Torpedo ray

Flatfish capable of discharging high-voltage electricity
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Torpedoes, Chondrichthyes, collectively referred to as Torpedoes. The largest individual can reach 2 meters, rarely below 0.3 meters. The back and abdomen are flat, with the head and chest together. The tail is in the shape of a thick stick, like a fan. Torpedoes live on the bottom of the sea, with a pair of small eyes in the middle of the front of the back. stay Cephalothorax There is a kidney shaped honeycomb generator on both sides of the ventral surface of the. They are arranged into hexagonal columns, called "electric board" columns. Torpedo ray On the body There are 2000 electric board posts and 2 million "electric boards". These plates are filled with gelatinous substances, which can act as insulation. There are nerve endings on the surface of each "electric board", and one side is negative electrode And the other side is positive electrode The direction of current is from positive electrode flow to negative pole , that is, from the back of the ray to the belly. Under the action of nerve pulse, these two arresters can change the nerve energy into electric energy , release electric Come on. Also called torpedofish, numbfish or cramfish. There are 38 species in 10 genera, 3 families, and 8 species in 5 genera, 2 families in China. Common species include Narcine maculata, N. lingua, and Narka japonica [1]
Chinese scientific name
Torpedo ray
Latin name
Animal kingdom
Distribution area
Coastal, very rare. But it is common in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
Carnivorous type


Torpedo ray
Torpedinidae Monopteridae (Narkidae)、 Fineless Torpedae (Temeridae) A general term for fish, which is famous for generating electricity and hurting people. It is found in the world's hot and temperate waters. There are many kinds, Polybiosis In shallow water, but Deep Sea Torpedo genus (Benthobatis) can live in deep water below 1000 meters (3300 feet). Slow moving, benthic, feeding on fish and invertebrates. It is harmless to people if not touched, economic value not worth mentioning.
It is about 30cm~2m (1~6ft) long. The body is soft, the skin is smooth, and the head and pectoral fins form a round or nearly round body disk. A pair of generators, consisting of abnormal muscle tissue, are located in the body disk and on both sides of the head. They can generate electricity for defending and capturing prey. Large electric rays can send enough current to knock down adults. Used by ancient Greeks and Romans Torpedo nigra (Torpedo nobiliana) to treat gout, headache and other diseases. [2]
Chondrichthyes Torpediniformes It's one of the plate gill fishes order The gills and mouth of this fish are both in the abdominal position, with five gills, flat oval body, and no protruding snout, Gluteal fin Disappear, Caudal fin Very small, Pectoral fin It is broad, and the front edge of the pectoral fin is connected with the body side. There is a large Generating organ , can generate electricity to shock enemies or prey, spawn, distributed in tropic and Subtropical Offshore, half buried silt It is waiting for prey in the middle. It is generally small and has no edible value. according to Dorsal fin There are three subjects:
Torpedo ray
The largest individual of the torpedo can reach 2 meters, rarely below 0.3 meters. The back and abdomen are flat, with the head and chest together. The tail is in the shape of a thick stick, like a fan. Torpedoes live on the bottom of the sea, with a pair of small eyes in the middle of the front of the back. There is a kidney shaped honeycomb generator on both sides of the abdomen of the head and chest. They are arranged into hexagonal columns, called "electric board" columns. There are 2000 electric board posts and 2 million "electric boards" on the torpedo. These plates are filled with gelatinous substances, which can act as insulation. The surface of each "electric board" is distributed with Nerve endings One side is negative electrode and the other side is positive electrode. The current flows from the positive pole to the negative pole, that is, from the back of the torpedo to the belly. stay Nerve impulse Under the action of, these two arresters can turn nerve energy into electrical energy and discharge electricity. The voltage generated by a single "electric board" is very weak, but because of the large number, it can send a very strong voltage. Each electric plate of the ray is just a metamorphosis of muscle fibers. Generating organ It evolved from some gill muscles. In the process of evolution, the parotid muscle was relieved from its original position and assumed a new role - power generation.

morphological character

Eyes are small and prominent; The edge of the spray hole is raised; The anterior nasal flap is broad and extends to the lower lip; Skin is soft. Dorsal fin One. There is a large generator between the head side and the pectoral fin. The body disc is sub round. pelvic fin The outer corner is not prominent, and the trailing edge is straight. The tail has lateral folds. Red back
Brown, with a few irregular dark spots. Gill aperture 5, narrow, Straight Arrange. Teeth are small and numerous. There is a pair of well-developed oval power generating organs between the head side and the pectoral fin, which are formed by variation of muscle tissue. The voltage for power generation is generally 75-80v, and the maximum voltage can reach 200v. The body surface is soft. The tail fin is developed, with a body length of up to 1.5m and a weight of up to 6.1kg. The mouth is small or medium large, with developed lip folds. Small eye [1]
Habitat: Near bottom fish.
Distribution: coastal, but rarely seen. But in the Yellow Sea the bohai sea Common in.
Narcine brasiliensis, A species of torpedo.
Torpedo is about 750px~2m long, soft, smooth skin, and a round or nearly round body disk is formed between the head and pectoral fin. A pair of generators, consisting of abnormal muscle tissue, are located in the body disk. Both sides of the head can generate electricity for defending and capturing prey. The current emitted by the large torpedo is enough to knock down adults.
The body disc is oval, slightly smaller in width than in length; The tail is wide and short, slightly shorter than the length of the head and trunk, longer than the body disk, and the lateral fold is very low, almost disappeared. The kiss is quite long, and the front end is wide and round; The rostral cartilage is soft, slender, and one in the middle. The anterior orbital cartilage is well developed, lateral, divided into many branches, and the medial side is connected to the base of the rostral cartilage with ligaments. The eyes are tiny, buried under the skin, and located in the inner upper corner of the spray hole. The spray hole is quite large and oval. The edges are smooth, flat or slightly protruding. Small nostril; The nostril groove is very short; The anterior nasal valve is fused into a flap; The posterior nasal valve is short and has half annular membrane. The mouth is small, flat and horizontal, with a deep groove in front of the mouth, which can protrude; The width of the mouth is about 2/5 of the length of the muzzle; The lips are soft, thick and wrinkled; The upper lip is divided into two sides and three parts in the center; The lower lip is wide and continuous. Teeth are small and many, flat and flat, with low, flat and kyphotic tooth heads, and 14-5 longitudinal teeth in both the upper and lower jaw; The tooth surface is not exposed. The gill holes are very small and arranged in a straight line.
The chest extends forward, reaching the horizontal line of the front edge of the nasal sac, and the front end is widely separated by soft snout cartilage and preorbital cartilage; The front and rear edges are continuous, and the rear is narrow and straight, without inner edge and rear angle. The front corner of the pelvic fin is round and obtuse, prominent, and the rear edge is deeply concave. The inner edge is very short and can disappear, and the rear corner is sharp. There is one dorsal fin, which is quite small. Its starting point is behind the base of the pelvic fin. The front, back and inner edges are clear, and the front and rear corners are round and blunt. The distance from the tail base is slightly shorter than that of the dorsal fin base. The caudal fin is quite broad, the upper lobe is larger than the lower lobe, and the trailing edge and lower edge are obliquely circular. The back is grayish brown or auburn, with irregular dark patches. The rear side is white. The body side is white between the pectoral and pelvic fins; The ventral surface is white, and the margin of the body disk and pelvic fin is white; Sometimes the chest, ventral side and tail are brown.


