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Physical terms
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synonym Electricity and magnetism (The mechanical transformation form of material energy in nature) generally refers to electromagnetism (physical terms)
Electromagnetic, one of the physical concepts, is a general term for the electrical and magnetic properties of matter. as electromagnetic induction electromagnetic wave wait. Electromagnetic is a Danish scientist Oster Found. Electromagnetic phenomenon is caused by charge movement wave , forming a magnetic field, so all electromagnetic phenomena are inseparable from the electric field. Electromagnetism is a branch of physics that studies the interaction between electric field and magnetic field, its laws and applications. Maxwell's hypothesis about changing electric field to produce magnetic field established electromagnetics The whole theoretical system of electrician and electronic technique , profoundly affecting people's understanding Material world The idea of.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Danish scientist Oerster
Charge movement

Production principle

Electromagnetic is the reaction of energy, which is a general term for the electrical and magnetic properties of materials, such as electromagnetic induction electromagnetic wave , electromagnetic field, etc. All electromagnetic phenomena are inseparable electric field The magnetic field is generated by the moving charge (electricity).
Moving charges can cause fluctuations. The fluctuation mechanism is that when the moving charge e moves, it must be hindered by its neighbor e, which is shown by the moving charge driving its neighbor 1 to move upward, that is, the neighbor follows the moving charge e Moving upward together; When adjacent 1 moves upward, it must be hindered by its own adjacent 1. It is shown that adjacent 1 drives its own adjacent upward movement, that is, adjacent 2 moves upward together with adjacent 1. In this way, it spreads forward and forms fluctuations. obviously, vacuum The propagation speed of this wave is light speed

Electromagnetic quality

Electronic mass originated from electromagnetic field Part of. Its value can be changed from Uniform motion The electromagnetic field momentum or basis of the electron, Mass energy relation From still electronic electrostatic field Energy estimates. stay Electronic theory At the beginning of the development of Electromagnetic quality Equal to the mass determined in the experiment. From this, we can calculate its radius, which is called the classical radius of the electron.
When an object has an electric field or a magnetic field, the object is electrically or magnetically shielded and weighed with a balance. For all devices (including the shield), the measured data is different from that without an electric field or magnetic field.
balance The data obtained by weighing is the mass. Due to the shielding of the object, the weighing process does not interfere with the balance. The weighing result data is valid. Therefore, for the same object, in addition to conventional mass, there is also electromagnetic mass.

Experimental methods

Take linear current as an example, the fluctuation caused by the moving charge N In linear current I On the right side of N Simplify to a ring current abcd Although the point a、b、c、d Are in linear current I Within the fluctuation range of, but points a、b、c、d The energy of adjacent motion is unequal. obviously, Ea Ec Eb = Ed In this way, the linear current I The fluctuation of the small magnetic needle N Ring current of abcd There is a clockwise moment This torque acts on the electron rotating around the core, making it Clockwise rotation Its macro performance is small magnetic needle N The north pole of the paper is vertical outward.
However, the fluctuation caused by current can have a small impact magnetic needle Deflection of, indicating that the wave has Objective reality When two fluctuations with objective reality meet, they will definitely affect each other.
Linear current I 2 In linear current I 1, I 1、 I 2 In the same direction and in the same plane, linear current I 1、 I 2 Divide the space into A、B、C Three areas. Analyze linear current I 1. Adjacent motion formed during wave motion, known region A The energy of inner adjacent motion is greater than that of the region C The energy of inner adjacent motion. When linear current I 2. During wave propagation A The resistance in the area is less than that in the area C Resistance within. Such current I 2 Fluctuating in the region A Propagation speed in vA Will be greater than in the area C Propagation speed of vC , i.e vA vC According to“ Principle of invariance of light speed ”This is unstable. So linear current I 2 Near linear current I 1 to make vA = vC = c , showing that the same direction linear current is attracted.
The movement of electric charges can produce waves. This fluctuation will not only affect Small magnetic needle And the waves can also affect each other, thus successfully explaining Electromagnetic phenomenon
It can be seen that starting from the moving charge and analyzing the fluctuation caused by the moving charge, we can get the so-called“ magnetic field ”; Analysis of the interaction between the two fluctuations can explain“ Same direction linear current attraction ”And other electromagnetic phenomena.

