
[shēn qǐng shū]
An instrument used to express wishes and make requests
zero Useful+1
The application is submitted to organization office enterprises and institutions or Social groups Used when expressing wishes and making requests document The application form is widely used, and it is also a kind of special application form letter Like ordinary letters, it is also expressive tool
The application requires that each case be discussed and the content be simple. Different objects have different applications, and the common ones are Application for League Membership Application for Party Membership Etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name

matters needing attention

(1) The items applied for should be written clearly and concretely, and the data involved should be accurate.
(2) The reasons should be sufficient, reasonable, realistic, and cannot be exaggerated or fabricated, otherwise it is difficult to obtain the approval of the superior leaders.
(3) The language should be accurate and concise, and the attitude should be sincere and simple.

Format requirements

(1) Title
There are two writing methods, one is to write the "application form" directly, the other is to add content before the "application form", such as "application form for joining the Party", "application form for job change", etc. The second method is generally used.
(2) Appellation
The top case shall indicate the unit, organization or relevant leaders that accept the application.
Dear school leaders
(3) Body
The body is the main body of the application, which first puts forward the requirements and then explains the reasons. The reasons should be objective and sufficient, and the items should be written clear , concise.
(4) End
Write the idioms "Hereby apply", "Please help solve the problem", "Hope that the leader will study and approve", etc., or use the polite words "Sincerely" and "Salute".
(5) Signature and date
For individual application, the name of the applicant shall be written clearly, and for unit application, the name of the unit shall be written clearly with official seal and date.
Student: XXX

Main types


Court application

Petition refers to the formal written request submitted by the parties to the court to request the court to give instructions or make decisions on specific matters. For example, if you want to apply for appraisal, you must submit an appraisal application to the court.

Application for League Membership

Application for League Membership Generally speaking, the writing format of "A" is fixed, and its content mainly includes five parts: title, address, body, end, and signature.
(1) Title
The application for League membership is generally composed of the application content and the language name. Such as "Application for League Membership". The title should be written in the middle of the first line of the application, and the font should be slightly larger.
The title of the application for League membership can also be written on the first page separately, with striking font.
(2) Salutation
Generally, the name of the League branch accepting the application should be written in one or two lines under the title, and a colon should be added after the title. For example, "Dear Xiahua Middle School Youth League Branch:".
(3) Body
This is the main part of the application. Usually, you should first introduce your personal reality, resume, family members and social relations situation. Then, it is necessary to write down the motivation, reason, understanding of the League, and determination for applying for League membership. The introduction of personal information can be relatively simple, and focus on the motivation of joining the League, the understanding of the League and their own determination.
The text should start with two blank spaces under the name of the group organization accepting the application.
The main body of the application is generally long, so attention should be paid to segmentation.
Specific writing method
1. Introduce personal reality
The introduction of personal reality is to let the League organization have a preliminary and general understanding of its own identity and situation. It does not need to be expanded to write, but is concise and to the point.
2. Resume, family members and social relations
The content of this part should also be simple, without using more pen and ink, but it must also be clear. As for the writing method of personal resume, it is generally required to write it from the time of school only according to the chronological order, one by one.
The main family members and social relations can be briefly introduced in the body of the application or not, depending on the specific situation. Some family members and major social relations can be attached to the application.
3. Motivation and reasons for joining the League
The motivation and reasons for joining the League should be highlighted. There are many reasons for application, which can be written from several aspects and stages.
4. Understanding of the League
The understanding of the League is often related to personal growth experience, which has been involved in the presentation of their own motivation for joining the League. This refers to the specialized and concentrated understanding of the group.
5. My mood and determination
This part is to express my strong desire to join the League and express my determination.
(4) End
The application may or may not have an end. At the end, it is usually enough to write "Sincerely - Salute" and other words of respect.
(5) Sign off
Sign off That is, the applicant's name and the date of writing should be signed.

