field plover

Characters at the end of Qin Dynasty
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Tian Heng (? - 202 BC), Qin The leader of the last uprising.
Originally a noble of Qi Chen Sheng Wu Guang After the uprising in Daze Township, Tian Heng and his brother Tian Dan Tian Rong They also opposed Qin and became independent. The three brothers successively occupied Qi as king.
dynastic title of Liu Bang Liu Bang After the unification of the country, Tian Heng refused to submit to the Han Dynasty and fled to the island with 500 guests. Liu Bang sent someone to persuade him. Tian Heng was forced to go to Luoyang by boat, thirty miles away from Luoyang on the way Yanshi Shouyangshan commits suicide. Wen Tian, 500 subordinates of the island, died violently and all committed suicide.
Full Name
field plover
Seal number
King of Qi
Late Qin Dynasty
one's native heath
Di County
Date of death
June 202 BC
Burial place
At the foot of Shouyang Mountain, Yanshi City, Henan Province
In office time
November 204 BC to June 202 BC
Tian Guang
Key achievements
It started from cloth clothes and became king in Qi Dynasty
Refusing to submit to Liu Bang, he committed suicide
True name
field plover

Character's Life


Restoration of Qi

Tian Heng was the leader of the uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty in China. originally be Qi State Nobility. [1]
Chen Sheng After the uprising, the follower brother Tian Dan was in Di (today Shandong Gaoqing County Southeast) raised issues against Qin, Tian Dan He made himself king of Qi. Hou Tian Dan was defeated in battle with the Qin army. [2]
Brother Tian Heng Tian Rong He established himself as the king of Qi, took Tian Heng as the general, and occupied all the land of Qi. [3] Nape feather call Overlord of Western Chu Later, Dafeng princes. Tian Rong was negligent Corbel He did not send troops to help Chu and was not crowned king. He was dissatisfied with Xiang Yu, so he contacted General Zhao Chen Yu Anti Chu.
When Xiang Yu heard the news, he was very angry, so he started the Northern Expedition against Qi. Tian Rong, the king of Qi, was defeated and fled to the plain, where people killed Tian Rong. [4] Later, Xiang Yu burned and leveled the capital city of Qi, and slaughtered everywhere he passed. The people of Qi could not bear it, so they gathered together to rebel against him. [4] Tian Heng, Tian Rong's younger brother, recruited Qi's scattered soldiers and got tens of thousands of soldiers. Back in Chengyang Attack Xiang Yu. [5] At this time, the King of Han Liu Bang Lead the vassal's army to defeat the Chu army and enter Pengcheng After hearing the news, Xiang Yu released the Qi army and went back to attack the Han soldiers in Pengcheng. Then he fought with the Han army many times Xingyang each sticks to his own stand. [6] Therefore, Tian Heng was able to recover the cities and towns of Qi again, and became the son of Li Tian Rong Tian Guang As the king of Qi, Tian Heng assisted the prime minister himself and ruled the country. All political matters, big or small, were decided by Tian Heng. [7]

