast hypertrophy can be treated surgically.
(1) Indications ① The male breast diameter is more than 4 cm, which can not subside for a long time; ② Breast hypertrophy significantly affects beauty; ③ Those who have no obvious curative effect after regular drug treatment; ④ The patient is suspicious of malignant change and nervous.
(2) Surgical methods ① Subcutaneous mastectomy (retaining nipple and areola), suitable for young patients; ② Simple mastectomy (without retaining nipple and areola) is mostly suitable for elderly patients. The specimens were resected surgically and sent to pathological biopsy for confirmation.