Dipterygii Torpedae: distributed in the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and western Atlantic Ocean; Three species are native to China, all of which are found only in the South China Sea;
Monopteridae: distributed in India - Western Pacific There are 2 genera and 2 species in China: ① Monopterus Japan Single fin ray, distributed along the coast of China, the south coast of Korea and Japan; ② Torpedo robustus monopterus Genus, only hard skinned single fin ray, distributed in South China Sea The East China Sea South and southern Japan;
Fineless Torpedae: only 1 genus and 1 species, distributed in Malay Peninsula Indochina The southern coast.

Self protection

The main hub of the generator is the nerve part of the organ. Torpedoes can discharge at will. The discharge time and intensity can be completely mastered by itself. Torpedoes can generate electricity and use the generated current to kill Small fish shrimp And other small animals, is a means of catching prey and attacking enemies.
There are many kinds of torpedoes in the world, and their power generation capacities are different. African Torpedo The primary power generation voltage is about 220 V, and the primary power generation voltage of medium sized torpedoes is 70~80 V, like smaller torpedoes South American Torpedo Only 37 volts can be generated at a time. Since the electric ray can generate electricity, people call it a live generator, live battery, electric fish, etc.
Torpedo can release 50 ampere It has a current of 60~80V and a voltage of 60~80V, so it is called "active power station" in the sea. Torpedo energy per second discharge 50 times, but after continuous discharge, the current gradually weakens, completely disappears after 10-15 seconds, and the discharge capacity can be recovered after a rest. [3]
Torpedo ray
Torpedo's discharge characteristics inspired people to invent and create batteries that can store electricity. Used in people's daily life dry battery The paste filler between the positive and negative poles is inspired by the glue in the electric ray generator.
As early as ancient Greek and Rome In the era, doctors often put patients on torpedoes or let patients touch them in the pool discharge Torpedo of Rheumatism and Mania Etc. Today France and Italy Along the coast, some elderly people suffering from rheumatism may be seen looking for rays on the beach after the ebb tide as their "doctors".



Discharge cause

1989, in France Science City An interesting "clock" retrospective exhibition was held. A clock driven by electricity from an electric fish aroused great interest. This kind of electrified fish discharge Very regularly, the direction of the current changes once a minute, so it is called "natural alarm clock". Common electrified fish are electric eel , Torpedo Electric catfish Etc. Torpedo power is the second best among them. [4-5] it discharge The voltage can reach 300~500 volts, which is enough to electrocute nearby fish, and people and livestock will be paralyzed if they encounter each other. It is calculated that the electric energy of 10000 torpedoes can be gathered together, enough to make an electric locomotive run for several minutes.

Discharge principle

It turns out that the ray is alive“ alternator ”。 The muscles on both sides of its tail are composed of 6000~10000 muscle slices arranged in a regular way. There are connective tissue between the slices, and many nerves pass through central nervous system Each muscle slice is like a small battery, which can only produce a voltage of 150mV, but nearly 10000 "small batteries" connected in series can produce very high voltage. The electric current from the tail of the torpedo flows to the receptors on the head, so a weak electric field is formed around its body. There are special cells in the central nervous system of electric eel to monitor Inductive receiver And can command the behavior of the electric eel according to the results of monitoring and analysis, and decide to take predatory behavior or avoidance behavior or other behaviors.
After the electric energy stored in the body is discharged, the torpedo can continue to discharge after a period of accumulation.
world There are dozens of fish known to generate electricity on the Internet. Other fish that can discharge electricity include Electric catfish , electric eel, etc.

New species

This new species of super attractive torpedoes is a member of the largest known family of torpedoes, the monopterygoid torpedae family. The reason why it can be included in the annual list of top ten new species discovered is that its genus name is very different and interesting. The video of torpedo foraging taken by scientists shows that the fish can Vacuum cleaner They also prey on prey, which may be comparable to the electric vacuum cleaner used to absorb sundries on the surface of carpets, furniture and other modern household products that are prone to falling dust. So scientists named it after Electrolux vacuum cleaner.