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Electromagnetic power

Power consumed by power supply to overcome back EMF
Electromagnetic power refers to power supply overcoming Back emf The power consumed is converted into mechanical energy via magnetic field to electromagnetic torque The form of rotor Permanent magnet Synchronous generator Because of its simple structure, small size, light weight, strong electromagnetic resistance, small voltage regulation rate, high working reliability and a series of advantages, it has begun to be used in aerospace, textile machinery numerical control machine , compressors, automobiles and other military and civil fields that need independent power supply systems. In order to maximize the efficiency of these equipment and reduce costs, the requirements for generator volume and weight are very strict, requiring that the motor must be small and light.
Chinese name
Electromagnetic power
Foreign name
Electromagnetic power
power engineering
Engineering technology
Power supply overcome Back emf Power consumed

brief introduction

Permanent magnet Synchronous generator Because of its simple structure, small size, light weight, strong electromagnetic resistance, small voltage regulation rate, high working reliability and a series of advantages, it has begun to be used in aerospace, textile machinery numerical control machine , compressors, automobiles and other military and civil fields that need independent power supply systems. In order to maximize the efficiency of these equipment and reduce costs, the requirements for generator volume and weight are very strict, requiring that the motor must be small and light. Therefore, when selecting the generator type, a series of design criteria unique to this type of generator must be considered, such as ultimate power, overload capacity, mechanical strength, specific weight, inertia, efficiency, reliability, cost, etc. One of the most important criteria for selecting the generator type is to determine its ultimate electromagnetic power, that is, under the specified technical conditions, The maximum power that can be obtained from this type of generator.

Relationship between power angle of synchronous generator and electromagnetic power

The enhancement of China's national economy and comprehensive strength has led to the rapid development of China's power industry, the continuous increase of power system capacity, the continuous production of large units and the formation of ultra-high voltage transmission network. China's power industry has entered the stage of developing large power grids and large units. As one of the most important components in the power system, the safe and stable operation of generator is very important to the whole power system. The power angle of generator is not only an important parameter reflecting the internal energy conversion of generator. Its change will cause the change of power and the change of no power. The introduction of the power angle will provide a very important reference basis for the accident analysis of the generator under abnormal, fault and out of step conditions. Because once the generator runs abnormally, the power angle of the generator will change, and the electromagnetic power output of the generator will also change accordingly, which directly affects the reliability of power supply. Therefore, the generator power angle is a very important monitoring quantity in the power system [1]

Methods to increase the output electromagnetic power of generator

(1) Forced excitation;
(2) Electric braking;
(3) The neutral point of transformer is grounded through small resistance.

Key Technologies for Improving Electromagnetic Power

In more than a century, Screw air compressor Although R&D has made great progress, its mechanical performance is affected by many factors. Throughout its development process, the performance of screw air compressor is expected to be improved on the basis of the following technological progress.
1. In terms of theoretical research
The flow of gas in the pipes and chambers of the air compressor is very complex, and it is difficult to study with a unified model. Therefore, the introduction of new technologies such as computer-aided design and analysis and finite element method into the research and development of the air compressor is expected to break through the traditional theoretical research, achieve further results, and constantly promote the scientific research of the air compressor to the direction of automation and efficiency.
2. The progress of water (oil) gas separation technology is an important technical index to improve the working performance of the air compressor
Although some new materials have been applied to the manufacturing of separator elements and achieved good separation results, with the development of material science and machining technology, greater breakthroughs may be made.
3. Corrosion prevention of parts in contact with water in the air compressor is one of the key technologies affecting the performance and life of the air compressor
use Anticorrosive materials As the processing material of parts or covering corrosion resistant coating on the base metal of parts to solve the corrosion problem, it has a certain effect. In the future, the research on engineering materials with high corrosion resistance and wear resistance should be further increased to extend the service life and overall performance of the air compressor.
Research and develop high-precision air compressor special processing machine tools, special cutters, and advanced test methods to improve the manufacturing and R&D level of air compressor.

Design of ultra wideband electromagnetic power spectrum detector

In order to detect the frequency bands commonly used in wireless communication, including DTV, GSM900, GSM1800, 3G, 4G and Wi Fi, an ultra wideband electromagnetic power spectrum detector covering 2002800MHz is designed.
1. Hardware design
The ultra wideband electromagnetic power spectrum detector consists of antenna, broadband power detection module, computer and detection application software. It includes: power module, power acquisition and processing module, main controller module and data processing and isolation module. The power module converts the input 220V AC power into 5V power supply voltage. The power acquisition and processing module samples and processes the signals detected by the antenna, and outputs the frequency and power data in the form of pulses. The main control module converts the pulse signal into a data signal, and counts the power consumption of the load in the circuit, and then sends the data signal through the serial port, and the data is displayed on the computer interface.
Since a single antenna cannot meet the requirements of the detection frequency range Log periodic antenna (The detection frequency range is 200-1000MHz) and ridge horn antenna (the detection frequency range is 1-18GHz).
2. Software design
The software design of the main controller module is mainly composed of data acquisition, data processing and serial communication. First, the software interface and computer display module are designed according to the goal of the system, then the functional subprogram and main program are written, and then the data communication and data display are realized on the computer using the virtual serial port.
The ultra wideband electromagnetic power spectrum detector is a complete system, which is easy to carry. It has the characteristics of wide working frequency band, high test sensitivity, low production cost, simple structure and high stability. However, there is generally no complete set of test equipment for domestic related detection, so it is complex and cumbersome to build the system [2]