
Marketing methods
zero Useful+1
Telemarketing refers to the use of telephone operator To attract new customers and contact old customers to determine their satisfaction or whether they can accept orders. In terms of daily order acceptance, it is called telesales. Many customers usually order goods and services by telephone. direct Marketers Use all major media to provide direct services to potential customers. Newspapers and magazines have published a large number of advertisements to sell books, appliances, holiday services and other goods and services. Customers can call Toll free To order. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Time of occurrence
Three stages
Generate interest, gain trust, profit contracts



Development Basis

Database marketing (Data Marketing) is to find a set of customers with requirements based on data to expand Business activities There are two sources of databases: enterprises accumulate them or purchase them from outside. It is different from DM. There are many advertisements stuffed into the mailbox every day, including those selling houses and daily necessities, life insurance They are called DM (Direct Mail )。 The reaction of DM is very low, generally about 1%, and most of DM are directly put into the dustbin. However, if only DM is sent to those who have demand and may become customers according to the survey data, the response rate will be greatly improved, generally 10 to 20 times more.

Three stages

The first stage is to arouse interest. initiation Telephone line The other end Prospects The sufficient interest of is the basic stage of successful sales. Without interest, there is no opportunity and no sense to introduce the products to be sold. The skills needed at this stage are to master and use topics.
The second stage is to gain trust. Obtaining the trust of a stranger in the shortest time requires superb skills and a mature personality. Only on the basis of this trust can we start sales and achieve the final goal of sales - signing a contract. The skills needed at this stage are the specific methods to gain trust and to effectively play the role of consultant to win the trust of potential customers by striving for the position of authority.
The third stage is profitable contracts. Only on the premise of effectively obtaining potential customers' clear understanding of their own problems can sales be profitable, and it is also the goal that enterprises really want to pursue. The skills needed at this stage are objection prevention and prediction, effective negotiation skills, and the ability to foresee potential problems.
Telemarketing In 4C Definition and FABE rule
FABE rule F - Features A - Advantages B - Benefits E - Data proof
The 4C in telemarketing must also be understood. The 4C itself is not an implementation skill. The 4C is a standard process for implementing skills. Telephone calls with insufficient experience salesman You can follow this at the beginning Sales process The process is generally forgotten after being proficient in execution, but the sales strength has improved significantly without knowing it.
The process of 4C is like this: Confuse, Clear, Comfort, Contract. The first C is applied in the first stage, the second and third C are applied in the second stage, and the fourth C is applied in the third stage.

Market background

Ordinary urban families already have everything they need, and shopping malls are full of exquisite goods. More and more consumers begin to attach importance to the added value , rather than focusing on the basic function For example, whether the goods can achieve "good service", "peace of mind, safety", "time saving", "cost saving", etc., consumers should choose those goods that are meaningful and valuable to themselves.
In addition, with the development of information technology, while TV, telephone, fax and the Internet are popular, consumers have gradually learned how to skillfully obtain the information they need from a large amount of information. In this way, consumers do not have to go to far places, but can get the goods and information they need through telephone, fax, and the Internet at home.
Modern enterprises cannot survive if they simply use their own business resources to develop products and then sell them to customers who have no choice. Understand carefully market demand At the same time, we must also consider what kind of customer layer to point to, what kind of added value to add, and what kind of channels and media to sell through; In other words, use all possible opportunities to collect Market information , analyze and absorb them, and then expand reproduction. This process has become an indispensable element of enterprise success. At the same time, this process must be completed efficiently. In addition, conduct the most appropriate customer Related investments And keep it with specific customers sustained development It is also very important for modern enterprises.




1. Three color pens: red, black and blue
2、 Note paper
3. 16 karat notebook
Record in the book: company abbreviation, list source, contact person, position, telephone number, score, brief record of conversation content, time
4. Put the same kind of list together
5. Fax
Five key points of faxing:
A、 Prepare faxes anytime, anywhere
B. Send within 5 minutes
C、 Ten minutes to confirm whether the other party has received it
D、 Confirm that the other party has read and replied
E、 Follow up and contact to achieve goals