Cook Li Sheng

Three years after Tian Heng pacified the State of Qi, Liu Bangpai Li Shiqi In the State of Qi, he lobbied Tian Guang, the king of Qi, and Tian Heng, the prime minister, to submit to the Han Dynasty. Tian Heng thought it was feasible, so he dismissed Qi's Calendar The defense against the Han army. [8] Han general Han Xin Originally, he was going to attack Qi eastward. At first, the State of Qi sent Hua Wushang and Tian Xie to lead the army to garrison under the calendar to resist the Han army. When the Han envoys arrived, they abandoned the city defense, allowed the soldiers to drink, and sent envoys to make peace with the Han Dynasty. [9] But after Han Xin pacified Zhao and Yan, he used Kuai Tong His plan was to cross the plain and attack suddenly, defeating the garrison of Qi under the calendar, and then attacked Linzi. When Tian Guang, the king of Qi, and Tian Heng, the prime minister, saw the Han army suddenly appear, they were very angry. They thought they had been betrayed by Li Shiqi, and immediately cooked Li Shiqi. [10] The king of Qi Tian Guang fled eastward Gaomi , Prime Minister Tian Heng fled to Boyang The defending minister Tian Guang fled to Chengyang, and the general Tian both led the army to garrison Jiaodong. At this time, the State of Chu sent Longjue Led the army to rescue the state and king of Qi Tian Guang Meet Longqie in Gaomi. Han Xin, a Han general, and Cao Shen Break the Qi Chu coalition in Gaomi, kill the Chu general Long Qie, and capture the king of Qi Tian Guang. [11] Han general Infanticide He continued to pursue and capture Tian Guang, the minister of Qi. Infants continued to march to Boyang. When Tian Heng heard that Tian Guang, the king of Qi, was dead, he made himself king of Qi and turned around to fight with Guan Ying. [12] In the victory, Tian Heng's army was defeated by the indoctrination. Tian Heng fled to Liangdi and returned Peng Yue At this time, Peng Yue joined forces in Liangdi and remained neutral between Chu and Han, both for the King of Han and the King of Chu. [13] After Han Xin killed the Chu general Long Qie, he ordered Cao Shen to continue to march to Jiaodong, defeated Tian and killed him in the battle; Han Xin orders Instillation Infants to pursue Qi Jiangtian Suck, defeats him and kills him in Qiancheng. In this way, Han Xin pacified Qi and wrote to Liu Bang asking him to make himself the false king of Qi. Liu Bang also made Han Xin the king of Qi according to the situation. [14]

Escape island

More than a year later, Liu Bang wiped out Xiang Yu and established himself as the emperor, making Peng Yue the king of Liang. Tian Heng was afraid of being killed, so he led more than 500 of his subordinates to flee to the sea and live on an island (today's Shandong Province compound surname Tianheng Island). [15] When Liu Bang heard the news, he thought that Tian Heng had pacified the State of Qi, and most of the sages of the State of Qi were attached to him. Now if he wanted to live in the sea without being taken over, he would inevitably face disaster in the future. [16] So he sent an emissary to forgive Tian Heng's crime and called him to join the court, but Tian Heng refused and said, "I once cooked Li Shiqi, the envoy of your majesty, and now I hear that Li Shiqi's younger brother Li Shang He was a very talented general of the Han Dynasty, so I was very afraid and did not dare to enter Beijing under an imperial edict. Please allow me to be a civilian and stay on this island. " When the envoy came back to report, Liu Bang immediately issued an edict to Guard Li Shang said: [17] "Tian Heng, the king of Qi, is going to Beijing. Anyone who dares to move his entourage will be killed all over the house!" Then he sent envoys with talismans to tell Tian Heng the original situation of the emperor's edict to Li Shang, and said: "Tian Hengruo can be crowned king at most and marquis at least when he comes to Beijing; if he does not come, he will send the army to kill him." Tian Heng and his two disciples took the coach at the post station to go there Luoyang [18]

Keep righteousness without disgrace

Thirty miles away from Luoyang, there is a place called Shixiang (now Shouyangshan Town, Yanshi City, Henan Province). On this day, Tian Heng and others came to this post station. Tian Heng said to the envoy of the Han Dynasty, "As a minister, you should take a fresh bath when you visit the Son of Heaven." So he settled down. Tian Heng said to his disciples, "At first, Tian Heng and the King of Han were both kings in the south, but now that the King of Han has become the emperor, Tian Heng has become a slave of the country and has to serve him in the north, which is a great shame. What's more, I cooked and killed Li Shiqi With his brother Li Shang The same court serves the same master side by side. Even though he is afraid of the imperial edict and dare not move me, am I not ashamed? Besides, the reason why His Majesty called me to Beijing is just to see my face. Now the emperor is in Luoyang. Now I cut off my head and gallop for thirty miles. My appearance will not change. I can still see what I look like. " [19] After saying that, Tian Heng faced his native land in the east, worshipped the mountains and rivers of Qi from afar, and sang: "The righteousness carries the sky, the faithfulness covers the earth, and life leaves a sense of fitness!" So he cut his throat with a horizontal knife. He ordered two disciples to hold his head and follow the envoy to fly into the court, informing Liu Bang. [19] When Liu Bang saw Tian Heng's head, he said, "Oh, what a wonderful person to have such words and this trip! Starting from the common people, the three brothers became king one after another. Aren't they virtuous people?" Liu Bang couldn't help shedding tears for him. Then Liu Bang paid homage to Tian Heng's two disciples Duwei And sent two thousand soldiers to bury Tian Heng with the funeral of the princes. [20]
After the burial of Tian Heng, the two disciples dug a hole beside Tian Heng's tomb, cut their own throat, fell into the hole, and followed Tian Heng to death. When Liu Bang heard about this, he was shocked and thought that Tian Heng's disciples were all talented people. Liu Bang heard that there were still 500 people under Tian Heng's command on the island, and sent envoys to summon them to Beijing. Hearing that Tian Heng was dead, these five hundred people killed themselves on the island. From this, we can know that brother Tian Heng is indeed a person who can be admired by sages. [21]

