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[tián tóu]
The two ends of the field
open 3 entries with the same name
Tiantou Tian Bian , both ends of the field, in the field, etc. According to Wang Dan's Biography of the Eastern View of Han Dynasty, "every year during the farming season, when you carry food and wine, you will eat and drink under the big trees in the field."
Chinese name
Foreign name
Field head
Basic information
Tian Bian

Citation explanation

1. Tian Bian.
"Records of the Eastern View of the Han Dynasty - Biography of Wang Dan": "Every year during the farming season, when carrying wine and food, they would eat and drink under the big trees in the fields to encourage them." Tang Dynasty Han Yu The poem "Sai Shen": "The wheat seedling contains mulberry and bears mulberries, sharing the happiness with the gods in the field." Qing Dynasty Zhou Lianggong Book Shadow Volume 3: "An ignorant woman is as small as a mountain pig. She likes to eat field grasses. She weaves cloth with a machine spindle and hangs it in the field, but she dare not come near." The People's Political Consultative Conference News, April 20, 1990: "The mayor who catches the 'vegetable basket project' goes to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and the secretary in charge of agriculture goes to the field to visit old farmers."
2. Two ends of the field. Such as: field head and land edge.
3. In the field. For example, men, women, old and young are fighting in the fields day and night.
4. The monk in charge of the field in the temple.
"Five Lights Festival Yuan, Cao Dongzong, Shimen Shaoyuan Zen Master": "Xiangzhou Shimen Zen Master Shaoyuan started his career at Shimen. " [1]

Current situation of rural farmland market

In recent years, the phenomenon of unsalable agricultural products in China has occurred frequently. One of the main reasons is that farmers are too far away from the market, and it is inconvenient to sell agricultural products. The information service, warehousing service, sales service and other socialized service systems urgently needed by farmers are not perfect. As an important part of the origin market system, the farmland market is a sales place for farmers' "doorstep". It not only facilitates farmers' production and agricultural product marketing, but also drives Adjustment of agricultural industrial structure The large-scale and standardized development of agricultural products has obvious public welfare functions, and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the stable development of agriculture, promoting the continuous income increase of farmers, and meeting the demand of urban and rural consumption.
The country attaches great importance to the construction of the market of agricultural products. From January 2013 to January 2017, the No.1 Document of the Central Government has put forward clear requirements for building a public welfare agricultural product market system and strengthening the construction of the market of agricultural products. Relevant central ministries and commissions also issued relevant policies. In February 2014, the Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Commerce and other 13 departments on further strengthening the construction of the agricultural product market system proposed that "in China's advantageous agricultural product industrial belts and centralized production bases, it is planned to build a number of national, regional and rural markets of origin". In June 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture officially released the Outline of the Development of the National Agricultural Product Origin Market, which clearly proposed to build a national, regional and farmland three-level agricultural product origin market system. The central policy provides a good atmosphere for the construction of the farmland market.
The state leverages social capital to participate in the construction of the farmland market through financial subsidy policies and support measures. From 2014 to 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture launched the pilot demonstration project of the farmland market, with 30 farmland markets in 7 provinces (cities) of Hebei, Hainan, Shandong, Liaoning, Chongqing, Yunnan, and Sichuan, each of which supported 200000 farmers, focusing on improving the functions of commercialization and information services. Local agricultural departments have also continuously increased their support for the farmland market. Departments at all levels in Hebei Province have supported the construction of market infrastructure with 500000 yuan for farmland demonstration sites, and Hainan Province has supported 160 million yuan to strengthen the construction of refrigeration facilities in the production area distribution center. With the continuous improvement of the efficiency of agricultural product circulation industry, social capital is gradually invested in the construction of farmland markets, such as the Kulongtai wholesale market in Liaoning Province, which is developed through the land sales wholesale market Wholesale market of origin To drive the construction of farmland market, Shenzhen Haijixing and Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market also established farmland markets in the country's production areas and improved the cold chain logistics facilities to ensure the quality of fresh agricultural products.

Development suggestions

In order to further improve the construction level of the farmland market and truly meet the needs of agricultural modernization development of "small production" and "big market", the mechanism of farmland market construction and operation needs to be innovated, and the level of software and hardware construction needs to be improved.
First, innovate the investment system and mechanism. The competent department of the wholesale market should attach importance to the construction of the farmland market, adopt various ways to increase the market Public welfare facilities Investment in construction, exploration of PPP cooperation mode, leveraging and guiding market capital to invest in the field market, strengthening communication and cooperation with financial institutions, providing special financial services for the field market, accelerating the promotion of the field market, focusing on improving conditions and improving functions, strengthening the construction of market infrastructure, through the regulation and rectification of the trading environment Popularize rapid detection technology of agricultural product quality and improve market management.
The second is to improve the level of information service. Improve the construction of information facilities in the field market, equip information collection and release equipment, improve the ability to collect and release information such as the circulation volume, sales price and circulation direction of products in the field market, at the same time connect with the market situation of wholesale market price and transaction volume in major cities, provide farmers and purchasers with timely, comprehensive and accurate information about the origin, and improve the transparency of market information, Improve the ability of farmers, brokers to obtain information and farmers' bargaining power, and ensure farmers' income.
Third, accelerate the cultivation of circulation subject. We will strengthen the cultivation of distribution entities in producing areas, constantly improve the scale, specialization and organization of agricultural production, transportation and marketing entities, improve farmers' production and operation capabilities and market docking capabilities, and enhance farmers' ability to resist market risks. Through training, inspection, communication and other ways, improve the management quality of the construction manager of the farmland market, improve the management level of the modernization of the farmland market, enhance brand awareness, and promote the efficient circulation of agricultural products.
The fourth is to establish a benefit linkage mechanism. In the circulation of agricultural products, the farmland market only provides trading venues and collects entry fees. The relationship with farmers and dealers is unstable. There is no fixed purchase and sales agreement between farmers and dealers. In addition, farmers have limited ability to resist market risks, and it is difficult to sell agricultural products. The farmland market has adopted the cooperative system The contract system or membership system and other interest connection modes should establish long-term cooperative relationships with farmers and dealers to ensure the smooth circulation of agricultural products.
China's agricultural production takes families as the unit, and the characteristics of small production scale and decentralized operation determine that the farmland market will continue to play an important role in the circulation of agricultural products in the production area within a certain period of time. By comprehensive comparison, the agricultural characteristics of China are similar to those of South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The Korean Agricultural Association and Japanese processing centers have similar functions to China's farmland market. The successful experience and practices of South Korea and Japan in improving the function of production area infrastructure, organizational structure and service guarantee have certain reference significance for the construction and development of China's farmland market, Through the actual development of China's agriculture, digestion, absorption and re innovation, constantly improve the construction, operation and management level of China's farmland market, and meet the circulation needs of China's agricultural products. [2]