technological process

Telemarketing is the most commonly used sales method. The most critical step in sales is to accurately find the people who need your products or services, and then purposefully and pertinently communicate with Target customers The following are some practices of telemarketing for reference:
Prepare a list
Select the industry of target customers in advance, screen customers through web pages and networks, and prepare a list of personnel that can be used for one month, which can greatly improve work efficiency , otherwise you will have to spend most of your sales time looking for the name you need Effective time I couldn't make a few calls inside.
Specified workload
First of all, set the time for phone calls, such as 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon Specified time There are 100 calls to be made within the company. In any case, we should complete this task and make as many calls as possible.
Marketing Time selection
Generally speaking, people make sales calls between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. If this traditional sales window doesn't work for you The Sales time changed to non phone Peak hour , or increase sales time during off peak hours. It is better to arrange sales between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. to 13:00 p.m. and 16:30 a.m. to 18:30 p.m.
The following six methods are provided for telemarketers to refer to:
1、 Request for help
2、 Third party Introduction method
III Herd effect method
4、 Interest arousing method
5、 Skillfully Borrow the "East Wind" Method
6、 Return visit to regular customers
Before making a call, you should prepare Customer communication And guess various customer responses to improve your Strain force To answer every question and achieve a good result of telephone communication.
1. Keep the phone short
Call Sales call The goal of is to get an appointment. Telephone sales should last about 3 minutes, and should focus on introducing yourself, your products, and roughly understanding the needs of the other party, so that you can give a good reason for the other party to spend valuable time talking with you. The most important thing is to make an appointment with each other.
2. Follow up customers regularly
Organized and effective Customer resources , follow up regularly Customer retention Contact, wait Business opportunities Once the time comes, the first thing the customer thinks of is you.
3. Perseverance
Perseverance is one of the important factors for sales success. Most sales were closed after the fifth telephone conversation. However, most salespeople stop after the first call, so we must persevere and not be discouraged.
well Telemarketing system It is bound to bring twice the result with half the effort. For example, the professional telemarketing call center platform, of course, has a large initial investment and is applied by large insurance companies. fit Small and medium-sized enterprises The telemarketing system with small input but normal operation can also be applied.

Personnel responsibilities

1. Develop a telemarketing plan and master Telemarketing Skills , actively explore the market, and complete the sales tasks assigned by the company on time;
2. Call back customers, maintain good relations with customers, and promote long-term cooperation between the company and customers;
3. Friendly answers Customer consultation And provide customers with quality service and maintenance corporate image
4. Detailed records Customer information And timely transfer relevant information feedback To the leader in charge or relevant departments;
5. Participate in various sales meetings and resolutely implement the decisions of the meeting;
6. Seriously implement all kinds of Sales policy , systems and norms, and working according to procedures;
7. Coordinate and communicate with all departments, and keep smooth connection between work and all departments;
8. Be particular team work Spirit, support and help each other with colleagues, make common progress, and stop going their own way Bad behavior

Improve service

Today is the era of multimedia. One key word of multimedia is interactive, that is, both parties can communicate with each other. Think about it carefully. Other media such as TV radio , newspapers, etc Data sheet The only one who can communicate with the other party generality The means of communication is the telephone. The telephone can directly hear customers' opinions in a short time. It is a very important business tool. adopt Bi directional Communication: enterprises can understand the needs and opinions of consumers when communicating, so as to provide targeted services and provide reference for future business.
Increase revenue
Telemarketing can expand enterprises turnover For example, booking centers in hotels and restaurants don't have to wait for customers to call to make an appointment aggressiveness If you call the customer (Outbound), it is possible to get more appointments, thus increasing revenue. Because telemarketing is an interactive communication, it is not only limited to meeting customers' reservation requirements, but also can be considered when answering customers' calls (Inbound) Cross selling (Other than sales requirements Related products )And Value added sales (Sell higher priced products). This can expand the turnover and increase Enterprise benefits
Telemarketing can establish and maintain Customer relationship Marketing system (Relationship Marketing)。 However, when building relationships with customers, we should not be eager to get immediate results, but should have long-term vision. Develop rigorous plans and constantly pursue customers service level Improvement. For example, when paying a return visit to a customer, you should pay careful attention to the customer's comments on the products purchased and the services received, the response to the telephone center salesperson, and the response to the shop attendants who purchased them. Recording these data will provide various help for future telemarketing.
Regular contact by telephone is incomparable in terms of manpower and cost. In addition, this kind of connection can close the relationship between enterprises and consumers, and enhance the relationship between customers and enterprises loyalty To make customers more fond of the company's products.

