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State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Security and Energy Conservation (China Electric Power Research Institute)

State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Security and Energy Conservation
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The State Key Laboratory for Power Grid Safety and Energy Conservation (China Electric Power Research Institute) was approved as one of the first national key laboratories of enterprises according to the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China on Approving the Application for the Construction of the First Batch of National Key Laboratories of Enterprises (GKBJZ [2007] No. 50).
government organization
research field
According to the requirements of the Interim Measures for the Construction and Management of State Key Laboratories, the "Power Grid Security and Energy Conservation Laboratory" will implement the operating mechanism of "openness, mobility, union and competition", strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation, and promote the integration of production, learning and research; Pay attention to the research on common and key technologies in the industry, open up services to the industry, enhance the technology radiation ability, drive the overall progress of the industry, and strive to build an important base to carry out innovation in common key technologies in the industry, gather and cultivate outstanding scientific and technological talents, and promote the integration of industry, education and research. At present, the Chinese Academy of Electrical Sciences is formulating a laboratory construction plan in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and comprehensively carrying out laboratory construction work.