Television media

Advertising media
zero Useful+1
TV media is an influential advertising media, known as "explosive media", with a large amount of information and a wide range of information content. Because the information of TV advertising is relatively comprehensive, with both visual and listening information, it is suitable for spreading any form of advertising to consumers. In the introduction commodity The effect of TV advertising is excellent in terms of its functions, characteristics and establishing the image of the enterprise. TV advertisements can also create different plots to attract consumers. However, the general cost of TV advertising is very high, which is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to bear. [1]
Chinese name
Television media
Explosive media
Large amount of information, wide information content and high cost
Related concepts
printed media Broadcast media

brief introduction

TV media refers to the media or platform for information dissemination with TV as the propaganda carrier. TV media is a kind of classification of media printed media Broadcast media Network media Outdoor media Together with mobile media, it is called six major media.

Media characteristics

Compared with other media, TV media has the following advantages:
1. Timely information dissemination
2. The communication picture is intuitive, easy to understand and vivid.
3. The communication covers a wide range, and the audience is not limited by cultural level.
4. With strong interaction, the audience can participate in the program.
The disadvantages of TV media are linear transmission, transient and poor preservation.

Advantages of TV media

Compared with other media, TV media has the following advantages: 1. timely information dissemination; 2. intuitive and easy to understand communication pictures and vivid images. 3. The communication covers a wide range, and the audience is not limited by the cultural level, but by the economic level. 4. With strong interaction, the audience can participate in the program. The disadvantages of TV media are linear transmission, transient and poor preservation.

social responsibility

TV as a modern information society Most of effect The media of public opinion , Impact Consumer Decisions And other aspects play an important role. Any enterprise or organization that is loyal to policy guidance, hot information, public relations, crisis management, competitive intelligence, industry research, brand management, investor relations, is in great need of timely, effective and accurate monitoring and analysis of TV media information.


Future TV Media
People usually refer to October 2, 1925 scotsman John Logie Baird (John Logie Baird) In an experiment in London, he "scanned" the image of the puppet as a sign of the birth of television. He is called "the father of television". Television has a history of less than 100 years since its birth, but its development is rapid. When it first came out, it almost replaced the earliest media newspaper and radio. The rise of the emerging network is a major challenge to television, and television media will also move towards innovation and start new development.
Development of TV Media
At present, there are more than 50000 television channels in the world. There are about 150 television channels in the world, just 24 hour news channels. The increase or decrease in the number of one or two TV channels was originally insignificant. So why is CNC so interesting? I think it is because it is linked to a country's strategy. The birth of CNC, especially the official broadcast of English Channel, is a major event in the construction of the country's external communication capacity. The reason is that while China's economic strength is growing, it must strengthen soft power Construction, discourse power The growth of speaking ability should keep up with the economic growth.
As soon as CNC jumped into the field of world news TV channels, it showed its strong strength together, and the number of channels, international languages, news volume and other indicators entered the forefront. From a global perspective, CNC has its own unique advantage, that is, Xinhua News Agency, the parent news gathering force all over the world. With this foundation, we will have the basic ability to connect with international old and large platforms.
The world news television channels broadcast across borders, because of their own national discourse responsibility, mostly take the form of government funds to maintain operations. However, the concept that news channels are unprofitable was broken by CNN more than 20 years ago. Since the second half of the 1980s, news channels have always been truly profitable. Therefore, we determine that there is a business platform operation mode in this field. The construction idea of CNC is to All media On the industrial chain, build Asset operation And a new platform for capital operation. Under the premise that Xinhua News Agency has 51% absolute control, it has widely absorbed Social funds Participate in channel, promotion and other work to meet the needs of overseas expansion of CNC.