matters needing attention

First, make detailed and sufficient preparations (including items, attitudes and information) before calling.
Second, when making a phone call, the brain must be clear, warm, generous, friendly and sincere.
Third, come straight to the point and be straightforward. Don't delay the customer's time. Because you don't know under what circumstances the customer answers the phone. Customer is Busy hour If you delay others' time by beating about the bush, it will cause resentment.
Fourth, no matter how you feel, you should not be rude to customers.
Fifth, when making a phone call, you should speak clearly, clearly and methodically, stand firm and not be specious.
Sixth, the speech should be focused, and the important parts should be accentuated and sounded more forceful.
Seventh, it sounds very professional, and the speech is forceful, timely humorous, laugh heartily, and ease the tension between the host and guest.
Eighth, absolutely believe that your product is suitable for customers, and introduce the benefits of the product to customers in detail.
Ninth, do not call for the first time to discuss the product details.
Tenth, you must be enthusiastic when addressing the other person's name. It will be friendly if you mention the other person's name in two or three sentences.
Eleven, send cards in advance to express blessings on customers' birthdays or special festivals.
Twelfth, use as little as possible Technical Term , and "Hmm, this, then", etc.
Thirteen, remember not to read the written materials word by word and become a copybook Microphone
Fourteen, tell the customer his name, telephone number postal address So that customers can contact you at any time.
Fifthly, if the phone rings at the same time, you should listen to the phone first and ask the other party to wait or make an appointment to call the other party Answer the phone
Sixthly, a matter can be solved by meeting or calling. You should choose to call.
Seventeen, don't be in trouble working hours Call the other party to talk about his work.
Eighteen, don't start with the excuse of looking for a manager (referring to a surname you made up). No matter whether the company has a manager with the same name or not, once it is exposed, it will not trust you immediately and may scold you for wasting others' time.
Note: Speed of speech 120-140 words/minute, not too fast or too slow. It is better to adjust according to customers.
definition . Speak clearly, speak calmly with passion, and be patient with love.
Enthusiastic, smiling voice.
Be careful not to think that the other party is tired of our attitude without seeing it. Because customers can't see us, everything we have can only be conveyed by voice. More attention should be paid to the training of attitude and voice.


increase of efficiency
In the process of telemarketing, it can be fully integrated call center System management, call center staff working hours and site are relatively centralized, and managers can use QM( Quality monitoring )Effectively monitor employees' working condition To control employees' emotions and improve the utilization efficiency of seats. Marketing companies are unable to monitor the working conditions and efficiency of employees when they go out and the communication quality of each phone call. Most companies determine the quality of employees by their performance alone.
Many companies engaged in traditional telemarketing only play the role of resource mining Sales Representative Only by visiting the customer can the product be transacted. For example, engaging in e-commerce or Education and training Most of the sales representatives of the company should have face-to-face communication with prospective customers. Let's try to calculate that a sales representative can meet up to 4-8 customers face to face in a day in a city like Shenzhen, and it needs to be agreed in advance. stay Shenzhen Bus The cost of a car is generally 5-8 yuan for a round trip. In addition to unpredictable expenses, such as beverage expenses and catering expenses, the average cost of each salesperson is 20-60 yuan per day. In some large call centers, we can make at least 50-150 calls at a cost of 20-60 yuan per call for 3 minutes.



