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The largest endocrine gland in the human body
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Thyroid gland is vertebrate Very important gland, belonging to endocrine organ. stay mammal Like it is located in the neck Thyroid cartilage Below, on both sides of the trachea. The human thyroid is reddish brown Glands , just like shield armour, so it is named after it. [4]
Chinese name
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Thyroid [5]
Secreting thyroxine, improving nerve excitability and promoting growth and development
Secretory hormone

Thyroid overview

Thyroid controls the speed of energy use and production protein Adjust the body for others hormone Of susceptibility Thyroid depends on manufacturing thyroxine To adjust these reactions Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine, also called tetraiodide Thyronine ( T4 )。 Regulation of both metabolize growth rate And mediate other body systems. T3 and T4 are composed of iodine and Tyrosine synthesis.
parathyroid glands Located behind the left and right thyroid lobes, the parathyroid gland can also be embedded in the thyroid parenchyma or located in the Thyroid sheath Outside. It is generally divided into upper and lower pairs, each weighing 35-50mg. Parathyroid secretion Parathyroid hormone , its main function is to regulate calcium and phosphorus Metabolism of. In parathyroid hormone and Calcitonin To maintain the stability of blood calcium under the joint regulation of. When parathyroid hormone When the secretion is insufficient, it can cause the decrease of blood calcium and the occurrence of Acidosis , leading to Dysfunction [4]

Anatomical structure of thyroid gland

Thyroid gland is the largest in adults Endocrine gland , located in the front of the neck, reddish brown, H-shaped, the average weight of the thyroid gland is 26.71g for men and 25.34g for women [4] From left and right leaves isthmus and Conical leaf form. The left and right lobes of the thyroid gland are conical (the right lobe is slightly larger), and are attached to the side of the throat and trachea, with the upper end reaching Thyroid cartilage The middle of the, the lower end of the to the fourth Tracheal ring , about 5cm long and 2.4cm wide, its inner side is borrowed Lateral ligament Attach to Cricoid cartilage Therefore, when swallowing, the thyroid can move up and down with the throat. Thyroid isthmus Connect the left and right leaves, at the 2-4 Tracheal cartilage ring Ahead, thyroid isthmus of a few people may be absent. About 50% of the thyroid isthmus protrudes a conical leaf upwards. Conical leaves vary in length, some up to Hyoid bone plane [4] It is a remnant of the thyroid development process. There are independent thyroid tissue masses near the left and right thyroid lobes, called Parathyroid gland The thyroid gland has two layers of capsule, the outer layer is the thyroid gland capsule Deep cervical fascia Anterior fascia of trachea )It is closely connected with the cervical vascular sheath laterally; The inner layer is called fibrous capsule, which is the gland itself Capsule It is directly attached to the surface of the gland tissue and goes deep into the essence of the gland, dividing the gland tissue into several lobules. The connection between the thyroid sac and the fibrous capsule is loose and easy to separate, so it can be used for intracystal thyroidectomy clinically. From hyoid bone to thyroid isthmus or conical lobe, sometimes there is a small muscle bundle, called thyroid levator muscle, which can lift the thyroid.
Location and anatomical structure of thyroid gland: [1-3]
The thyroid parenchyma is mainly composed of many Thyroid follicle form. Follicular epithelial cells have synthesis, storage and secretion thyroid hormone Function of. The main function of thyroid hormone is to promote metabolism and maintain normal body Growth and development , for bones and nervous system It has a greater impact on the development of. When thyroid secretion is low Basal metabolic rate Low, can appear Myxedema If the thyroid secretion function is lost in the fetal or infant period, the development of bone and brain is stagnated, which is manifested as short stature, Mental retardation Of Stupidity Hyperthyroidism When the heart rate increases, insomnia, impatience and tremor may occur sympathetic nerve and Central nervous system Excitability Increase.
Another kind in thyroid Endocrine cell , called Parafollicular cell Or bright cell, producing Calcitonin When blood calcium When it rises, it can promote calcium lowering.
Thyroid blood supply: the thyroid is supplied by the superior thyroid artery and Inferior thyroid artery Each pair supplies blood. From superior thyroid artery External carotid artery or Common carotid artery , partner Superior laryngeal nerve The external branch descends to 1~2cm above the upper pole of thyroid gland and is divided into 2~3 branches Glandular branch It is distributed in glands. From inferior thyroid artery Thyroid neck shaft , from the back of the common carotid artery to the back of the left and right thyroid lobes, branches into the gland. Inferior thyroid artery and Recurrent laryngeal nerve The left artery is mostly located in front of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, and the right artery passes behind the right recurrent laryngeal nerve; However, the branches of arteries and nerves intersect frequently. In addition to the above two arteries Cephalbrachial shaft , common carotid artery or Internal thoracic artery , or directly Arterial arch Of Inferior thyroid artery (or thyroid azygos artery), distributed to the lower part of the gland. The veins of the thyroid anastomose into clusters on the surface of the gland, and are drained by three pairs of veins above, middle and lower the thyroid, respectively flowing into Internal jugular vein And cephalbrachial veins. The thyroid is an organ with abundant blood vessels Diffuse Toxic goiter The patient's anterior cervical region can often hear murmurs or feel tremors. Thyroid gland receives sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic Double domination, the former mainly comes from the neck Sympathetic ganglia Of Postganglionic fibre , the latter comes from vagus