theoretical research

Electromagnetism is a branch of physics that studies the interaction phenomena, laws and applications of electromagnetism and electromagnetism.
In the early days, because magnetic phenomena were once considered to be independent of electrical phenomena, and because of the development and application of magnetism itself, such as the development of modern magnetic materials and magnetic technology, the discovery and application of new magnetic effects and magnetic phenomena, the content of magnetism has been expanding, so in fact, magnetism has been studied as a parallel discipline to electricity.
Electromagnetism has developed from two independent sciences (electricity and magnetism) to a complete branch of physics, mainly based on two important experimental discoveries, namely Magnetic effect of current And changing magnetic field.
According to the viewpoint of modern physics, the phenomenon of magnetism is caused by moving charges, so it must contain the content of magnetism to varying degrees within the scope of electricity. Therefore, it is difficult to divide the contents of electromagnetism and electricity completely, and "electricity" is sometimes referred to as "electromagnetism".
maxwell Electromagnetic theory The significance of this theory lies not only in that it dominates all macro electromagnetic phenomena (including static electricity, stable magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, circuit, electromagnetic wave, etc.), but also in that it unifies optical phenomena within this theoretical framework and profoundly affects people's thinking of understanding the material world.
The discovery of electrons has made electromagnetism and atom And Material structure The theory of, Lorentz The theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron in the theory of electron.
Closely related to electromagnetism is classical electrodynamics, and there is no difference in principle between the two in content. Generally speaking, electromagnetism focuses on the experimental study of electromagnetic phenomena, and summarizes the basic laws of electromagnetism from a wide range of electromagnetic phenomenon studies; Classical electrodynamics focuses on theory Maxwell's equations and Lorentz force On the basis of, we study the distribution of electromagnetic fields, the excitation, radiation and propagation of electromagnetic waves, as well as the interaction between charged particles and electromagnetic fields and other electromagnetic problems. In other words, the generalized electromagnetics includes classical electrodynamics.
Operation mode of electromagnetic energy
In the stable state, the current waveform is as shown in Figure 1. At this time, the change of their magnetic flux increment △ Φ in the switch on ton time must be equal to the change in the flyback time.
Therefore, it can be seen from the above formula that if the working point with the same flux increment is established stably, the volt per second value of each turn of the primary winding of the transformer must be equal to the volt per second value of each turn of the secondary winding.
Figure 1 Current waveform under stable state
adopt Control switch The conduction duty ratio of the tube is used to set the primary peak current , however, in Switch tube When switching off, the output voltage and the number of secondary turns are constant, and the flyback working time must be self adjusted.
In the critical state, as shown in Is (2) in (a) of Figure 1, the flyback current just reaches zero before the next conduction time, and further increasing the duty cycle will cause converter When the energy is transferred from complete to incomplete, the transfer function will become a two pole system with low output impedance. If more electric energy The pulse width only needs to be slightly increased. In addition, in the transfer function There is a "right half plane zero", which will lead to a 180 ° phase Change, which can also cause instability.
Storage and conversion of electromagnetic energy
As shown in Figure 2, when the switch tube V is turned on, it is the storage stage of electric energy. At this time, the transformer can be regarded as an inductance, as shown on the left side of (a) in Figure 2.
It can be seen from the left primary circuit in Figure 2 (a) and Figure 2 (b) that when Switch tube When V is turned on, the current Ip of the primary winding increases linearly. magnetic core Internal Magnetic induction Increase from Br to working peak Bm.
Figure 2 Buck Boost converter And magnetization during energy storage and flyback
Figure 2
When the switch tube V is turned off, the primary current drops to zero. The rectifier diode D1 of the secondary is turned on and appears induced current According to the principle of constant power Ampere turns It is equal to the ampere turns of the primary winding.
During flyback, the flyback current gradually drops to zero, and the equivalent circuit is shown on the right side of (a) in Figure 2 and (c) in Figure 2.
For complete energy conversion, the flyback time is always less than the toff time. During the flyback time, the magnetic flux density of core b will drop from Bm to the residual magnetic flux density Bro, and the secondary current will decay at a certain rate, which is determined by the secondary voltage and secondary inductance. Therefore, U's is the voltage on the secondary winding, and Ls is the transformer inductance converted to the secondary.

Main impacts


magnetic field

The magnetic field will cause serious harmful pathological changes and continuous changes of thinking in the human body. If human beings live in a strong magnetic field for a long time Endocrine disorder Disorder, the brain will also produce abnormal continuous thinking, will induce some potential and special functional changes in the human body, will also induce cancer. But magnetic field and radiation are everywhere, so we don't need to worry too much in life.
(1) If you work in a strong magnetic field area, you should try to avoid contacting or staying away from the magnetic field source. The best way is to build a space building in a magnetic field free area that is resistant to magnetic field radiation interference.
(2) Those who often contact with strong magnetic field radiation sources should have regular physical examination and form a short-term cycle shift system.
(3) Do not abuse the magnetic therapy equipment, and follow the doctor's advice.
(4) Keep away from radio transmitting devices and areas with strong magnetic fields.
(5) Residential buildings should avoid the high-voltage transmission network, and the minimum spacing should be 300 meters away.
(6) The construction of strong electromagnetic wave transmitting sites should be far away from residential areas, and the spacing should not be less than 5000 meters.


Electromagnetic radiation, also known as electronic smoke, is caused by space The electric energy and magnetic energy transferred together are composed, and the energy is generated by the charge movement; For example radio frequency The moving charge emitted by the antenna will generate electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic "spectrum" includes various electromagnetic radiation, from extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation to extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation. There is also radio waves , microwave, infrared, visible and ultraviolet light, etc. The general definition of the radio frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum refers to the frequency ranging from about 3 kHz to 300 Gih Radiation.
Electromagnetic beneficiation
1. Magnetic beneficiation with electromagnetic field
2. General term of magnetic ore dressing and electric ore dressing

Research progress

August 11, 2014, from University of Western Australia and The Sixth University of Paris, France Researchers confirmed that scientists used a low-intensity test (called low-intensity repetition) on mice with abnormal brain tissue at birth Transcranial magnetic stimulation , referred to as LI-rTMS). [1]
Studies have shown that even under low intensity conditions, electromagnetic pulse stimulation can reduce abnormal neural connections in the brain and transfer them to the correct areas of the brain. The results of this study have been published in the Journal of Neuroscience. This finding is useful for the treatment of many patients with brain tissue abnormalities Nervous system diseases It is of great significance, such as depression, epilepsy and tinnitus. [1]
Brain reorganization occurs in several different brain regions, covering almost the entire neural network. More importantly, this structural reorganization did not appear in the non abnormal brain regions of abnormal mice, which indicates that this therapy may only produce minimal side effects in the treatment of human beings. [1]