Marketing Skills

It is mainly the difference between professional and non professional. Generally, there will be a slight difference in the quantity of call centers, so outsourcing call centers will also have different quotations.
Many people say that the final negotiation in sales is very important, because a successful negotiation can lead to a deal Sales process The most important and critical step in the process, because if the first step is not done well, there will be no follow-up visits, no subsequent negotiations and deals. But the problem is that the target customers are often blocked operator In order to connect with customers, we must find ways to bypass them, and they often have an amazing level of "arrow blocking", which makes many salesmen flinch.
Skill 1: Make an appointment by phone
1. Slightly use subtotals to bypass the front desk operator.
2. Ask questions repeatedly to create time for customers who don't have time.
3. Capture the demand beyond the demand, and let customers regard you as their own person.
4. Resolve the hidden refusal of the customer and turn the fax into a meeting.
5. Don't let customers say "too expensive" on the phone.
6. Frequently made mistake 1: ask questions that should not be asked.
7. Frequent mistakes in making telephone interviews with customers 2. If you don't know what the customer wants, tell him you can
Do what?
8. Use the phone skillfully to make the customer keep his word before visiting.
Skill 2: Open up your interest
1. Grasp the customer's Rebellious psychology , start with a negative question
2. Use props to open the scene and stimulate customers' curiosity
3. Let customers see your value and take the initiative to give you a business card
4. Make good use of questions to find out the real ideas of customers
5. Use your professional wisdom to turn small business into big business
6. Set a trap to lock the clapper
7. Play hard to get, let customers look forward to the next meeting
8. Ask the three key questions when the customer's preparedness is weakest
Skill Three Love at First Sight
1. Conference marketing, making customers become participants from bystanders
2. Let the customer's "cherry tree" add points to your product
3. Develop the customer's imagination and let him fall in love with your product
4. Use the customer's mentality of escaping pain to increase purchasing power
5. Use a form to convince customers
6. Skillful use object of reference , which makes the customer feel really cheap
8. Find the right time and quote correctly, so as not to let the customer confront you
Skill 4 Take the initiative
1. Agree first, then ask questions, let the customer say his "unspeakable secret"
2. Elimination Resistance mentality . Turn the customer's "unnecessary" into "very necessary"
3. Product Differences Outrun an opponent
4. Three unique tricks make customers feel that they are worth more
5. So the customer doesn't think your product is expensive
6. Use acting skills to turn yourself into a bargaining master
7. Inquire deeply, so that the customer has no room for repentance
8. Respond to silent customers
9. The "doorknob sales method" brought business back to life
Skill: Follow up with five victories
1. Grasp the transaction information and obtain the initiative of transaction
2. "Non profit sales method" helps you open up the market situation
3. Deliberately make mistakes and seize the "small tail" of customers
4. Disassembly Cost strategy , giving customers enough shock
5. Self abuse and gain the trust of customers
6. "Don't suggest a deal" turns customers into sworn companions
7. Say "no" to customers and let them listen to you
8. The contract can also be used as a transaction tool
9. Let customers become your part-time salesmen
matters needing attention
Agree first, then ask questions, let the customer say his "hidden trouble", eliminate the resistance, and change the customer's "unnecessary" into "very necessary"
Telephone participation
This is very important. Marketing is a big category. You can even say that anything can be regarded as a marketing activity. The difference of telemarketing only lies in the participation of the telephone. However, the degree of telemarketing participation and the purpose achieved can be called success. This is a topic worth studying. Telemarketing can be divided into many types, such as: pure telemarketing, telephone offer, opportunity mining, conference invitation, member recruitment Product promotion And quotation, fee collection, market research Business Information Investigation Satisfaction survey wait. Some orders can be completed directly through telemarketing, such as simple telemarketing, conference invitation Telephone survey Etc; But in many cases, telemarketing is only a part of the participation, and other marketing means need to be coordinated, such as product promotion and quotation DM E-DM , mass marketing, etc., telemarketing just plays a role as a doorstep. Other telemarketing only plays the role of information collection or filtering, for example Opportunity Excavation Order processing Etc. It can be boldly predicted that in the future, telemarketing participation will be more and more extensive and deeper, but its share in marketing activities will be less and less, and it needs many marketing activities to complete together, that is, it needs to Marketing methods Consolidate so as to improve Marketing efficiency
Call tracing plays a very important role in telemarketing, data display Few telemarketing is done by one call, most telemarketing order form After the third or fourth call, some even need to call the seventh or eighth time. Of course, it is very important to judge and identify on the phone, and aimless call tracing will only waste time and increase costs. Experienced telemarketers will capture between individual words and sentences of consumers Lead And judge whether he is a potential customer so as to make a follow-up plan. Of course, the precondition of call tracing is to follow the call allowed by the customer and make an appointment on the time of the next call in the last call, so as not to affect customer satisfaction To improve the efficiency of telemarketing.