Character evaluation


Evaluation of past dynasties

  • Liu Bang "Alas! It starts from cloth clothes, and the three brothers are more powerful. Isn't it wise?"
  • Sima Qian "On the high festival of Tianheng, is it not the most holy thing for the guests to admire righteousness and die from it? What are you doing here? Those who are good at painting can't figure it out." [22]
  • Ban Gu "The Zhou Dynasty was bad. By the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the feudal lords were exhausted, but there were still some Miao descendants of Yan, Huang, Tang and Yu. The Qin Dynasty destroyed the six kingdoms, and the martyrs of ancient times swept the floor. At the time of the Chu and Han Dynasties, the king of Haojie, and the brothers Wei Bao, Han Xin, and Tian Dan were the only ones left behind in the old country, but they were all cut off from their bodies. With their lofty ideals, the guests still could not stand on their own feet even though they admired righteousness. Isn't it heaven?"
  • Cheng Yu "Xitian Heng, a noble family of Qi, has millions of people over a thousand miles, and is isolated from princes in the south." [23]
  • Zhuge Liang "Tian Heng, the hero of Qi Dynasty, still abides by righteousness without disgrace." [24]
  • Sima Zhen : "At the time of Qin Xiang, the world was at war. Six countries established their own heroes. Tian Dan died of the bandits, and the city became prosperous. Chu granted the king a leave, and Qi defeated Li Sheng. Brothers became king, and the island spread the word."
  • Han Yu "Yu has a broad view of the world, while others have almost done what the Master did... Since ancient times, the dead have not been the same, and the Master still has Geng Guang, who kneels down to make a statement and recommends wine, as if the soul had come to enjoy it".
  • Su Shi : "In the past, Tian Heng was the remnant of Qi. The Emperor Gaozu of Han Dynasty expressed Li Sheng's regret and sent envoys to the island. They were called Henglai, the big king and the small marquis. They were still able to cut their own throat with strength and refused to humiliate the Liu family with their own body. Han Xin tied his hands to the Han Dynasty with the land of Qi, but could not die under his own eyes. Since ancient times, people with the same achievements, heroes and heroes have been able to cut their way through chaos, and even people must be suspicious. Rather than be punished by Han Xin, it would be like dying at Tian Heng's festival. " [25]
  • Hong Mai : "Tian Heng is defeated and flees island Medium. godet He sent an envoy to summon him and said, 'The big one is the king, and the small one is the marquis.' Hengsui and Two Accomplishments Luo Yang When he was approaching, he said, 'Heng Shi and the King of Han were both alone in the south. Now the King of Han is the Son of Heaven, while Heng is a fallen captive. It's a shame to deal with things in the north!' That is to cut throat. Regardless of the nobility of the princes, he looked at death as if he were going home, so the Han Zu called him a good man through tears, and Ban Gu considered him a great man. Han Tuizhi's way came out of his tomb, and he said in a text: 'Since ancient times, the dead have not been the same, and the master still has Geng Guang.' His heroism is awe inspiring and still alive today. Lvbu by Cao Cao When he was bound and was about to die, he said: 'What Ming Gong has suffered is nothing more than cloth. Now he has taken it. Let Bu Jiang ride and Ming Gong walk. The world is not sure. ' Fuck and kill. The material of cloth is not necessarily inferior, but wants to endure shame and revenge. Therefore, Dongpo said in his poem, "You are still better than Baimen and poor Lvbu. You want to hide the saddle horse from Cao."