Application for Party Membership

Application for Party Membership The basic content and writing method of is as follows:
(1) Title. Generally, "Application for Party Membership" or "Application for Party Membership" shall be written.
(2) Title. The applicant's address to the party organization, such as "Dear Party Organization" or "Dear Party Branch", shall be written in the first line with the top box followed by a colon.
(3) Body. This is the key part of the application for joining the Party, which mainly includes three aspects: first, the understanding of the Party and the motivation for asking for joining the Party, that is, why we want to join the Party. The understanding of the Party is mainly the understanding of its nature, program, goal, purpose, line, principles and policies; Motivation for joining the Party It is the purpose of joining the Communist Party of China, that is, why do you want to join the Party organization. This part should be written in line with your own ideological reality. You can write about the ideological evolution process after learning the basic knowledge of the Party, listening to the Party lectures, and participating in meaningful activities, as well as how to improve your ideological understanding. Second, personal resume (education and work experience), family members and major social relations The situation. If someone in his or her family members and main social relations has political and historical problems, or has made any mistake, or has been subject to criminal punishment, he or she should write clearly and state his or her attitude so that the organization can understand. Third, their own strengths and weaknesses and the direction of future efforts. That is, the main performance of individuals in politics, ideology, study, work style, discipline and other aspects, especially their own shortcomings and shortcomings should be boldly pointed out, and the determination to correct and the direction of efforts should be shown to the party organization, how to win the party membership with practical actions.
(4) End. Application for Party Membership At the end of the text, you can generally write "Ask the party organization to test me in practice" or "Ask the party organization to see my actual action". After the text is written, add words such as "Sincerely, salute", or leave it blank.
(5) Signature and date. After the application for joining the Party is completed, the name of the applicant shall be signed, and the application time shall be year, month and day to show seriousness.
(6) It is better to write the "Personal Resume" and "My Family Members and Main Social Relations" in the text as "My Autobiography" separately.
The content of the autobiography mainly includes: name, date of birth, family background, personal composition, personal resume, name, political outlook, occupation and work unit of main family members and social relations. My political history (such as awards, punishments, etc.), and a witness for important circumstances. Please refer to the Writing Method and Requirements of Autobiographical Materials for Joining the Party.
Model essay
Dear Party Organization:
I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China, and I am willing to fight for the cause of communism all my life. I love the Party from the bottom of my heart. She is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and the leading core of China's socialist cause. The Communist Party of China takes the realization of the communist social system as its ultimate goal Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory As a guide to action, it is a party armed with advanced theories, a party that serves the people wholeheartedly, and a party that is capable of leading the people of the country to further prosperity and strength. She has always represented the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, the direction of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. She has worked tirelessly to realize the fundamental interests of the country and the people by formulating correct lines, guidelines and policies.
A string of shining names - Jiang Jie, Liu Hulan Lei Feng Jiao Yulu, Kong Fansen... gave me great enlightenment and education. I found that they and many people around me who are deeply respected have a common name - Communist Party members; I found that critical At the critical moment, I can always hear one sentence - the Communist Party members follow me. This confirmed my determination to become one of them. I regard it as the greatest honor and pride to join such a great party.
After taking part in the work, under the care and education of the organization and leaders, I have a further understanding of the Party. The Party is composed of the advanced elements of the working class and is the working class and the vast majority of workers The masses A faithful representative of interests. Since its establishment, the Party has always regarded representing the interests of the people of all ethnic groups as its important responsibility. In terms of the Party's line, principles and policies, it reflects and embodies the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in the country; Persist in working style and methods mass line And take the mass line as the fundamental working line of the Party; In terms of Party members' actions, they are required to insist that the interests of the people are above everything and that their personal interests are subordinate to the interests of the people.
The Party takes Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as its guiding ideology. Communist Manifesto 》The history of more than one hundred years since its publication has proved that the theory of scientific socialism is correct and that socialism has strong vitality. The essence of socialism is to liberate the productive forces, develop them, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and finally achieve common prosperity Mao Zedong Thought was founded by the Chinese Communists with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, combining the basic principles of Marxism Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution. Mao Zedong Thought is the application and development of Marxism Leninism in China, the correct theoretical principles and experience summary on Chinese revolution and construction that have been proved by practice, and the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China. Deng Xiaoping Theory is the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong Thought under the new historical conditions, the Marxism of contemporary China, and the correct theory guiding the Chinese people to achieve socialist modernization in the reform and opening up. In the new era of socialist reform, opening up and modernization, and on the new journey across the century, we must hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, and use Deng Xiaoping Theory to guide our entire cause and work.
The Party is the leading core of China's socialist cause. China's revolutionary practice has proved that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China. Without the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people would not be able to get rid of the fate of slavery and become masters of the country. stay New Democratic Revolution Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Party led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country through a long-term campaign against imperialism, feudalism Bureaucrat capitalism The revolutionary struggle of people 's democratic dictatorship The People's Republic of China. China's construction practice has proved that only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China can China become prosperous and strong. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China successfully carried out socialist transformation, completed the transition from new democracy to socialism, and established socialist system The socialist economy, politics and culture have developed greatly. Despite the twists and turns on the way forward, the Party has corrected its mistakes with its own strength, making China enter a greater historical period. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has achieved remarkable development, rapid development of productive forces, greatly enhanced comprehensive national strength, and greatly improved people's living standards.