Use strategy

The telephone is an indispensable tool in today's business activities, but the phenomenon of "telephone filtering" is becoming more and more common in companies. And the assistants have been trained to know how to skillfully restrict the phone calls into the boss's office. Fortunately, these obstacles are not insurmountable.
"He is in a meeting. He calls at night! Leave your phone number He will call you back. " The secretary hung up and the conversation ended. Once again, others cut off your direct conversation with your boss. This is what you've been trying to talk to for days Leads He may bring you a good one contract , but his assistant was clearly in the way. A business person told us that 40% of the cases are the same. We know that the secretary is only acting on orders. Many young salesmen are too easy to believe the excuses of these assistants, and spend a lot of time calling without stopping but never find the person they want. An experienced salesperson knows how to use other skills to increase the possibility of talking to potential customers on the phone.
In China, salesmen, like making appointments, "following customers", or even just obtaining relevant information about the company, are regarded as cumbersome people, totally different from the concept of the United States and Europe. Therefore, the secretaries all want to get rid of them as soon as possible. In order to communicate directly with the target person on the phone, salesmen should know how to apply their skills. How to apply and when to use what skills to achieve the goal.
Skill 1: Keep a good relationship with assistants
This is your preferred strategy. Obstacles are assistants. They are the right hand and left hand of the target person and are likely to help you overcome difficulties. Therefore, you must build a good relationship with them and patiently explain your intentions and the reasons why you want to meet or talk with the boss.
A、 Keep smiling on the phone
"I can feel your smile even on the phone Marketing personnel I will tell you that you must always be friendly, enthusiastic and sincere on the phone, because it is conducive to the development of your conversation. " Shanghai MRI Lawrence, our consultant, said.
B、 Ask him to help you
Asking you to call is part of the assistant's daily work. Therefore, you should never say, "This is a private phone call" or "I want to talk to him directly". I prefer to say, "You can definitely arrange the best time for me to connect with him!" Everyone knows this truth: people who are asked for help always feel proud.
It is very useful for the company to try to express the products you sell in the telephone conversation. While convincing and arousing the other party's interest, you can take advantage of her to ask her to let you talk or meet with the boss. This is the best way to create such a good relationship, according to Singapore Training of SOS Phoning division manager To say, it is to make the other party laugh, but you should avoid too many compliments to avoid giving the impression of insincerity.
D、 Be persuasive
The more difficult it is to overcome obstacles, the more it means that the assistant is responsible for sharing part of the boss's work. He is not only responsible for "filtering" Phone Information And will choose the most useful advice for the boss. "My secretary will record all the telemarketing", said the president of a company. "When the meeting comes, she can tell me which suppliers we can call back, their products are worth considering, and we can take this opportunity to see what he recommends to us. I am always confident in her judgment."
E、 Anisotropic attraction
It's always easier to listen to a person of the opposite sex. Especially your Sound ray If it is attractive enough, the attraction of the opposite sex will naturally work. "If the obstacle is female and you are also female, ask your male colleague for help, and vice versa.
Skill 2: Know how to deal with the opposition of the other party
Even if you have done your best and the assistant still refuses, you should find appropriate arguments to refute her. Don't believe what she said: when she said, "Leave your phone number, Stay We replied ", or" The manager is in a meeting, and I don't know when it will end ". Don't believe it! These lies are the most effective roadblocks for sellers. Instead of calling again, ask her the right time and when she can find the manager. If you feel that her answer is still a lie, don't leave your name and call later. If she says the boss has no time: if the secretary says, "The boss has no time" or "He is in a meeting", she should immediately answer, "When can I find him by phone?" E-mail Form of. "You can know the boss's mail box This is sometimes very useful, because he can receive information directly without "filtering" and call back as soon as he is interested. So when you call the assistant again, you can say to him that the boss said in E-mail that you can call him directly. " Shanghai MRI talents Company consultant Lawrence said.
Send your brochure! Don't promise too quickly. When she said, "Send your product catalog!" You replied that you didn't or asked to bring it to the company to introduce yourself. You can also call again after sending it to confirm the meeting time. If she asks you to send something again, she should firmly refuse. If you don't know the name of the person in charge: just say that you want to know the name of the person in charge, because he is likely to be interested in your products, so that you can send him a document. One is to know his name, and the other is to call him later to set a meeting time. If there is no budget, the purchase plan has been put on hold. Write down the date. If the other party says that our purchase plan has been put on hold or the budget has been exhausted. Then you must know when the new budget will be generated, and then write down the date, and call again at that time, even after 3-6 months, so that you will have more than your competitor More advantageous strategic information When will that company be most interested in your products?