Praise poems

Governor of Denglai in the Ming Dynasty Yuan Keli Climbing onto Penglai Pavilion, he exclaimed in the poem "Penglai Pavilion Nostalgia":
The trace of the Qin Emperor has sunk, and the Han Dynasty has finally disappeared.
Tian Heng has 500 people, who are still melancholy.
Lu Zhonglian, a righteous city, is willing to give in after success.
Thousands of people have the same heart, and they feel noble when they feel.
Zhou Fan, the chief of Jimo County in the Ming Dynasty, once wrote a poem about the seven laws of Hanging Five Hundred Righteous Men: [26]
The mountain letter is huge and the valley water is boundless. I want to find the first sun from Hong Tao.
The poor island has so far had many righteous bones, and the Han court did not promise to surrender the king.
The broken stele lies on the ground with heavy traces of moss, and the ancient temple has no one to offer sacrifices.
I know that the spirit flag is alive, and the wind blows in the dusk and the morning tide rises.
Chen Tingjing, a historian of the Qing Dynasty, praised Tian Heng in his Six Chants of Han:
Tian Heng was able to win scholars, and Gao Yiling lived for thousands of years.
The big one is the king, and the small one is the marquis.
Five hundred people are generous, not with Han and Peng.
The rich and noble are unhappy, and the perishing is what they want.
Up to now, on the sea, the wind is blowing clear.
Song Dynasty· Tang Geng "Crossing the Field and Crossing the Grave" [27]
Yuan Dynasty· Chenqi Tian Heng's Tomb [28]
Tian Hengke's Tomb in Qing Dynasty [29]

Commemoration for future generations



In memory of Tian Heng Yanshi Build tomb and tree monument; The island where more than 500 heroes committed suicide is called Tianheng Island , and build tombs and shrines; Penglai Tian Hengshan Tianheng Village; Tian Heng's tomb was also built in the original Gaoyuan County. [32]


Xu Beihong's Painting of Five Hundred Heroes of Tian Heng [33]
Tian Heng and five hundred righteous people's spirit of preferring death to surrender has been praised by later generations, especially their concern for the war or national crisis, which has become an example of encouraging people to resolutely resist. Tang Han Yu I wrote an article titled "Sacrifice to Tian Heng Tomb". [34] Zheng Chenggong In the poem "Futai", it said: "There are still three thousand passengers in Tianheng, who can't bear to leave after suffering"; Gong Zizhen In the poem "Chanting the History", he wrote: "Tian Heng, five hundred people are safe here? Can they return all the marquis?"; artist renowned for creative development of both Chinese and Western painting techniques During the Anti Japanese War, it took two years to draw the giant painting of Tian Heng's Five Hundred Heroes. [30]


Tianheng Sea Sacrifice Festival originated from Zhougezhuang Village, Tianheng Town, with a history of more than 500 years. In 2008, Tianheng Sea Sacrifice Festival was included in the second batch National Intangible Cultural Heritage List And won the "Best Public Participation Award" of the First Festival China Award. In 2005, it was renamed as "Tianheng Sea Sacrifice Folk Culture Festival", which is scheduled to be held three days before and after March 18 of the Gregorian calendar every year, and added folk performances such as drinking Zhuangxing wine, folk photography contest, fragrant cake dough sculpture contest, folk custom discussion and other activities. In 2006, Tianheng Town officially named the sea sacrifice activity "Tianheng Sea Sacrifice Festival". [35]


Tian Heng's cemetery is located at the foot of Shouyang Mountain, Yanshi City, Henan Province, with only one tombstone. But it was flattened during the construction of Shouyangshan Power Plant. [30]
In Jimo, Shandong Province, there is a tomb of five hundred martyrs of Tian Heng Qingdao In the same year, the government of Jimo City built Tianheng Stele Pavilion on the north side of the tomb, which was written by Li Shiyuan and written by Xiude, a famous calligrapher. [31]

Historical records

"Records of the Historian, Volume 94, Biographies of Tian Dan, the 34th" [37]

Artistic image

2012 TV series《 The Legend of Chu and Han 》: Chinese literature As Tian Heng [36]