China's primary stage of socialism The Party's basic line Yes: lead and unite the people of all ethnic groups in the country, focus on economic development, and adhere to socialist road , Persistence people 's democratic dictatorship Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought, adhere to reform and opening up, self-reliance, hard work, and strive to build China into a prosperous, democratic, and civilized socialist modern country.
Chinese Communists are the members of the Chinese working class communist consciousness We must serve the people heart and soul, sacrifice everything we have, and strive for communism all our lives. Members of the Communist Party of China will always be ordinary members of the working people and may not seek any personal interests or privileges. Under the new historical conditions, the Communist Party members should reflect the requirements of the times, bear in mind the lofty ideals of communism, take the lead in implementing the policies of the Party and the country at this stage, be brave in pioneering, proactive, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks; We should sincerely work for the interests of the people, bear hardships first, enjoy later, be dedicated to public service, and make more contributions; We should study Marxism Leninism hard, enhance our ability to distinguish right from wrong, master the knowledge and skills to do our job well, and strive to create first-class achievements; We should stand up in times of crisis, safeguard the interests of the country and the people, and resolutely fight against acts that harm the people, society, and the country.
I am determined to accept the test of the party with my own practical actions. I solemnly apply to the party: I voluntarily join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill Party members' obligations , implement the Party's decisions, strictly observe the Party's discipline, keep the Party's secrets, be loyal to the Party, work actively, fight for communism for life, be ready to sacrifice everything for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party.
In the future, I will work harder and study Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, learn the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, learn the basic knowledge of the Party, learn scientific, cultural and professional knowledge, and strive to improve the ability to serve the people. Always use Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiao's theory serves as his own guide to action, guiding his thoughts and actions with three "loyal representatives". Firmly support the Communist Party of China, keep consistent with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core in ideology, and conscientiously implement The Party's basic line And various principles and policies, take the lead in participating in reform and opening up and socialist modernization, work hard for economic development and social progress, and play a vanguard and model role in production, work, study and social life. Adhere to the principle that the interests of the Party and the people are above everything, that personal interests are subordinate to the interests of the Party and the people, that hardship is the first, enjoyment is the last, and that dedication to public service and more contributions should be made. Conscientiously abide by the Party's discipline and national laws, strictly keep the secrets of the Party and the country, implement the Party's decisions, obey the organization's distribution, and actively complete the Party's tasks. We should safeguard the unity and unity of the Party, be loyal and honest to the Party, and be consistent in words and deeds. We should resolutely oppose all factional organizations and small groups, and oppose double dealing and all intrigues. We should conscientiously carry out criticism and self-criticism, have the courage to expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in our work, and resolutely fight against negative corruption. Keep close contact with the masses , publicize the Party's propositions to the masses, consult with the masses in case of problems, timely reflect the opinions and requirements of the masses to the Party, and safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses. Carry forward the new socialist fashion and advocate Communist morality In order to protect the interests of the country and the people, we should stand up at all difficult and dangerous times, fight bravely and not be afraid of sacrifice. Oppose splitting the motherland, safeguard the reunification of the motherland, do not insult the motherland, do not betray their own country, do not engage in feudal superstition activities, and consciously fight against all cult activities. As long as the Party and the people need, I will give my all!
I am well aware that according to the requirements of the Party, I still have a big gap and many shortcomings and shortcomings, such as immature problem solving and low level of political theory. I hope that the Party organization will be strict so that I can make faster progress. I will be strict with myself according to the standards of Party members, and consciously accept Party members and The masses We will try our best to overcome our own shortcomings, make up for our shortcomings, and strive to join the Party ideologically and organizationally as soon as possible.
Please test me in practice!
Applicant: XX
February 1, 2010
Writing method of application for joining the Party (attached with an example)
Comrades who apply for membership in the Party write their applications for membership in order to show their aspirations to the Party organization and make it understand their own belief And requirements so that Party organizations can consciously train, educate and investigate comrades who apply to join the Party. Therefore, comrades who want to join the Party should generally take the initiative to write a written application to the Party branch of their unit.
The title of the application should be written“ Application for Party Membership ”。 The address of the party organization is written on the first line. The main contents of the application include:; Understanding of the Party, motivation for joining the Party and attitude towards joining the Party; In politics, ideology, work style And other aspects.
The understanding of the Party, the motivation for joining the Party and the attitude towards joining the Party should focus on the nature, guiding ideology, program, purpose, and The third plenary session of the eleventh central committee The understanding of the line, principles and policies since 1949, and how to understand the social system of realizing communism as the ultimate goal of our party; Why do I join the Party and how do I decide to fight for communism all my life? I should write my own words in the light of my own ideological reality and be realistic.
The main performance of individuals in politics, ideology, work, style and other aspects should be reviewed and summarized realistically in accordance with the standards for party members stipulated in the Party Constitution, indicating how they intend to carry forward their advantages, correct their shortcomings, and strive to fully join the Party ideologically.
In order to enable the Party organization to have a comprehensive understanding of itself, the applicant should clearly write his/her personal resume, family background, main family members and main social relations. He/she must also truthfully write clearly if he/she has made mistakes or received rewards or punishments in history.
The following points should be noted in writing the application for joining the Party:
(1) We must be loyal and honest to the Party. The information must be realistic and must not be falsified or concealed. Questions that should be clearly explained to the Party organization should be clearly written.
(2) The application for joining the Party should be written with a pen or brush for filing. After the main body is written, it should be signed, sealed and dated.