Understand other needs of customers: When the other party says, "I don't need it," you say, "I know that, but in this regard, which products are you interested in?" Try this to get more useful information. "Prospective customers don't want the printer you recommend? They should find a way to know how many documents they need to copy every day, so that you can estimate which one product type To meet their needs, "Heinz said. uninterested? Tell the reason: If the other party answers, "Our manager is not interested in your product." Thank her for providing you with this information, and then try to ask for details. Did he mention the reason why he did not like the product? Then talk about your New information (New products, price lists, new services, etc.). In this way, even in the worst case, if there is no progress, you can quickly get another opportunity to be included in the scope of consideration. Don't hesitate to say the price: should you tell the price of the product to the secretary? Huppe of Mercuri Company in Hong Kong said: "It's OK on the phone, but don't write it in the fax.". Because if she thinks the price is OK, she will tell the boss and he will call back, but if you send the price list fax, you will have less opportunity to talk directly with the boss, because he has all the useful information. Provide the best price on the phone, and then explain the price details together with the service provided. Your strategy is to let the secretary further tell the boss about your product benefits.
Skill 3: pressure the secretary
If you have done what the secretary asked you to do (fax or send him a pamphlet), you can put pressure on her to get a chance to talk. "After I sent the pamphlet, I will call at the time and date agreed by both parties." He said to her: I have sent the pamphlet according to your requirements, let me talk to you. A 50% chance can overcome obstacles. If the secretary still refuses, tell him that you should fax the boss to confirm whether he really doesn't want to know about your products. Finally, you can also say: "Because of your refusal, your company will probably spend more money to buy a product of lower quality than the one I recommend."
Skill 4: Apply expert's tactics
All skills may be ineffective if you meet a secretary who acts like a dinosaur. Under such circumstances, there is no need to waste energy Strategy Change time: some times are especially suitable for contacting the person you want directly: when the secretary is not in, you have a great opportunity to contact the manager himself. Take your chance between 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning, Saturday morning is also OK. Direct contact with the general manager: If there is a real problem, you can also call the secretary of the general manager directly to deal with it. This will encounter less obstacles, but usually many salesmen are afraid to try. Of course, you can't talk to the general manager, but when the other party tells you to call the subsidiary to understand, you can have a chance to Say what is recommended: Miss Li, the assistant of the general manager, told me the phone number of your company and asked me to contact you directly. Lend you Key customers To introduce yourself: find your common customers or suppliers with the other company and call them in their name, which may attract the attention of the other party and leave a different impression with other salesmen.
Hide the real purpose of your call: When you call, you should hide your real purpose and tell the other party other reasons. For example, if you want to buy a certain product, ask for information or apply for a certain position, and then reveal your real intention in the conversation.
Skill 5: Clever use of lies
Should I lie to achieve my goal? Mr. Heinz, the consultant, said: There is a half chance that your lies will be exposed, mainly depending on the importance of your purpose. Some people think that lying is not good, and it is easy to end up not knowing how to cross the telephone barrier, or not lying can not reach a negotiation. In short, lies are like drugs. Once exposed, they will damage the image of the seller and the company.
1. Let the other person believe that you have called and be told to call again the same day.
2. Use another identity: call yourself an assistant and say that your boss wants to meet the other person (this method usually works very well). When it comes to meeting, just say that you are responsible for handling the matter or the boss can't come.
3. Never use the title or "Mr." to address the name of the other party. It is better to say, "Hello, Mr. Li is calling. Please call James Wang to listen to the phone. In this way, the secretary will think that you already know the other party, and it is easier for you to call your boss.
A、 How to recognize when encountering a telephone obstacle - "Many salespeople can't find the person they want to find even though they have called the other party hundreds of times, they don't know that they have actually encountered a telephone obstacle." Marketing consultant Heinz said. If the secretary's words and deeds are as follows, we can infer that the other party is lying:
You have been waiting for more than 5 minutes, but you are still not allowed to talk to the person you are looking for. In fact, she wants you to hang up automatically.
Every time you call, the secretary always advises you to call later.
The secretary asked you in detail in order to better understand your intentions and find a better excuse to reject you!
When you just report your own name or company name, the secretary will immediately tell you that the person you are looking for is in a meeting.
B、 11 "Golden Sentences" to Overcome Telephone Barriers
Answer“ He did not have. Time "," He is in a meeting ". "When would you like to contact him?" "He doesn't listen to the salesperson." "Who is interested in my product?" "I don't need it." "To be precise, what specific requirements do you have for this product?" "Mr. Wang is not interested in this." "Does he explain why he doesn't like it?"
"Send a fax." "I want to send an e-mail to him. What's the address?" "Send us a letter." "It has already been sent."
"Our purchase plan has been put on hold." "When will you start the new purchase plan?" "We will call you back later." "When is the appropriate time for us to contact you?" "I don't know when he will finish the meeting." "Who in the company will know?"
"He is talking on the phone. Can you leave your name?" "Let me wait on the phone for a while. Thank you."
C、 Use standardized techniques
In all large companies, employees have a direct extension But it may be hard for you to know if you know Extension How many digits (3 or 4 digits), you can press a random number, and then say to the other party: "I'm LACK, sorry, I want to find someone, please tell me the extension number? 9 out of 10 people will think the caller is from the same company and tell you his extension number, or even directly transfer you to the other party telephone Li. In this way, we can easily overcome the obstacles of the secretary.

strengthen one's belief

No one will refuse me
No one will reject me. The so-called rejection just means that he doesn't know enough, or my perspective of promotion is not the best
In the process of shopping guide, customers sometimes refuse, such as tactful refusal: "Later", direct refusal: "I don't buy, don't need, don't waste my time", etc. In the face of rejection, you may be disappointed and depressed, but you should also be clear that it is normal to encounter rejection in the marketing process Sense of failure Be good at summarizing and consider the reasons why users refuse; Review whether the shopping guide failed to give full play to the best level, for example, which advantages of the product were not introduced in place, did not attract customers, and so on.
Only those who are good at summing up from failure will continue to improve.
Speak sincerely
Only sincere people can win trust. In order to improve personal performance, we cannot persuade an enterprise with an annual output of 5 million yuan to recruit people once or twice a year to become a senior member of our company. That is unrealistic and will be repugnant to customers. First, we should start from the company's customer base, industry Enterprise scale Starting from other factors, we should learn as much as possible about upstream resources, communicate with customers from the general situation, and let customers feel that we are professional. Secondly, we are working with the company HR When the manager chats, go to understand the person's temper and hobbies. If this person is busy, after you define this customer as a prospective customer, you can also make some sweet talk from his assistants or colleagues. I think when you understand these, it will be very helpful to your attack. It is said that President Washington of the United States must check the interests of the guest on the first night before he makes an appointment with the guest. Why not!
Let the customer know that he is not the only one buying this product
Everyone has group psychology Of, Business personnel When recommending products, timely tell the customer that some enterprises or companies with similar or identical conditions have purchased this product, especially those of his competitors. This not only shocked him psychologically, but also strengthened his desire to buy. According to experience, when buying the same type of products, this company will definitely buy more advanced products than its competitors, which will also be used to discourage the other party to vent their anger.
Enthusiastic salespersons are most likely to succeed
Don't just say that I will send you a quotation when the customer asks about the product. Take a look. Unless the customer is very busy, you will say to send a quotation. That should also be said earlier, I'm really sorry, I was going to introduce the product to you, but this time you may have seen it for yourself. Let the customer always feel that you have been with her, let her feel the unrestrained feelings, like flowing iron, burning her. If time permits, we should also sincerely and warmly receive customers who have no demand or who have no demand. Who knows her position and background; She has no need. How can she know her husband has no need; She has no need. How can she know that none of her friends has a high professional title? This is what I do“ Huiren Shenbao ”My friend told me. Yes, we should have a "broad customer theory" - all people are customers.
Don't act conceited in front of customers
Many HR customers have only a little knowledge of HR work. What we have come across is Front desk clerk , or HR Specialist Sometimes we ask some very childish questions. At this time, please don't think we know everything and treat customers as fools. Many customers don't like the salesperson who is complacent and feels very smart. If the customer is really wrong, be smart and let him know that other people often make the same mistake. He just makes the mistake that most people are prone to make. Many people stick two rules of life at home: first, the wife is always right; 2、 Even if the wife is wrong, follow the first rule. Outside, in the company, as long as you change the word slightly, it is always right to become a customer. Even if the customer is wrong, it is also our fault. I believe you are not only a "good new man", but also an excellent salesperson.
Pay attention to listen to the customer's words and understand what the customer thinks
Some customers have clear requirements for the products they want to buy. Pay attention to listen to the requirements of customers. Meeting the needs of customers will make sales more smooth. On the contrary, if you blindly want to promote your own products, unreasonably interrupt customers and chatter in their ears, you will fail in nine cases out of ten.
Please specify what kind of service you can provide to customers
Customers not only want your Pre sales services I hope that after purchasing your products, I can get good service, continuous phone calls, holiday greetings, etc., which will give customers a good feeling. If you promise the customer something, don't make excuses to delay or refuse to do it, such as whether the gifts and invoices are delivered in time.
Don't slander others in front of customers
Even if competitors are bad in one way or another, don't slander others in front of customers to promote yourself. This is very stupid and often causes customers to Rebellious psychology At the same time, don't speak ill of your company and complain about the company's mistakes in front of customers. Customers won't trust to place talent recruitment in a company that even their employees don't agree with.
Don't use old sales tactics to pressure customers when they are not willing to buy
Many times, the customer has no intention to buy your product. At this time, do you want to withdraw or continue to sell to him with perseverance? It is more appropriate to take a retreat as a step forward. You can change the topic and talk about something that the customer is interested in, or look for an opportunity to visit again to give the customer a psychological preparation process for purchase. Do not hope to make a decision immediately. After all, such luck is rare.
There is a saying in the art of war: attack the heart first, and attack the city second. Only when you get the heart of the customer will she treat you as a partner and a friend, so that your business will be long and your friends will be more and more. do professional manager The elder brother told me that only when you make friends with your customers will your road become wider and wider; On the contrary, it was just a flash in the pan.
It is not necessarily social intercourse and corruption to win hearts and minds, and it is better to give timely help than to make things better. A greeting for the Spring Festival, a word, a lifetime, a voice of love, a glass of wine, is enough, enough!
Dugu Aotian is famous for his nine swords. Among the nine swords, the best one is the "Breaking Qi" type. The "Breaking Qi" type cloud: It is used against enemies who have excellent internal skills. It is divine and clear. [2]

Success factors

Basically, all companies are consciously or unconsciously using telemarketing as an emerging marketing tool. Its advantages need not be discussed too much here. Generally, large-scale or short-term telemarketing businesses that need to make a large number of calls will be handed over to self built or outsourced call centers. Of course, telemarketing pursues success rate, and does not exclude the purpose of informing or promoting. There are many factors that affect the success rate of telemarketing. Let's analyze them one by one as follows:


Insurance telemarketing
Product refers to large Product Concept , including product positioning, quality, price Market space , popularity Reputation , awareness, etc. Not all products are suitable for telemarketing, such as FMCG It is not suitable because its profit is relatively low and its customer base is wide, which is more suitable Mass Marketing And site Sales promotion use value Small and low popularity products are also not suitable for telemarketing, because telemarketing has its inevitable defect that it cannot see the real products, which makes consumers Purchase Decision Very hesitant. For example, some souvenirs with low popularity are not suitable for telemarketing. Souvenirs are mainly for sales collection value or appreciation value Brand awareness Consumer's purchasing behavior There are great risks, so it is difficult to promote orders through pure telemarketing. Products with high prices are not suitable for telemarketing. The higher the price, the higher the risk consumers will take. In the case of low popularity, consumers will not take this risk. Except for well-known products. for instance Amway Avon Olympic Souvenirs, Dell computers, well-known cars and so on will be easier to start telemarketing because of strong brand support. Telemarketing is also limited by the market space, that is, the market saturation If the market space is small and the competition is fierce, the best marketing method is to update or eliminate products. Telemarketing will only consume energy and increase costs.

Data quality

Telemarketing requires a large amount of data, and the quality of data directly affects the success rate of telemarketing. Particularly precise telemarketing can be called Database marketing However, in most cases, the telemarketing data is not very accurate, and the data is only preliminarily screened. The more accurate the data, the more fields, and the more suitable for product positioning, the higher the success rate of telemarketing. However, the screening and verification of data requires enterprises to pay costs, so many enterprises, although aware of the importance of data, are unwilling to pay costs to improve the database, so the success rate of telemarketing in the market only hovers between 0.5% and 2.5%. The success rate of database marketing is much higher.